Ankara Travesti ve Çankaya Travesti: Bir Topluluğun İhtiyaçları ve Yaşam Alanları

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Ankara, Türkiye’nin başkenti olarak pek çok farklı kültür ve topluluğa ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu topluluklardan biri de travesti bireylerdir. Travestilik, bireylerin cinsiyet kimlikleriyle uyumlu olmayan bir dış görünüm sergilemesiyle ilgili bir kavramdır. Ankara’da bu kimliği yaşayan pek çok insan, toplumsal zorluklarla karşılaşsalar da, destekleyici topluluklar ve güvenli alanlar yaratma yolunda önemli adımlar atmaktadırlar. Çankaya ise, bu bireyler için özellikle sosyal açıdan daha erişilebilir ve kapsayıcı bir bölge olarak öne çıkmaktadır.

Travesti Kimliği Nedir?

Travesti, cinsiyet kimliği ve dış görünümünü değiştirme arzusuyla, doğuştan atanan cinsiyetlerinden farklı bir şekilde yaşamayı tercih eden bireyler için kullanılan bir terimdir. Travestilik, cinsiyet geçişi süreci ya da sadece dış görünüşteki değişimi ifade edebilir. Bu, tamamen kişisel bir tercihtir ve her bireyin deneyimi farklıdır.

Ankara’daki Travesti Topluluğu

Ankara, travesti bireylerin hem sosyal olarak varlıklarını sürdürebileceği hem de kendilerini ifade edebileceği çeşitli alanlara sahiptir. Kentin çeşitli mahallelerinde, özellikle gece hayatı ve kültürel etkinliklerle tanınan bölgelerde travesti bireyler bir araya gelmektedir.

Ankara’daki travesti topluluğunun, hem sosyal hem de psikolojik açıdan birbirine destek olabilmesi için bir dizi mekan ve grup bulunmaktadır. Bu gruplar, güvenli bir ortamda travesti bireylerin deneyimlerini paylaşmalarını ve birbirlerine yardımcı olmalarını sağlar. Ayrıca, toplumsal farkındalık oluşturan etkinlikler ve organizasyonlar da, travesti kimliğini kabul eden bir toplum yaratma amacını taşır.

Çankaya Travesti Topluluğu

Çankaya, Ankara’nın en gelişmiş ve modern ilçelerinden biri olarak, travesti bireyler için özellikle dikkat çekici bir bölgedir. Çankaya’da travesti bireyler için çeşitli sosyal mekanlar ve destek grupları bulunur. Bu, bölgedeki travesti bireylerin, kimliklerini özgürce ifade edebildikleri ve toplumsal destek alabildikleri anlamına gelir. Özellikle Çankaya’nın daha açık fikirli ve hoşgörülü yapısı, bu bireyler için önemli bir güvenli alan yaratır.

Çankaya, sosyal yardımların ve kültürel etkinliklerin yaygın olduğu, Ankara Travesti LGBTQ+ topluluğunun daha fazla görünür olduğu bir ilçedir. Travesti bireyler, burada hem kimliklerini daha rahat ifade edebilir hem de toplumun diğer üyeleriyle etkileşime geçebilirler.

Travesti Bireylerin Karşılaştığı Zorluklar

Türkiye’de olduğu gibi, Ankara’da da travesti bireyler toplumsal önyargılarla karşılaşabilmektedir. Bu, özellikle iş hayatında, eğitimde ve sosyal ilişkilerde kendini gösterir. Çankaya gibi daha kapsayıcı bölgelerde bile, bazı travesti bireyler hala ayrımcılığa uğrayabilir.

Ayrıca, güvenlik sorunları da travesti bireylerin yaşadığı zorluklardan biridir. Güvenli bir yaşam alanı bulmak, kimliklerini açıkça ifade etmek isteyen travesti bireyler için önemli bir sorundur. Ancak, Çankaya’daki sosyal yapılar, bu tür zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için daha fazla fırsat sunar.

Travesti Bireyler İçin Öneriler

  1. Topluluk Desteği: Travesti bireylerin, kendi deneyimlerini paylaşabileceği ve birbirlerinden destek alabileceği güvenli alanlar oluşturulmalıdır. Çankaya gibi ilçelerde, topluluklar bu konuda önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
  2. Farkındalık Çalışmaları: Toplumda travesti kimliği konusunda daha fazla bilinç oluşturulması, önyargıları azaltacaktır. Eğitim ve kültürel etkinlikler bu anlamda çok değerlidir.
  3. Güvenli Alanlar: Travesti bireylerin sosyal ve kişisel haklarını güvenle kullanabilmesi için, özellikle Çankaya gibi gelişmiş bölgelerde güvenli sosyal mekanlar sağlanmalıdır.
  4. Yasal ve Psikolojik Destek: Travesti bireyler, hukuki ve psikolojik destek alabilecekleri platformlar sayesinde kendilerini daha güvende hissedebilirler.

Travesti & Travestiler

Ankara ve özellikle Çankaya Travesti bireyler için sosyal açıdan daha açık ve kapsayıcı bir alan sunmaktadır. Ancak, toplumsal farkındalık ve eşit haklar konusunda hala yapılması gereken çok şey vardır. Travesti bireylerin toplumda daha rahat bir şekilde kimliklerini ifade edebilmesi için, hep birlikte daha hoşgörülü ve anlayışlı bir yaklaşım sergilemek önemlidir. Çankaya, bu bireyler için önemli bir yaşam alanı sunmakta olup, daha fazla destek ve fırsat yaratılması gerektiği açıktır.

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Ankara Travesti: Bir Topluluğu Daha İyi Anlamak

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Ankara, Türkiye’nin başkenti ve en büyük şehirlerinden biri olarak, çok yönlü kültürü ve çeşitli topluluklarıyla dikkat çeker. Bu çeşitliliğin bir parçası da travesti bireylerdir. Ancak, toplumda travesti kimliğiyle ilgili yanlış algılar ve bilgi eksikliği, bu bireylerin yaşamlarını zorlaştırabilir. İşte bu makalede, travesti bireylerin kim olduğu, Ankara’da nasıl bir topluluk oluşturdukları ve karşılaştıkları zorluklar hakkında bilgi veriyoruz.

Travesti Kimdir?

Travesti, genellikle doğuştan atanmış cinsiyetlerinden farklı bir cinsiyet ifadesine sahip bireyleri tanımlayan bir terimdir. Travestilik, bir bireyin cinsiyet kimliğiyle uyumlu bir dış görünüm sergileme isteğiyle ilgilidir ve kişisel bir ifadedir. Travesti olmak, bir cinsiyet geçiş sürecini içerebilir ya da tamamen bireysel bir yaşam tercihini yansıtabilir.

Ankara’daki Travesti Topluluğu

Ankara, çeşitli sosyal ve kültürel etkinliklerin yanı sıra, Ankara Travesti LGBTQ+ topluluğu için de bir yaşam ve dayanışma alanıdır. Şehirde, travesti bireylerin destek aldığı gruplar, etkinlikler ve sosyal mekanlar bulunmaktadır. Bu topluluklar, bireylerin bir araya gelip deneyimlerini paylaştığı, dayanışma gösterdiği alanlar yaratır.

Ankara’daki travesti bireylerin en sık buluştuğu noktalar arasında kafeler, barlar ve sosyal platformlar yer alır. Bu alanlar, bireylerin hem güvenli bir şekilde sosyalleşmesine hem de kimliklerini özgürce ifade etmelerine olanak tanır.

Karşılaşılan Zorluklar

Ne yazık ki, travesti bireyler Türkiye’nin birçok yerinde olduğu gibi Ankara’da da ayrımcılık, dışlanma ve önyargılarla karşılaşabilmektedir. Çalışma hayatında eşit fırsatlar sunulmaması, toplumsal şiddet ve kimliklerini açıklama konusundaki çekinceler, en sık rastlanan sorunlardır.

Bununla birlikte, Ankara’da faaliyet gösteren LGBTQ+ destek grupları, bireylerin bu zorlukları aşmalarına yardımcı olmak için önemli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Bu gruplar, hukuki danışmanlık, psikolojik destek ve toplumsal farkındalık yaratma gibi alanlarda aktif rol oynar.

Ankara Travestileri İçin Dayanışma ve Destek Önerileri

  1. Topluluk Oluşturma: Travesti bireylerin, kendi ihtiyaçlarını anlayan bir topluluk içinde bulunması önemlidir. Sosyal medya grupları ve dernekler bu konuda yardımcı olabilir.
  2. Farkındalık Çalışmaları: Daha fazla insanın travestilik hakkında doğru bilgi edinmesi, önyargıların azalmasına katkı sağlar.
  3. Destek Altyapısı: LGBTQ+ bireyleri destekleyen yerel gruplar ve kuruluşlar aracılığıyla psikolojik ve hukuki destek sağlanabilir.
  4. Güvenli Mekanlar: Travesti bireylerin rahatça zaman geçirebileceği güvenli sosyal alanlar oluşturulmalıdır.

Kısacası Ankara Travestileri ;

Ankara, travesti bireyler için sosyal dayanışma ve farkındalık alanlarında gelişim gösteren bir şehirdir. Ancak, toplumun daha bilinçli bir yaklaşım sergilemesi ve bu bireylerin yaşamlarını kolaylaştıracak düzenlemelerin yapılması gereklidir. Travesti bireylerin özgürce kimliklerini ifade edebildiği, ayrımcılığa maruz kalmadan yaşayabildiği bir toplum yaratmak, hepimizin sorumluluğudur.

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Obedience Pays Off

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A few years ago when Craigslist was still a thing. I was browsing the M4M personals and i came across an ad listing “Masculine Straight acting man seeks Femme.”

I responded and learned his name was Kyle he was 45 6′ and built like a fucking god.

So after about a month of texting and talking on the phone we agreed to go on an actual date.

From getting to know each other he was aware that although i have a below average cock that I refuse to tuck when I am dressed in public. He said he was ok with that as long as we were not going to a “Straight ” venue. So we settled on dinner at a drag club.

So the afternoon of our date i had a friend style my hair and do my makeup (she does an amazing job) as i really wanted to impress Kyle.

Earlier i had Douched shaved and applied rose scented lotion to my whole body(except for the naughty parts). as evening fell i picked out extremely tight leather low rise pants. A white see through blouse with long sleeves,a black lacy push up bra and 5″ Toilet ankle boots with padlocks on them. No panties as i didn’t want panty lines as the pants had a pattern of their own bayrampaşa escort bayan (a choice i would regret later).

Kyle arrived promptly at 7:00 As i opened the door to greet him I couldn’t believe how Gorgeous he was.

He walked me to his car and opened the passenger door for me.a gesture I thought was sweet.

Driving to the highway he complimented my hair and makeup and said he loved my outfit.

I told him he looked amazing and i would probably have to fight off every queen in the club he just smiled.

As we waited for the light to the on ramp of I-95 he asked if i was really as submissive and obedient as i alluded i was and i told him i was.

Then he said “prove it”. As we were merging on the highway.I told him his wish was my command so he put on the flashers and pulled the car to the shoulder put it in park.

He then asked if i agreed to do exactly what he said without deviation and i stared in his beautiful blue eyes and replied “you’re the boss”.

So he carefully got out came around the passenger side opened the door and ordered me out and to step to the bayan escort rear of the car as i got past the window still basically on the side of the car he told me to put my hands on the trunk and spread my legs and he pretended to pat me down like a cop.

My little clitty got instantly hard. He stepped back, told me to turn around and squat which i did. He unzipped his pants and pulled his half hard cock out a said “start sucking” I took him in my mouth in full view of the passing traffic as it was summer and still an hour or so until sunset.

He got fully erect very quickly and told me to assume the position so i stood up turned around and placed my hands on the trunk again and spread my legs. He reached around and opened my pants and lowered the zipper and started trying to pull them down so i had to put my feet together so he could get them down around my calves. Then he spread my cheeks and used his mouth and saliva to lubricate my hole without being able to spread my legs all i could do was lean forward and stick my ass out as far as i could (pretty much the same pose as the chrome girl on truck mudflaps).

It bağcılar escort bayan helped that he was much taller than me. I knew that my being in this position, his cock was probably going to cause me some pain but I’m a good Gurl so I wasn’t going to complain.

i felt the head of his cock at my entrance and heard him say “sorry no time to be gentle” and with one shove he was inside me to the hilt. I let out a loud yelp and he started fucking me like a rabbit on speed. It hurt but at the same time I loved it.

The occasional horn would blow and a couple guys screamed something out of their window and after just a minute or so he buried his cock as deep as possible and let out a primal grunt and came for what felt like 30 seconds straight shooting his cum in me. I could feel his cock pumping the entire time.

He pulled out i pulled my pants up he had me do a quick clean up of his cock with my mouth then he opened the door and I got in and before we pulled onto the road he pulled me to him and gave me the kind of kiss that makes your knees weak.

