hem yengem hem teyze

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hem yengem hem teyze

Hem Teyzem hem Yengem Merhaba ben ertan size gecen ay başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatıcam.Tamamen gerçektir.İnanıp inanmamak sizin biliceğiniz iş…Ben ankarada yaşıyan bir üniversite öğrencisiyim..Oturduğumuz ev ise aile apartmanı amcamlar ve biz oturuyoruz…Amcam ile babam iki kız kardeş ile evlendiler yani amcanın karısı hem teyzem hemde yengem ama ben teyze derim…Amcam bundan 2 sene önce trafik kazasında öldü…Teyzem ise bizim üst katta oturuyordu…Ben ailemin tek çocuğuyum..Teyzem ise 34 yaşında esmer tenli bakıl etli bir kadın tam bir olgun kadın modunda…Çocukluğumdan beri ona hayranım…Hep teyzem ile birlikte olma hayali kurmuşumdur birde teyzemin çocugu var doğukan 6 yaşında ana okuluna gidiyor…Neyse ben anlatmaya başlıyım..

Teyzem benim hep sırdaşım olmuştur…Ne anlatmak istersem anlatırdım dertleşirdik…Beni hep motive etmeye çalışırdı babam biraz aksi bir adam anlaşamıyorduk bazı konularlar…Bu sene okulun sömerstir tatilinde alttan dersim kaldı.Tabi babam bunu duyunca hemen köpürdü olmıycak sözler söyledi klasik baba nasiyatları kaldıramıycak duruma gelmiştim..Ben kızıp dışarı çıktım…Arkadaşlarla buluşup içmeye gittim…Babam alkole karşı olan birisi ben zil zurna sarhoş olmuştum…Tam eve giricektim ki teyzem camda beni bekliyor hemen aşağıya indi..

– Ertan ne bu hal!!!Neden içtin sen bu kadar
– Babama kafam bozuldu bende içtim ne var bunda dedim
– baban seni bu halde görmesin çabuk bize çık dedi
– bende görse ne olucak ne diycek hayatım boyunca beni pasif olarak gördü.Öyle büyüdüm..Asosyal bir insan oldum onun yüzüne..Gelsin konuşucam dedim
– Saçmalama çabuk bize geliyorsun dedi..

Beni omuzlayıp yukarı çıkartı..Hemen bizi kata gidip anneme söyledi durumu anlattı annemde tamam sizde kalsın babası uyanık ben bir bahane uyduruum sizde kaldı diye demiş…Teyzem yukarı geldi..Hemen mutfaga geçti bir sert kahve yaptı…Ama nafile ben ayılamadım kahveden bir kaç dk sonra hemen kustum üzerime…Teyzem beni banyoya götürdü..Ben duşa girdim üstümü çıkarttım teyzemi banyosunda olduğumu görünce hayallerimdeki yerdeydim.Kendimi hep burda teyzem ile sex yaparken hayal etmiştim..Gözüm teyzemin kirli çamaşırlarına takıldı..Gerçekten çok sexilerdi…Duşu aldım teyzem baba amcanın piyamalarından getirdi bende giydim ama kafamda daha farklı şeyler vardı…Kafam güzel rolü yapıcaktım…Bu şekilde bana kızması zordu..Neyse ben içeri geçti biraz ayıldım ama kafam iyi rolü yapmaya devam ettim..Teyzem ise piyamalarını giymişti o kalçaları resmen belli oluyordu…Aslında ensest ilişkiler bana kötü geliyordu burda başından geçenlere mesajlar attım onlar pişmanlık duymadıkları anlatmışlardı..Ben teyzemin yanına oturdum

