Annemin Sikilişini İzleyerek Asıldım

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Annemin Sikilişini İzleyerek Asıldım

Merhaba arkadaşlar, ben bazı sağlık sorunlarından ötürü liseye bir kaç yıl ara verdim. Henüz lise 1 e gidecekken geçirdiğim bir trafik kazası yüzünden 3 yıl geç başladım ve lise 1 öğrencisi olduğumda 18 yaşıma çoktan girmiştim. O sene, yani 18 yaşında lise ye tekrar döndüğüm sene aslında açıktan okuayacaktım ama lise 1 i okuldan okumak ve sonrasında açık liseye gitmek zorunda kaldım.

Hal böyle olunca okuldaki arkadaşlarımdan da oldukça büyüktüm ama yinede bir kaç hafta içerisinde sanki aynı yaştaymışcasına çevre edindim ve kısa sürede okulun en piçleri arasında ki yerimi aldım. Zaten yaş olarak büyük olduğum için tabiri caizse kafama göre at koşturuyordum. E böyle piç bir tip olunca mecburen derslerle de ilgilenmeye fırsatım olmuyordu. Tahmin edersiniz ki derslerle ilgilenmeyince sınıf tekrarı yapmak içten bile değil. Bende lise 1 e yıllar sonra tekrar döndüğümde sınıfta kalmakla yüz yüzeydim. Evdekilere bu durumdan söz ettiğimde önce babamdan bir güzel fırça yedim, ardından annemden bir kamyon hakaret. Sonrasında annem “yarın ben okula gelip müdürle bir konuşayım bakalım, zaten bir sürü yıl kaybın var birde seni okulda mı bırakacaklarmış” falan diyerek yarın için benimle okula gelme planları yaptı.

Sabah olduğunda annem “neyse sen git, ben akşam üzeri gelirim” dedi ve beni okula gönderdi. Akşam saat 5 gibi okul çıkışında annem sınıfa kadar gelmişti. Zil çaldığı anda koluma girdiği gibi müdürün odasına götürmemi istedi. Beraber müdürün odasına girdiğimizde müdür annemi görünce bir anda öyle yavşamaya başladı ki anlatamam. Ben başta kendi kendime “acaba müdürün karısıyla annem arkadaş, müdür bey oradan mı tanıdı da bu denli yavşıyor” diye düşünmedim değil yani. Annemle bir kaç dakika odada oturduktan sonra yavaş yavaş okulda boşalmaya başlamıştı. Sonunda okulda ki hemen hemen herkes gittiğinde bir kaç hademe, müdür ve annemle beraber ben kalmıştık. Müdür bu geçen dakikalar içerisinde sürekli annem ne derse desin alttan alıyor ve anneme yaranmaya çalışıyordu. Sonunda annem “artık bu çocuğa bir şans verin” diyerek konuyu bağlamaya çalıştığında müdür gözümün içine baktı ve gülümseyerek “yavrum annenle bizi yalnız bırak bakayım bi” dedi.

Ben zannettim özel birşey konuşacaklar. Dışarı çıktım, bir kaç dakika kapının önünde bekledikten sonra müdür kapıyı kilitleyince “her halde benim kapının önünde olduğumu anladılar ve rahatsız oldu, o yüzden kilitliyor” diyerek kapının önünden ayrılıp okulun bahçesine indim. Müdürün odası okulun arka tarafındaydı, yani pencereleri okulun bahçesindeydi. Bahçede dolanırken birden pencereden olan biteni izleme fikri geldi aklıma ve sessiz bir şekilde odanın pencerelerine doğru yaklaştım. Bir kaç pencere vardı ve hepsi perdeliydi ama en sondaki, en kuytu köşede ki pencere açıkt fakat sadece perdesi çekikti. Oraya yaklaştım, pencereyi biraz daha araladım ve önce sadece konuşanları dinlemek için beklemeye başladım. Bir kaç saniye beklememe rağmen tek kelime dahi duyamamıştım. Sadece çok derinden bir sesler geliyordu ama ne olduğunu anlayamıyordum. Bu yüzden kafamı biraz kaldırdım ve perdeye uzanarak içeriyi gözetlemek için perdeyi usul usul çekiştirdim.

Taki annemi masanın üzerine domalmış bir şekilde müdür tarafından sikildiğini görene dek. Bir anda annemin yüzünü, kapalı gözlerini ve kendinden geçmiş ifadesini görünce şaşkın bir şekilde olduğum yere tekrar çömeliverdim. Bir kaç saniye pencereden içeri bakmadım, sadece olan bitenleri, gördüklerimin gerçek olup olmadığını düşünmeye başladım. Gördüklerimden sonra içeriden derinden derinden gelen seslerde anlam kazanmaya başlamıştı, yani anlamaya başlamıştım. Resmen annem müdüre veriyordu ve müdür annemi okulda, odasında götürürken annemin iniltileri belli belirsiz odada yankılanıyordu. Ben daha önce bırakın annemin başka erkeklerle sikişmesini, babakla sikiştiğini bile görmemiştim ve duymamıştım ama hemen bir kaç metre ilerimde müdürün odasında kendini siktiriyordu. Başta bu duruma biraz uyuz olsamda, sinirlensemde ne yapabilirim diye düşünürken ara ara tekrar çömeldiğim yerden kalkıp olan bitene bakıyordum.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32




Evet arkadaşlar hepinize kucak dolusu sevgiler, saygılar. Öncelikle şunu belirtmek isterim 2’nci hikayemi anlayabilmeniz için 1’inci ( hikayemi okumanızda fayda olacaktır. Olayları daha iyi anlayabilmeniz adına diyorum.

Artık hikayeme geçebiliriz.

Yaşadığım olayın şokuyla beraber yorgunluktan yığıldığım yerden kalkarak banyoya geçtim. Duşumu alırken olayı halen kabullenemediğim yüzümden okunurdu herhalde. Öte taraftan da pişmanlık duymuyor değildim hani. Öz abimin eşi, yeğenlerimin annesinin ağzına boşalmıştım. Utanıyordum kendimden. Artık yapacak bir şey yoktu iş işten geçmişti çoktan.

Neyse duşumu aldıktan sonra kurulanıp çıktım banyodan. Salona girdiğimde yengem koltuğun birinde oturuyordu. Tam karşısındaki koltuğa da ben oturdum. Utancımdan konuşamıyor, yüzüne bakamıyordum. Ara ara gözümün ucuyla baktığımda rahatlığı dikkatimi çekiyordu. Sanki böyle bir şey hiç gerçekleşmemişti. Bu tavrı istemsizce bana “Ulan acaba rüyamıydı” dedirtiyordu.

5-10 dakika kadar süren sessizlik onun “Noldu dut yemiş bülbüle dönmüşsün?” demesiyle bozuldu. Bende “Ya kusura bakma yenge böyle bir şey olmasını istemezdim” dedim. Yengemde gülerek “Canım kafaya taktığın şeye bak. Rahat ol ikimiz içinde böyle olması iyi oldu. Senin açında artık gereksiz tedirginliğin olmayacak. Benim açımdan ise uzun süre devam eden açlığımı bir nebze olsun gidermiş oldum. Yani ikimiz içinde güzel oldu” dedi. Bu sözleri üzerine biraz rahatlamış başımı yerden kaldırmıştım.

Ayağa kalktı “Hadi gel bir kahve yapayımda karşılıklı içelim. Yoksa kafan da saç kalmayacak” dedi gülerek. Onun ardından bende mutfağa geçtim. O kahveyi yaparken bende mutfağın balkonundan dışarıyı seyrediyordum. 10 dakika sonra “Mehmet hadi gel kahvelerimiz hazır” sesiyle mutfağa yöneldim. Balkon tarafındaki sandalyeye oturdum. O da tam karşımdaki sandalyedeydi.

Masanın üstündeki sigara paketinden bir dal sigara çıkarıp yaktım. “Ne o bana vermeyecek misin sigarandan” dedi. Heyecandan ikram etmeyi unutmuştum. “Kusura bakma dalmışım” dedim gülümseyerek. Paketin ağzını açarak uzattım yengeme. Yengemde bileğimden tutup paketi kendine çekti. Elini kullanmadan diliyle paketten bir dal sigara çekti. İçim bir hoş olmuştu. Ufaklık hafifçe hareketlenmişti.

Neyse sigarayı aldıktan sonra paketi usulca masanın üstüne koydum. Karşılıklı kahve ve sigaralarımızı yudumlamaya başladık. Yengem bacak bacak üstüne atıp başladı konuşmaya. “Mehmetciğim biliyorsun abin işten çok geç geliyor ve her geldiğinde de adamcağız çok yorulmuş oluyor. Adamla değil ilişkiye girmek iki satır muhabbet edemiyoruz. Yemeğini yiyor uzandığı koltukta uyuya kalıyor zavallım. Bir nokta da haline acıyorum ama bir noktada da ilişkiye girememek farklı düşüncelere sevk ediyor beni. Çoğu zaman kendimi tatmin etmeye çalışıyorum. Fakat bir noktadan sonra o da zevk vermez oluyor. Kaç defa başkalarıyla beraber olma düşüncesi geçti aklımdan ama yapamazdım aldatamazdım onu. Anlayacağın yabancılarla birlikte olamazdım” ağzım açık onu dinliyordum.

Devam etti “Sen yabancı sayılmazsın aileden birisin sonuçta. Hem sende istemezsin değil mi başka bir erkekle birlikte olamamı” bu cümleleri duydukça bir taraftan yüzüm kızarıyor bir taraftan da hak veriyordum. Sonra usulca elini benim elimin üstüne koyarak devam etti laflarına “Nasıl söylesem nasıl girsem cümleye bilmiyorum ama abin dışında bir erkekle beraber olacaksam bu sadece sen olursun” dedi. Elimi avucunun içinde sıkarak.

Göz göze bir kaç saniye bakakalmıştık birbirimize. Oturduğu yerden hafifçe kalkar pozisyonunda bana doğru başını öne eğdi. İstemsizce bende aynı hareketi yapıyordum. O esnada kendime hakim olamıyordum. Karşımdakinin yengem olduğunun farkına varmadan usulca yaklaşıyorduk birbirimize. O an dudaklarımız kenetlenmişti. hafifçe birbirimizi öpüyorduk.

Kalp ritmimin, nefes alışlarımın hızlandığını hissedebiliyordum. Artık olay çığırından çıkmıştı. Öpüşmemiz hızlanmaya başlamıştı. Yengemin uzun zamandır ilişkiye girmediği o anki halinden belli oluyordu. Sekse sevişmeye hasret kalmışçasına yalıyordu dudağımı. Dilimi ağzının içinde gezdirmeye başladım. O da diliyle karşılık veriyordu. Deliler gibi somurmaya başladı dilimi. Kökünü sızlatıyordu.

Mutfaktan salona geçtik öpüşerek. Arkasını bana dönerek o muhteşem güzel ve büyük poposunu önüme sürtmeye başladı. Bende sol elimi pantolonundan içeriye sokarak amını okşuyor, sağ elimle göğüslerini sıkıyordum. Dilimi boynunda gezdirirken hızlı hızlı nefes alışını hissedebiliyordum. Amı sırılsıklam olmuştu. Benim ufaklıkta şortu yırtacak gibi kalmış zonkluyordu.

Şortumun üstünden sikimi okşayarak yüzünü bana döndü. Bir taraftan dudaklarımdan öpüyor öte taraftan da elini şortumun içine sokmuş sikimi sıvazlıyordu. İki eliyle şortumu ve boxerımı çıkardı. Dizlerinin üstüne çökerek avuçladığı sikimin başına bir öpücük kondurdu. Sonra gözüme bakarak sinsi bir gülümsemeden sonra yavaşça sikimi ağzına almaya başladı. Sikim ağzındayken sağ eliyle git gel yapıyor, sol eliyle de kalçamdan tutmuş kendine çekiyordu. Gözlerimi yummuş o anın tadını çıkarmaya çalışıyordum.

İyice hızlanmaya başlamıştı. 5 dakika kadar o pozisyonda yalamaya devam etti. Sonra elimle çenesinin altından tutup ayağa kaldırdım.Ayakta öpüşürken elimle pantolonunu çözüyordum. Pantolonunu çıkardıktan sonra altında sadece dantelli siyah külodu kalmıştı. Belinden tutup sağ taraftaki koltuğun üstüne sırt üstü yatırdım. Sol ayağı koltuğun üstünde sağ ayağı aşağıda olmak üzere bacaklarını ayırdım. Amcığının üstünden külodunu sağa kaydırarak sulanmış amını aşağıdan yukarıya güzelce yaladım.

Sonra dilimi amının içine sokarak yalamaya somurmaya devam ettim. Ben böyle devam ettikçe o belini havaya kaldırıp gözlerini yumarak altımda kıvranmaya başladı. Hafiftende inleme sesleri geliyordu. 10 dakika kadar bu şekilde yaladıktan sonra koltuğa oturtturdum. üstündeki dar tişörtü tek hamlede çıkardım. Karşımda sadece iri göğüslerini tutan siyah sutyeniyle kalmıştı. Dudaklarını yalarken bir taraftan da sutyeninin kopçasını çıkarmaya çalışıyordum. Zorda olsa çıkarmıştım. Usulca üstünden sıyırıp yere attım sutyenini. Ve o an hiç birşey kalmamıştı üstünde.

Çırılçıplak haliyle ayağa kaldırdım. Üstümdeki tişörtü tek hamleyle çıkardım. Artık ikimizde çırılçıplaktık. Birbirimize sarılarak öpüşmeye devam ettik ayak üstü. İki elimle kalçalarını okşarken bir elimi göt deliğinin üstünde gezdirmeye başladım. O durumdayken kulağıma “Hadi hayatım yatak odasına geçelim” dedi.