The whole event only took about 5 minutes or so. But it was so fucking hot.

When we got seated in the club at our table i could feel his cum leaking into my pants and it felt very slimy but also very erotic at the same time

We had a wonderful time and he fucked me 2 more times before he left my place in the morning.

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Crushing on Kelly

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Hot Summer 2024,

I saw Kelly for the first time in the spring, when she was moving into my complex. Kelly is a gorgeous young woman with an incredible curvy body. She always seems to be wearing the tightest shorts and sports bras. She became friendly in our passings, and I was instantly infatuated with her, without showing it.

Kelly became my motivation to get in better shape and look my best. I started running again, dieting, and working out with weights at home. Kelly seemed to be getting friendlier as my body got leaner. I was planning on asking her out soon, but I wanted to look even better. So, I joined a gym to improve my physique even more. I started looking at myself in the mirror naked more frequently and it made my dick a little hard seeing my hot body. I started shaving my cock hair and trimming my legs and arms, all in anticipation for Kelly. I loved how my cock looked shaved, it looked bigger and sexier now and I was ready for hours of sexual pleasure with Kelly.

My confidence grew and I started making eye contact and small talk with a few girls at the gym after I joined. My abs were tight for the first time and the rest of my body was the best it ever looked. I became friendly with some of the guys too and often spotted them, when they asked. I enjoyed the gym and spent more time there, all in preparation for Kelly.

Then a new guy started with our sales team at work, his name was also Kelly! He was a younger guy and looked fit too. For some reason he gravitated towards me, and we became buddies. We met after work secretly, without telling any of the other sales associates. Kelly was new to the area, so he didn’t have a lot of local friends. I was also fairly new to Seattle, so I had time to hang out with him.

I convinced Kelly, to join my gym and confirmed what I thought all along. He was cut and fit and looked good sweaty. He asked me to spot him a lot, and he did for me often. I began to feel more comfortable rubbing up against him and inspecting his entire body when he wasn’t looking. I was never into guys and couldn’t figure out why I was suddenly attracted to this Kelly.

We ignored each other as much as possible at work now that we had a personal relationship. Then we would talk about our day on the phone or text after work. Eventually we started hanging out at my place a few times a week too. One night after work, we saw Kelly leaving her place as we were going to mine. She said hi to us and acted very flirtatious as we walked by. She was dressed in a tight red mini dress, that showed her curves nicely.

“Who was that?” He asked with big eyes.

“My new neighbor Kelly.” I said casually.

“Man, what a body and so gorgeous, did you ever hit that?” He asked.

“Not yet.”

“Oh.” He retorted with a slight smile.

That night we had a few beers at my place and watched a baseball game together. I kept checking him out and smiling at him occasionally trying to break the ice. I couldn’t stop my growing attraction to him. Kelly is 26, handsome but he’s not tall, about 5’8″ and weighs about 160. He likes sports, cars and seems like a totally straight normal guy. So, I wasn’t sure if was interested in experimenting with me sexually. I tried to act open to anything and laughed at everything that night. `

He wanted to meet at the gym a few days later and we both had a good workout together. Kelly was being a little more friendly than normal, and it felt nice. He spotted me at every chance he got and complemented me often. After we were done, we were both hot and sweaty. Kelly’s muscles were bulging, and he looked sexy and handsome. Then he looked at me insecurely and spoke softly.

“Steve, I was thinking of taking a shower here. Can you join me, I feel kinda funny going alone?” He asked shyly.

“Ok, sure. Why not.” I said slowly, with a subtle smile.

We ventured into the locker room, and it was pretty quiet. I heard water running in the showers and some guys were changing a few rows over. I followed him to the end of a bench, where we undressed and secured our stuff. We each grabbed a fresh towel and walked to the shower room with him leading the way.

I saw he had a cute ass, but we only made respectful eye contact at first. There was nobody in one area of the showers, so we went there for some privacy. When we got the showers going, I was already semi hard and a little surprised at myself when I dropped my towel. Kelly revealed his body, and made my cock hard, and I couldn’t help it.

I played it cool and beşiktaş escort bayan tried to relax and enjoy the warm water. I started sneaking peaks at him and liked what I saw. Kelly had a cute ass; it was hot watching him wash his buns too. When he turned toward me, I could see his cock was much smaller, which I thought was cute. It was only about 3 or 4 inches long. He was neatly shaved which got me thinking. Was all this on purpose, the shower and the smooth ass?

After a while, I noticed him checking me out, so I decided to give him plenty to look at. I washed my cock and made it harder. Eventually he stared directly at my hard cock without shame. My cock stayed hard as he watched, I couldn’t help it. Then I noticed his little pecker was hard too. I thought it was sexy and cute.

“You almost done?” I asked him after 10 minutes.

“Yeah, just about.” He said with a smile, looking me up and down.

I shut off my shower head and he did too. I dried myself off slowly and provocatively with my big hard cock on display. Kelly dried himself off slowly as well, bending over a bit and giving me a nice view of his sexy ass. When he turned around his cock was still hard, then he quickly wrapped the towel around his waist. We walked toward our stuff, with me following him. Trying to make him feel more comfortable I spoke casually.

“That was great, I feel ready for the weekend now, don’t you?”

“Yeah, for sure, it was hot in there. Thanks for joining me.” He said with excitement.

“Sure, that was great. Anytime bro!” I said casually.

When we reached our stuff, nobody was around as we dropped our towels and got dressed. I took my time pulling up my underwear, to see if he looked again. He was definitely checking out my hard cock again. He wasn’t being shy about it either, which gave me courage.

“I don’t’ know why I got so hard. I’m embarrassed.” I said innocently.

“Don’t feel bad, I am hard too.” He said sincerely.

“Should we do anything about it?” I joked.

“If you want?” He asked.

“Yeah, why not.” I said sarcastically.

“Can I see it?”

“Of course.”

I did as I was asked and dropped my underwear and let Kelly marvel at my cock once more. It was upright and hard as ever, aching for his attention. It looked about 9″, I was surprised at my own cock, so I wacked it around a bit to tease him and encourage him.

“Holy shit that thing is nice.” He said with wide eyes.

“Thanks man.”

“You are so lucky; I wish my cock was big like that.” He said in awe.

“Dude, you have a nice cock.” I said reassuringly.

“Oh, thank you Steven. I appreciate that.”

“No problem, buddy.”

Then I heard someone coming so we quickly backed off and we finished dressing. The guy’s locker was close to us, and he looked at us funny. We grabbed our stuff and got outta there in a hurry. As we were walking out to the parking lot, we talked and laughed. I decided to test the waters since it was Saturday, and we had all day to screw around.

“You should come over for a hot tub today, we have a nice one by the pool.” I insisted.

“Sure, I can follow you over now if that’s cool?” He asked with an eager grin.

“Now is fine. Maybe we will see Kelly again” I said with a smile.

“That would be interesting.” He said with a sly grin.

When we finally got to my condo, I didn’t know what to do or say or how to start. I figured the honest approach would be best. I was curious and wanted to experiment with him and was hoping he was feeling the same. I put on some music and grabbed us a few waters and tried to be calm. We were standing close to each other in the kitchen, and he looked nervous and excited like me.

“That was kinda hot back in the locker room.” I said swiftly.

“Yeah, you have a perfect cock. Thanks for showing it off to me.” He said coyly.

“I didn’t mind.” I said with an innocent smile.

“Maybe I could jack it for you sometime?” He asked bashfully.

“Kelly, that would be hot, as long as we keep it between us.” I said firmly.

“Definitely.” He said with enthusiasm.

“Ok then, but I am a little nervous.”

“I’m very nervous and very horny.” He boasted.

“You never done anything like this?” I asked again.

“Only with a female.” He said with honestly.

“Till now?”

“Till now.” He said with a sincere smile.

“Why don’t you come grab my cock and see if it gets hard again?” I teased.

He quickly started to undress me, and I began istanbul escort to undress him. Soon we were naked and hard. This time Kelly started kissing my neck and nipples and it felt great. He didn’t kiss me on the lips, but I would have. Then he made his way down to my cock and grabbed it again. Without asking he began stroking it and sucking the head. It was a major turn on and I was enjoying this immensely. I looked down and watched intently; I couldn’t believe my eyes. Watching Kelly bobbing up and down on my cock was a major turn on.

“Oh Kelly, you are great at that.” I said with approval.

He looked up at me and smiled, took a big breath and rubbed my cock across his face a few ties and began to suck and jerk me again. I was loving this and encouraged him with sexy noises. It wasn’t long before I was losing my control, I knew an orgasm was building fast. I put my hand on his head and guided him a little faster. Kelly got excited and went even faster without too much encouragement. I just held my hand on his head as he bobbed like a man possessed.

“Oh Kelly, I’m going to cum.” I warned.

He ignored my plea by going faster, and I shot my first load into his hungry mouth. He swallowed fast and kept sucking and jacking me. My body spasmed and I shot another and another spurt of cum into his eager mouth. I unloaded days of frustration in a few seconds of bliss. Kelly kept going till I was almost tickled and made him stop. Then I pulled him up and hugged him, and he hugged me back, it was sexy and affectionate. Our hot naked bodies rubbed together, and I enjoyed our slippery sweaty squeeze.

“That was so hot, I can’t believe we just did that.” He said in a happy way.

“That was obviously the best Bj I’ve ever had!” I said, still catching my breath.

“I hope you are cool with all of this.” He said unsure of himself.

“Oh Kelly, I should be thanking you, that was so hot.” I said into his ear.

“Oh, that’s so nice to hear.” He said relieved and I felt his body unflex a bit.

“Let’s go to the bedroom.” I said seductively.


He followed me in, and we hugged next to my bed. We grinded our cocks passionately and he felt my ass. I grabbed his ass and forced a kiss on him. Kelly’s lips soon parted, and we were kissing like lost lovers. I pulled him down on my bed and we continued to get at each other. Feeling Kelly’s whiskers as we kissed felt sexy and new, I was really turned on by this man. Grinding our cocks was a major stimulation for me and him and we kept at it.

Kelly’s cock was in need of draining, so, I went for it. He quickly gave me access to his hard cock. I gladly went to relieve my new friend. Sucking a guy’s cock for the first time was a fabulous sensation. I thoroughly took my time to give it my best and make a guy orgasm for me. I felt safe with Kelly and went for him completely. Enjoying his manhood and balls, with passion.

His cock responded to me exactly as I thought it would. I started slowly, teasing and tasting his cock head. I enjoyed being in charge and making him feel good. I got more aggressive and more comfortable with the entire situation. Soon I was sucking him like a pro, giving him the best blow job I could. Kelly made some sexy grunts and his body twitched a few times. I was lost in a state of bliss as I made love to his cock with my lips and tongue. I comforted his balls and sucked them softly too.

He responded rather quickly with a satisfying orgasm and warm spurts of cum came out one after the other. My first gay blow job ended too soon. I tasted him and swallowed some, it was fun for me. I let some drip down my chin, and I rubbed it on my cock. I felt nasty and sexy as ever. I couldn’t believe it was over and wanted more sex with Kelly.

Kelly kissed me passionately; and he got a taste of his own cum. As we kissed on the bed, he turned his butt to me, and I grinded his cute ass. I held him close, and he wiggled his butt into my cock, making me harder. I began to play with and massage his sexy pecs with lust. I couldn’t take any more of this gay foreplay I reached for some lube and rubbers.

“Kelly, are you ready to try this for real?” I asked, pretty worked up.

“Yes! I want to please you so much Steven!”

I rolled on my protection, and he got into position. I lubed his ass crack and hole and got him ready.

“Let me know if it hurts too much.”


“Relax handsome.” I insisted as he was very tense.

Then I put my cock up to his entrance escort bayan rus and pushed firmly. It was the tightest hole I ever tried to penetrate, and it felt awesome. Then I understood why, why guys do this.

“Oh Steven, I can’t believe.”

I Paused.

“Are you Ok?”

“Yes, but don’t go all the way in.”


I pulled back out and teased him and slapped his ass. Then I applied more lubed to me and him and went back to work. I pushed in the top again and got more in the second time. The squeeze was intense in all directions, and I watched my dick penetration him from above. It was so erotic and tight, I pulled back and pushed in more. My cock was enjoying the new sensation of tight male ass. I kept at it working myself in a little deeper each time and creating more sexual stimulation than ever.

I began to go back and forth, using only about 1/2 of my cock. I gave Kelly a good hard, ass fucking though. He was jacking himself as I forcefully worked myself in and out of his tight little ass. I held his buns as I got more aggressive, thanks to the lube. Soon I had him pegged down and we got into a nice rhythm.

“Oh, Steven, keep going that feels great!” He said loudly.

“I’ve never done this before, it’s unbelievable.” I said as I pounded him harder.