-Neden bu kadar içtin..Babala aran her kötü oldugundan sorunları hep içkiylemi çözüceksin dedi
-Ben çözmesine çözmeme ama bıktım artık baskılarından anladın mı teyze bıktım kendim olamadım bir türlü pasif bir insan olarak kaldım dışarıda sıkı dostum bile yok o derece..
-Merak etme ben varım ben senin hem yengen hem teyzen hemde arkadaşınım unutma dedi

sonra başımı omzuna dayadım o şekilde konuşmaya dertleşmeye başladık ama ben yine kafam iyi rolündeydim…fırsatını kolluyordum ama bir türlü cesaret edemedim..o gece sadece sohbet edip durduk…
Teyzem ben yatıyorum dedi gitti.bende pc bakabilirmiyim diye sordum oda izin verdi..sonra pc başına geçtim porno videosu izleyerek kendimi tatmin etmeye çalıştım…Teeyzemi nasıl becerim diye düşünmeye başladım…İnternet büyü olayını bile araştırdım neyse kabala büyüleri olayına baktım netten saçmalık ama o kişinin saçına ihtiyacım vardı…bende deli cesareti aldım elime makası teyzemin saçını kesmeye gittim..teyzem uyuyordu…sessizce odaya girdim teyzem uyanmaması lazımdı hemen saçlarına yöneldim elimde sessizce keserken teyzem birden uyandı ben ne yapıcagımı bilemedim.nasıl açıklarım bunu diye düşündüm,

-Ertan ne yapıyorsun sen elinde makasla..ertan sana söylüyorum ne yapıyorsun korkutma beni söyle dedi

-Bunu sana açıklayamam dedim
– ertan herşey yolundamı neden makas ile saçımı kesiyordun söylesene dedi
-açıklayamam dedim sana açıklayamam diyerek hemen içeri geçtim kapıyı kilitledim kendime küfür etmeye başlamadım..

teyzem kapıya gelip ertan aç konuşmak istiyorum sadece dedi ama ben hiç bir ses verdim yarın konuşuruz şimdi git dedim

-ertan kendinen zarar vermenden korkuyorum aç konuşucaz sadece dedi
-hayır konuşmak istemiyorum şuan değil kendime zarar vermiycem korkma sadece yanlız bırak beni dedim..

Teyzem gittim dedi ama gitmediği belliydi içerde oturma odasında oturuyordu sigara yakma sesleri geliyordu eminim oda gece boyunca düşünmüştür…

Sabaha karşı odadan çıktıgım koltukta uyumuştu hemen battaniye alıp üstünü örttüm bizim daire geçtim uyudum….uyandığımda teyzem bizdeydi annem ile kahve içiyorlardı..Ben annem ile teyzemi görünce korktum söyledi diye

-ertan oğlum dün gece neden bu kadar içtin söylesene dedi annem
-anne bana sıkmayın artık dedim
-tmm tmm merak etme biz yarın baban ile haftasonu için köye gidiyoruz orda yapılması gereken işler varmış..ama sen böyle yaparsan ben seni tek bırakmak istemem dedi
-bende merak etmeyin tek kalırım dedim
-merak etme abla koca delikanlı o artık kalır bende yemek falan getirim merak etmeyin siz dedi

neyse ben teyzemin dediklerine cevap vermeden çıktım dışarı…ertesi gün bizimkiler çıktılar yola cuma günü pazartesiye kadar yoklardı…Ben yaptıgım olaylardan dolayı kendime küfür ediyor ensest ilişki yazanlara küfür ediyordum…o pişmanlıkla gittim 3-4 bira aldım evde içmeye başladım..4 birayi içerken kafam iyi olmuştu…kapı çaldı teyzemde gelen açmadım kapıyı