Kucağıma alıp öpüşerek yatak odasına geçtik. Yavaşça yatağın üzerine sırt üstü yatırdım. Bende bacaklarımı ayırıp üstüne çıktım. Dudaklarından başlayarak aşağıya doğru yalama başladım. Kahverengi başlı iri göğüslerine gelmiştim. Elimle canını yakarcasına sıkıyor dilimi çevresinde gezdiriyordum. Arada birde meme uçlarını dişliyordum. Yalayarak aşağıya indim. amına yumulup yalamaya başladım. Altımda kıvranırken eliyle başımı amına ittiriyordu. Biraz yaladıktan sonra 69 olacak şekilde döndüm. Bacaklarımı kollarımın arasına alıp yalamaya başladım yengeciğimin amını.

Sen altta ol dedi. Anlaşılan yalamakta zorlanıyordu. Yatağa sırtüstü uzandım o da üstüme çıktı. Ben onun amını o da benim zonklayan sikimi yalıyordu. Arada bir taşaklarımı yalıyor somuruyordu. Bende iki elimle kalçasından tutmuş başımı hafiften kaldırarak amcığını yalıyordum. Arada birde hızımı alamayıp göt deliğini yalıyordum. Dilimi sokmaya çalışıyordum. Kasıyordu kendini. Kalçasına bir şaplak vurarak kasmamasını söyledim. Emrimin üstüne rahat bıraktı kendini. Büzüşmüş göt deliği hafiften açıldı. Yalarken orta parmağımı üzerinde gezdiriyordum.

Yavaşça sokmaya başladım parmağımı götüne. Parmağımla git gel yaparken amına yumuldum. Suratım am suyuyla sırılsıklam olmuştu. Artık zor dayanıyordum. Uzanarak saçından tutup kendime çektim. Mesajı almıştı. Sol eliyle yataktan destek alıyor sağ eliyle de sikimi amına hizalıyordu. Yavaşça oturmaya içine almaya başladı. sonra birden kendini bırakıverdi. Sikim taşaklara kadar amının içine saplanmıştı. O duyguyu tarif etmek imkansız. Sımsıcak, sırılsıklam ve uzun zamandır ilişkiye girmediği belli olan dar amcık. Kendimi bulutların üstünde hissediyordum.

Bir müddet öyle bekledikten sonra üstümde git gele başladı. Bir taraftan da dudaklarımız birbirine kenetlenmişti. Kalçasını yavaşça kaldırıp hızlıca vuruyordu. “Harikasın kocacığım” diyerek üstümde inliyordu. Böyle demesiyle iyice kendimden geçmiştim. Ayaklarımı ayırıp kendime çektim. Ellerimle poposundan tutup sabitledim. “Demek öyle karıcığım” deyip altında hızlıca gitgele başladım.

Taşaklarım kalçasına vurdukça şlap şlap diye sesler odayı yankılatmaya başladı. Makineli tüfek gibi saydırmaya başlamıştım. Sonra yavaşladım yataktan indim. Yengemi yatağın üzerinde köpek pozisyonuna getirdim. Poposunu aralayıp göt deliğini dillemeye başladım. Daha sonra zonklayan sikimi deliğe hizaladım. Yavaşça girmeye çalıştım. Giremiyordum. Yengemde acıdan inliyordu. Ben sokmaya çalıştıkça kendini öne atıyordu.

O an gözüme sehpanın üzerindeki el kremi takıldı. Kapağını açıp iki parmağımla bolca krem aldım. Önce sikime sonrada götüne sürdüm. Parmaklarımla bir iki git gel yaptım. Kremi göt deliğine iyice yedirdikten sonra sikimi yine hizaladım. “Rahat ol hayatım” dedikten sonra yavaşça yüklendim. Sikimin başını sokabilmiştim göt deliğine. O an bir “Ahh” çekti. Acı çekiyordu belli ki. Yavaşça git gel yapmaya başladım. Deliği zamanla açılıyordu. Gözlerinden yaş geldiğini görebiliyordum.

5 dakika kadar sonra sikimin hepsini sokabiliyordum götüne. Hızlanmaya başladım. Artık o da zevk almaya başlamıştı. Bir müddet o pozisyonda siktikten sonra içinden çıkmadan ayağa kaldırdım. Hafiften öne eğdim. sağ elini duvara yasladı. Bende arkasından koca götüne yaslıyordum.

Kalçasından tutup hızlanmaya başladım. Kan ter içinde kalmıştık. Dayanacak gücüm kalmamıştı. Son kez götüne yüklendikten sonra elim ayağım titreyerek içine patladım. Sımsıkı sarılmıştım arkasından. 30 saniye kadar sürmüştü boşalmam. Belini kırıp yavaşça çıkardım sikimi götünden. Çıkarır çıkarmaz döllerim akmaya başladı. Yengem de eliyle götünü kapatarak banyoya attı kendini. Bende yatağın üzerine yığılmıştım.

İçimden gün daha yeni başlıyor Mehmet dedim.


Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Mary, Danger Fuck.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Mary, Danger Fuck.It was the summer after Patty dumped me, I was home from college with little to do and all day to do it. I was working at my dad’s auto shop, for spending money. I enjoyed the work and was pretty good at it, I still am.Over the fourth of July holiday, my dad’s business partner was taking his race car to Beech Bend raceway and asked if I wanted to tag along. I jumped at the chance. I already had a serious need for speed and this might take my mind off my girl problems.I met him at his house early one morning and we set out for Bowling Green, me, Tony, my dad’s partner, Mary, his wife and their two bratty daughters. Tony’s brother would meet us there, he was the driver, Tony was the mechanic.We set off in Tony’s 4 door truck, an oddity in the early 80’s, with the race car, on a trailer, behind us.We made Beech Bend by noon and set up camp in the racer’s area. Tony had a slide-in camper in the truck for his family, Tony’s brother, Kenny, would tent camp with his wife. I would sleep in the cab of the truck. Not glamorous, but I wasn’t complaining.I spent the rest of the day at the amusement park there. The racing started the next day, so I wasn’t needed.We were up bright and early the next day and prepped the car. Tony was in a foul mood. He and Mary had been fighting since we got here, she was something of a diva and didn’t want to be there. Tony had told her she could stay home, but she insisted on coming anyway, go figure.We won our first race easily. We managed to win our second race too, barely. Unfortunately, we hurt the car and couldn’t fix it. We had to forfeit.Tony and Kenny were despondent and spent the rest of the day getting shit-faced drunk. I spent the time helping Mary with the k**s and generally staying out of Tony’s way, he was a notoriously mean drunk.As soon as it was dark, I retired to the truck cab to try to get some sleep. Not long afterwards, I heard one helluva ruckus coming from the camper above me. I couldn’t make out any words, but the voices were angry. A slamming door ended the fracas, and silence returned.I rolled over and attempted to go to sleep. Some time later, one of the back doors opened, and somebody got in.I sat up and peered over the seat to see who was there. It was Mary. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” She lamented. zonguldak escort “Is it OK if I sleep here?” “Tony came in drunk off his ass and decided he was gonna fuck me.” “I’m not letting that drunk bastard touch me.” “Sure.” I said. “After all, it is technically your truck.”She smiled. “Thanks, I can’t go back there right now.”I handed her my extra blanket and went back to sleep.I awoke later, I thought I heard something. As I strained to listen I heard it again, a low, soft almost moaning sound. It took me several minutes to realize it was coming from the back seat.I just figured it was Mary, snoring, or something to that effect, but decided to peek over the seat to see.Boy, was I wrong. In the moonlight that filtered in I could see her, naked, on her back with one hand on her left tit and the other buried in her snatch.She was rapidly propelling herself towards orgasm, and was trying, rather ineffectively, to do so quietly.It was about then I heard the wet noises coming from her pussy as she played with herself. I sat, transfixed, watching her. I didn’t even care if she saw me, after all she knew I was here.It wasn’t long before she saw me. She gasped and attempted to cover up.“Shit!” She spat. “I though you were asleep.”“I was.” I smiled. “You woke me up.”“So much for trying to be quiet.” She sneered. “I just can’t win tonight.”“Where’s the problem?” I asked. “Finish what you’re doing.” “Nothing worse than being horny.” “I’ll leave and give you some privacy.” “Half an hour be enough?”“Stay, I’m kinda out of the mood now anyway.” She bemoaned.“Well, I need to hit the can anyway.” I stated. “Plus, now I have a problem to take care of.”“What?” She queried. “You can’t possibly be that worked up over me, I’m 10 years older than you.” “You’ve got all those young college co-eds to chase.”“Yet, here I sit with a hard-on.” I stated flatly. “You’re a very attractive woman and I’ve always had a thing for watching.”“I don’t believe you.” She stated. “You’re just being nice.”“Don’t believe me, look over the seat, I’ll show you.” I taunted.I was sleeping naked, so all I had to do was throw off my blanket.Mary timidly peeked over the seat and gasped. “Jesus Christ, that’s the biggest cock I’ve ever seen.”“So I’ve been told.” I teased. “And currently, it wants some attention.” escort zonguldak “I’ll be back in a bit.”I started to get out of the truck, to go relieve myself, but didn’t get far.Mary opened the back door, stepped out, naked and called me over to her. “I can help you with that problem, if you’d like?”“Best offer I’ve had all week.” I joked, crawling into the back seat of the truck.Mary was practically drooling in anticipation. She reached over and wrapped her hand around my cock, not quite believing it was real.“Jesus, it is that big isn’t it?” She purred. “You any good with that thing college boy?”“I’ve never gotten any complaints.” I laughed. “Besides, I am majoring in pussy at school.”With that, I turned and kissed her, thrusting my hand between her thighs. She gasped and spread her legs, inviting me in.I stuck a couple fingers in her dripping snatch and thumbed her clit. I continued dueling with her tongue, then broke free and sucked a nipple into my mouth.She grabbed my head, moaning, obviously enjoying my attention.“My God that feels good!” She cooed. “Tony hasn’t touched me in months.” “Seems he’s only horny when he’s drunk, then he’s too rough.”“Not real smart.” I said. “If I had someone as sexy as you, I’d fuck you til you walked funny.”“Promise?” She purred. “I’d like that.”I pushed her back, kissing my way down her tummy, headed for her bush. She squealed in anticipation, pushing my head downward.She groaned as I parted her pussy lips with my tongue. I took one long lick through her slit, then attacked her clit.She screamed as I made contact, raising her ass off the seat to meet my mouth. I didn’t have to work too hard to get her off, she was still pretty worked up from playing with herself.Just a few minutes later, she groaned and convulsed as her long sought orgasm finally arrived. She squirmed in the seat, panting heavily as the feeling subsided. Even in the dimly lit truck cab, I could see the smile on her face. It had obviously been a long time.“My turn.” She giggled, pushing me onto my back. “I’ve got to see how much of that thing I can swallow.”She paused briefly, looking at my cock like someone starving looks at food, then shoved me into her mouth. Damn that felt good!She was very talented, and did manage to swallow most of me, making her zonguldak escort bayan very proud. After that, she set to the task of ringing my chimes.Before long, I grunted and shot my load down her throat, causing her to swallow hard a couple times. She didn’t miss a drop.It didn’t take me too long to recover, and soon I was again sporting a woodie. I took Mary by the hand, opened the door and stepped out. She looked confused until I pointed at the picnic table, then nodded and hopped up.We were at the far end of the campground, so nobody would see us, unless they were walking through, and Tony was so toasted, we could fuck next to him and he’d never know.Mary laid back and pulled her legs up, spreading them wide. In the moonlight I could see her wet pussy, glistening, begging to be fucked.I grabbed my cock, and in one thrust, impaled Mary, causing her to gasp.“Oh God, it’s huge.” She moaned. “You need a minute?” I asked.“Oh hell no!” She hissed. “Fuck me!” “Give me all you’ve got.”I grabbed her ankles, pulled out until I could see my cock head, then slammed back into her. She jumped like she’d been electrocuted, then started moaning as I pounded her pussy, her wetness making a sloshing, sucking sound. Damn, the girl was horny.I jackhammered my cock into her for at least 20 minutes, banging her through at least 3 more orgasms before I swelled up and exploded in her cunt, filling her to overflowing with my cum.She sat up, still panting, then dropped to her knees and cleaned our combined juices from my deflating dick.“Follow me.” She said, taking me by the hand.She lead me to the shower house, a short distance from the truck. We spent another hour in the shower, trying to get clean. We did pause briefly so I could bend her over the sink and fuck her again, causing her to scream her way through another orgasm.Finally, with the sun threatening to expose us, we finished showering and made our way back to the truck. She collected her clothes and went back to the camper, and I went back to my bed.“Get the fuck up, lazy.” Tony bellowed, banging on the truck window a couple hours later. “We gotta pack up and get outta here.”He was massively hung over and in a mood, so I scrambled to get everything loaded so we could go home.I slept the whole way home, Mary did too. Fortunately Tony didn’t think anything of it.I took off as soon as we got back, another fight was brewing and I didn’t want to see it.After I got home, I unpacked my bag. Inside I found a pair of Mary’s panties and a note.“Anytime you want me, I’m yours.”Things are looking up!