After a short time, Kelly was able to take most of me. It was more than satisfying and sexually wild. I fucked his little ass hard, and the intensity was too much to control.

“Oh, dam Kelly, I’m going to cum!”

“Me too!” He said breathing hard.

I gave him a few more hard thrusts and held myself deep inside him. I felt myself start to shake and shutter. I orgasmed hard again, but it was even more intense than before. I filled that rubber with a huge load and hugged him as I fell on him. I felt his pecs and kissed his ear as I slid out. It wasn’t romantic but it was sexually intense and very satisfying.

We took a shower together and we washed each other with care, it was hot gay foreplay. We kissed and grinded cocks and made the most of it. I let him borrow some swim shorts and we went to the clubhouse. There were some people around the pool, but it was not crowded. The hot tub was behind some bushes and vacant, so we took advantage of it.

We stepped in at the same time and got comfortable. The water felt great, and I let the jets massage my body. We smiled and flirted openly with each other. Soon we slid closer and held hands under the water, it was fun acting gay. We got bolder and felt each other’s cocks. Soon we were both hard again. He went for me, and we started to kiss and get horny. I heard someone approaching so we quickly separated.

I saw it was two guys, they looked straight, so we played it cool. They soon joined us and became acquainted. They kept to themselves, so we decided to jump in the pool. We swam around for a while and grab assed underwater. I was getting horny and convinced him to head back to my place.

We spent the afternoon, drinking, fucking and eating. Kelly spent the weekend with me too, and we became closer. I don’t want to be labeled as gay, but I enjoy the intensity of our erotic times together. We both cum hard and get a good physical workout at the same time. I’m still attracted to beautiful woman, with great figures and try not to notice guys. I’m not seeking anyone except Kelly or Kelly. I only want to be with Kelly if I’m with a guy and open to females too.

We decided to take a short vacation together over the summer. We went hiking in the mountains and stayed at a nice hotel in the evenings. Kelly came prepared, with toys, lube condoms and sexy underwear. After 4 days of hiking and constant wild sex, we were exhausted. Kelly loved to take me all the way and blow me as much as I liked. We tried everything we could think of that weekend, it was constant bliss. We have a great connection, and I don’t know where it’s going, but we are not out. Although we are touchy feely sometimes in public, when kids aren’t around.

Because of our bodies and cock sizes, Kelly is the bottom in most cases. I look at it as great physical exercise and the ultimate stress relief. Kelly seems to enjoy our intimacy as much as I do. It’s fun and exciting for now but it’s been going on a few months now. If we ever break up, I’m not sure if I will pursue another guy or go back to woman. I must admit I’d like to try sucking a big cock like mine, but sucking Kelly is a blast!

Nobody at work has a clue we have a physical relationship, and we want to keep it that way. I am still working out regularly and keeping my body in top form. Kelly is great in bed and a great kisser; he seems to adore me and I’m always hot for him! I choose him over most woman, but I’m still attracted to Kelly girl. I still haven’t asked her out…

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I Wish I Had Jock Pussy Syndrome

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“Mom? Dad? Emma?” I call out, checking every room in the house. My mom’s car isn’t in the garage, but I have to be sure I was truly alone.

After confirming that my parents and sister were gone, I knew I had to act quickly. Who knew how soon they would get back?

Taking two steps at a time up into my room, I close my door and make a beeline to my closet. Underneath a pile of my wrestling gear in the corner was my secret stash. A worn, beat up duffel bag that contained all of my deepest, darkest secrets.

See, the thing is, from the outside, I’m Matt Casey, star wrestler at my high school, and on track to being Senior Homecoming King. I’m a beefy stud, close shaved brown hair, decently handsome even if my face is kinda square and blocky, and unbeatable on the mat. Everyone at school knows me, and no, I’m not one of those bully jocks you hear about.

But nobody knows who I really am. Or, who I want to be.

The first thing I do is strip out of my clothes, taking a moment to admire my beefy bod, with the perfect V-shaped torso and tight abs, hefty pecs, round biceps. Fuck, I’m such a stud. But there is no part of my body prouder than my ass. I turn to the side, admiring how perfectly round it is. One might even say my glutes are “overdeveloped”. The guys on the team all joke about how I have a big meaty bubble butt. I laugh along, but they don’t know the reason why.

See, I place an extra emphasis on my ass. I train legs three times a week, and I focus on glute exercises the most. Because, more than anything, I want to have the biggest, roundest, fattest, bounciest, juiciest ass. I want to become known for it. I want any person who looks at me to instantly notice how huge my ass is.

I turn so my back is to the mirror and look over my shoulder. Fuck, I’m looking good. My hip thrusts and Bulgarian split squats have been paying off. I go to grab my fat cheeks, moaning a little as my fingers sink in, loving how soft and squishy it is even though it’s all muscle.

I stop myself before I get lost any further. I need to hurry up, the clock is ticking. I turn my attention back towards my duffel and underneath the top layer of old towels, I find what I need. I take the small piece of fabric and look at it.

My neon pink g-string thong.

I step into it and pull it up, loving how I have to tug it a bit so the waistband can slide over my fat bubble. I have to actually reach back and spread my cheeks with one hand to get the thin strap in between them. Admiring myself in the mirror again, I’m satisfied with how my ass cheeks completely swallow it up.

Then I reach down and find my best friend, the only one who truly knows me. My big, fat 9 inch dildo.

I grab my phone and navigate to my bookmarks, finding the perfect material to help me out.

‘Luke’s Big Butt Problems Chapter 5’ by Charlie Walker.

Ever since I found this story online a year ago, I’ve been obsessed. It unlocked something inside of me. I always thought I was a typical straight jock, but reading about the main character, a baseball jock named Luke, and his journey to accepting that he’s a fat assed jock pussy slut really resonated with me.

See, the truth, my darkest secret, is that I want nothing more than to be Luke Micucci. I want to be a total stud with an impossibly fat ass who gets dicked down regularly by the hugest dicks imaginable.

Of course, the story is pretty far-fetched. I mean, there’s no way in real life any jock could have a hole that actually gets wet and self-lubricates, or that you could develop a medical need for getting bred, or even that you could take the over-exaggerated sized dicks Luke encounters.

But the core of it, the idea of just being a jock pussy, a slut for dick, a fat ass ready to take loads, drives me insane with lust and need. I want that to be me, more than anything else in the world.

Lubing up the toy and then sliding down onto it, I moan as I feel that stretch. The 9 inches are a challenge, and I actually still can’t take it all the way to the base. But I follow some guys on Twitter who take footlong or bigger dildos, so I know it’s humanly possible. Just like how I train hard for wrestling, I know I gotta train hard if I want a real jock pussy.

I scroll down to my favorite part. I must have read it dozens of times at this point. Pretty much anytime I wanna get off, even if I have to do it with just my fingers underneath the covers, I think about the scene where Luke takes on the scrawny nerd Mark’s enormous 13 inch cock.

Mark is so hot. The author, Charlie, posted some art of him on Twitter by one of my favorite gay porn artists, DizDoodz, and the dude is adorable. All shy looks, curly red hair, the glasses and freckles, but best of all he has a dick all the way down to his knees. Of course, something like that can’t exist in real life. But anytime I’m posting up and down on my dildo I imagine that it’s Mark’s cock, either I’m riding him or he has me bent over and is fucking my bubble so hard it bounces like Luke’s does maslak escort in the story.

This Charlie guy is such a good writer. He really paints a picture, which sparks my imagination and makes it so easy to picture myself in that exact scenario, sitting on Mark’s face and letting him tongue-fuck my pussy until I squirt in his mouth, or I ride him like a slut in heat until he fills my guts with that huge nerd load. And the way the writer describes how Luke’s stomach bloats a little from all that jizz drives me insane.

“Ohhh fuck yeah!!” I moan as I grind my dildo into my pussy. “Fucccccck my pussy!!”

Saying it out loud does something to me. Like it’s so taboo, I still get so scared someone might hear me. But when I really get into the fantasy, I can’t help myself. And then I imagine myself bent over, taking dick, and having someone else call my hole a pussy.

And that does it. Just a few strokes of my dick, and I’m cumming right onto the rank towel I had placed on my bed. My vision is blurry, but I really needed that orgasm. It at least took the edge off. And it was perfect timing, because a few moments later I hear the garage door open.


Grabbing my textbook from my locker, I glance down the hallway at the small group chatting loudly. There are a few girls with wild hair colors, a stockier guy with glasses, and then him.

Andy MacNally.

He’s leaning against his locker, laughing at something his friend said. His jet-black hair is spiky today, like it usually is, matching his mostly black clothing. His shiny Doc Martens boots with the rainbow patch on it, matching the rainbow wristband he’s wearing on one wrist and the rainbow watch strip he has on the other.

My other, other secret is that I think Andy is the hottest guy in the entire school. He reminds me of Mark in some ways, kind of, except he’s a little bit taller, lankier. I actually don’t know much about him. Just that he’s in the ‘Japanese Culture Club’ aka Anime Club, with most of his friends, he’s into skating and punk rock, probably gay on account of the rainbows, and he’s known as a pretty nice guy. He’s not crazy popular, but nobody has anything bad to say about him.

Looks wise, he’s perfect. He reminds of that actor, Barry Keegan or something, from that crazy movie where he humps a grave, with his black hair and blue eyes.

Skinny little nerds like Mark and Andy are totally my type.

But I could never go up to Andy and talk to him. Not because we’re a cliche in those bad Netflix movies, the jock and the nerd, but because I don’t share any classes with him and we don’t have any friends in common. I thought about joining the Anime Club to get to know him, but I’m not actually that into it. One time I overheard him talking about an anime with his friends, and later that night I checked it out. It was alright, but not my thing.

So the best I could do was admire Andy from afar. Still, I couldn’t help but let my eyes follow him.

And just my luck, while I’m too wrapped up in gazing at his angular face, crystal blue eyes, and that pitch black hair, he turns his head and makes eye contact with me. I look away quickly, trying to suppress my panic, but for a split-second I notice his confused expression.

Fuck, fuck. Hold yourself together, Matt.

It’s just a few more months left of senior year, and I never wanted to come out in high school. Once I’m in college, I’ll explore my sexuality, but for the time being I have to be DL. Which sucks, honestly. Cuz when I heard that I was nominated for Homecoming King, I couldn’t help but imagine what it’d be like if Andy was crowned next to me.

I’m such a cliche. The closet case jock crushing hard on the cute nerdy gay guy.


I’m showering up after an intense practice. The locker room isn’t really like what you hear about. Guys aren’t walking naked, groping each other like in those stories. I mean, guys will compliment me sometimes on my glutes, but it’s nothing too over the top.

I towel up and change then make my way towards the parking lot when I remember I’m missing a textbook I need for tonight’s homework. Returning to my locker, I’m shocked to see Andy at his own. I don’t know if he notices me.

When I’m rummaging around in my locker, I get one of those feelings that somebody is watching me. And when I look towards Andy, I find his eyes trained on me. Only he doesn’t look away. I try to suppress the crazy butterflies that are going off in my stomach as he starts walking towards me.

“Hey, Matt.”

“Hey, Andy.” I say, playing it cool. I’ve gotten good at hiding my feelings, being closeted and all. Still, my mouth feels like sandpaper, but I don’t think Andy notices.

“What are you doing here so late?” he asks.

“Ah you know, wrestling practice, just grabbing a book. What about you?”

He shrugs. “Working on my final for Studio Art.”

“Oh cool,” I say, noticing that he has some dried paint on his hands and some splatter on his shirt. “I didn’t know you escort gebze painted.”

His face breaks out in a smile and I almost swoon. “Yeah, I love it. I’m actually thinking about majoring in Art in college.”

“Oh cool,” I say again, lamely.

“Yeah…” he says as the conversation trails off.

This is fucking awkward.

“Do you want to hang out sometime?” Andy suddenly asks me out of the blue.

I’m completely caught off guard. “What? Uh, why?” I say before realizing how rude that sounds.

He just shrugs again. “I figured it wasn’t too late to make some new friends.”

And the thought of being friends with Andy makes those butterflies in my stomach swarm.


That night, I’m a goner. I know better than to get my dildo out when anybody else is home, but I at least can finger myself a little while I work my cock.

Only this time, the star of my fantasies isn’t Mark the nerd, but Andy. I imagine Andy behind me, one hand scissoring his fingers into my jock pussy, while the other strokes my cock.

“Yeah, take it, you’ve got such a hungry pussy, Matt,” he whispers in my ear while I fight to suppress a moan. “Look at how well it swallows up my fingers, such a hot jock cunt. Made for taking my cock.”

I imagine him unzipping his jeans and pulling out a Mark-sized cock, longer than a ruler, and just as I’m picturing him pressing the head of that weapon against my tight entrance, I shudder and make a mess in my hand, moaning into the pillow.