-ertan içerde olduğunu biliyorum kapıyı aç ben teyzen dedi açtım kapıyı
-ne bu hal ertan yine içmişsin
-evet içtim ne bunda
-ertan neden böyle ters konuşuyorsun kırıyorsun beni haberin olsun ne yaptım ben sana ki bana böyle davranıyorsun
-Ben bir şey yapmana gerek yok ben yaptım zaten herşeyi dedim
-ertan yapma böyle anlatmak istersen ben dinlerim arkadaşız biz seninle amcan öldükten sonra ailemde en yakın sen davrandın bana unuttun mu
-unutmak mı pehh ben senin ile ilgili hiç birşey unutmadım ki…arkadaşız diyorsun merak ediyorusn diyceklerimi söylediktan sonra suratıma ile bakmazsın…
-olur mu öyle şey ertan neden bakmıyım…anlatmak istersen söyle dedi
-boş ver gitsin gerek yok söylesem bir türlü söylemesem bir türlü dedim
-ertan anlat artık bir hata yaptın yoksa dedi
-evet koca bir hata
-anlat bakalım sen anlatmaadan gitmem burdan dedi
-anlat bakalım dedi
-iyi sen kaşındın o zaman ne olucaksa olsun artık…anlatıyorum o zaman iyi dinle..ben biliyorsun pasif bir insanım bu yaşıma kadar sevgilim bile olmadı değil öpmek elini bile tutamadım ama sonra ileryen zamanlarda ise bir kadın bana yakın davrandı o kadın bana yasak olan bir kadındı…Onu hayal ettim her zaman ondan etkilendim kaç seneden beri ama söyleyemezdim bunları dedim
-neden evli bir kadın mı yoksa
-hayır değil bir dinle sonra konuşursun zaten…kadın evli değil ama çok güzel herşeyi beni etkiliyor aşk sevgi değil hayranlık sadece…onunla bir gece beraber uyumak için herşeyimi verirdim dedim
-eee kim bu kadın neden yasak sana
-dur 1 dk anlıycaksın bu kadının kim olduğunu…sonra o kadını elde edemiyceğimi anlayıp gittim büyü yapmaya karar verdim komik dimi sadece bana aşık olsun benim olsun diye…sonra büyü için saçını kesmem lazımdı kesemedim..anladın mı o kadın kim şimdi
-ertan şey şey ne desem bilmiyorum…
-işte bilemezsin zaten merak etme ben alıştım bu yanlızlığa aslında…
-sen iyi bir çocuksun yakışıklısın dışarıda bir sürü güzel kız varken neden ben
-işte bu soruyu çok sordum ben kendime bende bulamadım sen olduğun için sen işte bu kadar basit
-yanii şoktayım şimdi ne desem bilemyorum…ertan dedi hafif tebessüm ederek…yani sen şimdi bana aşıksın öylemi …ahh allahım…dedi gülere
-bende komik olan ne dedim
-ya o büyü olayına gerçekten deniycekmiydin neydi o büyünün etkisi yapsaydın olsaydı ne olucaktı..
-sen benim olucaktın
-inanamıyorum senin olucaktım öylemi…dediklerini umursamıyorum ertan şuan alkollüsün ne konuştugunu bilmiyorsun bence…
-tamam teyze çık dışar yanlız kalmak istiyr
-ertan yanlış anladın öyle demek istemimiştim
-çık dışarı dedim
– ertan tamam biraz daha konuşalım
-çık dışarı dedim
-hayır çıkmıyorum ne yapıcaksan yap bakalım…
-ne mi yapıcam görürüsün şimdi dedim tuttum kolundan alkolün etkisiyle içeri çektim yatak odasına doğru götürdüm
-ertan dur saçmalama ne yapıyorsun dedi

ama aldırmadım ne olucaksa olsun artık diyordum zorlada olsa yapıcaksım…biraz çekerken direndi ama gönlü var gibiydi…yatağa attım kaçmaya çalışyordu direk kapıyı kitledim nefes nefese kalmıştı heycandan direk üstümü çıkarttım boxer hariç o hala şoktaydı nefes alışlarının sıklığını ben bile duyuyordum…
-ertan ban yanlış yapıyorsun dedi

ama aldırmadım ok yaydan çıkmıştı artık..dışar üstüne saldırdım beni itirmeye çalıştı ama başamadı direk amına elimi attım avuçladım durdum resmen beni itirmeye çalışıyordu ama başaramadı bir türlü hemen altındaki piyamayı indirdim resmne amı karşımdaydı artık karşı koymuyordu..direk amına girmye çalıştım ama başamadım ilk önce biraz uğraştım onun gözleri sikimdeydi.her yerini öpüyordum resmne dudaklarıyla oda karşılık vermye başladı artık kendimizedfen geçmiş durumdaydık amına giriğimde sanki sikimi yakıyorlar sandım o derece sıcaktı öperken oda çocuklugumdan beri bu anı bekledim senin beni olmanı bekledim hastayım sana ölüyorum senin için dedim oda devam et dedi ben amına gel git yapma devam ettim yatak sallanıyordu ikimizde gözlerimiz kapalı bir birimizi yiyorduk teyzem ahha ahh diyordu boşalıyordu ama gözlerimi açamıyordum bende son vuruşları yaptıktan sonra boşaldım ama boşalmak için elimi sikime attığımda sikim resmen meni olmuştu sanırım onun boşalmalarıydı…yatağa yanına yattım