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The Neighborhood MILF: Lannie

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Ass Hot

The Neighborhood MILF: LannieWhile almost everyone in our neighborhood has a pretty healthy attitude about sex, and an openness about it, some people just keep to themselves and don’t feel the need to join in our sexual games. Our next door neighbors Fred and Lannie are one such couple. Fred travels all over the country for his marketing business, while she is a retired professor from the University, who occasionally fills in as a substitute teacher at the local high school. They’re both rather quiet, but very nice people. She stopped over at my house one day last summer, asking if I noticed anything strange in the neighborhood. I wasn’t quite sure what she meant, because she was a little hesitant to get to the point. At first I thought maybe she was going to say something about our open lifestyle, with several different vehicles parked in our driveway overnight from some of our entertaining. Apparently it was something a little creepier than than that.She said, “This may sound strange, but have you been missing any laundry from your clothesline out back?”I didn’t think so, but now that she mentioned it, I was missing a couple pairs of underwear, one was the skimpy pair with pink hearts that DJ gave me last Valentine’s Day. I thought maybe that I just misplaced them. When I mentioned the missing underwear, Lannie’s jaw dropped and she gasped, as she thought someone was stealing her underwear too, over the last few weeks, right off the line while hanging out to dry in her backyard.”You don’t think we have some kind of pervert around here, do you?” she asked, making it seem as if it were on the same scale as a serial killer. I just smiled and told her to relax, it was probably just some horny teenager trying to get his rocks off. The lovely lady calmed down and laughed it off too, realizing that she may have overreacted.Our joking around suddenly shifted to amateur detectives, as Lannie asked what I knew about the McAlister boys that lived up the street. I reinforced her suspicions by telling her that I wouldn’t put it past them. I added my possible culprits to the mix too. “How about that guy from New Zealand that moved in sivas escort across the alley last year, what do you know about him? He seems to be walking out back at last twice a day. It can’t all be for the exercise.”Again she gasped and grabbed me by the arm, telling me that he stopped to talk to her one day last week while she was hanging her laundry.”You don’t think it was him do you? He seemed so nice.”I was kind of sorry I brought it up, Greg did seem like a pretty nice guy. But everybody has some sort of secret, I’m living proof of that. “Why don’t we set a trap?” I offered. “I’ll hang some of my things on the line and we’ll see what happens.”We giggled like little schoolgirls as we set our plan in motion. I picked quite a variety, with black panties, white panties and several bras that would be sure to lure any body in. We waited back and peered out the window, looking to see if anyone would take the bait. We kept glancing out, but it was always nothing. I guess our plan wasn’t as great as we thought. We kind of gave up on catching the ‘panty pervert’ and got back to visiting at the kitchen table, where we got to know each other a little better.After some small talk, I asked if her missing panties was anything sexy. She blushed a little bit, confessing that she was missing a black thong that was one of Fred’s favorites, as well as a pair of see through lavender undies. I told her about my skimpy panties with the pink hearts and we had another big laugh, thinking that there was a panty bandit out there wearing our underwear.Suddenly, Lannie’s eyes popped out again as she looked out the window. THE BLACK PANTIES WERE GONE!!! We both jumped up together and scrambled over to look out the window, and sure enough, Greg was just scurrying around the corner.”Oh My God! It was him!” Lannie shrieked. “What do we do now? Should we call the police?” I convinced her that was too big of a deal and suggested we confront him ourselves. She smiled back at the idea of following through with our amateur detective work. Together we took off out the back door, we had to act fast to catch him with the goods, so to speak. We almost escort sivas caught up with him as you could hear his back door shut as we rounded the corner. I hustled up to his house, with Lannie right behind. We looked at each other cautiously before I slowly turned the door knob, to find it was unlocked. I carefully opened the door, and we tiptoed inside. You could hear his distinctive accent as he was singimg along with the radio. Luckily he couldn’t jear us with the music in the background.We snuck up on him, and found him in the living room with his back to us and all of his ‘goodies’ laid out on the floor. There must have been a dozen pairs of women’s undewear there, including the black panties and my pink Valentine undies. Lannie nudged me and pointed to hers as well. By the number of pairs he had in fromt of him, I don’t think we were the only victims.”AHEM!” I cleared my throat trying to get Greg’s attention, but he never flinched. The music must have been too loud. Lannie couldn’t wait, “What the Hell, Greg!” she blurted out, startling the handsome middle-aged man. He wheeled around with an embarrassed look as he was caught wih his kinky collection.I chimed in as well, trying to make light of the awkward situation. “Really Greg, if you wanted our panties, all you had to do was ask.” Lannie looked at me with that same jaw-dropping astonishment, that quickly turned to a smile, as we both reveled in the naughty nature of our neghbor with the panty fetish.Greg couldn’t do much but try to laugh it off too, confessing that he’s always been a conisseur of women’s underwear, and couldn’t resist gathering some keepsakes. I turned to Lannie and winked as I started to undress, teasing our perverted friend by giving him a glimpse of my lacy bra and panties.Lannie played along too and stripped down to her bra and panties as well also, showing off her surprisingly tight body. The short-haired beauty had a playful smile as she flirted with our neighbor, but grilled the kinky guy on what he did with her treasured lavender panties. Greg never said a word, but that seem to bother my friend. Lannie just turned her back and sivas escort bayan began to take off her bra, teasing the kinky man even more. You could see the growing bulge in his pants as we got naked for the panty bandit, giving him an eyeful.I stood before Greg topless, watching him salivate as Lannie showed off her gorgeous ass in the skimpy white panties. I’ll admit she was turning me on too. She had an awesome slim figure. Lanny kept teasing our perp by interrogating him while half naked. “Where are my other panties, Greg?” she asked the nervous man, while seductively swirling her accusing finger across his chin. “My lavender panties. Where are they?”Still no answer from the New Zealander as a bead of sweat dropped from his brow at this sexy interrogation. Lannie didn’t let up. She pulled off Greg’s shirt as the athletic 50-year-old stood there among all the undies laid out on the floor. My sexy friend circled the suspect, tracing her finger across his bare chest as she continued to question him.”What did you do with them, Greg?”Lannie got to her knees in front of him with a knowing smile as she reached for his fly.”I think I know where they are” she cooed as Greg’s bulge became even bigger. She peeled off her panties and brushed them across his face, teasing the bandit tothe point where he almost fell over backward. Lannie let our kinky friend sniff her white panties as she yanked down his pants. The amateur sleuth was right on! Our kinky friend was wearing her sheer perple panties that were stretched out from his raging hardon.I crept up behind the pervert, pulling off my damp undies too, and stuffed them in his face, where he took a big whiff. I held tham there while Lannie stroked his hard cock right through the flimsy material. Our interrogation was too much for the kinky neighbor. He twitched a little bit then groaned as he came in Lannies panties. The milky white goo oozed out, making a sticky mess of my friend’s underwear. Lannie showed a kinky side of herslf also, reaching down the cross dresser’s panties, and squeezing every last drop from the excited man. She pulled her hand away as it dripped with his cum. She put it up to his mouth, forcing him to taste his own cum.The panty bandit took his punishment pretty well, as he sat back on the couch in his soiled lavender panties, wheezing from the unusual cross examination. Mystery solved!

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A Galveston Getaway

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A Galveston GetawayIt was around 2 a.m. when we pulled into our camping spot at Galveston Island State Park following a tiring 5 hour drive. My wife and I were both aching and weary from the trip, so we decided to take a quick, refreshing, stroll down the beach before setting up camp. It was a warm, breezy night with small but frequent waves rolling onto the shore. “The wind, the water, the sound of the waves, you know what the elements do to me,” said Susan after walking only about 100 yards. “I’m really wet, you want to see?” she asked. Of course I did, so I slipped a couple of fingers up her shorts and into her shaved pussy. “Wow, you’ve really seemed to get ready quick, considering how tired you were just a few minutes ago,” I responded. “You need help taking care of that, or do we need to wait until we’ve rested a bit?” I asked. “I’d prefer it if you helped, but I need to cum, and I can’t wait any longer,” she said. With that, I removed my shirt and spread it out on the sand, just far enough from the waves where we wouldn’t get wet, but close enough to feel the mist each time one rolled in. She was already on her knees in front of me by the time I got my shirt situated for us to lie on. With one swift motion she pulled my shorts to the sand and shoved my hardening cock tekirdağ escort bayan into her mouth.”You don’t care if anyone catches us?” I asked as her head bobbed back and forth on my shaft. It was a clear Texas evening and you could see for about a half-mile down the flat beach under the almost full moon. “Right now I don’t care if they stand here and watch,” she replied. “I’m so fucking horny I don’t care about anything except getting your dick inside me.” With that, I laid her onto her back on my shirt and swiftly pulled off her shorts. Her button-up top was already unbuttoned and blowing in the wind, showing a perfect silhouette of her pert, beautiful breasts. I kissed my way down her stomach to her pussy where a whole different type of ocean was flooding the beach. I lapped at her lips, gently biting and pulling each one until she squirmed, then I slowly kissed and licked my way up to her clit where I nibbled and sucked her to back-to-back orgasms. Once she couldn’t stand the pleasure of my mouth any longer, she grabbed me by my hair, looked me in the eyes and proclaimed “come up here and fuck me. I can’t wait any longer.” I mounted her in the traditional missionary position as she locked her legs around my back and began bucking against me like a bull. escort tekirdağ Her moans of pleasure, obvious to anyone who might be awake around us, were heightened by the sound of the waves lapping at our toes. There was no mistaking what was going on had some stray beachcomer wandered anywhere near us at the time as the moon set low in the sky and served as a perfect backdrop for a silhouette of hot, steamy sex. I took the advantage of her horniness and rolled her onto her hands and knees before mounting her doggie-style, both of us facing a small sand dune that had rows of other campers just about 25 yards away. “What if someone comes over those dunes?” I asked. “Then they’re going to get to see you fucking me,” she said, rolling her hips to the rhythmic beat of the ocean waves. I slowly pulled out of her dripping pussy and whispered in her ear; “then we might as well give them a show and let them see me fucking you in the ass.” I got no reply except for a low, guttural moan. I lined the head of my cock up to her tight little asshole and slowly inserted the head until in popped in just past her rectum. She then set the pace by slowly talking the length of my 7 inch cock until my balls were rubbing against her wet pussy. “Now, fuck me hard,” she demanded. I tekirdağ escort obeyed and began pounding her back door as her moans of pleasure were overridden by the sound of my pelvis pounding against her beautiful round bottom. I continued pounding her ass and nibbling at her neck, back and shoulders until I felt the cum in my balls begin to expand. Before I could cum, I rolled her back onto her back, pulled and spread her legs into a high V shape and with no hands, rammed my rod back into her slippery wet pussy. “Oh, yes,” she screamed. “Fuck that pussy baby, make me cum,” she demanded as she rolled around on the damp, compact sand. I pounded her harder and harder, holding her legs where she was under my submission, until she let out a shreik that most likely was heard by someone. There was little denying what kind of scream that was — it was nothing but pleasure. Her scream, and spasaming pussy, brought on my orgasm which I shot the first half up her pussy and the rest onto her stomach and tits. “Oh, my God,” she said in a breathless voice. “I’ve been thinking about this all the way here, but I never imagined it would feel this good.” “Next time we’ll have to try it during the early evening when there are still people walking the shoreline,” I suggested, halfway joking. “If it’s going to be like this again, or even better with the thrill of people around, then I can’t wait for tomorrow evening,” she said, buttoning her shirt over the wet cum on her body. “This is going to be a great weekend…” she whispered as we walked away.

