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Andrea King waited in her study for her newest converts and their pets.
The door opened and three couples entered. The first was a buxom African American woman, the second woman was ethereal blond and the third was a tall strong looking red head. All three of course had restrained nude men on their knees. As was proper.
The dark haired hostess rose, “Welcome Jordan, Kiesha, Jane.”
“Thank you,” Jordan, the red haired replied. ‘We have our sluts for your evaluation as you instructed.
Andrea examined the slaves, Keisha and Jane were properly submissive and knew they were slaves to the superior sex. Jordan’s still had not accepted and his eyes showed hate.
“You have not broken him yes,” she observed.
“Yes, “Jordan admitted. “But I’ve only had him for a week.
“That’s true,” Andrea replied. She grabbed the man’s by his blond hair. “You will be like them soon enough.” She laughed. Turning to Jane. “Demonstrate your ability as a mistress.”
“With pleasure,” the blond was a striking contrast to her bald heavily muscled slave. She took out his ball gag. “What are you?”
Eyes facing the ground, “Your slave Mistress Jane.”
“Why are you my slave?”
“Because you are superior and I should serve you.”
Jane yanked the chain forcing Pendik escort bayan him on his belly. ‘That’s right slut.” Jane removed her pants. “Now worship my pussy.”
Matt the VP of IT, went to work. “Do a good job worm!”
The black mistress kicked her Nordic slave in the balls. “White trash what are you?!”
“Your slave.” He gasped.
“That’s right, “she kicked him again, “worship your goddesses ass.”
“You will be like them Eric, “Jordon whispered to him.
“Very good, “Andrea approved. Looking at Jordan. “And the last male?”
“The office will be empty in two hours, “The red head responded.
The brunette opened a door to a small but well equipped dungeon. “Ladies how shall we pass the time?”
Andrea observed her three acolytes. Keisha had a lot of anger issues and had tied Carl to a whipping post. She had started with a cat and had progressed to the bull whip. His body was a mass of scars. Well his pain was a small price to pay.
“Don’t you too much,” she advised. “If he is senseless he won’t feel it.”
Keisha nodded and spun him around and worked on the front.
Jane was more into the pleasure. She had tied her toy to the bed spread eagle and was riding him cowgirl style. Both were Escort Pendik more advanced in their proper positions. Matt had adapted to his new role. In proof, Jane untied him and had him fuck her anally. Matt’s only though was serving his mistress. After orgasiming, Jane kissed him and he responded with the slave loving adoration.
Jordan had been given the more difficult task. Carl and Matt were weak minded and chauvinistic pigs. Both had been easy to manipulate and had easily been captured by their mistresses. Eric on the other hand was an Alpha male with a brain. These were always more of a challenge and worth more as a mistress’s companion/slave. It had taken seduction and precise timing. Eric if released would definitely try to kill them.
Jordan had put on a strap on and was making him suck it. ‘That it make it wet.”
“May I join in?” Andrea asked
“Please do,” as they maneuvered him into a spit roast
Andrea grabbed a shock stick and jabbed him “Too much talk’, as she forced her cock in his mouth.
“Not enough fucking,” Jordan finished.
The four woman and their three slaves entered the modern reception area.
“Do we need our slaves for this?” Keisha asked.
“It’s a good psychological weapon, “Andrea explained. Pendik Rus Escort “Frank’s mind and soul should not be in a man. It will take effort to make a male with a woman’s psyche into a slave.”
“I see,” Jane started playing with Matt’s cock.
“Control yourself, Jordan chided.
As they entered, Keisha grabbed Carl. ‘Suck my pussy.”
Andrea sighed, “New Mistress always go overboard. But ladies time for business.’
As they entered the executive suite, Jordan keyed in the private access code.
“Who’s there?” A strong mail voice came from the back.
“It’s me Frank.”
“Jordan, I thought you were a way for the week. Come on in.”
Jordan led the others in.
Andrea looked at her new slave appraisingly, well-built and a genius in biochemistry. She was already getting wet.
Wet? Control
“You should have asked permission to hold a sex party after hours, “Frank noted
“We don’t need permission, slave!” Andrea responded.
Frank looked at his employees, “Very disappointed.”
“It won’t be so bad, “Jane told him. ‘Look at Matt.”
“Pathetic, I mean my male employees.” He gazed at the women. “I did not think you had ambition like that. But why don’t you strip.”
Jane and Keisha did so and Andrea started too.
“Wait, what’s happening?
“You mean the aphrodisiac? Yes you should be feeling quite horny and weak. “
They sank to the floor she looked at the red head,” Jordan you are not affected.”
She joined Frank, “That’s because I took the antidote.”
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