The more I hang out with Andy, the more I like him. Which is kinda bad news.

At first it was awkward. We didn’t really know each other well enough. And I was too nervous, wondering if hanging out was more than just hanging out as friends. But, pretty quickly things started to change.

Talking to Andy became fun. He’s a pretty funny guy, with a really dry sense of humor, sarcastic but not mean. He says it’s because he watches a lot of British comedy shows. He’s also an insanely talented artist. He showed me his Studio Art project, it’s a gigantic canvas, big enough that it would take up the width of a whole wall, and at first I thought it was like a giant one of those black ink tests, you know the ones where you look at it and say what you see and it’s supposed to mean something about your psyche? But actually Andy says it’s meant to be a bird, like a giant raven, flying directly towards you. I don’t know much about art, but it’s really cool.

Andy is easy to talk to. I even ended up confessing that I tried watching some anime but didn’t like it. Andy showed me a few shows he said I might like, one of them was like Joe-Joe’s Adventure or something, and it’s actually really cool. We started watching it together after school.

And the more we hang out, the more my fantasies run wild. I’ve graduated from Andy fingering me to him spreading my fat cheeks and tongue fucking the life out of me. Or he takes that fat cock and slides it between my cheeks, teasing my hole. A part of me avoids imagining him actually fucking me, because I feel like if I do that then there’s no turning back.

One day we get to my house and there’s nobody there. My parents left a note saying my sister was going to a dance recital a couple towns over, and some money to order a pizza. The idea of being completely alone with Andy, not at school or anything, almost makes me chub up. Almost.

I tell him I’m gonna grab my laptop, and he decides to follow me. I grab it and my charger, turning around to see him looking curiously at something on the floor.

Something pink.

My stomach drops. I feel like I’m going to pass out, but the panic is pumping adrenaline into my veins. I just stand there, frozen, heart racing, as he bends down and picks up the tiny pink thong. And when he’s bent over, his head turns, he frowns, and he reaches underneath my bed.

No no no no fuck fuck no please no.

See, that morning I woke up so horned, I broke my own rule. I had to grab my dildo and thong, and I was getting so into that when my mom screamed “MATT!! You’re going to be late for school!” I practically flew off the bed, and in my rush I just pushed my dildo and thong under the bed, thinking nobody would notice.

Andy pulls his hand from under the bed, and my worst fear comes true. Because his fingers are gripped around my dildo, which is, yup, still slick with this morning’s lube.

He holds them both up, thong in one hand, dildo in the other, his face incredulous, looking back and forth between the two like he can’t believe his eyes.

Fuck, ok, I’ll just tell him those are my girlfriend’s, I was using the dildo on her, she wears the thong for me, that’s believable (unless he looks at the thong’s tag and notices that it’s in MEN’S sizes).

But when he looks up at me, his eyebrows knit together, my resolve crumbles.

My breathing gets heavy, I’m gasping for breath, feeling like I’m in a chokehold.

Now, I’m not one of those assholes who thinks it’s escort merter unmanly or whatever to cry. But the sheer embarrassment of my secret crush finding my secret thong and secret dildo is overpowering, and I feel myself slipping into a panic attack.

I’m gasping for air and trying to say something. “Please…” gasp “Don’t” gasp “Tell”…

“Matt, I’m not going to tell anyone!” Andy says quickly, tossing the thong and dildo onto my bed before rushing over, wrapping his skinny arms around my wide body, and then squeezing me into a surprisingly strong hug.

I bury my face into his neck, taking in his scent. It’s so calming, it seems to center me.. Andy just holds me tight, rubbing soothing circles on my back, which honestly does help a little. After I start to calm down, Andy grabs my wrist and pulls me so I’m sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Hold on, I’m going to get you some water,” he says before darting out of my room. My heart is racing, thinking that he might have bolted, but a minute later he comes back with a bottle of water from the fridge.

I take a few sips and try to calm my breathing.

Andy just sits there, still rubbing my back. I’m tense, thinking he’s going to say something, but he just waits patiently for me.

“Uh so…” my stomach is tight, but I knew I couldn’t lie to Andy, especially after that display, “those are mine.” I say, nodding my head at the incriminating evidence of my secret.

Andy glances over at them, then turns back towards me. “Yeah, I figured.”

An idea flashes in my head. Some straight guys like buttplay. The thong is harder to explain, but maybe I have like a sissification kink? Which isn’t too, too far from the truth. But again, I can’t lie to Andy. So I just sit there silently.

“Do…” Andy starts but then closes his mouth, trying to find the right words to say. “Are you…?” I know what he’s asking.

I just nod. I’m afraid if I opened my mouth I’d upchuck.

“Okay,” Andy says.

“Okay?” I ask carefully.

“Okay,” he says again with finality.

And I don’t know what it is, maybe the fact that Andy is so easy to talk to, or that he’s most likely gay himself, or that I’m crushing so hard on him, but I start blabbering and tell him everything.

About how much I love bottoming. How I’m still a virgin. How I love having a big, fat ass. How hard I work to get said ass. How badly I wanna be a jock pussy. How I read these stories that inspired me.

When I’m done, I just sit there, dreading his reaction.

“What’s the name of that story?” he asks, catching me off-guard.

“What?” I say bemusedly.

“What’s the name?”

“Uh… Jock Pussy Syndrome?” I confess.

“By Charlie Walker?” he asks, and my whole world comes crashing down. I nod in confusion.

Andy’s jaw drops. “No WAY. NO WAY!!” he says in disbelief jumping to his feet and pacing around excitedly.

“What? What?” I ask, not following along.

“Dude. DUDE!! Matt!!”

“WHAT IS IT!?” I ask again, his sudden burst of energy freaking me the fuck out.

“MATT! I LOVE those stories!! They’re my absolute FAVORITE!”

It’s my turn to be shocked.

“FUCK! Matt, you have no idea, I have such a THING for jocks, I know I’m a total cliche, but I love the idea of a jock being a pussy slut with a big fat ass. Charlie is my favorite writer, it’s like he reaches into my brain and pulls out my fantasies!”

I’m stunned.

“He has the hottest sex scenes, all of his jocks have big fat asses, that JPS thing is so HOT, with the wet pussy stuff, I wish it were real! And not to mention, the way he weaves romance into the nastiest, filthiest porny sex is awesome.”

I don’t know what to say.

Andy grabs my shoulders and turns me towards him. And then he surges forward and crashes his lips against mine.

I sit there, stiff as a board (in more ways than one), as Andy kisses and nibbles my lips, swipes his tongue over the seam of them. I can’t even open my mouth, this whole thing feels unreal, like a story that Charlie Walker made up, not real life.

After a minute of making out, or really Andy making out with me while I’m a statue, he pulls away. He looks at me, concerned.

“Uhhhh do you even want this?” he says, and I realize he’s afraid that he’s forced me into a kiss. It’s a surprise, but not an unwanted one.

I think I make some kind of animalistic noise before I lunge towards him, kissing him with such force that he falls onto his back. We’re scrambling, a mess of limbs and lips, making out like we’re eating each other’s faces, his hands feeling me up and groping every muscle until they settle on my jean-clad ass.

He cups my fat cakes and it’s so hot how my ass is so big he can’t get a firm grip on it. And it’s not like Andy has tiny hands either. When he squeezes my cheeks, I pull away from his lips and let out a guttural half-moan half-groan.

“Holy fuck, you really do love having your ass played with,” he breaths out.

I get on my back and start fumbling with my jeans. I’m in such a rush it feels like it takes forever to unzip them then pull them down over my thick thighs and developed calves. After my jeans comes my boxer briefs. When I pull them off my ankles, my legs go up and I know Andy gets a glimpse of my hole.

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Apartment Hunt Fuck Pt. 02: Move-In

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Non Nude

A week after meeting Blake and Nick, Jon was moving in. He had rented a moving truck early on Saturday morning, packed up the furniture and minimal belongings in his old apartment, and drove the short distance to his new living situation with the former frat stars.

It was bittersweet getting roommates, but he was also anxiously excited for a fresh start. He would certainly have more money in his pocket due to the dirt-cheap rent they were making him pay. Of course, it came with a cost of having to clean after the guys (which would be no small feat) and the requirement of being at their sexual beck and call (not that Jon minded). The arrangement was awesome in concept, but the reality did make him a little nervous: How often would they want to use him? What if they got tired of him?

When he opened the front door as a roommate, carrying a large box of his clothes, he found Blake and Nick watching college football on the couch wearing nothing but sweatpants and drinking beer.

“Oh fuck, we forgot you’re moving in today,” said Blake, somewhat dumbfounded. Blake always seemed to have an intensely cute look of confusion on his face, almost like a puppy. His soft blue eyes and curly blonde hair added to the image.

“Bro, let us help you move in your shit,” added Nick. He was easily one of the most manly guys Jon had ever met, with his muscled, hairy body and deep voice. “Oh wait…” Nick said, watching the TV intently. “That’s it…oh hell yes! Touchdown!!”

Blake and Nick stood up to cheer on their team, bumping chests and finishing their beers. Jon couldn’t believe what he’d signed up for. Still, he noticed his dick getting hard.

“Okay,” Blake said, returning to reality and completely hyped. “Let’s get you moved in!”

The guys casually walked outside, half-clothed, to help Jon move in his items. As they grabbed his boxes and various pieces of bulky furniture, Jon couldn’t help but notice their bulging muscles and sweaty skin. The outlines of their sizable dicks were clearly visible in their light-colored sweatpants. Of course, he didn’t need to imagine what they looked like. He knew from the previous weekend that these men were hung and came buckets.

Each of them had to take a few trips between the van and the house. All worked up a sweat. For Blake, his smooth, tanned skin glistened under the sun, while for Nick, his chest hair accumulated the sweat and became matted and flat against his bulging pecs. If they had asked, he would have sucked them off right then and there. But he knew they were (at least supposedly) straight, so he waited until they asked for his help.

Once all escort taksim of his items were inside, the guys returned to their football game while Jon went to return his moving van. Jon was extremely tempted to jerk off in the moving van from all the pent-up sexual energy of moving. But he also wanted to make sure he had enough sexual energy for the guys, just in case they wanted him tonight. After all, it was his first day on the job, so to speak.

He returned to the house a few hours later as the sun was setting, only to find his new roommates still on the couch. They hadn’t put on any more clothes. In fact, they were now only wearing their loose-fitting boxers. A bunch more empty beer cans littered the floor around them, and both looked like they had drank a few too many.

“Bro, you’re back,” said Blake with a silly smile.

“Yep,” said Jon, chuckling at their appearance. “I’m all moved-in, finally.”

“I was just thinking about you,” said Nick.

“Dude, that sounds so gay,” Blake said, making fun of his friend.

“Whatever bro,” Nick responded confidently. “We both had our fun with him last weekend.”

Jon laughed at their ridiculousness and sat down on the couch between them. He immediately noticed the smell of beer and their natural musk. It was clear they hadn’t showered in at least a day, which Jon found absolutely intoxicating.

“Thanks for the help earlier,” said Jon.

“No problem, man,” Nick replied. It was clear he was the more lucid of the two frat stars, although not by much. “Gotta help a bro out when you can.”

Jon turned to look at Blake, he was already starting to doze off despite it only being around 7pm.

“How much did he have?” Jon asked

“Who knows. Too much,” Nick responded. “I can hold my liquor better,” he added with a soft smile.

“Did your team win at least?”

“Yeah,” said Nick. “Tons of touchdowns. We had a beer for each,” he said with a huge belch.

There was a brief pause in which Jon didn’t know what to do. Blake was seemingly completely asleep, Nick seemed a bit drunk, and Jon was exhausted after a long day of moving. Figuring that the guys weren’t up for any sexual escapades that night, he decided to head to his room.

“Well, I think I’ll go unpack a few more boxes and go to bed,” said Jon, starting to get up from the couch.

But just as he got up, he felt Nick grab his hand and pull him back down. Surprised, Jon lost his balance and ended up on sprawled across the couch, his head on Nick’s bare stomach.

“Not too fast, buddy,” said Nick with a devious smile. “You’re so small, it’s easy to pull escort izmit you back down.”

Then, Nick pulled down his boxers, leaving him fully naked on the couch.

Jon was immediately met with the strongest, most masculine scent he’d ever experienced coming from Nick’s groin. It was the physical embodiment of a hunky, sweaty, drunk frat star. Nick was covered in black hair, which retained his manly stench. And he was so muscular that even with all the hair, he still looked incredibly toned.

Laying across the couch, Jon began to stroke Nick’s flaccid cock. As he felt it begin to harden, he could see Blake on the other side of the couch, still fast asleep. Nick began to moan in enjoyment.

“That’s it, man,” said Nick in his deep voice. “Now put it in your mouth.”