-sonunda emeline erdin mutlumusun dedi
-hemde çok
-tmm o zaman giyin üzerini bu olanlarda aramızda kalıcak annen yada baban duyarsa ikimizide bu binada barındırmazlar
-evet söylemem merak etme ama devamı gelirse dedim
-tmm sen yeterki böyle içme işlerine devam etme atık oldu olan sen bu saaten sonra devamlı ister durursun..baştan söyliyim her zaman olucak birşey değil bu anladın mı arkadaşlarına falanda anlatmıycaksın.Sırf senin haline üzüldüğüm için yaptım ve yapıcam belki
-biraz önce orgasm olan benmiydim sadece acı yalanı merak etme sende deli gibi sevişiyordun..sende istiyorsun belki ki..
-tamam uyanık tmm bende insanım sonuçta…dediğim gibi aramızda kalıcak bunlar sakın..ben şimdi yukarı gidiyorum çocuk evde tek
-yarın yine görüşüz o zaman
-tmm alkollu olma ama ağzın leş gibi biraz kokuyordu ben böyle şeylerden hoşlanmam haberin olsun
-tmm ayık olucam
-tmm çocuk uyudugunda akşam gelirim dedi

gitti dünyanın en mutlu insanı bendim belki pasifliğim bekli bu işe yaramıştı tek ama güzel sonuç vermişti…evede uyuyamadım sanki bir rüyaydı bu kadar kolay olucagını tahmin etmiyordum.demek ilk adımı atmak meseleymiş diye düşündüm..hemen porno videoları açıp nasıl becereiceğimin planlarnı yapıyordum..bende uyudum ertesi gün öğlen doğukan geldi kapıya öğlen ertan abi annem seni çağıyor kahvaltı hemen üstümü değiştirdim..çıktım yukarı teyzem günaydın yakışıklı nasıl güzel uyudun mu dedi gülerek bende hemen çok güzel uyudum dedim oda güldü hımm demek güzel uyudun dedi neyse kahvaltıya oturduk..yemeği yedik bizim ufalık okulla birlikte gezitye gidicekmiş müzeler falan bana gün doğmuştu..teyzem ben şunu okula bırakıp geliyorum sen kahvaltını iyice yap dedi bende tmm diyip bal falan ne varsa yedim enerji olsun diye…kahvalntım bittikten sonra hemen sigaramı yaktım…onu bekledim..geldi

-kahvaltını yaptın mı
-evet yaptım..
o masayı toparlarken hemen arkasına yanaştım kollarım la belini kavradım…boyunu öpmeye başladım…
-dur bakalım akşamı bekle
-hadi ama çocukta yok kimse yokken yapalım birşeyler dün gece tadı damağımda kaldı
-akşama dedim bu işler her istediğin zaman olucak şeyler değil..Hem sabretmeyi öğren artık..
-tmm o zaman akşam dün gece gibi kısa sürmiycek haberin olsun
-temmenim o dedi
-demek temennin haa tmm o zaman akşma görüşüz ben dışarı çıkıyorum birey istiyorumusun dedim
-yok dedi

bende gittim arkadaşlara konuştuk…akşam kadar dışıada takıldım eve 7-8 gibi gittim duşa girdim traş falan oldum birşeyler atıştırdım..teyzemlerdende komşular iniyordu demek i komşuları bekliyormuş..neyse ben beklemeye devam ettim..akşam 10 gibi teyzem geldi…