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owned life p3

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owned life p3I didnt wanted to have one but didnt have a say , he got me in the tatoo shop and watch me get the qos tatoo over my lil caged cockcindy love bbc written under it ”she is very obediant , shes gonna be so cute at the beach showing off her cute tatoo ””yes and she loves to please black daddies cock”looking at them from the tatoo chair my tatoo getting donemy body branded by daddy forever ”you gonna suck my cock girl?””of course she will”in tight little panty my new tatoo done looking at the bbc getting out of his pants”what a nice tatoo , this is so cute thank him baby , show him you suck cock real good”and they watch me suck on the bbc , both snapping pictures of me”oh you found a very good girl””damn she can suck”daddy smoking a cigarette looking at her sissy slut worshiping his friend bbcher cute new tatoo was so nice just enough visible over her panty line , branded lil white slut for daddythe artist was loving my mouth i could tell by his hard pumping in my throathe was close and i was soon drinking cum , daddy calling me a good girl watching me swallow and clean the bbc ”told you she was good””yeah damn shes a cute bitch”dressing back up and getting out daddy cuddling me ”you are my little sissy girl forever cindy, i will always be there for you”getting in daddy car i sucked him thanking him for my cute tatooand like every time when he drive i would get my head lift up sometimelooking at a black daddy waiting in his car on the red light , his eyes locked toward my daddy pulling me up making me smile like a fag slut to him and bring me back down mouth wide open wet , my head bouncing up and downshowing them he is a king and get service like one ”he is following us””time to make daddy proud baby girl”in a random parkinglotthe random guy car stopping close”hi there, a nice day isnt it?””yes brother ”my lil head could be seen humping up and down”can i feed her too the wife is a vitch lately””sure , slide a 20 in her panty and she devours cock ””oh nice i have a spare 20 right here for her””go on cindy””go see him , get daddy his money ”in little pink skirt and camisole getting quick in this black older fat dude carmy qos brand new tatoo looked uppon when he stretch my panty to sk**e a 20 yozgat escort insidemy lil cage made him smile and my tatoo said it all ”this one a little gem , you share her pussy too?””maybe she s the one you should ask not me”his cock licked and suck like a candy them talking about meand they deal me like a wore , negociating as i sucked him , his bbc so nice i enjoy listening to him wanting me more willing to pay for me i felt so girly , bought for 200 a month, so he could have my phone number and fuck me regular”oh you look happy cindy, your daddy is a nice guy , we will take care of you together tonight okay sweat hearth?”he dumped in my mouth contemplating his investment , as i clean his cock off moaning i left with daddy , cheering me up for making money , mouth filled with his cock i did like i was teach and did the chores and the dinneri went out of the shower and he was waiting for me on the bed”he is going to be home soon, i want him to like you , think you are a good daughter ”lifting my legs up looking at him lube my cunt and put my pink diamond plug in placeand he got a huggies princess pull up pack from my closet ”i bought this yesterday, you left a mark on my bed , you dont wanna wash them evryday , better wear this when you sleep dont you think”slide inside elsa pullup my qos tatoo just over the pullups ”look i bought this cute cover”sliding the diaper cover frilly panty on kind of little pink skirt i felt so good, the pullup feeling was overwhelming when he arrived we were watching tvhe smile at me on all 4 ass up sucking my daddy”wow shes nice””ohhh you put her in pullups fuck my daughter had the same years ago ””yes shes been dripping to much even if she wear her plug , she had to wash them earlier and cant wash it evryday””ohhh no she cant , off course not brother i uderstand perfectly , little girls wet their bed alot”i was pullups down on my knees sucking daddymy pink plug falling on the couch and the new daddy pushing in easy all the way before he was belly agaisnt my ass”ohhhhh wow so open and tight””fuck good thing i bought that cunt, fuck i need this thank bro your sissy is fucking nice”moaning on daddy bbc head kept down ”fuck her all you want, she understand our needs better than escort yozgat your wives ””oh fuck you dont say””damn i just want to fuck , my god i need this tight cunt often brother ””fuck i wish i had more time””im gonna cum ”and he flood me, full of cum pounding it down all in me before having to godaddy calling me a good girl plugging me back our new friend dressing up watching cindy go back to her daddypullups in place sucking daddy hard bbc”shit girl you know your place ill be back very soon””thank bro this is what i needed ””txt when you are around my daughter likes you””tell him cindy, be a good girl, he filled you up good””i saw him put it all in there”tap tap tap ”you feel it baby girl?””ahhhh yes thank you sir ahhhh thank you ””fuck i wish i could stay shes so cute yo are lucky man’he left and daddy fuck me in the bed before sleep , dripping cum in my pullups until morningthat morning i just wanted to go to schoolwalking by the same park i was every morning they were too much for me, i was soon facing 6 young teens , black young boy teasing me saying one of em saw me sucking cock in a car this weekremembering too well daddy driving me close to this park when he get back from picking me up at schoolmy shirt was pull because it seemed i try to keep em from lifting it”i tell you its him he is hidding something”i fought em but they took me toward the restroom my shirt pulled and my tatoo leaving me no chance”omg look look she has the qos tatoo””slut you love bbc you suck guys ?”i listen to them pulling me to the restroom”ok ok we do this but no one ever say a word , we need to keep this quiet ”’locking the doori was stripped young boys taking nice bbc out cheering at me wearing panty, caged up and plug”what the fuck guys shes a slut look look ”young black guys getting all hard plunging in my mouth unplugging me and fucking me doggy”yeah fuck that slut , quick its my turn i want to try her pussy”looking at all 6 in distress pulling me from cock to cock , my body a doll play ground , no one carring for me , just pumped and call names”i fucking told you , i saw this bitch with that older weird guy he must have did all this to him look at how he just takes cock likes its nothing””and yozgat escort bayan shes gonna go out and not say a word , fuck this slut is gold””look look she loves my cock”they dumped all in me i was full of young cum alone trying to get out and go back to wash myself , school was not happening todayi was stupid to walk not looking backhe was the youngest and he blackmailed meat 16 you need to be consentent to have sex he said”let me in or i call the cops”i was fucked in the showerhim repeating over and over this would be happening now every time my daddy goes to work and i dont have a right because im just a sissy slut for bbc the young boy already taller and bigger than me , pumping non stop his young bbc inside, laughting at me moaning and liking ithe cum quick not wanting to meet my daddy and lefthe was a boy of his worddaddy left me next morning and soon after he was joining me in my room adding his juice to my cuntloving how im all ready and open, daddy making me all ready to be pounded by his young cockan hour every morninglistening to him repeat i am a good slutfeeling bad his 16yr old owning me ike this. so young and hard cumming so many time and fucking me over and overhis promised was broke after a monthhis parents out i was tied to his bed and i was listening to him party with his friend on the other roomone after another horny and drunk coming to the room, calling me the party wore”good white slut, fuck you such a cunt ””we all gonna fuck you all night cunt””white cunt slut you take bbc all night”coming for a quick fuck of the wore next roomdripping cum all night and taking more”take a sharpy and start signing her, i want this weirdo knows we **** his baby girl all night ”i was covered with nicknames all around my body all night c\getting fuck and written oni was untied and left watching so many young guys , on my way out slapping me calling me namesi was in the uber in a mess the driver asking me if i was finei had names i coudnt see all around my faceword sissy and slut so many time he just look at me and drive pulling my head”free ride slut””go on be a slut i know what happen, this neighbor a crazy one ”his fat bbc smelling pulled out and i was neck lock in his hand put on it all the way homedaddy wasnt upset at all, he was happy to see me and help me wash”looks like you had a nice party with boys from school?”counting 32 names he help wash offmy mind blindweak, on daddy cock plugged in the shower sit on him”my little fuck doll , i love you so much”

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Pupose as a cuck

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Pupose as a cuckWhen i was little i wanted to work in genetic engineering. I wanted to start a federal funded grant research project called Biological enhancement engineering) then after a couple notebooks of writing down information about gene splicing and nanofabrication, I wanted to work for the CIA doing paramilitary operations. Meaning, basically i wanted to eliminate the monsters that exist on this wonderful blue ball we all live on. I was 14 and knew how to spell “Chechnya” and ” Human Trafficking” before i knew the difference between” I want” and ” I what”. I even said in front of a class of 40 students during my last year of high school when i was giving a speech about 3 possible career paths that ” Man get locked up, dogs get put down” Reforming to Shamil Basayev and the Beslan yalova escort school siege in 2004.I joined the military in 2014 with the same mentality to help the greater good by getting rid of the rotten apples. But i went into aviation instead. I was more about helping mankind through biology than bullets. After some time i couldn’t handle the load of school work and no matter how much ambition one has it wont help you memorized 200 facts about eukaryotes in 3 days. Then i went on this 3 year trip to study information systems to work this 100K/year remote job that would let me work from Rome, Prague maybe Cleveland. But Nada! i passed some course, failed others. And after 7 years of college, living at home you just want to get the fuck out. I then thought after all the jobs, military and escort yalova family trauma what career would allow me to use my analytical success with peolpe ( Fuck Dr.Phil) and still have a bigger purpose than just making money. Police officer!!and then detective. But did about 2 months in the Pittsburgh police academy in 2018. But left because i was 14 classes away for a degree in finance. I just wanted to make enough money to be free of having to please anyone.I write this to help better understand that its hard to have certain ideas in life but then you develop a fetish like being a cuck and everything you ever thought that you wanted just goes out the window. That every time you wanted to kiss a woman, or just dreamed about having a fun, supporting sexaully relationship just is gone. yalova escort bayan Where you have to decided to be a cuck or a man. Where you have to decided if you enjoy eating some black dudes cum off your woman or having her view you as a man with purpose and understanding. Where you at times get excited about sucking a dick with your women because she wants you too but at times just want a friend who doesn’t treat you like your less of a ” Real Man” Where even thinking about wanting to have a daughter one day makes you terrified to be the cuck you want to be but also have to maintain the mindset of a father/ a protected. Now the fetish comes first, it comes before love, before self-respect, before sleep/food/drinking, it comes before a family, friends, work. It comes before anything! Like many wannabe cucks out there, we hope we can find some level of happiness to keep us a float in every day life. Hoping that even if we never find what we’re looking, that we can still find some form of of self-validation in being self- aware

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Mom’s Motivational Techniques