Jon did as he was told, lowering his mouth onto Nick’s semi-hard cock.

He knew from last time that Nick was about 6.5 inches when fully erect and super thick. He loved cocks like Nick’s, because he had to work to get them entirely inside his mouth. He was used to length, but girth was unusual for him. But he loved a challenge.

“This is why we wanted a gay guy,” Nick slurred out. “Happy to to suck me off whenever.”

Nick grabbed the back of Jon’s head and began thrusting inside his mouth. He wasn’t as forceful as he’d been the last time around, probably because of his intoxication. Still, Nick pushed Jon’s head down so that his lips touched Nick’s thick, wet pubes with every thrust. Jon’s saliva pooled around Nick’s cock, slobbering it up and giving him the ability to better glide along his thick shaft.

But despite Jon’s hard work, Nick still wasn’t entirely hard. Clearly, the beer had given him a case of “whiskey dick.” But Jon was eager to get his new roommate off, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.

He momentarily pushed himself away from Nick’s cock and got on his knees on the ground. Nick seemed surprised, but then smiled when he saw Jon between his legs. Jon grabbed the base of Nick’s dick and slapped it against his cheeks.

“You have such a big dick,” said Jon, staring directly into Nick’s eyes. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a thick cock before.”

“Girls think it’s too big,” Nick grunted.

“Not for me,” said Jon. “Remember how you fucked me with it last week? You really stretched out my tight little pussy with your fat cock.”

Jon noticed Nick getting harder now. He began to jerk off Nick while licking his hairy, low-hanging balls.

“Fuck,” Nick moaned. “I fucked your tight pussy so good.”

Jon couldn’t believe that escort kağıthane Blake hadn’t woken up from all the noise, but he was still fast asleep on the couch.

Now that Nick was almost to full-mast, Jon wrapped his lips back around Nick’s wide head and began to suck him off as fast as he could. But he knew that if Nick was going to cum, he’d need to do more.

Jon decided to try something new. While holding the base of Jon’s cock with his left hand, he used his free right hand to push apart Nick’s beefy thighs. Then, he pushed his index finger right up against Nick’s asshole. It was covered in hair and sweaty, removing the need for any spit or lube.

“Oh fuck,” Nick grunted. He seemed a bit confused, but also enjoying the novel sensation.

Soon, Jon wasn’t just playing with Nick’s asshole, he was fingering him. He felt Nick’s hole relax as it became used to having a finger inside it. And finally, Nick’s cock was as hard at it had been when he was sober. Nick’s work had fucking paid off.

Nick grabbed the back of Jon’s head and began face-fucking him again.

“Take my big cock, you little slut,” Nick grunted as he took Jon’s finger up the ass.

Jon choked on Nick’s huge dick as it rammed into the back of his throat. But he knew he didn’t need to hold out much longer, because Nick’s balls began to tighten, signaling his imminent orgasm.

“Fuck, fuck…FUCK!” Nick groaned loudly as his dick erupted. Wads of hot, salty cum sprayed into Jon’s mouth.

“Swallow my cum, bro!!!” Nick grunted deeply as more and more jizz shot down Jon’s throat.

Jon continued fingering Nick in an effort to milk every last drop of cum out of him. Nick continued holding down Jon’s head as jizz spurted out.

Finally, Nick came down from his orgasm and pushed Jon off his dick. He twitched a little when Jon removed his finger from his ass, but didn’t say anything about it.

Jon, whose clothes were now wet with Nick’s sweat, sat down on the couch between a naked Nick and a still passed-out Blake.

“Thanks, bro,” said Nick, his eyes already have closed. “That was great.”

“No problem,” said Jon, satisfied with a job well done.

“See you in the morning,” said Nick. Jon expected him to get off the couch and go to bed, but instead he passed out on the couch right then and there, his softening cock still dribbling out cum and his sweaty, hairy body making the couch damp.

Jon laughed, then unbuttoned his pants. As the two men slept off their drinks from the day, Jon whipped out his fully erect cock and jerked off next to them. He stared at his hot new roommates and took in their stench. He was so horny from the day, that he came in under a minute. He let his load spray onto his shirt, since it was already soiled with Nick’s sweat.

Finally, Jon got off the couch and went to his new bedroom. He was fucking thrilled with his new living situation.

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When the Girlfriend is Out Pt. 04

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**Direct continuation of Pt. 03!**

Terrance and I laid in my bed after he fucked my virgin ass. I was between his legs with my back against his chest. His arms wrapped around me. My cum still laying on stomach, chest, and legs.

“Now let’s go finish those beers!” Terrance said as he squeezed me tightly once more, his arms hugging around my chest.

I pressed my back against his chest so he couldn’t stand up. “Can’t they like levitate in here? I’m afraid I won’t be able to walk after taking your big dick!”

His big body shook with laughter behind me. “Don’t worry I’ll carry you if that’s the case.”

“Have to carry a lot of boys afterwards have you?” I teased him.

“You going to complain if I say yes?”

I smiled, “No, I’m glad you had experience and didn’t just shove that monster all the way in me!”

He laughed again, “That would’ve ruined the fun yeah. But I got a feeling you’re going to be a pro dick rider.”

I leaned to my left and turned my face to his and met his eyes. Then I leaned up and our lips met for a wet, deep kiss. “Round two?” I whispered.

“Shit I have to recover a bit more, but yeah baby. You’re a real slut huh?” He said smiling.

“Well, I guess it turns out I love your big black cock!”

“You flatter me.”

“He says like he doesn’t know he’s hung like a horse.”

“Just call it big dick energy.” He said chuckling. “Now I think you’re trying to stop me from going to grab that beer…”

I smiled and sat up, swinging my legs off of the bed. My ass was sore and it felt stretched out. It would probably take days for it to feel normal, but god was it worth it!

Terrance moved down the bed and leaped up. He turned to me and grabbed my arms. “Hold onto me.” He said as I stood up. My legs shook and felt weak, but I could stand fine.

“Thanks, I’m good though.” I said taking small, slow steps at first.

I went to the bathroom and started the shower to clean off. Terrance went to the kitchen to grab our beers where we had left them.

When the shower had steamed up enough, I stepped in and cleaned off my cum and washed my face. I heard Terrance using the bathroom and then he stepped in after me.

I had already soaped myself off when he stepped in. I turned and melted under his big grin.

He handed me my beer and we took a few sips and let the hot water run over bodies and relax our muscles.

“Still feeling good about this?” He asked me. “You got a girl and I just took your virginity.”

I blushed hearing that. It made me feel like a little slut, but my cock also jumped and stirred a little.

“I mean, I like Tiff a ton and we’ve got a good thing going. Not sure what this means. I’m for sure bi obviously but not ready to just tell her or break it off with her or you.”

“Hey, no pressure, just want to make sure you’re not feeling weird. Sex is fun and I want to keep doing it unless everyone is in.”

“Trust me, if I ever want to stop sucking…” I leaned up and kissed Terrance. “Stroking…” I kissed him again. “And fucking…” I kissed him again. “Your gorgeous, black cock.” I planted one final deep kiss on his lips. “I’ll tell you.”

“Cool.” He said smiling as his free hand cupped my ass.

“You ever say anything more than that?” I teased.

“Sometimes, like now I’m going to say how hot it would be to get you off in the shower. You seem ready enough.” He said his eyes glancing down at my cock that was fully hard and poking into his leg.

“Those are the words I like to hear.” I said.

Terrance put his beer down and kept his one escort topkapı hand on my ass. He squeezed my cheek tight and moved his other hand to my cock.

I drew in a deep breath as his fingers teased my cock head. I was so sensitive. My cock jumped and my body ached as he touched me lightly.

His hand left my ass and ran up my back until it was in the back of hair. He gripped my hair making me gasp and pulled my head back.

I arched back and felt his lips and teeth hungrily suck and bite my neck while his fingertips continued to dance along my cock, sending tingles through me.

“You are so fucking good…” I moaned as he played with my body.

My fingers dug into his thick shoulders as he used my body.

His hands left me yearning for more as he let go of me. My body felt inert as I waited for his touch again.

Terrance lathered his hands up with body wash and didn’t make me wait long. His long fingers stretched around my shaft and pumped me quickly. The slickness made his hand glide up and down my shaft easily.

My breath struggled to keep up as I panted and moaned through his strokes.

His other hand reached back and slapped my ass. The wet slapping sound echoing off of the shower walls.

“Finger me again…” I moaned.

Terrance parted my cheeks and slipped his wet fingers into my ass. I was so stretched after his dick I took him easily.

Terrance entered me firmly with his fingers up to his knuckles. My ass cheeks draped around his big hand. His fingers curled inside of me as he rubbed my interior while stroking my cock.

“You gonna cum for me again?” He asked.

“Yes…yes…I will!” I breathed out.

“Gonna cum like a little slut while I finger that tight, white ass?”

“Mmhmm!” I moaned.

His teeth clamped down on my neck again. I could feel him leaving marks on me but I didn’t care. Not when my cock was on the edge of exploding.

“I’m gonna cum!” I mumbled out.

Terrance just moaned in approval and I clenched my ass tight around his fingers as my cock erupted in the palm of his hand.

My breath drew in and my chest heaved as he stroked another big orgasm out of me just 15 minutes after the last one!

“I love making you cum.” He said as his fingers slipped out of me and his hand left my pulsing dick.

“Fuck, I love the way you make me cum!” I said as my breath slowed down.

We spent another few minutes soaping up and cleaning ourselves off while finishing our beers before getting out of the shower.

We toweled off and stepped out of the bathroom. I grabbed us another couple of beers while Terrance sat on the couch with one leg laid on the cushions, one leg on the floor.

I sat next to him, cross legged and facing him. The cool air felt good rushing under my towel.

I took a sip of beer and couldn’t help but bite my lip while looking at Terrance. He was so sexy. A bright white towel wrapped around his waist that looked tiny on his frame and accentuated his dark skin.

Large muscular legs. A protruding belly, but not too large. A barrel chest covered in hair. Huge, thick arms. Long hair draped around his head.

“Want to smoke?” I asked and he nodded.

I packed a bowl and took a hit. The smoke filling my lungs while I held my breath before exhaling. I leaned over and handed him the pipe.

When he took it from my hands, my hand fell down and I squeezed his bulge through his towel.

“Oops.” I said.

“Clumsy boy.” He smiled as he sparked the bowl while I rubbed his cock through his towel.

His member escort kocaeli woke up quickly from my touch. His shaft swelled and poked his towel out further and further.

“That feels good.” He whispered and rolled his head back as he blew out the smoke.

I brought my other hand over and rubbed him with both hands. His cock was plenty big enough for both of my hands.

I gripped his towel at the fold and pulled it open. His large black cock hung between his spread out legs clean from the shower.

I licked my lips and moved onto my knees on the couch. I bent over at the waist and let his dick head enter my mouth.

He moaned and laid a hand on the top of my head as I circled my tongue around and around his head.

I laid my tongue on the underside of his tip and slid up and down slowly on the first couple of inches. Pressing into the sensitive spot of his cock head.

I pulled my head up and looked at Terrance. “Hold up the bowl for me, I want to get high off your dick.”

He held the bowl to my lips and sparked it. I drew in the smoke and held it inside while slipping his cock back into mouth.

I exhaled and the smoke rolled out around his dick. The euphoria filled me as much as his dick did!

“That was hot as fuck.” Terrance moaned.

I continued to bob my head up and down his thick dick. Sliding further until his head poked into the back of my throat.

My drool slid from my lips and coated his cock as I sucked him.

My towel got loose and fell from my hips. My stretched ass open to the air.

I pushed down hard and felt his cock enter my throat. I moaned around him as I deep throated his cock.

“You are such a good cocksucker.” He groaned.

I held him deep inside of my throat, his hand helping to push me down. My nose scratching his pubes.

Then I drew up to his tip and we pushed myself down again. And again. And again.

Until finally I pulled all the way off of his cock.

“Wait here.” I said and ran to my room where I grabbed the lube.

I came back and he was still in the same position. Legs spread, one foot on the floor, the other on the couch. His hand holding the base of his shaft so his impressive cock stood straight up.

“I was hoping that’s where you were running off too.” Terrance said smirking at me as I squirted lube onto my fingers.

“I can’t get enough of your big cock.” I said as I reached between my legs and lubed myself up for another round.

I squirted lube on his cock that he massaged over himself.

I straddled his legs and took a deep breath as he pointed his massive dick straight up at my hole. I slowly sunk down and whimpered softly as his cock head pressed against my rim.

He slipped into me and I gasped as the familiar feeling of him filling me up cascaded through me.

I was stretched and prepared for him and it didn’t take long until my white butt had swallowed about half of his dark pole.

His hand left his cock and each of his hands gripped my hips as I continued to sink down on him.

As I got closer to his base, he leaned forward and took my nipple into his mouth again. Suckling me on my sensitive nipple as I straddled him.

