Mein erster BBC – Teil 2 von 2

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Mein erster BBC – Teil 2 von 2Mein erster BBC – Teil 2 von 2Alpha legte die Hände hinter seinen Kopf, nachdem ein surren mir verdeutlichte, dass er seinen Sitz weit nach hinten gefahren hatte um sich nach hinten zu legen. Ich hielt mich an seinen festen Oberschenkeln fest und stemmte mich auf seine Knie, als ich meine Oberkörper über ihn beugte. Meine festen Brüste kneteten sich auf seinen Schenkeln ein und ich konnte es mir bequem machen. Seine fette Eichel zuckte etwa, als er meine Brüste auf seiner Haut spürte… weich und fest wie sie waren. Ich betrachtete seine Eichel die direkt vor meinen Augen zuckte und sein Schwanz sich nun immer mehr aufrichtete. Er spürte meinen heißen Atem an seiner Eichel, als meine Zunge nach ihr tastete. Langsam glitt meine Zunge unter seiner Eichel hoch um über seinen Spalt einige kleine Tropfen aufzunehmen. Prall und fest pochte sein Glied mir entgegen und wartete geduldig darauf, von mir verwöhnt zu werden. Alphas Gehänge roch nach Schweiß… sein Schwanz war so groß, das er in Schwingung kam, als meine Zunge absetzte und ich sie weiter betrachtete. Die dicken Adern die sich entlang seines Schwanzes abzeichneten, wurden dunkler und nun war er auch voll aufgerichtet, was mich zwang, ihn greifen um ihn mir an meinen Mund zu führen. Ich spitze meine Lippen und küsste den breiten Kopf seines Schwanzes. Allerdings musste ich ihn fest halten, nicht einmal umfassen konnte ich ihn richtig, so zog das Pochende Ding sich weg von mir um sich wie eine Laterne aufzurichten.Ich rutschte höher zu Alpha und meine Brüste rieben dabei über seinen Bauch.Er schaute ernst… schien es kaum noch erwarten zu können als er meinen Hinterkopf packen konnte und ihn erst zu stützen schien, um ihn dann gegen seinen Schwanz zu drücken. Ich öffnete nicht den Mund… so das sein Schwanz über mein Gesicht rieb und seine dicke Nille fast in meine Nase drückte. Mein Mund glitt am Schaft entlang und ein wenig gierig fing ich an den Schwanz mit meiner Zunge abzulecken. Als Alpha merkte, dass ich es genau so machte, wie er es sich wohl erhofft hatte, lies er mich los und seine Hand verschränkte sich wieder hinter seinem Kopf. Ich packte seinen Schwanz daraufhin mit meinen beiden Händen und leckte ihn etwas schneller und wilder… immer wieder vom dicken Sack, hinauf zu seiner schon tropfenden Eichel. Feucht glänzend rieb ich ihn und lutschte immer schneller um dann auch zu versuchen ihn ein wenig zu wichsen… was aber scheiterte, denn seine Haut schien sich nicht zu bewegen und eher hart wie Stein zu sein, was die dicken Adern die ich mit der Zunge spüren konnte auch bestätigten. Nochmals rückte ich etwas höher und quetschte meine Titten um seinen Schwanz und seine Eier nicht damit zu begraben…als ich dann einfach nicht mehr anders konnte und meinen Mund weit öffnete um seine heiße Eichel in meinen feuchten und gierigen Mund zu legen. Meine Lippen schlossen sich und fingen an seinen Kolben zu massieren und daran zu lutschen. Seine kleinen Tropfen die sich gebildet hatten, schmeckten Süß und genau so schnell wie ich sie gefunden hatte… waren sie auch schon tief in mir verschwunden. Schmatzend ploppte sein Schwanz ein erstes Mal aus meinem Maul und ich atmete tief ein um ihn gleich wieder zwischen meinen heißen Lippen eintauchen zu lasen. Tiefer und weiterschob sich seine Eichel nun in meinen Mund und ich rieb meine Zunge gierig und gekonnt über seine Eichel. Alpha stöhnte leicht auf und schloss die Augen… was mir natürlich das Zeichen gab, das es ihm gefiel.Meine Zunge rieb wilder und Hemmungslos über seine Eichel und drücke sich auch in seine Röhre… um dann in einem Röcheln, meinen weit offenen Mund, weiter über seinen Schwanz zu schieben. Zwischen meinen Beinen kribbelte es und ich spürte wie sich die Gier zwischen meinen eigenen Schenkeln ausbreitete. Dennoch ließ ich nicht ab vom Schwanz und fing an mit leicht nickenden Bewegungen ihn zu ficken. Natürlich hätte Alpha sich darum bemühen können, zwischen meine Beine greifen zu können… ich wäre auch bei weitem Gelenkig genug um ihm meine Möse zum lecken zu präsentieren… dort im Auto, doch ich war so versessen und wie Hypnotisiert von seinem Kolben und der Tatsache dass er scheinbar wirklich zu groß für mich war.. das ich meine eigenen Verlangen ganz weit nach hinten schob. Zudem war es mir auch genug seinen Schwanz zu blasen und seine warme Wichse zu erwarten. Der Gedanke daran, ihn zu blasen… noch nie so einen Schwanz gehabt zu haben und die Tatsache, dass wir jederzeit erwischt werden könnten, lies mich ihn bedingungslos blasen und seinen Schwanz immer tiefer in meinen Schlund schieben. Mein Speichel lief wie in Strömen auf meinem Mund, direkt an seinem festen Stamm hinunter um in meinen Händen seine harten Eier zu massieren. Immer wieder lies ich ab… um gierig und sabbernd mich in seinem prallen Sack zu vergraben und ihn mit meinen Lippen aufzusaugen und ihn mir so tief wie möglich in meinem Mund zu saugen. Alpha machte keinen Hehl daraus, das ihm das gefiel… immer wenn ich seinen dicken Sack zwischen meinen Lippen aufsaugte, türbanlı yozgat escort fing er an seinen Kolben zu reiben, auch wenn er mir dabei mit der Hand immer wieder gegen meinen Mundschlug. Mir machte das in diesem Moment nichts aus… denn sobald er dann wieder aufhörte, sich den eigenen Schwanz zu reiben, schob ich hechelnd und ebenso brav wie willenlos seinen dunklen Knochen wieder tief in meinen Mund. „Du bist so gut…“ stöhnte er und hob sein Becken dabei an.Angefeuert dadurch, drückte ich mich tief über seinen Schwanz und auch wenn sich scheinbar mein Mund verformte und mein Hals danach drei Tage weh tun sollte… ich presste mir seinen zuckenden Kolben immer weiter in meinen Hals, als er wie von selber sich in mich schob und meine Nase an seinem Bauch anstieß. Einen Moment verharrend genoss ich meine Leistung und fickte seinen brutal heißen Kolben mit meinem tiefen Fickmaul. Ich spürte einen heißen Schleim in meinem Hals… in meiner Nase brannte es und ich begann zu würgen, weil ich wusste dass ich sonst sein Sperma verliere. Ich zog seinen Schwanz etwas aus den tiefen meines Halses und merkte wie seine Eichel pumpte ohne aufzuhören. Gierig schlucke ich nach und nach… auch das, was aus meiner Nase tropfte. Ich versuchte wieder wie zuvor, seinen Schwanz dabei zu wichsen…doch meine Hand rutschte auf dem Gigant nur auf und ab… ein scheinbar nicht enden wollender Schwall von cremigen heißen Wichsflocken strömte über meine Zunge und sogar auf meinen Titten spürte ich die heißen Spritzer aus seinem Schwanz auf meine Haut peitschen. Gierig schlang ich seinen Schwanz wieder in mich ein… als ich glaubte, das nun das Feierwerk aus weißer Sahne vom schwarzen Schwanz vorbei war… doch als ich ihn wieder sehr tief in meinem Rachen hatte, spürte ich abermals die warme Soße, wie sie mir in den Hals schoss. Um den Geschmack wieder zu testen… riss ich mir seinen sprudelnden Kolben aus meinem Hals und lies ihn über mein Gesicht spritzen… klebrig und geil verschmierte ich es mir durch ein reiben im ganzen Gesicht. Das stöhnen und Krächzen von Alpha nahm ich nicht wahr… ich glaubte seine heiße Ficksahne sogar in meinem Ohr zu haben. Wie im Wahn saugte ich alles in mich auf… als würde ich nie wieder einen anderen Schwanz bekommen und als würde ich nie wieder deren Sperma schlucken können… so melkte und würgte ich am Schwanz von Alpha herum. Und nachdem er dann wirklich die letzten Spritzer abgegeben hatte und ich scheinbar völlig bedeckt war im Gesicht mit seiner heißen Sahne… mein Mund nichts anderes mehr schmeckte… schlang ich seinen warmen klebrigen Kolben wieder tief in meinen Hals um ihn sogleich zu saugen und alles von ihm heraus zu pumpen, was er noch hergab. Immer im Wechsel.. schob ich seinen Kolben in meine tiefe weite Kehle und um ihn dann wieder röchelnd und gierig heraus zu ziehen… wohlwissend dessen, das es Alpha gefiel, wenn ich seinen Schwanz dann auf meine prallen Titten klatschte und über mein mit Wichse verschmiertes Gesicht rieb. Alpha schwitzte… ich beugte mich auf und strich mit meiner Hand über mein Gesicht… um das Sperma zu sammeln und genüsslich von meiner Hand zu lecken. Zwei drei Mal, konnte ich so noch dicke Fladen seines Spermas aufnehmen und mir auf der Zunge zergehen lassen, bevor ich seinen Süßlichen Nektar in meinen Hals gleiten lies. Meine Brüste rieben über seinen Bauch… hoch zu seinem Gesicht und seine Küsse saugten sich an meinen Eutern fest.„Oh meine Güte…war das geil“ stöhnte er zwischen meinen verschwitzten Eutern hindurch. „Ja.. du hast einen geilen Schwanz…den mag ich“ „Willst du noch mehr?!“„Mehr??“ …. hörte ich und riss mir irgendwie meine eigene Jogginghose herunter um sie im Fußraum von den Beinen zu streifen. Miene Finger strichen durch meine glitschige Möse und ich gab mir die größte Mühe mich auf Alphas Schoß zu setzen… ohne ihn in seiner Position zu stören. Alpha aber hob mich scheinbar Mühelos an, um meine schon wieder klaffende Möse über seinen Schwanz zu reiben. Dabei bemerkten wir aber schnell.. wie eingeschränkt dass ging und ich sie Fahrertüre aufriss um nur in Socken und verschobenen Slip heraus zu hüpfen. Die noch Milde Nachtluft schob sich zwischen meinen vollgerotzten Titten, kühl hindurch… mein Schritt zitterte auf, beim ersten kühlen Hauch und ohne auf die Möglichkeit zu achten, ob da andere Personen in dieser Gasse sein könnten… musste ich nochmals den Schwanz von Alpha tief in meinen Hals schieben um dabei meine Arschbacken weit auseinander zu ziehen und auch dort die Kühle Luft zu spüren. „Komm raus da…. fick mir hier draußen“ Alpha schaute zwar Skeptisch in beide Richtungen und hielt seinen Schwanz… doch dann hob er sich auch heraus und wie unter Zwang ging ich auf die Knie um seinen nicht mal hängenden Kolben gierig tief in meinen Hals zu schieben. Er fing auch an mich in meinen Hals zu ficken… doch sein Ziel war es wohl, meine beiden anderen Ficklöcher zu bedienen… also packte er mich und zog mich nach oben, um mich gegen seinen Wagen zu drücken. Ich türbanlı yozgat escort bayan spürte für einen kurzen Moment, wie sein pochender Schwanz von seiner Hand zu meiner tropfenden Pforte geführt wurde… doch kaum danach spürte ich schon, wie sich der Gigant scheinbar Mühelos in meine Möse schob und darin verschwand. Wild Hämmerte er seinen dicken Kolben in mich hinein und presste meine wippenden Brüste dabei gegen sein Auto. „Oh Mann…. Oh Mann“ jammerte Alpha… in mein Ohr.