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Mom’s Motivational Techniquesi dropped the heavy brass knocker on the thick oak door and listened to its dull thud reverberate in the silence of the cold, dark night. A minute later a soft glow lit up the hallway and I saw the silhouette of a man walk towards the door. I did not know why my heart was pounding the way it was. I wasn’t in a habit of asking my big brother for help, but after all, that’s what family is for, right?My brother was a little surprised, but pleased to see me and immediately asked me to come inside and out of the cold. He took my coat and walked me to the living room, or library, as he called it. We sat down by the fire and he poured us both a nice glass of brandy. I quickly took a big swig of the burning liquid, hoping it would help me find the words for what I was about to ask. My brother just looked at me, holding the glass in his hands and warming the brandy. I suddenly felt ashamed of how I almost emptied the glass in one gulp. Knowing my big brother, it was probably a very old and expensive bottle.“It’s nice Ken… The brandy, I mean. And the fire” I babbled.“Yes it is” he answered, swirling the golden brown fluid in the round glass. “It was a personal gift from the head of the institute in Bordeaux. It’s almost a hundred years old”I nearly chocked. My brother wasn’t a wealthy man, preferring knowledge over possession, but what little he owned was nothing but the highest quality. I promised myself to fully enjoy the next sip and make sure he’d see it.“Now, what is it you wanted to see me for? I mean, you’re always welcome and I do enjoy your company, but there is something that’s troubling you, and judging from the way you’re guzzling this very fine cognac, you really need to get it off your chest”“I’m sorry… but you’re right, there is something. I know you’re buried with work already, with your book, lectures and research projects, but could you… can you help Jeff in school? Maybe tutor him?” I asked my brother.Instead of directly answering my question, Ken got out of his club chair and stepped towards the fireplace. He tossed another log on the fire, used the poker to precisely arrange the wood and put the metal spark guard back in place. Without saying a single word he strode back to his chair and sat down again. Only then did he respond to my request.“I could do that, but Jeff really doesn’t need any tutoring. He is a very bright boy” he said. It wasn’t exactly the answer I had been hoping for.“I know he is, but if he doesn’t improve his scores he’ll have to repeat this grade”Again my brother was silent for a while and just watched the wood being attacked by the flames.“That once nearly happened to me too” he finally said.“It did? But you had nothing but A’s” I exclaimed, surprised by Ken’s confession.“Not always…” he said and took a small sip from his glass “When I was about Jeff’s age, there was a time that my grades were really poor and I almost did not make it. I only became an honor student because of mom’s.. er.. motivational techniques”I was really dumbfounded. In my memory my older brother was nothing but a genius, the smartest boy in school. He graduated with the best scores of his class and in result he received offers from several prestigious universities. How could he almost have flunked, and what had our mother done to prevent it?My beloved mother was in a home now, with a severe case of Alzheimer’s. The last time we visited she just sat in her chair and didn’t even recognize us. Whatever it was she did for my brother, she couldn’t help my son. I would have to do it myself.“So what is it that mom did to turn you into the straight-A student I remember?”My brother looked me straight in the eye and I could see he was very serious and a little reluctant. When he finally spoke, he didn’t tell right away, but asked another question in return“Are you sure you want to know?”An hour later I was back in my car, driving through snowy landscapes. I had taken the long way home and let my brother’s words replay in my mind in as the trees and houses passed by. My mind was whirling and my heart was pounding as millions of questions rolled in my head. Kenneth’s question if I was sure I wanted to know was echoing in my ears. Yes, I had wanted to know, but now that I knew, I could not believe it.“You recall how mom was a bit of a ‘free spirit’, a typical c***d of the sixties?” my brother began his story.“A hippie?”“If you want to call her that, yes”Although mom never talked much about the past, we both knew of her wild days, before she settled down, married and had us. Our mother had been part of a group of idealistic people who founded a community where private property was banned. Everything would be shared freely; food, clothes, housing, everything. There were all kinds of d**gs and free love was everywhere. Although she had to give up most of those ideals when she grew older, she was definitely the coolest mom in school.“What about it?” I asked.“Well, she reckoned there is only one thing that could motivate a teenaged boy to study”He paused a minute, as if he was waiting for me to give an answer. I was a total blank, however.“Come on, don’t act so innocent” he said, smiling mischievously.“S..Sex?” I stammered.He nodded at me as if I was one of his students who just answered correctly.“Mom took you to a hooker if you passed?” I asked surprised.“Not quite.” he said, pausing again. “Here, let me refill your glass”I knew I needed it and nodded as I sat down and mentally braced myself for what was about to come. Kenneth filled my glass and his own, put the stopper back on the bottle and sat down too.“So one night, mom came to my room and said she needed to talk. She sat down on my bed and that’s when she told me about this A-B-C reward plan…”It was an unusual plan to say the least, radical and dangerous. But I knew I had to do something, even if it was insane. There was no doubt about it; what mom had done had proved to be very effective and if I wanted Jeff to pass this year I had to at least consider it.I had a really hard time deciding what to do. If I did nothing, Jeff would fail for sure, but every time I was about to decide to go through with the plan, a little voice inside me kept reminding me it was more likely it would scar my son for life than improve his grade. On the other hand, it obviously hadn’t traumatized Ken; he wouldn’t have brought it up if it had.Oh, what should I do?Snow began to fall again and as I carefully steered my car through an immaculate white world, I once more ran all the other options in my head. I came to the conclusion that there was really no feasible alternative. I was short on money already, and barring bribing the teachers or hiring a full-time and very expensive tutor, I had tried absolutely everything a mother could think of. Everything but this.Before I could go through with the plan, I also had to ask myself if I was able do it. Could I use sex to motivate Jeff? Could I seduce my own son and do all those things to him? I had to be honest.It was hard to admit, but more than once I had felt a decidedly inappropriate attraction to Jeff. I knew he was my son, but he’s also a very handsome young man. Looking at him, I recognized the things that made me fall for his father all those years ago. Giving in to that would not be too hard, now that I had a legitimate reason.Yes, I was going to do it.Maybe.A few weeks later, I was sitting at the kitchen table, waiting. I had had plenty of time to make my decision, balancing the pros and cons and changing my mind almost every day. In front of me was Jeff’s latest report card and there wasn’t a single good mark in it, except for PE. There was no way he’d pass with these grades, but even now, I was still very indecisive. There was no time to crawl back, as I could hear Jeff walk down the stairs.As he walked into the kitchen, I finally decided to go through with the plan.“Sit down, son” I said, trying to sound stern, but not so much it would frighten him.I could see his eyes go from me to the report card, to me again, then to the vacant chair and the kitchen door before he sat down without saying anything. He knew what this was about and knew better than to protest.“I’ve tried helping you, I’ve tried coaching you, even punishing you. You’ve switched schools and you’ve been to summer school. I know you’re smarter than this and you and I are going to prove that.”Jeff shook his shoulders and nodded indifferently.“There is something I want to try, one last thing. Are you interested?”I unbuttoned the top buttons of my blouse. Jeff’s eyes immediate shot down and feasted on the cleavage I was showing. Oh yes, he was interested alright.“On your next report card…” I started, and then paused to take a deep breath. “If you get a C, you’ll get to ‘See’ me naked”His eyes opened wide.“If you get a B, I will give you a Blowjob”His jaw fell open.“And if you get an A, we will go All the way”He looked as if he could not believe his ears and it took quite a few moments for him to take in my proposition. I couldn’t see what was happening under the table, but I bet there was a huge lump growing in his pants if. Then I saw a twinkle in his eye and a sheepish grin formed on his lips.“What are you thinking?” I asked.“I was just wondering… What do I get for an F?” he said, while he held up a recent geography test.It was a relief Jeff was able to crack a joke at a time like this; my proposition had not freaked him out too much. However, it was not time for a reward yet.“An F means… you can go Fuck yourself” I chuckled while I buttoned up my blouse again, leaving one undone as a reminder of what could be his.Jeff knew I was serious and knew better than to push his joke any further.I patted his knee and said “Now, why don’t you get upstairs and get started with your homework, and I’ll make us a nice dinner.”Throughout dinner and all evening I kept teasing him, jutting out my breast and wetting my lips. As he got up after düzce escort the meal I could see he had a hard time trying to hide the swelling that had formed in his pants. It must have driven him mad, knowing I was there for him, ready and willing, just one good grade away. Finally the frustration got the best of him and he disappeared into his room. Hopefully to study, but probably just to beat his meat.But, as I continued to tease the hell out of him over the next weeks, his grades slowly began to improve. F’s started to become D’s and in return I started to dress slutty for him. Sure enough, when the report cards were handed out, there wasn’t a single F on it. In fact, as Jeff pointed out, there were even a couple of C’sIt was time for me to hold on to my end of the bargain. It was a moment I had dreaded before, but over the last weeks had accepted and had even come to look forward to. I was never a slouch before, but an intensified workout program and a recent visit to the beauty salon meant I would probably look hotter than most of the girls at his school.“Three C’s” I said proud. “So, would you like to ‘see’ me too?”He nodded. “Yes please”“Now?”He nodded again.I pushed back the chair so his view was not blocked by the table.“You deserved it and I am so proud of you. I hope you enjoy the show” I said as I started to unbutton my blouse.I had already seen some of his test results, so I knew there was a very real possibility that his grades would be high enough for me to reward him. In anticipation of undressing for my son I had put on some extra sexy lingerie. I knew he appreciated it, as I could hear Jeff gasp when I unveiled my firm breasts, clad in a black lace bra through which most of my hard pink nipples were visible. I let the blouse slide from my shoulders and fall on the kitchen floor.Next to go were my jeans. I stood up and began to open the fly. Like my blouse, I slowly unbuttoned it one button at a time, bit by bit exposing the surprise I had on underneath. I had put on a black thong that left very little to the imagination. Pieces of string held up a tiny triangle of sheer material that did almost nothing to hide the hairless mound and top of my pussy.I turned away from him as I peeled the denim off my hips and exposed my round ass. I bent over a little as I dropped the pants, giving him a tantalizing preview of all the goodies I would bare for him later. If the thong had been any other color but black, he would have seen a large dark spot where my wetness had soaked the fabric.As the jeans slid down, they uncovered another surprise for him, my expensive black silk and lace stockings. I stepped out of the pants and slowly turned around, moving sensuously while showing off my well-toned body.Teasingly slow I eased the straps from my shoulders and unfastened the front clasp of my sexy bra. Jeff was looking closely and was almost drooling as I pulled the cups away and exposed my breasts. They weren’t big breasts, but years of daily pushups and lifting weights meant they sagged only a little and stood round and firm.The next item to remove was the little black thong. I hooked my thumbs behind the pieces of string and pushed them down over my hip. My heart was racing as I bared my pussy for my son. It was neatly waxed and ready for action; wet and swollen from arousal.My son had forgotten all modesty and was openly ogling my almost naked body. Once more I turned around, dancing slow and proudly swaying my bare ass.For the final part of my striptease, I sat down on the chair again. I lifted one leg high in the air and rolled down my stockings. I sat at a slight angle from my son, so my other leg was still blocking his view of my sex. I felt the coolness of the air on the moist lips of my naked pussy. I hadn’t been this aroused for years and I knew my son would be able to see it too. I bend my knee and pulled the silk stockings off my feet. With one kick of my foot it flew through the air and landed in front of Jeff.Only one last piece of clothing remained. I lifted my other leg, the one closest to him, and started to peel off that stocking in the same teasing fashion. The big difference was that this time my pussy was spread open and in full view.Suddenly I heard Jeff grunt a husky groan and a dark spot formed in his pants. Embarrassed by his body’s reaction he quickly excused himself and ran off to his room.I couldn’t help but feel a little proud; I had just made my son cum in his pants! Mom’s plan was working better than I could have hoped.It was almost half an hour later when he came back and I was in the kitchen, cooking dinner. Wearing nothing but high heels and a tiny black apron I gestured for him to sit down. I could feel his eyes burning on my ass as he tried to make small talk while I cooked. It was absurd how often I dropped a spoon or a knife and had to bend over to pick it up.It was like there was something wrong with the cutlery that night, because during dinner it was Jeff’s knife and fork that ended on the ground repeatedly. Three times my son disappeared under the table to retrieve an item of silverware and every time I made sure I was sitting with my legs spread and fully exposed for him. We both knew what was going on and it was a game we both enjoyed.Even though we spend more time teasing than eating, dinner was finished all too soon. As Jeff got up and started to make his way out of the kitchen, I quickly got behind him. He froze as he felt my naked body so close to him.“Be sweet and put the dishes in the washer, while I go in the living room” I whispered in his ear while I let my erect nipples graze his arm. With barely any blood flowing to his brain, he was unable to resist my request.“Sure mom, no problem” he murmured and actually started to clear the table.I smiled at my newfound powers and walked into the living room where I lay down on the couch. Ten minutes later, Jeff also came in the living room.I was still naked and lay stretched out on the couch while I watched TV. It was a comfortable pose that would also be enticing for my son to look at. Jeff stood still for a moment and looked at me before he sat down. I noticed he had not chosen his usual seat in front of the TV, but sat down opposite to me instead. Earlier he had changed his soiled jeans for a track suit and I could see his cock was already hard again and nicely pushing out the front of his pants. He no longer made any effort to hide his arousal, just like I shamelessly displayed my swollen, moist pussy.As night fell, I told Jeff it was time to go to bed. He obeyed and when I kissed my son goodnight, I grabbed his waist and pulled him firmly against me. My bare breasts pressed against his chest and by rotating my pelvis, I teasingly rubbed my pussy against his crotch. He groaned softly and I felt his penis pulsate as he ejaculated in his pants for a second time.“Sweet dreams, my love” I whispered as I kissed him on his lips.As Jeff climbed the stairs, I noticed my son had left a small wet spot on my pubic mound. I wiped it up with my finger and felt the slipperiness of Jeff’s sperm that had seeped through the fabric of his pants. Acting on impulse, I lifted my finger to my mouth and tasted my son’s semen. It was only a tiny amount, but his juice tasted delightful and I couldn’t wait to sample more of it, right from the source.So far my mother’s technique seemed to work beautifully. A few weeks had passed since he had earned the privilege of seeing me naked and his grades were still improving. He was a good boy and I decided he deserved something special tonight. I would give him a little taste of what was waiting for him if he continued his studies.All right, I’m lying. I was horny. Exposing myself to my son had me crawling up the walls with arousal. My libido had skyrocketed and I was masturbating on a daily basis. Right now, my pussy was screaming for attention.I lay naked on the couch, watching TV. I knew my son was looking at me, as he always was. My hand, which had been resting on my stomach slid down, over my smooth mound and between my slightly parted legs. Jeff’s eyes became big as saucers as he watched me casually rub my pussy. I smiled at him, acknowledging his gaze and circled my finger over my clit. I knew I was horny, but I was surprised at how hot and wet my pussy was.Playing with my pussy felt really good and having Jeff watch me was an added bonus. I raised my knees and spread my legs, making sure my son could see everything I did. With two fingers I pulled my lips apart and showed him the bright pinkness inside. With my other hand I ran a finger from my swollen clit to my moist opening and dipped it inside.Jeff was getting horny too. It was normal for him to have a hard-on as he watched me, but usually he’d try to keep his modesty and cover his erection up for me. Maybe it was because he didn’t care anymore or maybe it was because he was too excited, but he made no attempt to hide the tent in his pants.I added a second finger, moving it in and out with the other one while my thumb rubbed my clit. If Jeff had not seen how wet I was before, the noises my fingers made would have told him by now.A soft moan escaped from my lips. God this felt good.Jeff was now rubbing his bulge as he watched me masturbate. I wanted to see him too.“Show it to me” I said “I want to see your cock”Without hesitating, Jeff opened his pants and pulled out his cock. It was the first time I saw his cock since I had bathed him as a c***d. Of course I had seen and felt the bulge in his pants and I had imagined what it would look like, but as I saw it in real life, I was stunned by its erotic beauty. It was bigger than I had thought it would be, easily as big as his father’s. It was thick and veined and with a plump pink head that I knew would feel delightfully plunging in my pussy. I really had to restrain myself from calling him over and let him ravish me with that wonderful tool.I let out another moan as my escort düzce son’s cock throbbed and a big clear drop of precum slowly oozed down the shaft.