His thighs pressed into my butt as I bottomed out on his cock. I moaned and he switched sides to suck my other nipple.

I pressed down and held him deep inside of me as my arms cradled around his head.

“You feel so good inside of me.” I moaned as he suckled me.

I slowly rocked and felt his dick press into every sensitive area inside of me. şişli escort bayan My ass becoming more and more used to his cocks intrusion.

Terrance leaned back and let his hands guide my hips as I rocked back and forth. Then up and forth. Then a combination. Feeling his cock stretch me out from every angle.

My hands held onto his shoulders and chest as I lifted myself higher and squatted down deep inside of me.

“Yeah baby, bounce on my big dick. Come on, show me what that ass does.” Terrance spurred me on.

Soon I was pulling up to his tip and sliding down his full length. My heart racing as I swallowed his big, black cock inside of my ass.

I sped up and felt so sexy as I felt my ass cheeks bounce as my butt hit his thighs. My cock swung between us and smacked against his stomach as I bottomed out.

Terrance lifted one hand and wrapped his long fingers around the front of my neck and held my head up high as I fucked myself on him. Not choking me, but keeping steady pressure. I reached up and gripped his wrist with one hand and rode him for a few strokes and then reached up and held his forearm with both hands.

“No hands? Damn you are a pro.” He complimented me as I rode his big dick.

We continued to fuck like this for a couple minutes. Terrance holding me up as I rode his cock from tip to balls. My ass quivering as I took his full length.

He started to pump up with his legs and match my thrusts. His cock pressing into me further somehow. I could tell he was getting close and wanted to cum as he bucked under me.

I felt so good making him orgasm from my mouth or my ass.

I leaned down and kissed him as he dropped his hands around my ass cheeks and gripped my ass. Spreading me open.

“Cum inside of me, breed my white ass!” I breathed out in between kisses.

Terrance groaned like an animal in heat and I felt him lift me up and flip me onto my back on my couch. His cock never leaving my ass.

I looked up at this stud as he towered over me. His cock lodged inside of me. I gripped his arms for dear life as he started to thrust into me.

His cock plunged into me without my mercy. Gone was his tender love making from my virgin fuck. Now he fucked me with one goal in mind, his cock inseminating me as deep as he could.

“Terrance…” I cried out about to ask him to slow down.

“I’m gonna cum!” He bellowed before I could ask.

Now my ass stretched open as he drove into me one final time. His balls slapping into my ass and staying there as he planted his seed deep into me.

His cock throbbed and his cum blasted into me. My ass holding all of him inside as he orgasmed hard. His roars filling the room and hurting my ear drums as he emptied his balls in me.

“Fuck…fuck…fuck…” I whimpered as his cock slowed its pumps and I felt his cum seep out of my butt onto the couch.

Terrance withdrew himself out of me and his cock squelched as he exited. His cum dripped out of me.

I slowly rolled my legs down and quivered as my body shook from the pounding.

Terrance laid his hands on me and massaged my thighs and back while I recovered.

“Sorry, my dick can be a lot sometimes I know.”

“Shit, you’re going to need to carry me for a week!” I said chuckling as I recovered.

We laid there for a few minutes until I felt good enough to sit up and then go to the bathroom to clean up. He wiped down the couch. We each took another hit and sipped beers as we recovered.

Eventually we made it to the bedroom where we laid together with the lights off. Terrance holding me from behind as we spooned.

The high helping me recover from losing my virginity to a big black cock.

As we drifted off to sleep, I mumbled back to him, “I’m going to need like a week to recover before we go again.”

“You can have my dick anytime you need it.” He replied.

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Sıradışı yılbaşı gecesi ( FİNAL )

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Sıradışı yılbaşı gecesi ( FİNAL )