„Was ist … sag.. was ist“ stöhnte ich stotternd, weil ich immer wieder gegen den Wagen gepresst wurde. „Du bist nicht eng… was ist da los??“ „Ist das schlimm??“ keuchte ich heraus… willst du lieber anders?!“ „Ja sag wie ich fick dich kaputt“ schrie er fast in mein Ohr.Ich musste ein bisschen bei alle dem grinsen.. fand das schön und dachte mir, dass er ja keine davon haben könnte, wie ich drauf bin und was ich schon alles in meinen Löchern hatte. Ich hatte nun auch nicht vor ihm das zu erzählen… zog mich zur Seite weg und sein Schwanz rutschte aus mir heraus wie ein glitschiger Schlauch. Ich spürte wie sich meine Möse öffnete und mehr verlangte… doch ich ging einen Schritt um seinen Wagen herum zum Kofferraum um ihn zu öffnen. Alpha rieb sich seinen Schwanz und starrte von links nach rechts… um sofort reagieren zu können, hätte sich jemand anderes blicken lassen. Mir wäre das in diesem Moment egal gewesen… vielleicht war das sogar einer der Momente, in denen ich mir so etwas gewünscht hätte… entweder jemand, der aktiv teilnimmt oder eben nur als Zuschauer dabei steht und … wer weiß. Alpha ging mir hinterher und als ich den Kofferraum seines Wagens geöffnet hatte störten mich die Decken und Taschen darin nicht… ich setzte mich auf den Gummi der Dichtung und spreizte meine Beine. Weit und einladend streckte ich Alpha meine Möse entgegen… klaffend und feucht empfang sie ihn für einige küsse und Liebkosungen, bis er wieder seinen Schwanz ansetzte und seinen gigantischen Kolben in der tiefe meines Beckens verlor. Geübt und scheinbar Atemlos bumste sein Sack immer wieder gegen meine runden und drallen Arschbacken. Wie eine Maschine die immer und immer die gleiche Arbeit macht fuhr sein Schwanz in mich ein und wieder aus… „Warte…“ stöhnte ich und kniff dabei fest meine Brustwarzen zwischen meinen Fingernägeln. Alpha lies wieder ab von mir…und aus mir floss ein Schwall eines zuckenden und juckenden Orgasmus. Ich spritzte dabei seinen Schwanz voll und rieb mit einer Hand meine Klit so fest, dass ich fast nach hinten in den Kofferraum fiel. Dies schien mir in diesem Moment dann aber auch eine gute Idee…. Rollte mich auf den Rücken und stemmte meine Füße gegen den offenen Deckel des Autos. Voller Pracht präsentierte ich so nun Alpha meinen Arsch, der sofort schaltete und seine Finger durch meine Möse gleiten lies … seine halbe Hand tauchte in meine Möse ein und schien wie ein Bagger meinen Saft heraus zu fördern, um ihn über meine juckende und bettelnde Rosette zu verreiben. Er kam einen Schritt näher… rieb seinen Kolben ebenfalls mit meinem Liebessaft ein und drückte seine pralle Eichel fest gegen meinen Ausgang. Geübt wie ich war… öffnete sich meine Rosette bereitwillig lies den Schwanz ansatzlos hineingleiten. Schnell fing das Becken von Alpha an sich vor und zurück zu bewegen und nach wenigen Momenten klatschte sein dicker Spermasack wieder gegen mich als sein Schwanz tief in meinem Darm hämmere. „Oh ja… so ist das Geil“ stammelte ich und konnte mich kaum in der Position halten. „Oh ja… du bist geil“ bestätigte er mich…„Los…. Mach … los schieb deine Faust in meine Fotze“Als Alpha dies hörte stieß er mehrmals noch fester zu und warf mich fast in den Kofferraum… um dann natürlich meinen Wunsch zu erfüllen und vier seiner Finger schnell und zielstrebig in meiner Grotte zu vergraben. Sein Daumen rieb dabei mehrmals über meine Knospe… und lies diese erbeben… als auch sein Daumen sich anlegte und seine Hand sicher und gezielt in mein warmes Loch glitt, während sein Schwanz tief in meinen Arsch hämmerte. „Oh Mann, ich komme schon…“ beschwerte er sich bei sich selber… und seine Hand in mir schien gegen seinen Schwanz in meinem Darm zudrücken, als sie sich zu einer Faust ballte und glitschig ein und aus rutschte bei mir. Alphas Schwanz zuckte in meinem Arschloch und entlud wieder seine heiße Sahne… allerdings ohne das etwas davon herausdrückte… er schien es mir bis in den Magen zu Pumpen und ich spürte in meinem ganzen Bauch ein Warmes Gefühl. Tiefer und tieferdrückte er seine Faust in mich und natürlich spürte er… das da fordernd noch mehr möglich war. Doch das war wohl offensichtlich zu viel… langsam und schnaufend zog Alpha seinen pulsierenden und pochenden Schwanz aus meinem Arsch und drückte meine Rosette mit seinem Daumen zu, ganz so als wollte er sie versiegeln und seine heiße Soße darin für immer wissen. Da hatte Alpha aber die Rechnung ohne mich gemacht, denn so etwas war ja eine Einladung dazu, ihm etwas ganz Besonderes zu zeigen. türbanlı escort yozgat Ich rollte mich weiter in den Kofferraum hinein… hob meine Beine weit nach hinten, so dass ich mich im inneren des Kofferraums abstützen konnte und mein Becken über meinen eigenen Kopf schieben. Alpha versuchte so lange er konnte, seine Faust in mir stecken zu lassen, doch meine Bewegungen ließen sie heraus flutschen und meine Grotte Nass schmatzend und weit offen stehen. Alpha stand vor dem Kofferraum und beobachtete nun, wie ich krampfhaft mein Becken so über mich drehte, als wollte ich meine eigene Schnecke lecken… doch mein Ziel war natürlich ein anderes… denn ausharrend in dieser Position, erwartete ich nun, wie das noch immer warme Sperma sich seinen Weg aus den tiefen meines Darms suchte und aus meinem, durch die Verrenkung weit offen stehendem Loch lief. Erst waren es einzelne Tropfen, doch dann kam es wie in einem Rinnsal, der gemischt mit eigenem Schleim einen cremigen Strom ergab, über den kleinen Damm zwischen Möse und Arschloch lief, um dann in mein schon gierig aufgerissenes Maul tropfte. Mehrmals musste ich die Portionen Schlucken, so viel war es wieder, das Alpha mir da eingeschenkt hatte. Ich leckte mir noch lange die Zunge und zeigte Alpha auch, wie ich mir selber in meinen Arsch gefistet hatte, um auch die letzten Tropfen so heraus zu fördern… welche sich auch herauspressten, als mein Darm sich ebenfalls nach außen stülpte. Natürlich half mir Alpha noch aus dem Wagen… sonst hätte ich mich kaum noch rühren können. Und ich möchte gerne betonen, wie Dankbar Alpha war… noch eine ganze Weile durfte ich seinen Schwanz auf der Rückbank blasen und lutschen. Und im Gegenzug habe ich seinen großen Händen gezeigt, wie weit ich sie in meinen Darm aufnehmen kann. Und als seine beiden Pranken meinen Arsch scheinbar zerrissen hatten… zuckte sein Kolben ein drittes und letztes Mal in meinem Hals und fütterte mich zwar mit etwas weniger seiner heißen Wichse, doch nicht von weniger Qualität. Kein Tropfen wurde vergeudet… und landete in meinem Maul… wobei sich Alpha schon ein wenig Gedanken machte, das sein Auto nun nach Wichse riechen könnte… was aber nicht der Fall war. Allerdings wollte mich Alpha dann nicht mehr bis zur nächsten Station der U-Bahn mitnehmen… das musste ich laufen. Denn nach so viel Wichse, forderte ich natürlich auch eine Goldene Dusche… und weil ich das beim besten Willen nicht alles trinken konnte. Und das meiste aus meinem Mund, über meine versauten Titten floss um in einer gewaltigen Pfütze zu enden… schien es Alpha zu sehr zu riechen… und lies mich dort alleine. Da stand ich dann… zog mein verklebtes Shirt zurecht und suchte vergeblich nach meinem Slip, der irgendwann verloren gegangen war. Zog meine Jogginghose hoch, die voller Flecken war … tastete nach den Ausweisen und der Fahrkarte… und wollte gerade los gehen, als ich immer noch diese Gier und das Unersättliche in mir spürte… mich umsah und die Pfütze aus Pisse sah. Ging wieder zurück und zog meine wieder herunter um vorsichtig in die Hocke zu gehen… meine Möse klaffe auf und pupste ihre Freude über den schönen Faustfick noch mehr heraus, als meine Rosette, die sich nach außen drückte als ich meine Blase anstrengte… ich rülpste leicht auf und nicht nur der Geschmack von Sperma machte sich in meinem Mund breit… auch einige der dicken Flocken schien ich aufgestoßen zu haben… ich wischte durch mein Gesichtund wusste nicht, ob das noch Schweiß war… oder noch immer das klebrige Sperma von Alpha. Wie in einem Zustand der Abwesenheit von mir selber, verweilte ich einen Augenblick so. Schlucke was ich aufstoße und leckte meine Finger, nachdem ich immer wieder durch meine heiße und weit offenstehende Spalte gerutscht war. Mit einem Plumps setzte ich mich in die Pfütze und mein breiter Arsch verdrängte die noch warme Pisse schnell. Ich rieb über meine Schenkel und wusch mit dem gelben Wasser durch meine tiefe Grotte… als ein Auto neben mir hielt und ich nur ein weißes Lächeln sah. „Na… hast du gedacht ich fahre Dich nicht Heim?!“Ich lächelte… weil es mir im Grunde in diesem Moment Egal gewesen wäre, was passiert. Doch ich raffte mich auf und setzet mich ins Auto, wo Alpha eine Folie ausgebreitet hatte… dort sammelte sich schnell einiges an Flüssigkeit und auf der Fahrt, drifteten meine Gedanken ab und ich war wie im Schlaf… als ich in meiner Möse bohrte und immer wieder meine glühenden Brustwarzen kniff. Alpha hat mich an diesem sehr späten Abend nur nachhause gefahren. Er betonte wie spät es schon sei, er Duschen wolle und am nächsten Tag früh aufstehen müsse. Ich war wohl zu benommen um ihm anzubieten bei mir zu bleiben… doch das spielewohl auch keine Rolle in diesem Moment… manchmal kann man die Menschen nicht aufhalten. Natürlich sah ich Alpha noch öfters… und er hat mich auch öfters noch bis zur U-Bahn mitgenommen. Intim sind wir auch noch öfters geworden… das ganze ist dann immer so wie damals… bei meinem ersten BBC abgelaufen und ich würde sagen…ich will es nicht missen. Dadurch, das wir beide diese Arbeit nur als Nebenjob machten, trennten sich unsere Wege eines Tages dann auch Wir blieben noch eine ganze Weile im Kontakt und hatten auch Spaß … doch Alpha ist dann nach dem Abschluss seinerseits, wieder in sein Land zurück gekehrt. Wir hatten dann eine Weile noch Mailkontakt… aber auch der wurde dann immer weniger und schlief ein. Ende, Teil 2 von 2