“Stroke it for me” I whispered.His hand closed around his shaft and he started moving it up and down. How I wanted to be that fist, wrapped around his big, juicy cock and feel it stretch my neglected pussy, to fuck me for hours and fill me up with thick i****tuous seed.Fucking myself with two fingers, I matched my movements to Jeff’s. It wasn’t long before his panting turned into gasping and his body tensed up.“Are you going to cum Jeff?” I asked with a husky voice as I too was about to climax like I’d never climaxed before.Even before my son could answer, the first jet of sperm erupted from his cock and splattered on his chest, followed by several more thick jets. I rubbed my clit even harder and as the last streams of Jeff’s sperm cascaded down his fingers, my muscles contracted and pure bliss filled my body.It took a few minutes before I came down from my orgasmic high. As I opened my eyes, I saw Jeff was still watching me. I couldn’t suppress a little giggle when I saw the look of lustful satisfaction in his eyes. There was no doubt he had enjoyed it every bit as much as I had, and we both knew it was only going to get better.“It’s late, I’m beat, and I’m going to bed” I said and got up. As I walked past my son, I took his hand and kissed his slimy fingers. The taste of his sperm was overwhelming.“Sweet dreams” I whispered and walked out the living room.At the end of that school year, his marks had improved enough for him to have a reasonable chance of making it to the next grade. We were both overjoyed when his teacher called us and told us they were impressed with the progress he made, and agreed to let him pass. But the real surprise came later that week when I came home from work and found Jeff waiting for me. He was very excited when he showed me his report card and pointed out the ‘B’ he had scored for history.“Look mom” he said excited.My heart skipped a beat and I swear my mouth began to water when I saw that letter. I had not expected Jeff to score a B this fast. It was not unwelcome, as I had been aching to make this next step and finally taste my son’s cock. I don’t know who wanted this to happen more, him or me.“I guess you know what this means?” I asked seductively.“Yes” he said. ”You have to… suck my…” he said softly, embarrassed to say it. I thought it was sweet.“Say it, tell me what you want me to do” I urged him.“Will you… suck my co…” he whispered.“There’s no need to be shy about it. I just want to hear it”“Suck my cock mom, I want you to suck my cock” he said in a high voice, cheeks all red.“Yes, I’d love to suck your cock” I said and gave him a kiss. “But not yet”I saw a look of utter disappointment creep over his face.“Don’t worry honey; I won’t back out. Tonight, after dinner we will have all the time in the world”the disappointment disappeared and was replaced by a look of relief.“Do you want me to undress first?”“No mom, just start cooking”I chuckled and quickly unpacked the bags.Dinner was exceptionally rushed that night. Jeff had emptied his plate in no time at all and I wasn’t long behind him. Uncharacteristically, neither of us had any appetite left for desert. Jeff even offered me to help with the dishes and together we were finished in less than a minute.I turned on the dishwasher and looked up to see Jeff looking at me, waiting.“What is it?” I asked innocently“Now, mom?”“You’re right, you deserved it. But why don’t you take a shower first?”He obeyed, albeit a bit reluctant, and ran upstairs and turned on the shower. As he was washing himself, I walked to the bathroom too. I undressed quickly, and stepped naked under the shower with my son.Jeff was a bit surprised when he felt my hands on his back, but when he turned around, he was happy to see me and his cock began to rise immediately.“Let me help you get clean” I said and grabbed the bottle of shower gel. I lathered up his chest and abdomen, moving slowly down as I washed him. My hands were going in circles over his flat stomach, moving ever closer to his groin.It was time to take the big step. What my son and I had done thus far had been inappropriate to say the least, but now I was going to break all laws of morality, common sense and good parenting. With trembling hands I grabbed his cock and slowly slid my soapy hands up and down the steel hard haft. I could feel him throb in my hands as I washed, no, masturbated him.His cock felt really nice in my hands. Not too big, but hard as rock and with a nice upward curve. I knew it was going to feel wonderful to have it in my pussy, but I had to remind myself that that would have to wait until he scored an A. At least I was allowed to feel him now and taste would finally him too.Jeff’s breathing quickened and his hips began to thrust back and forth. I had to stop now, or else he’d cum all over my stomach instead of in my mouth, like I wanted him to.“Turn around son, so I can wash your back” I said and got some more soap and lathered up his shoulders and back. Then I led him back under the cascading water and let the soapy suds wash from his body. My hands slid over his muscular upper body, back down to the fleshy pole that stuck out from his hips. Still standing behind him, I started masturbating him again, pressing my breasts against his chest.“Let’s wait no longer. I want to do it right now” I whispered and turned him back around.I got on my knees and prepared to commit this taboo act. His penis was right in front of me in all its majestic glory. The big, erect shaft was lightly bobbing with every beat of his heart and a little drop of precum welled up from its tiny eye. My heart was pounding and my head was spinning as I grabbed my son’s cock and bend it down so it was almost touching my lips.I wanted to do this.I gave a little kiss on the tip, followed by a second and a third. Then I opened my lips and let my tongue run down the shaft. I kissed his heavy balls and then all the way back to the tip of his cock before I opened my mouth and swallowed the bulbous head. It had been quite some time since I last orally pleased a guy, but it all came back to me quickly. It also helped that my son probably had no experience and did not know what to expect.“Oh wow mom!” he groaned as I moved forward and took him in my throat until my lips touched his pubic bone. I let him fuck my throat a little, taking him in as deep as I could. Then I took him out of my mouth and jerked him off while I kissed the tip and licked off every sweet little droplet of slippery precum that leaked from his cock.Jeff used one hand to steady himself on the slippery floor and his other hand was running through my hair, stroking it lovingly while at the same time preventing me from letting him slip away. Guided by his hand, I learned what brought him the most pleasure. As I sucked his cock, I bobbed my head and rubbed his shaft.“Aw shit mom, that’s great” he groaned. “Suck it mom”It turned me on to hear my boy clearly enjoy what I was doing. Determined to make him cum, I sucked him even harder and deeper. He loved it too, as I knew from the increased frequency and pitch of his groans.I knew his orgasm wouldn’t be long now, as his hands firmly grabbed my hair and I felt his muscles contract. Moments later his penis pulsed and I felt the first jet blast against the roof of my mouth. I tasted his thick creamy sperm as it covered my tongue with more and more of its creamy goodness. I kept sucking and swallowed every drop he gave to me.When his balls were fully drained, Jeff pulled me on my feet again and gave long, tender kiss. It wasn’t a motherly kiss, not by a long shot. Soon we were kissing with our mouths wide open and tongues playing. This was a kiss of lovers.As we were kissing in the shower, our tongues battling and our bodies pressed together, his half-hard cock was nudging between my legs. I wanted to feel him inside me really bad; my pussy was already throbbing with anticipation. It was hard for me to deny us what we wanted so badly, but I had to. I had to be strong and wait for him to get an A.“The water’s getting cold honey” I said when we finally broke our kiss. “Let’s put on a robe and watch a movie together.”That night, I sucked my son’s cock twice more. Over the weeks and months that followed, I gave him blowjobs on a daily basis, sometimes even more than that. While he seemed to be satisfied with my oral skills, my body was craving a good fuck. Two months ago I had started taking the pill again, so there was absolutely nothing that would stop me from going all the way with my son when the time came. I was literally counting down the days until his next report cards. His grades improved all the time and the number of B’s steadily increased, but much to our dismay, there was never an A.It was really hard for me not to cave in and let my son have his way with me. Often I’d finger my pussy while I sucked him off, timing my orgasm to coincide with his. I learned there’s no feeling like cumming while my son was feeding me his sperm. It always gave me the best climaxes.But still my vibrator was working overtime. Every time I blew my son, I crawled into my bed and fucked myself with plastic toy, trying to satisfy my hunger for cock, but never feeling satisfied. I didn’t know how much longer I could deny my body’s needs. Maybe I should go to a bar, find a nice enough guy and give him the night of his life. That would surely sooth my craving… But it wouldn’t be fair to Jeff.His next report was due in a few days and I would have to find a way to control my a****l urges at least until then.At last that day had come. Jeff was home early, even before me, and was waiting for me at the kitchen table when I came home. He was particularly excited when he handed me his report card.“Look at the grade for Math” he added.My heart skipped a beat and I almost düzce escort bayan dropped the bag of groceries I was carrying. Could it be that what I had hoped and prayed for all these months had finally happened? With trembling hands I took the piece of paper from my son. My pussy tingled as I scanned the grades, and sure enough; in black ink on a bluish grey background, there was the letter I had been waiting for for the last year. It was an A.I threw myself into my son’s arms and covered him with kisses.Jeff was too surprised too talk. I guess he didn’t know how much I longed to feel him inside me. He kissed me back and ground his cock against my cunt. He was already erect.“I’m going to fuck you so hard” I whispered in his ear “Let’s go to my room. Dinner can wait”I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his chair. I made my way to my bedroom as fast as possible, shedding my clothes on the way. By the time I had reached my room I was fully naked. My son was not far behind me, struggling to take off his pants while running. I pulled the duvet off my bed and tossed it in a corner. Then I made my son lay down on the mattress, crawled over him and kissed him on the lips. He answered my kiss and let his tongue play with mine for a while. After a minute I broke off the kiss and slowly worked my way down his body. There really wasn’t any need for foreplay. After a year of teasing, all I wanted was to feel him deep inside me.“Are you ready?” I asked as I straddled his hips.He nodded and said “Yes”, his voice cracking from excitement.I kissed him again, while I grabbed his stiff cock and pointed it up, towards my scalding pussy. His plump round head nuzzled between my slick lips and I lowered myself onto my lover. I groaned softly into my son’s mouth as his cock sank all the way into me.My whole body rejoiced as my pussy was suddenly filled all the way with my son’s cock. It had been so long ago that I had felt a big, hard cock inside me; I couldn’t even remember when I was ever filled up this deliciously. Its big mushroom head pressed gently against my cervix and my lips stretched around the base while my clit rubbed against his pubic bone. With my son’s cock all the way inside me, I sat back up and rocked my hips back and forth.“Oh fuck!” Jeff grunted as I slowly rode his cock.I knew how he felt; having my son’s cock inside me was heavenly, but it was nothing compared to the sensations that arose when I started to move.Instinctively, his hands grabbed my hips and he pushed up his pelvis to respond to my movements. We quickly found our rhythm and began to fuck for real. My son’s cock was sliding almost its full length in and out of my wet pussy, making soft squishy sounds with every thrust.We had only been fucking for about a minute when I noticed that Jeff was going to cum already; by now I had sucked him off often enough to know the signs. I also knew he would easily get it up again for more illicit carnal pleasure.“It’s okay Jeff, you can come inside me, if you want”His eyes got big and he could only grunt a little. It was like a wet dream came true for him.He firmly grabbed my ass and pushed me down on his cock even harder. I wanted to ride him a little longer, but only a few seconds later his body tensed up and he pulled me firmly against him, squeezing his cock into me as far as he could. Then he groaned deeply and I felt his cock swell even more.“Oh mom! I’m cumming” he grunted. Deep inside me I felt his penis twitch and a warmth spread in my pussy. It was a wonderfully wicked thought that my own c***d was pumping his thick, potent sperm in my pussy.He kept pumping his seed into my body for what felt like an eternity, before he finally relaxed and dropped back onto the mattress. I rolled off my son’s body and lay down next to him.“That was awesome” he whispered between kisses. “I’ve never felt anything like that. I love you mom”“I love you too son” I said as I brushed the hair from his face and planted another kiss on his lips.We took a few minutes to regain our breath. I laid my head on his shoulder and stroked his smooth chest. As time passed, my wandering hand moved down over his abdomen and brushed against the tip of his flaccid cock. I could feel it react to my touch, slowly coming back to live. On my next stroke I moved even lower, stroking the full length of his shaft. On the way up I closed my fingers, grabbing his cock. It was all slippery from Jeff’s cum and my own wetness, and using our juices as lubricant I massaged him back to hardness.“I can feel you getting hard again. Do you think you can do it again?”“Definitely” he said with a cocky smile.“Would you like to be on top this time?”He nodded and, as I grabbed him, I rolled over so he was lying on top of me, between my widely spread legs. I grabbed his cock and aimed it at my opening. As soon as Jeff felt my lips round the tip of his cock, he pushed forward and with one thrust he pushed his slick cock all the way back in me. He remained motionless for a few seconds, as if he needed some time to process the sensations of having his cock fully embedded in his mother’s pussy again. He lifted himself off my chest and, supporting himself with his arms, ground his hips against mine. He was completely hard now and I could feel his head nudge my cervix with every push.My pussy made wet, squishy noises as he began to move. Having spilled his load only minutes ago, he was able to restrain himself a bit and fucked me in a nice powerful rhythm. With every thrust of his mighty cock he filled me up completely. I had not cum during our first time, but now my orgasm was building strong.He used one hand to steady himself on top of me, so the other was available for him to play with my breasts. I always loved it when my breasts were played with and my body started to tingle in anticipation of an enormous orgasm.“Fuck me baby” I panted “Fuck me harder… I’m almost…”A strong wave of pleasure broke free. Originating from the pit of my stomach, it washed over my body and left behind nothing but pure bliss.“Cumming!” I screamed as my body started to shake.“Don’t stop baby” I groaned.Jeff resumed his movements, fucking my cumming pussy at an incredible pace. I don’t think I had ever orgasmed this hard or this long. Who would have thought that my own son was such an excellent lover!He had not cum yet and was still fucking me slowly with shallow strokes as he lay on top of me. Silently I thanked my mother for her unconventional ways as I locked my boy in my arms and shared a long, passionate kiss.“Get up and fuck me from behind” I whispered in his ear. “Do me doggy-style”He pulled his dick out of my body and got on his knees. My pussy was feeling unpleasantly empty, but I knew it would be better soon as I kneeled on all fours in front of my son. Immediately I felt his hand grabbing my ass and his cock slide up and down my slit a few times, taking turns between rubbing my clit and fucking me with just the tip. He clearly enjoyed teasing me, driving me crazy with his cock.The next time he nudged the tip between my lips, I pushed back, sliding his cock all the way home. Jeff finally gave in to my need and soon we were fucking again. I felt his cock deeper than ever before, bottoming out on every thrust and stretching me in a deliciously painful way.“Fuck me Jeff, fuck me as hard as you can” I panted, almost cumming a second time.Jeff eagerly gave in to my request and began banging his hips against my butt. My arms collapsed, leaving me slumped forward with my face in the pillow. I was powerless against my son’s ruthless assault on my pussy, unable to do anything but enjoy the fucking he was giving me from behind.My ability to formulate words had completely gone as I just lay there, moaning and whimpering, fucked senseless by my son. His hands were firmly locked around my waist and he really slammed his hips against my butt. Loud slapping sounds filled the bedroom, accompanied by the sounds of my bed protesting and my nonstop moaning.I knew Jeff was going to cum again soon. His thrusting became more shallow and irregular.I reached behind my legs and rubbed my clit as fast as I could. Beating my son by a few seconds, I came. It was another good one. I had to bite my pillow to muffle my screams which would surely have alerted the neighbors.Feeling and seeing me cum on his cock was too much for my son and he came too. He pressed his cock inside me as far as he could and let out a deep moan. Again I felt his penis start to throb, spitting out big globs of sperm deep in my vagina. I immediately came for a second time. My cumming pussy milked every drop of sperm from his balls.All throughout his orgasm and long after, he stayed inside me, fucking me for as long as he could, until his wilting cock slipped from my lips and he fell forward, completely spent. He kissed me on the shoulder and the neck, whispering how much he loved me.“I love you too, honey” I whispered, completely satisfied.As I lay in my son’s arms, all sweaty and happy, feeling his semen slowly ooze out my pussy and trickle down between my legs, I thought of how people would think of me. I knew most would condemn me, have me arrested and burned on a stake, but I knew that what I did was right.Behind me, Jeff was already snoring softly, exhausted from a year of studying hard and, finally, fucking me for hours. I closed my eyes and soon I was sleeping peacefully too. Dinner could wait.After only a few hours of sleep I was awakened by my alarm clock. As I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my son. His brain may still be sleeping, but his cock was already awake. Gently I stroked the young hard shaft that fucked me to countless orgasms throughout the night. Slowly Jeff’s eyes opened and as he saw me, a smile formed on his lips.“Good morning mom” he said and bent over to give me a kiss. My nipples hardened as his lips touched mine and my pussy tingled. My body was already set for another fuck, but right now I had to act like a mother again.“Get up boy, it’s time for school” I said, breaking off our kiss.“Do I have to mom? Can’t we just stay in bed like this?”“Get up Jeff; you wouldn’t want your grades to drop again, would you?”