İlknur ile sigaralarımız bitmek üzereydi ve bir öncekinde olduğu gibi yine sırılsıklam terlemiştik.Ayakta duracak enerjim kalmamıştı ama o kadar mutluydum ve her şey o kadar güzel ilerliyordu ki rüyada gibiydim adeta.İlknur ile önceki sohbetlerimizden biliyordu ki ben dondurmayı çok severim.Elimden geldiğince yaz kış tüketirim.İlknur bana sen sehbanın üzerindeki zarflardan birini seç bende bize dondurma getiriyim dedi.Dondurmayı duyduğumda çok mutlu oldum.Dondurma kendime gelmeme yardımcı olur hem de enerji verir iyi olurdu.Sehbanın üzerinde duran zarfları aldım 3 tane zarf vardı.İçinden birini seçtim onu ayırdım ve diğerlerini sehbanın üzerine koydum.Bir süre sonra elinde iki tane bademli magnum ile geldi.Bademli magnuma hiçbir zaman yok diyemezdim , çok severdim.Bir tanesini bana verdi diğerini kendisi aldı ve hemen yemeye başladık.Zarf seçtin mi dedi?Evet dedim seçtim.Peki ne çıktı dedi ? Açmadım dedim.Merak etmiyormusun dedi.Elbette merak ediyorum ama senin gelmeni bekledim birlikte açmak istedim dedim.Peki bir tahminin var mı ? dedi.Bu gün akşam saat 22:00 den bu yana beynime neredeyse hiç kan gitmedi.Beyin tutulması yaşıyorum.Yorma beni dedim içinde ne olduğunu çok merak ediyorum ama bir tahminim yok dedim.Yeri gelmişken belki bunun için çok erkendi ama tüm bu hazırlık için bir teşekkürü hak ediyordu.Tüm bu hazırlık için kendisine teşekkür ettim ve bu kadar hazırlığı nasıl yaptığını?Nereden aklına geldiğini sordum kendisine.Uzun zamandır bu gece için hazırlandığını biraz hayal gücünü kullandığını biraz ineternetten kopya çektiğini falan anlattı.Bende ona gerçekten çok etkilendiğimi söyledim.Çok tatsız olacaktı biliyorum ama lafı öküz kocasına getirdim.Kocan harbi tam bir öküz dedim.Bu şartlar altında nasıl oluyor da seninle ilgilenmiyor ve sendeki bu cevheri kullanamıyor dedim.Şans dedi.Kocasına isterse yılbaşı gecesi arkadaşları ile bir proğram yapabileceğini söylemiş o öküzde hemen atlamış ve 4 arkadaş kaplıcaya gitmişler.Orda okey oynayacaklarmış.Beynini siktiğimin salağı.İlknur a kocanın yerinde olmayı çok isterdim dedim.Şans dedi.Evet şans işte ötesi yok.İlknur bu tatsız konuları konuşmayalım dedi siktiret o arkadaşları ile okeyini oynasın.Ben de keyfime bakıyorum dedi.Elindeki magnumu sikime değdirerek şerefe dedi ve magnumu yalamaya başladı.Kız ne yapıp edip sikimi kaldıracak bir şey buluyordu.Uyuyan devi uyandırdı sikim kemik gibi oldu.Bende elimdeki magnumu onun dudaklarına değdirdim ve şerefe dedikten sonra magnumu yalamaya başladım.İlknur zarfı unuttuk dedi.Evet haklıydı.Dediğim gibi o kadar çok şey bir arada ve hızlı yaşanıyordu ki unutmamak imkansızdı.Hadi aç bakalım piyangodan ne çıkmış sana dedi.Hemen zarfı aldım açtım ve kağıtta TÜRBAN yazıyordu.Kırk yıl düşünsem aklıma gelmez tahmin edemezdim.Gözlerime inanamadım.Sikim dahada bir sertleşmişti.İlknur kapalı bir bayan değildi ancak benim kapalı bayanlara olan zaafımı sohbetlerimizde öğrenmişti.Türban derken tam olarak ne yapacaksın dedim.İşte bu sürpriz olacak aşkım dedi.Şimdi ben duşa gidiyorum hızlı bir şekilde duş alıyorum ve benden sonra sen girip duş alıyorsun sonra türbanlı orosbu ile buluşuyorsun ve çılgınlar gibi sikişiyorsunuz dedi.İlknur’a keser sapı gibi olmuş sikimi göstererek bunu çok bekletmeyelim dedim.Yerim ben onu diyerek eğilip sikimi ağzına aldı bir iki yaladıktan sonra duşa gitti.Dondurmalarımız bitmişti laf aramızda iyide olmuştu gözümün önü açılmıştı.Hayatımda ilk defa bu kadar çok alkol almıştım ve sarhoş olmamıştım.Aksine yaşadığım olaylar beni sarhoş etmişti.Türban olayını düşünüyor hayal ediyordum ve kalbim keser sapı gibi olmuş sikimde atıyordu.Beklerken kendime bir kadeh viski aldım ve onu tek dikişte içtim.Bir kadeh daha doldurdum içimden içmek geliyordu.Onuda yudumlarken saate baktım saat yaklaşık 02:30 lardaydı.Sabaha az vakit kalmıştı.Amacım sabahın ilk ışıklarına kadar İlknur sikebileceğim kadar fazla sikmekti.Böylesi bir gece bir daha hiç olmayabilirdi.İlknur’a acele etmesini onu özlediğimi ve biran önce onu sikmek istediğimi söylemek istedim ve ayağa kalkıp banyoya gittim.Kapı hafifçe tıklattım İlknur hemen kapıyı açtı gözleri kocaman olmuştu çocuk mu uyandı dedi.Gülümsedim ve sikimi göstererek çocuk hiç uyumadı ki aşkım acele et saat 02:30 olmuş sabaha az kalmış ben seni sabaha kadar sikmek istiyorum dedim.Tamam işim bitmek üzere 5 dk ka izin ver hemen çıkıyorum dedi.Odaya gittim viskimi aldım tam içiyordum zil çaldı.Evet yanlış duymuyordum evin zili çalıyordu.Ben sarhoş olduğumu, aslında zilin çalmadığını fakat alkolün etkisiyle zil çalıyormuş gibi halusilasyonlar gördüğümü zannedip buna kendimi inandırmak istiyordum ki ikinci kez zil çaldı.Ne yapacağımı şaşırmış haldeydim inanılmaz korkuyordum ve elim ayağıma dolaşmıştı.Bi kapıya doğru koştum sonra vazgeçtim tekrar odaya doğru koştum sonra yine vazgeçtim banyoya doğru koştum ve hızlıca banyonun kapısını açtım İlknur zil çalıyor yandık dedim.Eyvaah dedi ciddi misin?Şakanın zamanı değil doğru söyle dedi o arada zil 3 ncü kez çaldı.Sikimiz çarşafa dolanmıştı deli dana gibi ortada koşuşturuyorduk.Aklıma ilk gelen komşulardan birinin şikayet ettiği oldu.Aslında gürültü falanda yapmamıştık ama hani ne biliyim benim geldiğimi gören biri polise şikayette bulunmuştur diye aklıma geldi.Kocası olsa anahtarla falan açmayı denerdi falan diye aklıma geldi.Belki de anahtarı yoktur dedim sonra.Beynim yanacaktı tüm bu olup bitenler belki de 30 sn de oluyordu.Bir anlık refleks ile kapının dürbününden baktım bir bayan vardı kapının arkasında.Azda olsa rahatlamıştım ama az önce sikimde atan kalbim neredeyse götümden dışarı çıkacakken şimdi normal atıyordu en azından.Zilden sonra ne ereksiyon kaldı ne başka bir şey.İlknur’a kısık bir sesle dışarda bir kız var dedim.Koşarak geldi dürbünden baktı ve derin bir nefes verdikten sonra off kalbim duracaktı bu bizim Fatoş dedi.Fatoş kim amına koyyum dedim içimden ama İlknur daki rahatlamayı görünce bende rahatladım.Ecel terleri döküyordum resmen.Ne yapacağız dedim ? Fatoş zile basma çocuk uyuyor 2 dk ka bekle diye selendi İlknur ve kapının arkasından da tamam diye bir ses geldi.İlknur bana dönüp ben yatak odasına gidiyorum sen Fatoşu içeri al komşular huylanmasınlar dedi.Bende tamam dedim İlknur gitti.Önce de söylediğim gibi evde sadace sikiştiğimiz odadaki masada birkaç tane mum yanıyor ve tv nin ışığı var işimiz oldukça da banyo ve yatak odası yanıyor onun dışında hiçbir ışık yanmıyor.İlknur gitti ve ben kapıyı açtım içeri gir dedim.Fatoş ayağındaki terlikleri çıkarttı ve hızlıca içeri girdi.Fatoş evi biliyordu zaten ve tv nin olduğu odaya geçti bende kapıyı kapatırken kapıdan gelen rüzgarla çıplak olduğumun farkına vardım ama öyle böyle utanmadım kendimden.Bildiğin çıplaktım amına koyuyum.İşin iyi tarafı ışıklar yanmıyordu kötü tarafı ise elbiselerim Fatoşun gittiği odadaydı.Nasıl böyle bir hata yapabildiğime inanamıyordum.Aklımda bir dünya manyak soru geldi.Tabi cevaplarını bulamadım çoğunun.Odanın kapısına doğru gittim kafamı odaya uzatarak afedersin Fatoş hoş geldin.Benim halının üstünde pantolonum vardı onu bi verebilir misin? Dedim. Ne denirdi ki bu durumda yada ne yapılabilirdi ki.İlknur kapıyı aç dedi çünkü üzerinde bornoz vardı geri zekalı.Sana çıplak kapıyı aç demediya.Öyle olsa kendisi zaten bornozla açardı vs gibi şeyler düşünerek nasıl böyle bir aptallık yaptığıma inanamıyordum.O sırada Fatoş iç çamaşırını da istiyor musun?dedi ama beni sikse ondan iyi olurdu.Duşa girecektim bunun için soyunmuştum verirsen iyi olur ben duştan sonra giyerim diyebildim.Yer yarılsaydı da içine girseydim daha iyi.Fatoş iç çamaşırımla pantolonumu verdi üst kıyafetlerimi aradı ama bulamadı.Ben elbiseleri aldım doğru banyoya.Hemen duşa girdim bir yandan duş yapıyor bir yandan da ne yapcağımı düşünüyordum.Bir çuval inciri berbat etmiştim.Gecenin bittiğini düşünüyordum artık.Duştan çıkıp üzerimi giyinip hemen kaybolmalıydım o evden.Hemen duşu bitirdim ve kıyafetlerimi giyindim çıktım duştan.Çocuk uyanmasın diye hiç gürültü yapmıyordum parmaklarımın üzerinde yürüyordum adeta.Odanın kapısına kadar geldim İlknur ile Fatoşun sesi geliyordu.Bir şeyler konuşuyorlardı.Kapıya iyice yaklaştım ve dinledim.İlknur yaşadıklarımızı anlatıyordu ona.Gelen seslerden anladığım kadarıyla bir şeyler içiyorlardı ve konuşuyorlardı.İlknur beni hayvan gibi sikti resmen dedi.Öküz kocamın canına değsin.O salak gitti okey oynuyor karısını başkaları evire çevire sikiyor oh olsun dedi.Fatoş, benim pezevenkte ilk akşamdan zıbardı uyudu.Top atsan uyanmaz şerefsiz.Adamım diye geziyor bu pezevenkler dedi.Daha erken gelecektim ama hem rahatsız etmek istemedim hem de çocuk huysuzlandı uyudu uyandı gelemedim dedi.İlknur ile Fatoş baya gecenin kritiğini yapıyorlardı.Anladığım kadarıyla Fatoş komuşusuydu evliydi bir çocuğu vardı ve maalesef onunda kocası tam bir öküzdü.Tekrar kulak kesildim sohbete.Fatoş bide beni sikse dedi.Şöyle evire çevire dedi.Sanırım o arada bir sigara yaktı ve sigaranın dumanını üfürdüğü bir ses geldi.Gözlerim kocaman olmuş kalbim ağzımda atıyordu.Duyduklarıma inanamadım.Fatoş bide beni sikse diyordu İlknura.İlknur saçmala Fatoş nasıl teklif edeceğim olmaz dedi.Fatoş ısrar ediyordu ama İlknur teklif edemem zamana bırakalım bu gün şansını kaybettin sen. O gelince sen çok durma içkini iç ve sonra git bizim işimiz var dedi.Zaten çok zaman kalmadı dedi.Fatoş ,o zaman ben sarhoş numarası yapıyım bir süre sonra gidip öbür odaya yatıyım sonrada sizi izleyim dedi.İlknur bak o olabilir dedi.Duyduklarıma inanamıyordum.Sikim çoktan keser sapı olmuştu bile.Nasıl bir geceydi bu gece?Kesin rüyadaydım ve en olmadık yerinde uyanacaktım.Hemen hızlı hareket etmeliydim çünkü sabah olmak üzereydi zamanımız çok azdı.Sonra banyo kapısına doğru gittim ve koridorun lambasını açıp kapattım İlknur anladı ve geldi hemen.İlknur çok özür dilerim ben az önce kapıyı çıplak açtım.Çıplak olduğumu unuttum ve yaşadığımız telaştan dolayı aklım başımdan gitmişti böyle bir hata yatım umarım sorun olmamıştır dedim.Gülümsedi olmadı merak etme dedi.Fatoş komşum olur.Ben kendisine bir arkadaşım gelecek oturup içeceğiz senin de canın sıkılırsa gelmek istersen gel demiştim oda evde içmiş baya bi eşi ve çocuğu uyuyunca da bize gelmiş dedi.Senin kapıyı çıplak açtığından haberi bile yok dedi.Nasıl olur ben odanın kapısından pantolonumu istedim utandım tabi dedim oda iç çamaşırını da veriyim mi dedi ve ikisini de getirdi.Gayet aklı başında dedim.Hatta ben ona duş yapmak için soyunmuştum falan bile dedim durumu toparlamak için dedim.İlknur yine gülümsedi ve bana güven Fatoşun kafa bir milyon dedi.Şimdi odaya git benim kocammışın gibi davran inan farkına varmaz bu kadar sarhoş dedi.Geldi burda da içiyor şimdi zaten birazdan sızar o onu merak etme rahat ol dedi.İlknura gülerek bak kocan gibi davranırım ve seni sikerim haberin olsun dedim.Sızdıktan sonra onu da yapabilirsin dedi.Elimden tuttu içeri girdik.Güya ben İlknurun kocasıymış gibi rol yapıyordum Fatoş ta sarhoş rolü yapıyordu.Fakat ikimizde beceremiyorduk rollerimizi.Ortam loştu çok seçemiyordum ama Fatoş 28 li yaşlarda sarışın fiziği çok güzel ( hatta İlknurdan güzel ) bir hatundu.Üzerinde bir tane etek ve üstünde de bir tişört vardı.Görebildiğim kadarıyla ayaklarında çorap yoktu.Odada oturmuş geyik yapıyorduk ve içiyorduk.Fatoş öyle bir içiyordu ki anlatamam.O karanlıkta resmen gözleriyle beni sikiyor ve aldığı kadehleri birer ikişer yudumluyordu.Ve tabi sarhoş numarası yapıyordu ama birazdan gerçekten sarhoş oalcaktı.İlknur kulağıma eğilerek seninki tamam olmak üzere ben yatak odasına gidiyorum hazırlanıp geleceğim dedi.Aslında hazırlanmasını falan istemiyordum zaman yoktu ama Fatoşla biraz yalnız kalmak istiyordum.İlknura tamam aşkım dedim.İlknur gitti kadehimi kaldırdım Fatoş hadi içelim neye içelim ? dedim.İçelim dedi neye istiyorsan ona içelim dedi.Gecenin sarhoşu sensin sana içelim dedim olur içelim dedi ve bir kadeh içtik.Sarhoş numarası yapıyordu ve bana İlknuru severim sakın onu üzme tamam mı dedi.Bende ona İlknuru hiç üzmüyorum boyuna sikiyorum onu ve çok memnun oluyor dedim.Benden böyle bir cevap beklemiyor olacaktı ki elini amına götürdü ve okşamaya başladı.Benim görmediğimi zannediyordu tabi.Cinsellik önemli dedi.Aç ayı oynamaz dedi.Yemine suyuna bakarsan atın sırtına biner gidersin yoksa hiçbir şey olmaz dedi.Benim midem bulanıyor birde benim acayip başım dönüyor uykum var dedi beni öbür odaya götürür müsün yatıp uyuyum dedi.Yermiyim ben bu numaraları.Hemen kalktım fatoşu tutup ayağa kaldırdım ve koltuk altından tutarak önce seni tuvalete götürüyüm çıkartacaksan oraya çıkart sonrada yatırıyım dedim ve birlikte tuvalete doğru yürümeye başladık.Ben onu tutup kaldırırken ve birlikte yürürken ellemedik yerini bırakmadım.Acayip tahrik olmuştum.Çaktırmadan göğüslerine götüne elliyordum ve Fatoşda bunun farkında olduğundan dolayı kendini öyle bir bırakıyordu ki adeta daha çok ellesin der gibi.Tuvalete girdik ben çıkıyım sen kusacaksan kus haber ver sonra seni götürüp yatırıyım dedim.Beni bırakırsan kesin düşerim başım çok dönüyor dedi.Çamaşırımı bi tane indirirsen ben bi tane işeyim sonra gidelim dedi.Ben en iyisi İlknuru çağırıyım o sana yardımcı olsun dedim.Çağırma dedi onu bekleyecek zamanım yok donuma yapacağım hem de o beni taşıyamaz dedi.Böyle olmasıda işime geliyordu zaten.Eteğinin altında çamaşırını çıkartma bahanesi ile elimi soktum amına ellediğimde adeta boşalacaktı.Sırılsıklam olmuştu ve yanıyordu.Çok tahrik olmuştum tuvaletin duvarına yaslayıp sikmemek için kendimi zor tutuyordum.Çamaşırını indirdim ve hadi acele et İlknur bizi böyle görürse yanlış anlayabilir dedim.Ne yapıyoruz ki yanlış anlayacak dedi.Onun amına koyarım ( kafa iyiya güya ) dedi.Fatoş klozete oturdu ve işemeye başladı.Bende tam önündeyim güya onu tutuyorum.Farmuarımı açsam sikim direk dudaklarına değer o kadar yakınız.Sikim zaten dimdik olmuş deliriyorum.Şeytan dedi nasıl olsa kafası iyi ne olacaksa olsun bırak bu oyunu aç fermuarı ver ağzına İlknur gelinceye kadar yalasın sikimi sonra ikisini bir halının üzerine yatırıyım delik deşik edip sikiyim.Sonra vazgeçtim tüm bunlardan.Ben duyacaklarımı duymuştum zaten İlknur bana onu kendi elleri ile getirip siktireckti.Acele etmeye gerek yoktu.Şimdilik tadını çıkartmaya bakıyordum.İşemesi bitmişti tuvalet kağıdı alıp amını temizledi ve zorlansa da çamaşırını yukarı çekti ve tamam gidebiliriz dedi.Tuvaletten çıktık ve yan odaya yöneldi beni şuradaki kanepe yatır ben orada uyurum dedi.Götürdüm yatırdım.Üzerini örtüyüm mü dedim yok zaten yanıyorum dedi.Haklıydı Fatoş yanıyordu ellemedik yerini bırakmadım ki boşalmış bile olabilirdi.Odaya geçtim İlknuru bekliyordum.İlknurdan haber yoktu.Bir sigara yaktım ve yatak odasına doğru gittim.Kapıyı hafif aralayacaktım ki İlknur farketti beni.Aşkım nerde kaldın Fatoş sızdı onu yatırdım uyuyor seni bekliyorum dedim.Bitmek üzere geliyorum dedi.Karanlıkta hiçbir şey görmemiştim.Ben odaya doğru yürümeye başladım arkamdan İlknur geldi.Odaya girdik üzerinde simsiyak bir peçe vardı.Sadece bir çift göz görünüyor başka hiçbir şey görünmüyordu.Peçenin kenarından bacağını çıkarttı altında transparan birşeyler vardı.Acayip tahrik olmuştum.Öpmek istiyordum ama dudakları görünmüyordu.Ona doğru yürüdüm ve sarıldım.Elimi amına götürdüm oynamaya başladım.Bir yandan da peçeyi çıkartmaya çalışıyordum ama bir türlü beceremedim.İlknur peçeyi çıkartmak istediğimi anladı ve peçeyi çıkarttı.Altında transparan bir pantolon üstünde yine tansparan bir sütyen ve başında türban bağlı ve yüzünde böyle taşlı falan bir peçe vardı.Gözlerine çok abartılı bir makyaj yapmış gözleri bitiriyordu beni.Amını okşamaya devam ediyordum üzerindeki transparan pantolunun am ve göt bölgesi kendiliğinden açıktı zaten ve külotu yoktu.İlknur ayakta ben önüne diz çökmüş vaziyette amını ve götünü yalıyordum.İlknur inanılmaz zevk alıyordu aşkım beni yine sert sikeceksin değil mi ? diyordu.İlknura cevap bile vermiyordum.Fatoşda kapının kenarında yerini almış bizi izliyordu.Ben ona odaklandığımdan dolayı İlknura cevap vermiyor sadece işimi yapıyordum.Fatoşun olduğu yer karanlıktı tam göremiyordum ama zannediyorum Fatoş sırılsıklam ıslanmış amını talan ediyordu.İlknur amını götünü yaladıkça inliyor beni çıldırtıyordu.Bir süre yaladıktan sonra İlknur sırılsıklam olmuştu ve başımın arkasına iki eli ile bastırarak boşalmaya başladı.Amına öyle bir bastırıyordu ki ben Fatoşu göremiyordum.İlknur kısık bir sesle ve heceleye heceleye aşkım beni bu gece uçurdun resmen.Harikasın gerçekten.Çok güzel yalıyorsun ve sikiyorsun diyor başımı amına bastırdıkça bastırıyor ve titreye titreye boşalıyordu.Amından akan suları yalayıp yutarken parmağımla götünü genişletiyordum ama henüz karar vermemiştim nereden sikeceğime.Boşalma bittikten sonra ben ayağa kalktım bu kez İlknur diz çöktü.Önce sütyenini çıkarttı ve peçesinin altında sikimi ağzına aldı yalamaya başladı.Allahım bu nasıl bir duyguydu.Uçuyordum.Dudak hizasına gelen peçesinin taşları sikimin üstüne değdikçe çıldırıyordum.Bunu bilerek mi yapmıştı bilmiyorum ama peçenin taşları beni kendimden geçirdi.Peçenin içindeki bir çift göz direk gözlerime odaklanmış ve gözlerini kırpmadan gözümün içine baka baka sik beni dercesine sakso çekiyordu.İstisnasız hayatımın en zevkli saksosu buydu.İlknur çıldırmış gibi sakso çekerken Fatoş sırtımda kalmıştı ve hiç göremiyordum onu.O ne yapıyordu hiç bilmiyorum.Düşündükçe boşalacak gibi oluyordum zaten bu yüzden sadece İlknurun dudaklarına kendimi bırakmıştım.Ama dudaklarına boşalmak istemiyordum.Onu bu gece son kez sikmeliydim.Nasıl siktiğimi Fatoş görmeli ve kudurmalıydı.Acayip gaza gelmiştim birden İlknurun kolundan tutup ayağa kaldırdım.Kapıya yakın olan duvara avuç içleri duvara gelecek şekilde ayakta domalttım.Hemen bir tane sehba getirim sehbanın üzerine diz kapaklarını koyarak bana doğru domalmasını istedim.İlknur yiyeceği yarrağı bildiği için sabırsızlıkla her dediğimi yapıyordu.Bende arkasına geçtim diz kapaklarım üzerinde çömeldim ve sikimi İlknurun amına dayadım sikimin başı ile amını okşamaya başladım.Fatoş pozisyon olarak sağ kolumda kalmıştı ve aramızda 1,5 yada 2 metre mesafe vardı.Nefes almadan izliyordu ve kendini tatmin ediyordu.Bir süre amını okşadıktan sonra ansızın sikimi köküne kadar soktum.İlknur çıklık attı.İnanılmaz bir çığlık attı.Aşkım çocuk uyanabilir dedi.O zaman sessiz ol türbanlı orosbu dedim.Acayip tahrik olmuştu.Avuç içleri duvara dayalı domalmış bacakları açık ben içerdeyim ve inanılmaz sikiyorum amını.Ritmim harika herşey harika.İlknur inim inim inliyor.Amını sikerken parmağımla da götünü zorluyorum.Yaklaşlık 7-8 dakika kadar amını orta ritimde hiç durmadan siktim.Benim farkettiğim kadarıyla 3 kez boşalmıştı.İtiraf etmeliydim amı çok daha güzeldi.Çok dar ve çok sıcaktı.Delirtmişti beni.Sonlara doğru tempomu düşürdüm ve İlknur bunu farkettiğinde ileri geri hareketlerle tempo tutmaya başladı.Artık sonlara yaklaştığımın farkındaydım.İlknura nereye boşalmamı istersin dedim.Nereye istersen dedi.O zaman peçenin üzerine boşalmak istiyorum dedim.Tempomu hızlandırdım.Odanın içinde amında patlayan testislerimin sesi ve İlknurun inlemeleri yankılanıyordu.Fatoşu görmeye çalışıyordum ama hiçbir şekilde göremiyordum ne yaptığını bilmiyorumdum ama bu sahneleri sonuna kadar izlemesini çok istiyordum.Son birkaç kez daha köküne kadar soktuktan sonra hazırım dedim.Sikimi amından çıkarttım İlknur önümde diz çökmüş kafasını bana doğru kaldırmış o muhteşem gözleri ile bana bakıyordu.Daha fazla dayanamadım ve spremlerimi fışkırtmaya başladım.Harikaydı.İlknur gözlerini hiç kırpmadan bana bakıyordu bende spremlerimi peçesine yüzüne gözüne nereye denk gelirse oraya boşaltıyordum.Çok fazla spremim kalmadığından dolayı bitmişti.Biten sadece spremim değil İlknur Fatoş ve ben hepimiz bitmiştik.İlknur peçesinin altından sikimi ağzına aldı ve yavaş yavaş yalıyordu ama ben kasılmaya devam ediyordum.Ayakta duracak halim kalmamıştı.İlknur beni bıraktı ben hemen ordaki kanepeye yattım.İlknur da baş ucuma gelip oturdu.Çok güzeldi çok teşekkür ederim.Harikaydın dedi.Asıl harika olan sensin dedim.Bende ona teşekkür ettim.Güneş doğmak üzereydi ve biran önce giyinip gitmek istediğimi söyledim.İlknur duş yap ondan sonra çık dedi duşa girecek dermanım yoktu ve girmedim.Üzerimi giyinip çıktım.Bu olaydan yaklaşık bir ay sonra Fatoşu nasıl siktiğimi merak ediyorsanız beğenmeyi ve beni takip etmeyi unutmayınız…