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Carole and Mandy pt1

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Carole and Mandy pt1Carole and Mandy had been seeing each other for a while now, this was their second attempt at making it work, they fist got engaged aged 18 but things went wrong a coup,e of years later, Carole knew Mandy dressed and on occasions would help but never went any further than a walk down the road, it all stopped obviously when they spilt. Twenty odd years later by the power of Facebook they got in touch again and hit it off big time even talk of moving in together so things were on the up and with age comes more daring sex, oh you name it and it was done there was so much catching up to do. So the night started with Carole sending me (Mandy) a text saying “do not be late tonight” I text back asking “why?” No response anyway I returned home earlier than normal to find Carole dressed to the nines I mean she looked stunning, she stood in front of me with a satin black skirt, stockings, black patent shoes with ankle straps, a white blouse and her hair tied up, her make up was perfect türbanlı yalova escort finished off with deep red lipstick, I couldn’t say a thing all I could do was look so Carole being Carole she broke the silence and told me to go up stairs shower and put on what was on the bed, I was intrigued so I went upstairs run the shower and entered the bedroom, to my amazement she had bought and laid out some of the most beautiful clothes I have ever seen, the were stockings, knickers, a short lace trimmed pink dress in the style of Alice in wonderland, baby doll shoes, a wig and make up, I could believe my eyes as we had never even considered me dressing up, although in my own time I did but didn’t think she knew, maybe she doesn’t know and is just trying it again, I quickly jumped into the shower and saw a note and a razor, the note said ‘don’t forget to shave and I don’t just mean your face’ I knew exactly what she meant so I shaved everywhere wondering türbanlı yalova escort bayan what was going to happen tonight. While I was in the shower I thought I heard someone at the door so when I got out I shouted down ” who was that at the door?” The reply came “no one darling just hurry I can’t wait any longer” I hurried into the bedroom and started to dress, pulling the white stockings over my now smooth legs was amazing such a nice feelings followed that with the knickers again white satin knickers with ties at the side so could be easily undone that’s when I noticed the cage, yeah that’s right the cock cage all shiny and heavy with a padlock to match, I had never seen one before let alone wear one but I guess Carole wanted it and I dare say I wouldn’t be in it to long knowing her, as I worked out how to put it on I slide my cock into it rather awkwardly let’s say I’m not the smallest of guys, anyway it was in and hurting a türbanlı escort yalova bit but I got sort of used to it, next came the beautiful dress it was a cotton dress with lace trim it was a perfect fit and the attached underskirt made it look so much more feminine on me wow I thought, shoes next white baby dolls mmmm lovely I couldn’t stop looking at myself in the mirror and I hadn’t even put my wig and make up on, Carole shouted “Mandy are you ready yet? I haven’t got all night” I hurried and did my make up and hair, one final look in the mirror and I was ready, I was getting so turned on I already wanted this cage off I shouted to Carole ” can I take the cage off?” The reply “NO” I thought that was a bit abrupt anyway I got to the top of the stairs and shouted down “are you ready? Are you sure you want me like this?” The reply ” yes and yes come down NOW!” I tottered down the stairs and headed for the kitchen where I heard Carole I pushed the door open to see Carole smiling at me looking me up and down she told me how nice I looked and to do a twirl for her I took hold of each side of my dress and began to turn, I had turned 180* when I nearly died there sitting at the kitchen table was Steve the husband of one of Carole’s work mates and to make things even worse coming though the door behind me was Vicky Carole’s work mate.More later xxxxxx x