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Well, she got what she wanted in the end…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Well, she got what she wanted in the end…A couple of years ago I was on PoF and messaged by a woman from Wakefield. She was insistent upon meeting, despite the distance and clearly not having a good time of dating. We chatted by phone on a few occasions and whilst I thought she was nice, I was hard and fast on the distance. It was a solid, no. I did say, at the time, that I could fancy a dirty weekend away sometime. I have a little business and was expecting a fee in soon and wanted to treat myself. She told me, very sternly, that she wasn’t the kind of girl, and that was that.A month or two later…I was struggling with a new client. I recruit high salaried IT people and was on my last nerve over a couple of salary negotiations. The US approach is balls to the wall and the Europeans and Brits don’t appreciate it. Both candidates lost interest in the process. One felt messed about and the other practically dropped dead, with ill health, but got such a bad impression of his new employer that he dropped it like a hot potato. I dropped the client and decided to have a weekend away.I checked AirBnB and train times and managed to find an apartment in York which looked pretty good. The train was so cheap for 1st class and the only thing lacking was somewhere to put my cock. Then I remembered Rebecca…I texted to see if she could take a call. She could and we chatted. I told her that I’d booked weekend accommodation and asked what was she up to. The only question she asked was, “Are you paying?” The dirty slag said yes based purely on that. The weekend went as planned and she demonstrated that she really is a dirty slag. Mouth, pussy, and ass. Job done…. But this wasn’t my favourite encounter with her.Shortly after, she met a nice guy and settled with him. Moved in fast but the relationship wasn’t without its issues. I’d offer advice via video chat and she’d pay me by fingerbanging her dirty pussy on cam while I wanked. She obviously felt bad about this and the advice I gave her was working… The problem was, that her guy was too nice. He didn’t pull her hair or spank her and all the sex was slow and loving. Nice, right? But not all the time.I signed myself a new client in Manchester and while I was booked in to see them, I decided to arrange a little meet for coffee. I booked a hotel and asked if she could find a way to make it along. She made a little meal out of the conversation but eventually said yes on the proviso that she didn’t come to my hotel and there were no shenanigans. I told her that this was all fine and she wouldn’t be made to feel uncomfortable in any way. Lol, yeah right. She kept saying, “No more shenanigans…” every time she’d get her tits and pussy out online. Once a slag…The day came. I took a train to my client and booked one car in at the hotel. It made sense at a city centre hotel. She’d have somewhere free to park. I messaged her to let her know and she said thanks. My meeting was early, and it gave me time to get back to my hotel and get out of my suit. She was blagging that she had a meeting to convince her partner that she wasn’t meeting me. We only had a couple of hours as it was…She arrived on time and once parked, she called me from the lobby of my hotel.“Hi Rebecca, come on up… my meeting overran so I’m a little behind schedule.”“I told you, I’m not coming up.”“Oh for fuck’s sake Rebecca, don’t you trust yourself?” “I’m in room 203, right next to the bloody lift.”“Okay, but no shenanigans, got it?”I agreed and 90 seconds later there was a gentle knock on my door.“Hello you,” I said and hugged her, “You look great!”“Yes I do, and what are you wearing?”“I told you my meeting overran and that I was running late, hence wearing a bath towel…. nothing sinister.”“You better not, mister.” She said with a warning tone.She sat in one of those uncomfortable chairs and looked me up and down.“Get dressed uşak escort then!” she barked at me.“What’s the rush?” “I haven’t seen you for over a year, can’t I have a look at your outfit without the nagging?”She blushed a little bit. “What outfit?”“The skirt, which isn’t really short enough, the top with a zip down to your belly button, but you need to stand up and lose the jacket.”Oh, God, really?” she blustered. She then stood up and removed the jacket and sat back down.“Seriously!” “How am I supposed to appreciate your weight loss when you’re sitting on the best part!?”“I told you, no shenanigans, mister!”“Okay, well you do this stuff on webcam and you know it.” “What’s the diff if you’re letting me see your figure here and now?” “I’m not even telling you to take off your clothes… just stand up,”She stood up and shook her head in a disapproving way, then turned on the spot, said “there” and was about to sit down when I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the chair before she could sit.“Let me have a proper look!” I was looking down into her eyes and she was standing quite close.“Well hurry up, I didn’t come here for this.”Without letting go of her upper arm I turned her around and put my hand in the small of her back.“Hey, you don’t look with your hands, mister.”“I do and think yourself lucky… if you keep fighting me on this I may just end up with a stiffy.”She tried to pull her elbow away and muttered, “Not looking at me with those hands.”As she pulled, I pulled back and pressed her back into my chest. She really got angry this time so I let her go.“Hey, calm down, you know me.” “Like I say though, you’re happy to show me the goods on webcam, and you playing with your dirty pussy for me.” “I don’t see why you can’t give me a little show right now.”“You know why… I’m not single anymore.”“You’re not single online either and it doesn’t stop you…. Look, just lift up your skirt a little and let me have a look; how often will we have an opportunity like this?”“Okay, but just a little.” She stepped away from me and I perched on the edge of the bed. She took a step closer to the full length hotel mirror and eyed me suspiciously as she parted her feet and bent slightly to reach the hem of her skirt. My hand slid inside my towel and grasped my cock.“You keep it in your pants mister,” she said as she slowly lifted the skirt to the top of her legs, “and you look with your eyes.”My cock was almost instantly hard. I started wanking, slowly.“Show me higher, let me see what colour knickers you’re wearing.”It was like slipping in to the online routine.“Bend forwards a little,” I said, and she did, very slowly and still watching me for anything inappropriate. I moved the towel and she immediately stopped.“I told you to keep it in your towel.”“Well, I don’t usually wear pants for our online meetings, I always sit like this.” “Don’t ruin it, it was working really well.” “I’m loving the weight loss by the way, you look hot.”She feigned frustration and turned back to the mirror.“Can you lose the bra?” “You’ll still be wearing a top, so you’ll still be decent.”“Okay, but that’s it.”“That’s all I’m asking for.” I said, innocently.“You always find a way to get more.”“Let me help.” I said and reached out and one handedly unclipped her bra through her vest.She slipped it off, from under her vest.“Turn and face me, pull your top down tight…” She complied, all the while looking at her top and the stiff nipples she could see through it.“You’re a little turned on then… it’s actually roasting in here.”She dismissed my comments non-verbally with a wave of one hand. I was now sporting a bone that’d scare the dog.“Good girl, Rebecca, good girl… put your hands under that vest and play with those titties for me.”She, wordlessly, did as she was told and was concentrating on what she was doing while I slowly wanked.She was still wearing escort uşak her skirt. She’d gathered it up previously to show me her knickers but it had fallen back to above knee length.“Rebecca, take one hand and slide it inside the waist band of your skirt…”“Fine,” she blurted, “but you stay where you are and keep your hands to yourself.”I gestured, with my other hand, that it was fine, and she should carry on. She did. Her hand slid inside her waistband and then inside her panties. She started concentrating on what she was doing. Playing with her tits and pussy, while I watched and wanked. A minute passed and she’d stopped looking at her top now, she was looking at me. Only standing three feet away and looking at me, then down at my cock. The look in her eye was one of someone performing and not getting any pleasure from what they were doing.“Rebecca, what are you doing?”“Why?”“Gawd, just tell me.”“I’m playing with my tits and pussy and you’re watching, okay?”“Yeah, that’s about right.. are your panties in the way and making it difficult?”“No, they’re not, I can find my way, fine.”“Okay, well, it’ll move things along quickly if you’re not wearing them, ya know, I’ll cum faster.”“Oh, God,” she mumbled and stopped what she was doing, then pulled up her skirt and pulled down her panties. Before she could put them down I took them out of her hand, and before she could say anything, I said, “Go back to what you were doing before.” She did so but looked very disapprovingly at me. Her panties were still warm to the touch and wet….“These panties are wet!” “Have you pissed yourself?”“No, I have not.”“Well how are they wet?!”“Cos I’m playing with my pussy, it gets wet when I do that.” She complained.“Okay, you’re playing with your pussy in front of a man you’re not seeing, what would Trevor say if he found out?“You wouldn’t dare, it’d destroy him, you know his wife cheated.”“I might, unless you’re a very good girl.”“What’s that supposed to mean?”“It means, do as you’re told and he’ll remain in the dark about your very slutty behaviour.”“I should’ve known you’d do this.” She looked upset.“We both know why you’re here you dirty slag, don’t we?” “You’re here cos you’re not getting treated right at home.” “You’re here because you miss being mistreated and you’ve got a good loving man at home…. Slag!”She’d stopped what she was doing.“Look at me, Rebecca.” She scowled at me. “…and don’t give me THAT look, you came here to get treated right but if you want to convince yourself you’re not to blame you go ahead.” “Are you going to take that look off your face?”She didn’t say anything and for a second I thought she’d spit at me.“I said, take that look off your face.” She looked sullen. I reached out and grabbed her hair. A handful on the side of her head. I spun around and propelled her towards the bed. She was bent over the bed now with her face in the covers. I swapped hands and entwined my fingers in to the hair at the base of her skull and pressed her face harder in to the bed. With my other hand I started pulling up her skirt. She was struggling with me and I leaned in and in as menacing tone as I could muster, said, “You’ll be a good girl or I’ll send you home with bruises on your arse that you can’t explain to poor old Trevor.” By now I’d lifted her skirt all the way up. I moved around, letting some pressure off her head and licked my fingers. She had cocked her head to one side and was looking at me with eyes of pure hatred. I began to work my fingers in to her pussy. It’d have been easier if she’d stayed still but she didn’t. I smacked her hard on her arse and she stopped. I could sense her shock and panic. What if I left a mark.“Are you feeling more sensible now?” I said in the most condescending tone I could.“Arsehole.”“You want fingers in there too, do you?”I resumed my exploration of her pussy. It was wetter uşak escort bayan than a haddock’s handbag. There was a round coffee table in the room. I stood her up straight, still with my fingers in her hair and slapped her face. Not hard enough to bruise or cause serious pain, just enough to let her know I was in charge. I changed my grip and took hold of her throat.“Take off your clothes you dirty slag.. and don’t backchat me or I’ll tear off that vest top and I bet you’ve got nothing else to wear home.” She complied, wordlessly. I watched as she revealed the rest of her body to me. I grabbed roughly at her tits and spun her round to look at her ass. Not bad at all for her age. She glared and said, “Don’t leave any marks.”I stuck my tongue, crudely, in her mouth, then I walked her to the knee height coffee table and got her on it on all fours. “Tell me what you are, Rebecca.”“I’m a dirty slag.” She said in a sing song tone. I make her say it all the time, online.“…and what do dirty slags do, Rebecca?”“They suck cock.”“Good girl.”I moved to her head and put my hard cock in her mouth and started to gently fuck it. As she sorted out her rhythm I reached over her back and put my fingers back in her pussy, then changed it to my thumb. I started to massage her g-spot while rubbing her little clit.“Ooooh, Rebecca, you little slag, I’d forgotten how good you are at that.” “Just so you know, I’m going straight up your arse.” I smiled in advance of her protest.She stopped sucking and tried to look up at me, “No, you’re not.”“I’m gonna smash in your back door and you are gonna keep sucking my cock until I’m ready.” I smacked her ass as I said it and grabbed a handful of hair so I could guide her mouth to my cock. My cock couldn’t get any harder and her arse looked so good in doggy position, even from this angle.“It’s time to get you ready, slag.” I licked my thumb and started to massage her arsehole. I could feel her hesitancy and she stopped sucking my cock.“Keep sucking, slag or I’ll stop loosening you up and just force it.”I could feel her panic and desperation but also that she was fully engaged in what she was doing. I worked my thumb in to her arse and then stopped and squatted in front of her face.“I’m gonna fuck your arse now and you’re going to get what you came for… to be abused and get an arse full of my dirty cum.”“No, I did not! She hissed.I laughed and stood up, briefly waving my hardon in her face. Then I walked around to the back and took position to fuck her. She looked over her shoulder at me, still seething. I smiled a smile of pure joy and started to rub her arsehole with my cock.“Loosen up for me, slag.” I started to push, then slapped her arse. She drew a sharp inward breath. Once I’d gotten the helmet in, I leaned over her back and grabbed a couple of handfuls of hair. I whispered, as close to her ear as I could get, “Play with your pussy slag.”She put one elbow down and reached back to play with her pussy and I started to thrust.“Tell me what you are, Rebecca.”She was panting and grunting, “I’m a dirty slag.”“…and what do dirty slags like?”“Sucking cocks.”“Do they like cum in their dirty little arseholes?”She didn’t answer and I could feel her shame.“Tell me you love it, Rebecca.”She didn’t answer so I pulled her upwards and sunk my cock as far up her arse as I could. My head was close to hers and I was holding her upper body weight up with her hair.“Tell me you love it and tell me what it makes you.”“I love your cock in my arse and it makes me a slag.”“…and what are you going to be so I don’t send you home bruised on your buttocks?”“A good girl.”I lowered her body and fucked her as a****listically as I could until I came in her arse.“Good job slag, I’m gonna wash my cock.” And I went straight to the bathroom.“What about me?” “I haven’t cum.”“Oh, that’s why I’m washing my cock.”“You’re gonna fuck me some more?”“No, but you can suck it while you wank yourself off.” Then I closed the bathroom door and washed my cock.I came back out and Rebecca was completely dressed.“What you doing?” “Get your clothes off, I’m not done with you yet…”