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Kayınvalidemi Siktim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kayınvalidemi Siktim
Çocuğumu bırakmaya gittiğimde Kayınvalidemi siktim! (Murat, 30 Y., Ankara / Türkiye)

Ben, 30 yaşında, kariyer sahibi, çok yakışıklı olmayan, 1.73 boyunda, hafif te kilolu, fakat sempatik bir adamım. 2 çocuğumla birlikte, 8 yıllık mutlu bir evliliğim var. Küçük çocuğuma kayınvalıdem bakıyor. Karım da kariyer sahibi olduğu için onun erken çıkması gereken günlerde oğlumu kayınvalideme ben bırakıyordum.

Birgün yine oğlumu bırakmak için, sabah kayınvalidemin evine gittiğimde, dış kapının açık olduğunu gördüm ve zili çalmadan içeri girdim. Sonradan öğrendiğime göre kayınpeder maaşını çekmek için evden erken ayrılmış ve kapıyı tam kapatmayı unutmuştu. Kapıdan içeri girdikten sonra evin uzun koridorunun sonunda yatak odası vardı. Koridorda yürüken, pek net olmasa da, kayınvalidemin üzerini değiştiğini sezinledim.

Oğlumun beşiği kayınvalidelerin yatak odasında olduğu için çocuğu oraya götürüyor aynı zamanda da aynadan, karım gibi uzun boylu olan kayınvalidemin tüm vücudunu, iri gögüslerini, düz beyaz renkli külotunun sardığı, çok ta büyük olmayan kalçalarını ve beyaz tenini, artık net olarak görebiliyordum.

Kayınvalidem uykudan yeni uyanmış ve geceliğini çıkartıyordu. Heyecanım odaya yaklaştıkça daha da artıyor, ne yapacağımı bilemiyordum. Bir anda O da bir şeyler sezip arakasına döndüğünde, utanmanın ve heyecanın etkisiyle kekeleyerek “Kapının açık unutulduğunu…” filan dediğimde, O da refleks olarak ellerini göğüslerine götürerek kapattı ve sadece gözleriyle “Çocuğu yatırıp dışarı çıkmamı” istedi.

Ben de hemen bu talimata uyup istediklerini yapmıştım. Ama o vücudu ve özellikle tenin beyazlığı gözümün önünden gitmiyordu. Ne yapacağımı bilemeden mutfağa geçmiş, yiyeceğim fırçaya göre kafamda savunma hazırlamaya çalışıyordum. Ama bu arada penisim tam birleşme öncesi halini almış artık pantolonumu zorluyordu.

Az sonra kayınvalidem mutfağa geldi ve şaşırtıcı bir tavırla “Kahve içip içmeyeceğimi” sordu. Ben de bu durumun şoku ile ancak kafamla “Evet” işareti yapabildim. Kayınvalidemin üstünde uzun bir penye etek ve bir badi vardı. Badi’nin altında ise, o iri göğüslerini zorlukla zapteden sütyeni olduğu belli oluyordu. 53 yaşında olmasına rağmen vücuduna bakmayı iyi başarmıştı.

Onun bu tavrından sonra, bendeki heyecan yerini beklentiye bırakmaya başlamıştı ki… belki bilerek, belki de tamamen tesadüf eseri, kahve tepsisinden su bardağını alırken, su tamamen üstüme boca olmuştu. Hemen çıkarmak için oturma odasına yöneldiğimde, O da arkamdan, elinde bir bezle gelmişti. Ama ben, çoktan kemeri çıkarmış ve pantalonumu sıyırmaya başlamıştım bile…

Ve işte bütün olanlar o anda oldu! Aniden dudaklarımız birbirne yapışmış, hararetli ve ıslak bir şekilde öpüşüyor, deyim yerinde ise “Yiyişiyorduk”. Öpüşürken çok zevk aldığı gözlerini kapamasından ve ritminden belli oluyordu. Bu arada ben de iyice rahatlamış bir şekilde, belki de hayatta bir kere ele geçen böyle bir fırsatı değerlendirmeye çalışıyordum. Büyük bir zevkle ellerimi vücudunda gezdirmeye başlamış, bir yandan da üzerindeki fazlalıklardan kurtulmaya çalışıyordum.

Yaklaşık 3-4 dakika sonra artık ikimiz de tamamen çıplak kalmıştık. Onun beyaz teni sayesinde ve karımın regl döneminde olmasından dolayı bir haftadır seks yapmamış olmanın da etkisiyle, küloduma boşalmıştım. Yavaşca beni kanepeye oturtarak önümde diz çöktü ve penisimi yeniden ereksiyon haline getirmek için ağzına alıp yalamaya başladı. Kayınvalidemin çok uğraşmasına gerek kalmadan, bizim 18’lik alet tekrar ilişkiye hazır hale gelmişti.

Kayınvalidem bacaklarını aralayarak, kanepenin üstünde uç tarafa, benimkinin üstüne yavaşca oturdu. Tekrar öpüşmeye ve elleşmeye başladık ve yaklaşık beş dakika sonra ikimiz de inleyerek boşaldık. Kayınvalidem kanepenin yanına yığıldığında, ağzından sadece “Teşekkür ederim.” kelimeleri çıkmıştı.

O halde hiç konuşmadan 30 dakika kadar kaldıktan sonra banyoya doğru yöneldi. Ben de arkasından banyoya girdim. O güzel, dolgun dudakları olan vajinasını yıkamaya başladığında tekrar tahrik olmuştum. Karımın da çok zevk aldığını bildiğim için, vajinasına doğru çökerek öpmeye başladım. Ve tepkisi gecikmedi, “Gerçekten yalamak istiyormusun?” diye sordu. “Büyük bir zevkle…” diye karşılık verdiğimde, elimden tutarak beni yatakodasına götürdü. “Burada daha rahat yapabileceğimizi” söyleyerek yatağa sırt üstü uzandı.

Ben yolu görmüş, ayak bileklerinden başlayarak yukarı doğru öpüp yalayarak hedefe, vajinasına doğru ilerliyordum. Vajinasına ulaştıktan sonra, önce küçük dil darbeleri, ardından vajinasının dudaklarını emmeye ve daha sonra klitorisini emerek ve yalayarak onu zevkin doruğuna doğru tırmandırmaya başlamıştım. Artık o da kıvranmaya ve iki eliyle başımı tutarak vajinasının içlerine doğru çekmeye çalışıyordu. 5 dakika sonra kasılmaları artmış ve son bir kasılma ile boşaldığını anlamıştım.

Bir müddet öpüştükten sonra, eliyle benim penisimi tutarak, misyoner pozisyonu’nda, vajinasına kendi yerleştirmişti. Zevk sularından dolayı iyice nemlenen o daracık vajinasında yavaş yavaş ve derken daha hızlı bir şekilde gidip gelmeye başladım. Tam hatırlamıyorum ama ilkinden biraz daha fazla sürdü. Yaklaşık 10 dakika sonra, biraz da korkarak içine boşalmıştım. Korkumu anlamış olacak ki “Korkma menapoz’dayım.” diyerek içimi rahatlatmıştı.

Duşumu alıp çıktığımda kahvaltının hazır olduğunu gördüm. Kahvaltıda ve daha sonraki zamanlarda, bu konu hiç açılmadı, sanki aramızda hiç bir şey olmamış gibi davranıyoruz.

Ama itiraf etmeliyim ki, Kayınvalidemi sikmek güzeldi, bir daha olmasını çok isterdim.


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