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

My first time

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


My first time*Please note this is a TRUE Experience* I have always considered myself straight never really looked at a guy and said “He’s fit” like i would a woman. But about 4 years ago that changed. One day my mate came over and we sat watching some porn. after the porn ended we sat talking for a while and it got round to sex. and to cut a long story short i asked him if he had ever questioned his sexuality as we went to a all boys school together. I said i had but fancied women teachers so knew i wasn’t gay or Bi. he said he hadn’t thought about it and said he would try stuff with a guy. I said to him if he wanted türbanlı zonguldak escort to try stuff with me it would be ok as i knew i wasn’t gay or bi. so he said ok and within minutes we were snogging. we feel back onto my sofa and lay there for what seemed hours but was about 10mins when he broke off the kiss and said he had to leave.about a week later he came over and asked if i would give him a handjob which i was taken back by but i did we lay on my bed while i brought him to climax. we kissed as well afterwards. It seemed this straight guy(Me)was türbanlı zonguldak escort bayan falling into the bracket of being Bi i was starting to enjoy the kissing and other stuff me and my mate where doing and i couldn’t get enough it was like i had found something out about myself that i was into guys in some way but couldn’t help thinking it was maybe just the sex angle the hightend sense of being horny with anyone but this time is was my male friend. anyway a few days after the handjob we met up again and this time it ended up with me giving him türbanlı escort zonguldak a blowjob. Afterwards he returned the favour and we lay there kissing. we got dressed and went back downstairs but i couldn’t help it i moved in to snog him again before i know it were stumbling up the stairs stripping off we end up in bed and have full sex my first time of gay sex but wasn’t my last we did it 3 times that first day and it ended up being a regular thing we would meet up have sex maybe 4 times a week sometimes more.then without warning it stopped we would meet up but do nothing but talk. years have passed we remain friends. But the reason i posted this is mainly to share a true experience but also having spoke with him again theres hope we will start up again and carry on. I know i am not gay and to be fair don’t consider myself bi the only guy i have done anything with or see myself doing stuff with is my mate but i do enjoy the times me and my mate shared and will hopefully share again.

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My MILF Neighbor

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My MILF NeighborOne of my best friend’s mothers is about 42 or 43 years old and is absolutely gorgeous. She is about 5′ 7″, with long, smooth legs, and perfect breasts that are not too big not too small. They are natural looking, so they look perfect. She is the typical blonde stacked soccer mom who everyone wants to fuck in the neighborhood. She is a gardener and takes extra care of her bushes in front of her house and her gardens in the backyard.What was odd was she was such a knockout people never understood how her husband ever got her because he was kind of nerdy and was one of those computer guys. My friends and I have always dreamed of fucking her, and she used to garden in a skimpy bikini top and bottoms just to taunt us, because in the back of her mind she knew we used to watch her and she found it amusing.Now if anyone knew her, I mean the sound of her voice makes you want to just start fucking her on the spot. And then to see her bend straight over in a bathing suit while doing gardening stuff makes that double. If I was alone I would always pound my meat gawking at her. So the best day ever came one day when my friend’s family had a cookout, and the family came and went. But finally, around 3 p. m., the whole family left and just her and her husband were out back lying around sunbathing. Well, her husband called into work, which left türbanlı kırşehir escort her alone. So I went out back to see if my friend was home, but really knowing he wasn’t, which was part of my plan. She replied in that sexy older women voice, “No honey, he went to his girlfriend’s house.” So I said, “Have a good cookout today?”She replied, once again in that sexy voice, “Oh yes, good food and catching some sun.” So I said, “I can tell you caught sun-you look tan, but not too tan, like perfect tan.” She replied, “Thank you. Do you like my bathing suit? It’s new.”I looked up and down her body and it was mint green 2 piece and her tits were bulging out of the top and the bottom was tight and I could literally see her bush. I replied, “Yeah, it’s nice, but then again, everything looks nice on you. You’re gorgeous.”She just giggled, sexy as ever, and said, “Oh my God, you’re such a charmer. If I was twenty years younger, I would snatch you up.”I got so turned on hearing that. I just blurted out, “You’re so beautiful if you weren’t married I would snatch you up in a heartbeat.”A little confused, she smiled and said, “Well, I do notice you looking at me a lot, especially because you live across the street.” Then she surprised and asked, “What are you doing when you’re watching me behind türbanlı kırşehir escort bayan the curtain”. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I was busted big time and kind of lowered my head in shame. Then I heard her say, “Are you touching yourself while you are looking at me”? I was embarrassed all I could say was, “Yes Ma’am”. Then she surprised me again by saying, “Oh I like that sweetie, why don’t you come over her and let me get a closer look at you”.Needless to say I was flabbergasted and moved closer. She reached up to grab my hand, but instead hit my crotch and just gripped my cock through my shorts. I was got hard instantly; this was my dream come true. She looked up me gripping my completely hard prick no and said, “If you want to fuck, we need to do it now, my husband could come back at any moment.” At the sound of that, I kneeled in front of her (keep in mind she’s sitting up in a lawn chair on a towel). I slid down her bikini bottoms and let lose my hard dick from my shorts.I slide down between her thighs and she thrust them toward me and grabbed my cock and slid the head inside her. She let out a little moan and I entered her. She was already wet and her cunt was so fucking hot around my cock I felt like I was going to melt inside her. She moaned loader and whispered türbanlı escort kırşehir to me, “Oh my God, I haven’t done this in a while on my husband, and you have such a nice young cock, fuck me deeper with it.” I couldn’t believe it, she sounded like a fucking porn star and for a moment I wondered who else she might have fucked in the neighborhood. It didn’t matter her juices were flowing around my cock and she was turning her head side to side and making fuck faces. She started grabbing and pulling her beautiful round tits, I lifted both her legs up on my shoulders and started banging her harder and harder. She started screaming “Your cock is so much bigger then my husband, please make me cum.” She kept moaning louder and louder and finally she put a piece of the towel in her mouth and bit down on it.I looked around and sure enough one of the neighbors was peeking over the fence and saw me banging this sexy MILF-there we were both of us butt-naked in broad daylight. She kept screaming out, “Please don’t stop, your cock feels so good!” For some reason it turned me on that someone was watching. I flipped her over on her stomach and start fucking her doggie style and she let out shuddering screams: “Oh fuck me! Oh shit, keep going! Goddamn, deeper, please baby give it to me. Fuck me, baby, I need to feel your young cock deep inside me”. She was fucking wild and it was all I could do to keep from blowing a load. Finally she began cumming and I pumped my hot load deep inside her. She was the best pussy I ever had.I collapsed on top of her and we laid there breathing heavy for a moment. Finally I got up and was going to pull my shorts up she reached up and took my cum covered cock in her mouth and cleaned it.