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Reward Or Punishment – Part 1

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Reward Or Punishment – Part 1deleteddeletedI have passed MA in economics this year. My measurements are 34-30-36. I have maintained my body in great shape with 34D breasts and around 36 buttocks. My height is 5’3” and weight is 55 kg. After I finished my studies, my family found Sanjay as a suitable match for me.I am going to share my real sex experience. I have not disclosed my location and all names have been changed to maintain secrecy. I was married on February 14, 2019, just one week after my mother-in-law’s death commemoration. That was Valentine’s Day also.My husband is 26 years of age. His height is about 5’5” and weight is about 60 kg. He is an MBA. He was working in an MNC, the same office as my father-in-law. But he left the job just before marriage as he got 5 year’s study visa to the USA for Ph.D. He is very handsome and active in bed.My father-in-law is about 50 years of age. His height is about 5’4” and weight maybe about 60 Kg. After my marriage, I always saw him sad. I came to know that my father-in-law remained sad for the full year after the death of my mother-in-law. My mother in law had died last year at the age of 48 years.My husband left for the USA on Saturday, March 23, 2019 evening, just after the Holi festival. After seeing him off at the airport, I and father-in-law returned home. Both of us were serious. We did not speak even a single word to each other while returning home. Both of us went to bed after taking dinner.Sunday, my father-in-law did not come out of his room except for breakfast, lunch, teatime, and dinner. I spent all day alone at home. Why I could not imagine the difficulties of living with father-in-law only at home? Why I was so happy to know that Sanjay would be studying in the USA? I asked myself.Now I am repenting why I agreed to marry a man who was going abroad for a long period. I asked myself – will I have to stay at home like this every day for the next 5 years. “No, I can’t!”I cried.In the afternoon, I called one of my friends on the telephone. I asked her how she is passing her days at home. She said that she has given birth to a baby and she has no problem in passing time. I will search for a job only when my baby goes to school. Hearing this, I wished I also have a c***d.“If I already had conceived, that would be great. But what if I had not conceived?” I said to her. “You don’t need a husband to conceive. No male in this world would not sleep with you if you like.” She said and laughed. I was shocked by hearing her answer.Then I thought about my father-in-law. “How would my father-in-law pass his days? Won’t he return to normalcy?” I suddenly asked myself. One answer could be his remarriage. As soon as I thought of about his remarriage, I was scared of would be stepmother-in-law.In the evening, I had menstruation. I was very upset that I did not conceive. But when I remembered my friend’s joke, an idea came into my mind. I have to conceive within a month and give birth to a c***d. Conceiving after a month will certainly endanger my marital relationship.Then who could be the person with whom I can sleep? I thought the whole day. I had no boyfriend in my school and college days. Also, my relatives and other known persons are also not in this city. Finally, I came to the conclusion that my father-in-law would be the right person.The face of my c***d will be similar to my father-in-law or mine. My husband’s face is also similar to my father-in-law’s face. For this, I have to seduce my father-in-law and take care of him and fulfill all his needs including sexual. He will live a normal and happy life. I will also pass my time giving birth to a c***d.I made a 5 days plan to seduce him and have sexual relations with him on the fifth day of my menstruation. But I disliked the way of seduction read in sex stories, e.g. dropping shawl or the towel wrapped on the chest, etc. I am a straight forward girl and I hate drama. I do whatever I like to do.But I will drop the idea to seduce him as soon as I see a negative gesture from his side. I made a step by step plan to seduce him. In the afternoon, I went to the nearby store. I purchased a legging made of stretchy fabric, a tight vest, an opaque skin-colored stocking, a light transparent gown, a transparent nylon stocking, a fishnet stocking, a transparent urfa escort white shirt, a knee-length skirt, a full support bra, a transparent bra, a brief, a thong, and G-string underwear.In the afternoon, I dressed up seductively. I wore a tight t-shirt that came above my waist and a legging made of stretchy fabric. I saw in the mirror and found myself very attractive. I saw that the shape and size of my breasts and buttocks were exposed very high.My bare stomach and navel were visible. In the evening, when he saw me, I observed that he was staring at my breasts, stomach and in between my thighs where a V shape was made. The V shape looked bulky as I was using a sanitary pad. I found him taking an interest in me.After dinner, he did not go to his room like yesterday. I was watching TV and he was holding a newspaper. But not reading at all. I noticed that he was also not taking any interest to watch the channel which I was watching. He was just gazing at me from time to time.At about 10 O’clock, I went to the kitchen and brought 2 glasses of milk for him and me. We had milk and then I went to my room. Shortly, he also went to his room. I became sure that by Friday night, he will be sleeping with me.On Monday morning, I wore a skin-colored opaque stocking and a tight vest. It went just below my breasts. I pulled up the stocking deep inside my buttock crack so as to make a partition of two sides of my buttocks. I looked in the mirror and found that my legs and buttock, covered by skin-colored stocking, look like nude.My buttocks look like two pieces of big watermelon cut in the middle and joined together. My stomach was exposed from the base of my breasts to just above my love-pot. A large part of my back was also exposed. I served breakfast at about 8 o’clock.I was standing in the kitchen facing towards the gas stove. I was cooking bread for his lunch. He was sitting behind me and watching my big buttocks. I stood on my right leg and loosen my left leg. In doing so, my right buttock was raised and the left buttock was lowered.Then I reversed the position. I had done this many times and I imagined that he enjoyed my buttocks show. He was sitting on the dining table and eating breakfast seeing me. After breakfast, at about 8:30, when he was ready for office, I handed him his lunch box.After sending him to the office, I was scared thinking about how to spend that day, and days to come. He will come back home at about 6 o’clock only. In the evening, I wore a white-colored transparent shirt and a very transparent nylon stocking. I was wearing a red-colored panty with a sanitary pad inside.My breasts were visible through the shirt and exposed high. He got a deep look at my cleavage. The skin of legs underneath the stocking was visible nude through the stocking. I served him the tidbits and tea on the dining table. I observed that it made him more sensuous.I was a little bit nervous, but I was very excited about doing that. I looked at his face and found that he was looking at my breasts and legs. I was roaming around the kitchen unnecessarily just to show him the movements of my hips. My hips move three ways – forward and backward, upward and downward, and tilted right and left.After dinner, I was sitting on the sofa placed on the north side of the room. He was sitting on the sofa placed on the south side of the room. We were sitting face to face. I was there watching TV wearing stocking and vest and looking like nude below my waist.I pulled the stocking down so as to show him my dark black pubic hairs. He was not watching TV. He was looking more in between my legs and less reading newspaper. After drinking milk at about 10 O’clock, both of us went to our rooms.Tuesday morning, I wore a full support bra, a brief and light sky blue colored transparent gown. The full support bra fully covered my breasts. It rounded off the shape of the breasts and also kept my breasts firm. The brief was of rectangular shape just like men’s brief. It covered a lot of front and backside of my hips.I served breakfast on the dining table just in a full support bra and a brief under the transparent gown. He was looking at me very curiously. After breakfast, he was ready for office. I handed him the lunch box and he left for office.In the evening, I welcomed escort urfa him just wearing the thin and transparent white shirt and knee-length loose skirt. I served him tidbits and a banana in the living room. I sat in front of him and peeled the skin of the banana. Then I inserted the banana in my mouth and sucked the top as if I am sucking love-stick.He was looking at me in surprise. After dinner, we took the same seat. I unbuttoned three buttons of my shirt. The cleavage and half of my breasts were clearly visible. I pretended to be busy reading a magazine. He was holding his laptop on his lap pretending as if he was doing something on the laptop.Slowly, I uncrossed my legs a little bit and showed my thighs. The man at the age of 50 years looked sometimes in between my nude legs and sometimes on my breasts. Knowing that he was trying to peep under my skirt. I started to spread my legs. He was having a great view of the soft white thighs.He seemed to be happy as he has seen my semi-nude body which I knowingly exposed to him. I spread my legs wider showing him my thighs. He looked between the legs and saw the most beautiful sight. At about 10, both of us took the milk and went into our rooms.Wednesday morning, I have become totally bold as I found no negative gesture from him. It was the fourth day of my menstruation. I wanted to expose myself a bit more while taking a bath. I picked up the transparent cup-less bra, a brief and the transparent gown.Then he entered the bathroom, which was on the north side of the flat. He was seated on the sofa placed on the southern side of the room. I had made him sit there because I had put his cup of tea there. He was seated just opposite the bathroom door. I left the door at about one foot open.I stood in such a way that he could see me from the opened part of the door. I turned my back to him and opened my shirt. Then, the bra over my naked and fair back was visible to him. I was standing there only in a skirt. Then I pulled down my skirt too.I was in front of him in the bathroom showing him my semi-nude round and big buttocks. Then I slowly turned towards him and removed the bra and panty. He was directly looking at me. I was very excited and nervous. My heart was beating very fast, but I was enjoying the show very much.I was there under the shower fully nude. I opened the shower and water ran all over my body. He looked at my fair thighs and love-pot covered by thick black pubic hairs. I took the soap and applied that to my body. I saw him continuously looking at me.I rubbed on breasts, stomach, buttocks, and love-pot with my palm. After the bath, I wiped the water from my body with a towel. I bent my body showing my buttocks to him and dried my legs with the towel. Then I wore a thong which was made of very thin material.It had a T-shape string in the back, a transparent bra through which he could see the skin. A fishnet stocking through which he could clearly see every curve on my buttocks and legs. Through the bra, he can also see my round breasts which are fully circular and equal at the top and bottom.He could easily see the light brown circle on my milky breasts. The pink nipples sticking out of the transparent bra I wore. I wanted to arouse him by my nude body. I came out of the bathroom and walked towards the living room. He followed me looking at the round swaying buttocks. I swayed and displayed my body.I continued the show. The material was so transparent that he could see my round breasts and nipples through the bra. The transparent back strap revealed my back as nude. The triangular patch at the front of the thong could cover just my love-pot in the front and only the buttock crack in the back.My buttock cheeks and sides of hip bones were naked. Then I entered the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I was looking almost nude in this dress. During breakfast time, he was staring at my body admiringly. Both of us were a bit nervous. I felt very much excited.After breakfast, I handed over his lunch box to him and he left home for office. In the evening, I welcomed him wearing just the thong, a transparent bra, and a fishnet stocking. I served him titbits and a cone of ice-cream on the living room. I put ice-cream in the cone.I made the top like boob shape for him and love-stick shape urfa escort bayan for me. I sat in front of him and licked and lapped the ice-cream as if I am sucking a love-stick. He was looking at me eagerly. Tonight, I thought of wearing a skirt without panty and show him my naked love-pot.The color of my clits is dark brown. Yesterday, I thought to apply red henna on my clits to make them more beautiful. So, in the afternoon, I purchased a tube of red henna paste. Yesterday night, I applied that before going to bed. It dried in 20 minutes and then I slept.After a bath in the morning, I saw that my clits had turned into red-brown. I also thought to apply set wet jell on my pubic hairs. I already have my husband’s jell. I made partition of pubic hairs to the right and left of my love-pot. I applied jell on pubic hairs and fixed them.By doing so, the clits become open and red-brown clit was clearly visible. He has been watching my show for 3 days. In the evening, we were sitting in the same seat. I was wearing a knee-length skirt and the same transparent cup-less bra. My body above the waist was almost naked.I was not wearing panties inside. While watching TV, I pulled up my skirt over my knees. Slowly, I spread my legs wider. Now my inner thighs were clearly visible to him. I remained in this position for about 15 minutes. Then I pulled my legs up. I folded my legs and rested my feet on the seat.In this position, I widened my knees more. I did not let my knees cover my breasts. He can see my thighs deep inside my skirt. I again pulled my skirt up. I looked him from the corner of my eyes and found that he was enjoying seeing my fair nude thighs.He was taking longer breaths and pressing his love-stick with his palm. I felt great that I could make his love-stick erect. I felt proud in nude. I remained in this position for about another 15 minutes turning the pages of the magazine. I was quite sure that he wanted some more.I pulled my buttocks forward to the edge of the sofa. I leaned against the sofa on my back. I pulled my skirt slowly and slowly up and up to my love-pot. My hairy love-pot was visible to him. I was feeling the air on my love-pot. I stretched my legs as wider as possible to show my red-brown clits.In doing so, I was very nervous, but I was feeling a sensation between my thighs. Once, our eyes met, but he quickly looked at the newspaper and pretended as if he was reading. I wanted to give him pleasure for a longer time. Then, I pretended to sleep. But I was looking from the narrow opening of my eyelids.I enjoyed exposing myself and drawing his attention to me. My love-pot lips were all swollen and spread giving a glimpse of pink labia. I was thinking how shamelessly I was showing my hairy love-pot and my breasts not to a stranger, but to my own father-in-law, the father of my husband.If it was a wrong act, I am not solely responsible for it. He is also faulty because he did not discourage me in the beginning. At about 10 O’clock, I ended the game and got up. I went to the kitchen and brought two glasses of milk for him and me.I intentionally put his glass on the table placed on the west side of the room so that he faces towards my room. He got up and seated on the west side sofa, from where he can see my room. After drinking milk, I entered into my room. A thin and transparent curtain was hanging on my bedroom door.I watched from the room and found that he did not move from that seat. Thank god! Now I can expose myself fully nude to him. I left the door of my room half-open. I unhooked the hook of my skirt. The skirt dropped down on the floor. I was standing wearing nothing below my waist.My love-pot, covered by thick black pubic hairs was visible to him. I remained in this position for some time. I looked at him and found looking at me. Then I removed my bra also. My 34D sized breasts with pink nipples were free now. I am in front of him fully naked. I slept on the bed.In excitement, I spread my legs and opened my love-pot. He was watching in excitement the nude body of his young and fair daughter-in-law just about 16 feet away. Although I was ready to give him a fuck but he did not come in to fuck me. Like in most of the sex stories, by now he would have fucked me.But he did not do anything like that except seeing my nude body. I don’t know when I slept and how long he sat there seeing me sleeping naked. It was Wednesday night now. I had given myself until Friday. I will tell you about the rest in the next part.Please let me know how you liked my story.

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