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Shower Delite

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Shower DeliteI turn the hand shower on myself. I’m lost in my thoughts about you. The warm water pours over my body washing the soap off me. You can’t take any more. You stand there enthralled by my wet body. Your cock begins to stir. You quietly slide your jeans down your long legs, and pull your T-shirt up over your head, tousling your dark hair. As I rinse my hair I close my eyes, and you step into the shower behind me.You run your large strong hands up my body, cupping my breasts from behind. I push back into you. I know you like the way my bum feels against your hardened cock. I hear a moan escape your lips as I push back a little harder. You tighten your grip on my nipples pulling them to full erection.”Welcome home, baby.” I whisper.I feel your hot breath on my neck. You begin kissing and gently nibbling at my neck. You know this makes me so hot. You want me so bad. There is urgency about us, but also the want to show care and love towards each other. My hands reach behind and pull your bum in towards me. I love the feel of your rigid member pressing into me.”You know what I want, don’t you Sweetheart?” Your lips and hot breath brush past my ear. As if on cue, I reach for the large bar of soap. I love the way your cock feels when it’s lathered in soap. I rub the soap between my hands, and pass it to you. You cover your hands as well and place the soap back in the holder. My hands go directly to your penis. Yours go right to my bum. You ease your hands between my ample cheeks, and gently massage my little hole. I arch my back a bit türbanlı manisa escort to give better access. You work a finger into my ass. I moan. God, it feels so good. You know me so well. We meshed sexually since the very first time we were together. I know you just as well and love to please you.I can feel you harden in my hand. You are a steel rod. Your shaft is so ready for me. You have worked my opening and gotten it ready for your cock. You lean into me and press against my back. Our bodies melt together. You kiss my neck and ears. I run my hands up and down your back. I press my ass into you.You take a small step back. You look my wet backside up and down. It’s delicious and you know it. You take your cock and run it up and down the crevice. I’m the one that releases the moan this time. “Hun, I need you inside of me so bad.”With that, you press the head into my hole. You pause to enjoy the sensation. You press into me farther. It feels good to have you fill me. I jut my hips back into you. Begging for more with no words, I want it all. You ram the rest of your engorged member into me.Your hands slide down to my hips. You pull me back to you. You pull me, matching your strokes with my hips. You dig in your fingers. I can do nothing but enjoy the feeling of you filling me with your cock. I reach down and start to rub my swollen clit. It has begun to throb demanding some attention. You loosen your grip on me. You slide a hand around to my breasts, gently pulling and twisting a türbanlı manisa escort bayan hard nipple. Your hand finds mine. We rub my clit together. I relent, letting your hand slide beneath mine. I’m showing your hand where and how I want it. You push into me with a steady rhythm. You nibble at my ears. You’re sliding effortlessly in and out of my bum. I grip and release you at every thrust, building the tensions. Your fingers find their way inside of my dripping pussy. I continue rubbing my clit as you fuck my wet hole and fill my bum. My god do I feel full. Your cock feels bigger than ever today. My pussy is wetter than it has been in days. The sheer eroticism of the scene had heated us beyond all logic.Your pumping continues in both holes. I’m building to one monster of an orgasm. I let off my clit. I want this to last and if I get myself off, you will be shortly behind me. Knowing you make me cum usually sets you into motion. I reach under and massage your balls. I squeeze them gently and feel you harden. “I need to fill you up, darling. I need to give you all my cum, Babe.”With those words, I begin to rub my clit a bit harder working your balls feverishly. You’re thrusting faster and harder. My pussy’s on fire. I need release as well as you do. You start fucking me hard and rough. I love that feeling. You released my nipple wrapping your hand in my hair. You gently tug it.This sends me into frenzy. You fuck harder. I rub harder.”Give it to me, Babe. Cum for me, my girl.” You türbanlı escort manisa tug my hair harder. I rub my clit harder. Your thrusts are full of lust. Your cock is rock hard and ready to explode. “Fuck me. Make me cum hard. Give it to me, Baby. I need your hot cum up my ass.”We are at the peak. I feel you get so hard inside of me. You feel my body start to tense. You fuck me with abandon. You thrust, drawing full lengths of your cock. My hand twists and pulls at my clit as well as your balls. I start to explode first. You feel my contractions start on your hand.You pull my hair hard. You shove your hand up my wet pussy as far as you can reach. You thrust deeply into me giving me the first hot blast of your load as my pussy gives way to my pleasure, trembling with my climax. My bum tightens around you. I milk your cock for all it’s worth. I want it all. You bury your cock inside of me releasing the last ropes of your load into me. My contracting hole has given you what you want and I feel every last drop of you inside of me. We stand together like that for what seems an eternity. I lean back into you as you release my hair, turning my head to kiss you. You support my weight with your strong arms wrapped around me. I’m feeling weak. I feel as though if you let go I will collapse right here. I love cumming with you. It’s always intense and passionate. You pulled yourself out of me gently letting your cum drip out of my wrinkled hole. I feel your hot load drip out. You take the hand shower and rinsed us both off. You watch as your cum washes down my legs. You spray yourself off. You take me in your arms and carry me to the bed. We kiss and touch and revel in our love. I curl up towards your side and lie my arm over the expanse of your chest, as you wrap your arms around me, protecting me the way you always do while we drift to sleep, curled up in each others arms under the cool covers.

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Street Hooker

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Street HookerOkay, how do I start? I can go by what happened the last time I had a similar situation. He was a guy I liked so I gave him a good deal because I was horny too. His name was Ryan, he wanted to get the whole package which usually costs 300 and up with bareback. But I needed my holes used and came down in price because he was a nice guy. I gave him my 169 special. He was happy because he paid 200 for just pussy before. This time he got the dirt. He cruised up slowly as I walked down Drouillard, swinging my hips in a lazy high heel scr****g way. I dressed for the part, torn white t shirt with the appropriate stains, slinged up in a halter barely containing my slightly sagging tits. Blue denim skirt, well-worn so my ass cheeks peeked through the frays. Fleshy legs flexed with muscle all the way down to the perfectly shiny six inch black pumps I türbanlı kırklareli escort chose for tonight’s rendezvous. From a distance I looked I was naked in pumps in a concrete jungle. I was oozing fuck me and everyone saw it as they passed by and almost passed out. Some were too scared to say anything but none could get the will power together to actually turn their head away. Usually this is fine but the guys with the wife and k**s got a smack this time. Regardless I was causing enough of a commotion to slow the traffic down significantly allowing Ryan to pull up taking his time to enjoy the scene. He savoured the fleshy slut before him and I gave him my undivided attention as cat calls and car horns competed for my favour. I looked directly at him with a cocky smile, giving him the pleasure türbanlı kırklareli escort bayan of owning my whore ass in front of everyone. He gestured for me to join him in the front seat. I walked over and lit a cigarette until he clued in that I expected his lazy ass to get out and open my door. He smiled at me nervously holding the door open. I blew my smoke in his face as I brushed my tits past him getting in. He got behind the wheel and pulled away from the curb with the hottest dirty girl on Drouillard that night. Naturally I pulled out his cock as soon as we left. Without saying a word I started stroking him as we drove down the street. Then I casually went down and started choking myself with his cock. His driving started to suffer so he pulled over into the parking lot behind Teasers. türbanlı escort kırklareli He grabbed my hair and ****d my mouth till he was raging hard. I pulled his pants down so I could get to his balls and asshole. Before you know it he was spread eagle like a bitch as I sucked his asshole clean, jamming it with my finger when I went up to his balls. I’d stop a little here and there to make sure he came in my cunt later. I was starving for his spooge in my fuckhole or asshole and I was going to milk that cock till I got my prize for my greedy holes. I got out and went to the back of his car where I got on the trunk and spread my holes easily. He dove right in, first savouring my cunt then lapping up my ass. After I came all over his face and shirt he couldn’t hold it and rammed his cock deep in my quivering wet hole. He pound fucked me till the shocks on his car matched our vulgar fucking rhythm He came like a wild man in my cunt then pulled out and stuck it in my ass for the last pulsating strokes. We collapsed on each other breathing hard as our cum was dripping down my ass and legs. He gave me a kiss got off me and in the car and left my half-dressed cum stained ass in the parking lot like the dirty pig I was. Love you, bye. lol

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Losing my mouths virginity (true story)

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Losing my mouths virginity (true story)This is the first sexual encounter I ever experienced with a grown ass man who I had just met for the first time that night. As a c***d growing up I happened to be a very rebellious girl and I gave my family hell with my attitude and behavior. Because I grew up with basically a lot of freedom I would do as I pleased when I pleased and even though I knew I would get into loads of trouble I didn’t really care. I must have been around the age of 12 at the time of this incident and I happened to be going through some pretty hectic shit at home. I hated being at home (normal early teenager behavior), and would usually visit my opposite neighbor for company. She was much older than me, around the age of 19 at the time but she wasn’t very bright and was VERY backwards for her age. Even at the age of 12 I was very mature due to my circumstances at home which lead me into thinking for myself as well as brought out the naughty side of me. I went to my neighbor that day telling her that I needed to get outta the house, maybe get drunk or go out somewhere. I didn’t expect her to tell me about men as I thought she was too immature and dilly to even think about men at all, however she told me about a friend of hers that happened to be awesome company and he would definitely give me a great time if I gave him a call. She called him from her cell phone at first so that she could intro us on the phone. We spoke for few min and I told him once I get home I would give him a call and make our plans for the night. I left her house around 5pm, went straight home and called this guy up immediately. He told me he would pick me up around the corner from my house around 6pm and he would be in a red bakkie. He told me that we were going to a house party at a friend’s türbanlı konya escort place and so I knew I had to look extra sexy for the occasion plus I had to impress my “blind date” for the night so I dressed in a black mini skirt and a white top. I didn’t wear any underwear but it wasn’t cos I knew I was going to get sexual cos in all honesty I didn’t know what was going to go down that night however it was just the norm for me to wear as lil as possible. I’ll admit the thought of meeting a complete stranger was fucking exciting but I was scared as hell cos I was still barely a teenager and anything could happen but I still took my chances. I snuck outta the house and walked quickly towards to the agreed meeting area. As I turned the corner I immediately saw the red bakkie, I was filled with different emotions, excited, nervous, scared and oddly turned on. I approached the passenger door and opened it, jumped in and looked at my stranger. To my surprise he was not as young as I thought he would be. Of course I didn’t expect a 18 or 17 year old boy but I didn’t think he was older. We greeted and began talking as he drove me away from my comfort zone. I had lied to him about my age (which I always did because of my fetish for older men). I was 17 to him and he had told me that he was 27. He had taken an interested in my choice of clothing and told me how sexy I was looking and how it turned him on. While driving he placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it up and down not being too forward by going too high at first and asked me if I was comfortable with what he was doing to me. I didn’t have any objections but I did tell him that I am inexperienced and I confessed that I was scared. He was truly understanding and sweet and spoke to türbanlı konya escort bayan me in a way that made me feel totally comfortable in his presence and I began to trust him. We drove to his apartment where he ran up to fetch something he needed and was back in the bakkie a few min later. He then drove us to a dark and remote place near a lake. My cunt was already wet and dripping from the excitement and I knew that he had brought me to that secluded area to take advantage of me. He asked me if I had ever touched a cock before and whether I had ever had sex before to which I answered honestly, no. He began running he’s hands over my legs again going higher this time while slowly kissing my neck and then putting he’s lips on mine. He’s hands moved higher up my skirt and my legs spread apart as he found his way to my soaking slit. He asked me if I liked what he’s doing to me and how he was making my body feel but the only response I could give him was a moan which seemed to make his cock stick up in his pants. He instructed me to lay flat on his seat and then he layed his body on top of me grinding his cock against me while he kissed and bit at my neck. He sat up lifted my legs on his shoulder and buried his head in my wet cunt. Oh I was in heaven. He began sucking and nibbling at my clit and at the same time putting his fingers in my virgin hole gently, asking me if I am enjoying what he was doing. Oh I was, I couldn’t stop moaning and I knew that I was reaching a climax. He sensed it too and began moving faster and harder which drove me to the most intense orgasm I have ever felt since the first time I ever made myself cum. He got off me and opened his pants and pulled out his man sized cock. It was so big and long and türbanlı escort konya hard and he stroked it a bit while asking me if I would please him too and make him cum. He knew I needed instructions as I was clueless about how to treat a cock so he took my hand and placed it on his hard cock and began moving it up and down the length of his penis. He told me to put my lips around it and take it as deep as I can and to continue the movement making his cock as wet as possible. I seemed to be a total natural at it and It pleased me knowing that I had made such a strong impression on him. I continued giving him my first ever blow job and from his reactions and excited groans I knew I was performing excellently. He told me to stop before he came and asked me if I trusted him to which I replied I do. He told me to lay back once again and put my legs up. His pants was still down and I could see just what a massive cock this man had. He got on top of me this time holding my legs with his hands and began to lower himself on me all the while asking me whether I was okay and reassuring me, making me as comfortable as I could be. I was terrified as I knew what he was about to do but my cunt seemed to have a mind of its own as my juices ran down my thighs. Suddenly I felt the head touch my cunt and I have to admit that it made my clit twitch. He guided his cock to the entrance of my virgin hole and attempted to put it in but I was so scared I asked him to stop to which he didn’t force the issue and respected my decision and got off from on top of me and we both straightened up… I told him that I had no problem with sucking him again, in fact it would make me happy if I gave him satisfaction. I then went ahead without any instructions from him and sucked his cock good and hard until he was literally face fucking me when suddenly I heard him grunt and I felt load after load of thick hot liquid shoot into my mouth… I swallowed every drop, sat up, looked at him and sucked my lips. We then drove away from there and went to the party to which a whole different experience awaited me. I just didn’t know it yet but that story is for another time.

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TheBus fantasy that never happened.

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TheBus fantasy that never happened.The BusIt all started when I saw her.Waiting for the bus same as I. Complete stranger she was a Filipino beauty and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She felt my gaze so I quickly turned and looked the other way. She was around 5’4 a tight tiger print shirt that showed clinger to her body showing amazing breasts, Blue nurse pants within them a nice ass, green stripe socks and white sneakers. Her beautiful eyes and lips that seemed enticing. As I look in awe of her beauty we wait for our bus to come. I’m going to work and she looked like she was going to school (I.e. nursing pants). As the the bus comes it seems she is going on the same bus as me I was excited that I get to keep checking her out. I wanted to go talk to her but as you can see I was self-conscious of myself and had no spine at the time. She was sitting riight in front of me and it would be so awkward to change seats in the middle of the ride. I felt scared and it was my dumbass fault I lost my chance to get to know her that time. I noticed she was cold during the bus ride and I always carried my hoodie for myself so I decided that tomorrow I’ll use it to break the ice and talk to her.The Next Day>>I couldn’t sleep right that night and was self doubting myself because I was fat. She was there and knew that I was up to something and kept glancing to me a couple times. I was so nervous that my head was about to explode. My head was running what I was going to say and she kept glancing at me. Her eyes connected with mine. She was so beautiful my heart keeps bouncing and keeps hitting my throat. As the bus arrives I let her on first so I could see where she sits. I sat right next to her and I was so nervous and I think türbanlı kütahya escort she saw how nervous I was as well. I had to take my time and work up the nerve to talk to her. And she keeps on glancing at me during the ride every time I try to talk to her I shut myself off.It happened a couple times and I just had it with my crap so I whispered “fuck it” and tuned to her and said “hi” nervously. She looked at me and replied “hi” staring at me as I had my hoodie in hand and said “I noticed that you were cold, would you like to use my hoodie to keep warm?” there I said it and I thought to myself what was her reply what am I gonna do if she rejects me or something. She keeps and staring at me what seemed like it was forever and a day and I looked stupid waiting for her to reply and then she she said “yea, thank you” with that I felt myself relax and hand handed my black hoode which looked like a giant blanket when she put it over her self. She after a few minutes she fell asleep. I kept staring at her as she slept she was so gorgeous and I couldn’t stop staring. My body felt hot as a million thoughts rushed to my head. And I felt myself hardening through my football shorts. And I noticed movement below. It was under my hoodie. I looked upmarket her and she was staring right me and she was masturbating under my hoodie.As I stared right at her while she stared at me I got even harder I noticed her hands go down and pull her nurse pants down with her legs spread open under my hoodie as it stretch. I keep watching her and she came close to me and whispered into my ear ” would you like to feel me?” with her breathe into me ear I nodded I got closer to her and she türbanlı kütahya escort bayan pulled my hand under my hoodie. She guided my hand with hers on her thigh rubbing up and down a couple times and moved my hand near her knee and slowly moved it to her inner thigh. It was getting so hot I was sweating in the ACed Bus. She had my hand move up her inner thigh and felt it her wet slit. I whispered to her that this was my first time. Her wet slit was touching my fingers as I was slowly and nervously rubbing her slit up and down she was holding onto my arm and form other peoples perspective she was napping on my shoulder.As I keep rubbing her slit up and down feeling her juices flow out I slip my middle finger between her lips and felt something hard. It was round and every time I rubbed she gripped my arm tight and moan softly. It was her clit. Everything that was happening felt like a dream but it was happening. As she holds onto my arm I found something I’ve never felt before I slipped my middle finger in and felt her tighten onto my finger and her grip tighten and a soft groan escape her. She looked up at me and i was in a shock what was happening my cock hardened even more from this experience. She looked down and smiled. I was started finger fucking her her pussy was tight and getting tighter as I kept going and then I slipped another finger in and I was off to the races. She was moaning and she even started biting my shoulder. I kept staring right at her told her she was gorgeous. She moaned and I started going faster and harder as she started to convulse as discreetly as possible she came all over my hand and it was amazing. I couldn’t believe türbanlı escort kütahya I just made this girl cum on The Bus. I started to look around and most of the people was sleeping and others were behind us it was a small amount of people today so the seats that were near us was empty.As she calmed down but still breathing heavily. I was stil staring at her it was so hot and amazing. I just made a complete total stranger cum all over my hand. I kept my hand on her thigh because my arm was still in her grip. She looked down again and smiled even bigger. She released my arm and made her way to my raging hard on and knew what she was about to do. I moved my arm out of the way. I looked up to see if anyone was watching but didn’t see and thought fuck it if the see let them see. I felt her hot breathe around my crotch through my shorts as she stick her hand in and pulled out my hard cock. I had an average ‘5 inch cock but with my fat it looked like 3. I felt a little embarrassed but was still horny as fuck. Her hand almost covered it but she pushed my fat down as she stroked me. My precum was coming out a little and she started to lick it. My cock twitched as she licked my shaft up and down, she encircled her tongue around my swollen head and it was amazing.I tilt my head back and ler do her work but she stop and told me to look at her. I guess all my staring got her all horny and so I kept my erotic gaze on her as she did her thing. She finally started sucking on the head of my cock and sent shocks of pleasure through me. With this I knew won’t be able to last long and actually got bold and shove my cock down her throat. The head only touch the entrance of her throat which was all I needed I came like nevern before it was a mind numbing experience and it even better because she swallowed every drop. She sucked me some more til I deflated and calmed down. She then came up wiping her lips. She couldn’t pull her pants up because the seat was wet with her juices. We sat there in silent til our stop she quickly pull up her pants while I took my hoodie as we got up and left TheBus.

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black takes over

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


black takes overThis is the story about how writing stories got me into trouble, big trouble. For years I had been writing stories about interracial sex, you know the ones I am talking about, with shy white wives winding up becoming sluts for black studs. The sort of men who are every white man?s nightmare, big cock, muscles, and worse yet your woman can?t get enough of them.Anyhow it takes time to write these things, so one day my wife wanted me to go out to her girlfriend?s house with her. I ditched by lying to her and saying I had work to do. As soon as she was gone I turned on the computer and started to work on my latest batch of stories. It was a cold winter?s day and I turned up the heat a bit. After a morning of writing I decided to knock off early, and take a bit of a nap, bad move on my part as I overslept, and left the flash drive I store all my stories on in the computer. My wife Susan came home a bit early on the account of it was going to snow heavy in the afternoon and she did not want to get stuck on the road. The storm never really got going, but there was one in my house.?What the fuck is this?? she said holding the flash drive in her hands as she woke me up. Hundreds of stories of black guys fucking white women. And some of them were about me!? At first I tried to deny it, but how could I? I thought of telling her they were downloaded (as if that would make this situation better); but she was computer wise enough to know I wrote them.?I can?t believe what you wrote. Some of them have the women getting pierced, tattooed, pregnant? Leaving their husbands? Having their tits made bigger. Being enslaved by vapors or potions or voodoo? Making their husbands suck on another man?s cock to humiliate them! And what is with all these mandingo parties? And you but me in them??I tried to deny that also, but she only got angrier, reading a passage; ?My wife had red hair, big tits, a soft fuckable ass, and is Jewish. What does that got to do with anything? What sort of fucking pervert are you? Would you really want to see me with another man? A black man?? I was fucked at this point as my cock started to rise as the mere image of her doing a black guy flashed into my mind unbidden.?I can?t believe you. And we have black friends too. How would you like it if they found out about this? And how much time did you waste doing this shit instead of getting your degree finished? You almost were not promoted due to that.?For the rest of the week I had to sleep on the couch. My wife was pissed as all shit. She suggested we see a ther****t. I told her I did not need one. It was just a turn-on that is all.?Maybe I should have had that threesome when you suggested it, even that was more normal than the shit you wrote about.? She stormed out of the room angrier than when she came in.This went on for another week, then things got better, little did I know that this was the calm before the storm.Susan came in one day and told me her pussy was off limits to me for the rest of the month. Little did I realize why, actually I could never have guessed why. I was of course locked out of the bedroom again.Nearly six weeks to the day my wife went to her girlfriend?s house. I had to buy a new flash drive as she had destroyed the old one rather spectacularly involving the car, and running it over several dozen times. Naturally like a dog, wait a dog knows better and learns from its mistakes, I went back to writing my stories, and like the other time I took a nap.When I woke up I heard voices in the living room, had my wife brought her girlfriend over? Then I realized that the voices were my wife and the other ones were that of men. What was going on? I got up and went into the living room and there was Susan sitting on the couch between two black guys, a third sat in the lounge chair, leaving me no place to sit, but that would be the least of my problems; as I would shortly find out.I walked in and asked what was happening. My wife got up and ever so sweetly said ?I thought it over and we are going to do everything you wrote about in your stories, that way it will be out of your system.? Was I hearing right? Or was I still asleep??These guys and me are going to have, what did you call it? A mandingo party, and my pussy is going to take all of their cocks, as deep as it can.? She was wearing that tight black silk blouse that really showed off her tits, she started to open it in front of these men. This was happening way too fast. She was wearing a black bra underneath; with her back to us all she tossed her blouse into the türbanlı uşak escort corner of the room. When she turned around she was covering her breasts with her hands as she was wearing a cupless bra, then she took asked the guys, ?Ready?? They all said they were. I had not seen her naked for well over a month, when she took her hands off her tits, I saw that through each nipple was now a golden ring. ?Just like you like to write about in your stories, right honey? And on her breasts was written the words BLACK and SLUT in big old English letters. The guys clapped and cheered. My wife turned to me and told me the tattoo was only temporary, ?Unless I like it too much and then?.? Said my wife with some venom.She kicked off her sneakers, and slid out of her jeans, underneath which she was wearing stocking, a garter belt, and sheer black panties. She reached under the couch, and took out a pair of high heels and put them on. ?I found these studs through an ad in a swinger magazine and they are very experienced in satisfying unsatisfied white wives.? She said, making them clap. She then flipped down and up her panties, to show her bald pussy, which now had a clit ring through it. ?Did you guys bring it??. One of the men took out a bag, inside of it was a pair of electric clippers, a razor, and some shaving cream.?You are not going to?? I asked in shock.?Oh yes I am. Not now, maybe later, after all you are so fond of your wives having their heads shaved, well they are going to do it, so you can either move over and let it happen, or leave, I don?t care, but know this, every one of them is going to fuck me, and I am off the pill as of last month. So maybe one of them will knock me up with their black seed, just like you like to write about. But first I want you to strip now. You guys too.? The men got up and started to strip as my wife watched them. I knew I was licked, but I half hoped this was all a gag. That she would say for it to stop.My wife had us stand in a row. My cock was clearly the smallest of them all, even though it was hard from all the excitement. She surprised me by coming up to me and giving me a deep hot kiss as she pressed her hot tits against my body. ?Sorry little boy you have to sit this one out.? She said motioning me to sit down on the chair to watch as the guys laughed assuring me that they would take good care of her.She walked up to the guy on the left and kissed him deeply, passionately, as her hand reached down to grasp and milk his cock. She made sure to make a show of putting her tongue in his mouth. She kissed the other guys deeply also. The third guy raised her tits up and sucked on them. Then one guy sucked on each of her tits, making her nipples rock hard. They reached into her panties and fingered her pussy.She helped them slide her panties off and they finger fucked her pussy. ?I am all yours guys.? She said. The room filled with the musky odor of her cunt. My cock was hard enough to explode, I wanted to pull her away and fuck her brains out then and there, but I knew I could not. She sank to her knees and called me over to her. ?Now watch.? She said, as her lips kissed his big purple cock head with a loud smacking sound. She kissed his cock again again, then she took his shaft into her mouth, I had seen thousands of porno movies of white women giving black men head, but they were not half as exciting as seeing my own wife do it, her lips stretched tightly around the black cock, straining to take in its massive size. After sucking on his cock for a minute or so she got up. ?Mmm, it tastes so manly, just like you said in your stories.?The guys sat back down on the couch and she got on the first guy?s lap, Jamal, and ground her pussy across his cock giving him a lap dance, her sheer black panties being the only thing protecting her pussy from their cocks entering her. Then she did the same for the other two guys. Her ass smacked up and down against their now monster sized cocks, as they sucked her tits or kissed her deeply. ?Mmm! I feel like I could cum now.? Said one of the guys, named Eric.?Don?t do it yet.? My wife mockingly pleaded. As she got off the lap of Jamal the second guy, who was rail thin with the longest cock out of the three.She took the hand of Fred, the third guy, who had the thickest cock of the trio and they went into the bedroom, our bedroom, together. I had written about scenes like this hundreds of times, but to actually have it happen? I felt afraid, and at the same time turned on. Was she really going türbanlı uşak escort bayan to do this? I wondered still.In the bedroom she took off her panties, and turned to me and said, ?If you want to stay there is a price, you must put these on.? She said tossing them to me. What else could I do? I put them on and the guys mockingly whistled at me. My own cock felt like it was going to burst through the tight sheer fabric of her panties, but I knew there would be no relief for me now.She got up on the bed and Jamal spread her legs wide and started to eat her pussy, making her squirm and moan on the bed. ?You ready for some big black cock?? My wife gasped that she was. He smiled and kept licking her pussy making her squirm on the bed. Then Eric licked her pussy as he made her say how much she wanted a big nigger dick inside of her. Lastly Fred tasted her cunt, by this time she was begging to be fucked.?Well in that case welcome to the wonder world of black cock.? Fred said getting on top of her, he spread his legs wide and as I watched he pushed his cock into her as she laid on our bed. The look of ecstasy on her face was both arousing and shattering. She wrapped her legs around him as he fucked her.?Is this how you pictured it? Is this how you wanted it?? She said as Fred fucked her, sucking her tits and kissing her deeply. I was beyond words.Then Eric took his turn at her pussy followed by Jamal. All three got on the bed; as she was fucked by Jamal, she sucked Eric?s cock, and was tits fucked by Fred, her hands wrapping her tits tightly around his cock, my wife was being totally used in front of me.They changed positions again, my wife got on top of Fred, as Jamal and Eric stood on the bed as she sucked and jerked off their cocks. ?This is what you wanted right? And I am going to let Eric blow his load in me. In my fertile pussy. Maybe he will knock me up. Then I will be totally black owned. Isn?t that what you wanted honey?? she said humping the man?s cock harder and harder. ?You want me to be totally black owned right?? she said as she humped him faster and harder, the bedroom was filled with that funky fuck smell, as her now sweaty ass wetly smacked up and down on Fred?s cock.Finally he came in her, he grabbed her hips holding her still until she milked every last drop out of him with her pussy muscles. As she got off of him I could see his seed dribble out of her, but she had no time to rest as Eric but her onto her hands and knees and entered her from behind, her tits swung back and forth with each thrust.?Tell your husband how much you like being fucked by a big nigger cock.? My wife hesitated for a moment, she did not like to use that word, but under Eric?s encouragement she did.?Oh yes! Fuck me with that big nigger cock! Harder! Fill me up!? She said, until he obliged her adding a second load inside her pussy. Seconds later Jamal stuck his cock in her, slowly fucking her at first, until she begged him to go faster.?Honey third times the charm, just like your stories, maybe he will knock me up!? she said, Jamal rubbed her clit as he fucked her until she almost passed out, when he pulled out of her the combined sperm ran out of my formerly faithful wife?s cunt onto the bed.She got up and kissed each of the men deeply. Then she got down on her knees and started to suck and stroke their cocks hard again. ?Come over here now!? She said to me. I approached the group, ?Rub my pussy while I take care of them. I hesitated, her pussy was a sloppy mess still dripping cum, ?It is either that or get out. This is going to happen with you or without you just like in your stories.? What else could I do? I got behind her and rubbed her messy cunt, it seemed like for the near future my finger was the only thing that was going to enter her, and my cock ached at this point.Her hands jerked off the cocks that were covered with her spit. Her head bobbed up and down on each cock stretching her mouth for all it was worth. ?Now get down there and lick my pussy, boy!? she said. I refused, she turned around and told me the only way I was going to get any satisfaction was by cleaning up her cunt, as she said this she pulled on my cock and gave it a few strokes. I trembled , relief was so near and yet so far away. ?Come on get down there and lick it all up.? She said taunting me. Swallowing the last bit of pride I laid down on the floor. She swung her leg over my head and planted her pussy right on top of my mouth. ?Get that tongue working.? I regretted writing türbanlı escort uşak every last word of erotic fiction that I ever had written. She rubbed her pussy hard against my face. I stuck my tongue into her wet hole and started to lick her. As I looked up she started to suck their cocks again.From a ?worms eye? view I watched her suck off and jerk off each guy. Once Eric came she kept his cock in her mouth swallowing every drop of his seed. Then Jamal came, all over her face and in her hair, lastly Fred dumped a huge load all over her tits, which she rubbed into her skin.My wife got off my face and told me a deal was a deal. She had me suck her tits as she jerked me off, to my shame I came the hardest I ever had in my life, but I did it in under thirty seconds, making all the guys, and my wife laugh at my ?short comings.?Jamal and Fred got dressed saying they had to go home to their wives. I wondered why Eric was not getting dressed, and my wife said that he was staying the night. After she saw the other two guys to the door, she gave me a kiss and went into the bedroom with Eric, as I sat outside of my own locked bedroom door jerking off my pathetic cock to the sounds of my wife getting fucked by a black stud, and all I could think about was how this was all my own fault.The next morning, I got off the couch, for a minute I had hoped that the night before had only been a dream, I heard a buzzing coming from the bathroom, and the sound of two voices giggling, that of my wife, and her new black lover. Exhausted I went back to sleep, maybe hoping I would wake up again and it would truly have been only a dream (or a nightmare).I woke up again to the smell of cooking. I went into the kitchen and there was my wife, in the tight, sexy silk robe I had bought her in Japan. She had on her glasses, and to my shock her head had been shaved bald. Acting like nothing was amiss she got out a plate for me, and put some eggs and bacon upon it. ?Did you sleep well dear? I sure I did.? She said laughing as her lover ate his breakfast.Despite the embarrassment and humiliation I could feel my cock rising as my wife put me into the role of a cuckold, something I had done in countless stories of my own writing, a fact that did not escape my wife.?You know something, I can see why you have so many stories where the wife shaves her head, or has her head shaved for her black lovers. It feels so liberating.? She said.?Yeah! And it makes her like some of the sexy sisters out there.? He said pulling her towards him, he gave her a sensual kiss as his hands squeezed her breasts through the sheer red silk of the robe.?Eat your breakfast honey, while I take care of the man at the table. No don?t put down your fork, keep eating.? She said getting down on her knees in front of her black lover. She pulled his cock out and sucked him off as I watched. I wanted to jerk myself off but she told me to keep watching. When he came she let it splatter on top of her bald head and it dripped down onto her glasses. She took off her glasses wiping them off onto a napkin which she threw in my direction. Then she rubbed the cum into the skin of her bald scalp as if it were beauty cream.The man got dressed and left. My wife and I were finally alone. I told her I had learned my lesson. She laughed and said so had she. ?I?m sorry honey but from now this is going to be an open marriage, well at least on my part.? She said laughing. ?But don?t worry you can go back to writing your stories.? She said taking off her robe. She lead me over to the couch and had me lay down on it. She freed my throbbing cock from the pajamas I was wearing and told me to keep my hands at my sides or she would stop. She took my cock into her hand and rubbed it lightly.?Hmmm. Let me see. What else do you like to write about? Um! Poor little white wives going on vacations to be banged by their black studs. Would you like that? Me taking a separate vacation from you.? I could feel my cock getting harder.?Interracial pregnancy? Maybe not yet. But here is the next thing. 40DD.? I had to think about what she was saying. ?White wives getting their boobs made bigger for their black lovers. That I could go for. So you are going to barrow from the 401K and I am going to turn these 34Cs huge. Oh and I am going to get these tattoos permanently done. What do you think of that?? I was ready to explode. She took her hand off of my cock for a moment to let me cool down before starting again.?And with that a sexy new wardrobe to show off my new, uh, assets. And one last thing maybe I ought to take a transfer to the downtown office, the one with all the black guys in it.? At that point I could not take it anymore. I exploded, she aimed it all over my chest, as I was not worthy of cumming on her.What happened next? You will find out in my next story, that is after she reads it.Feedback is always welcome at [email protected]

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