-ne yaptın bakalım bugün
-arkadaşlarla takıldım öyle oyalandım işte..sen ne yaptın
-komşular geldi öyle oyalandım biraz kesitirmisin tv bakarken yarım saat önce uyandım..
-hımm yeni uyandın yani..
-evet karnın açmı yukarıdan birşeyler getirim mi
-yo gerek yok ben yedim biraz önce ama aç oldugum başka konular var
-neymiş onlar
-gel içeri geçelim sana daha iyi anlatıyım onları dedim

yatak odasına gittik hiç konuşmasına fırsat vermeden dudaklarına yapıştım oda alt dudagımı emmeye başladı kalçalarından kavradım kendime doğru çektim resmen poposunun kanatlarını deli gibi sıkıyordum..avuçlarım içindey o hayal ettiğim göt…üstümü çıkarttım onu soymaya başladım sikim kalkmıştı..gözleri sikime kayıyordu sonra yataga geçttik amını ellemeya başladım yalamak içimden geçti ama kusarım diye korktum amını incelercesine elliyordum parmagımı amını ortasında gezdiriyordum…sonra amını bıraz sıvılarla doldu elimi hemen çarşafa sildim..

-yeter bu kadar dedi

kucağıma oturdu sikim resmnen alevler içindeydi üzerine oturup kalkıyordu.ilk önce göğüslerini sıktım…sonra ise kalçalarını avuçladım kucagımdan zıplarken dünyalar benim oluyordu…harika birşey bu sex yapmak…2-3 dk içince ben boşaldım geliyorum dedim hemen kucagımdan kalktı bende çarşafın üzerinde boşaldım…teyzem ne çabuk dedi bende ne biliyim bu ikinci sex yapışım ..tmm normal o zaman amcanda böyleydi ama ilerde alışırsın merak etme dedi bende tmm dedim drek dudaklarına yapıştım..deli gibi emiyordum dudaklarını amına tokat attım sikim kalkmaya başlamıştı 3-4 seviştikten sonra bu sfer ben üstüne çıktım amına kendim girdim vurmaya başladım kollarımla kendimi kaldırdım 5-6 dk böyle vurdum teyzem gözleri kapalı bir şekilde duruyordu ben vurdukta oda zevk alıyordu yine ımmm diye kendini sıkmaba başladı bacakları kasılıyordu bacak arasındayken bunu hissediyordum…sikime baktım saydam beyazımsı sıvılarla bolmuştu bu beni daha da zevke getirdi domalmasını söyledim arkasına geçti yatagın üzerindeydik ama halim kalmamıştı belimi ellerim ile ittiyordum oda bunun farkına vardı ayağa kalkta bur dedi bende ayağa kalktım oda götünü yatagın kenarına getirdi..girmeye başladım göt deliği ço güzel duruyordu bazı porno filmlerindeki kadınların göt delikleri çok değişik ve mide bulandırıcı gelirdi bana bende ondan korkuyordum ama harika bir götü vardı vurmaya devam ettim ama halim kalkmamıştı bu seferde boşalmıyordum teyzem bunu anladın ahh demeye başladı kendi boşaldıgı için benimde boşalmamı istiyordu ama ben aklımı başka şeylerle meşgul yoruldum dedim oda tmm o zaman ben çıkıyım üste uzan dedi sex yapmak gerçekten porno filmdekiler gibi olmuyormuş onu anladım…kucagımda zıplıyordu iler geri yapıyordu onun ellerin benim göğsümdeydi bende ellerin tuttum destek vermek için sonra yoruldugundan olucak i ellerini bacaklarıma koydu destek alıyordu…bende çok geçmeden boşalıyorum dedi yine kalktı…yatağa uzandık sigara yaktık 1 er tane teyzem nasıl memnun kalkdın mı dedi

-evet harikasın dedim
-güzeldi sağol
-devam edicez ama bu gece böyle geçmiycek
-anlaşılan sen yılların birikimni bana aktarıcaksın tmm bir kere daha yaparız sonra ben giyim çocuk evde tek başına dedi
-tmm dedim içer geçtim içicek birşeyler almya
kapı çaldı ben direk yatakodasına koştum toparlan kapı çaldı dedim oda kim bak bakalım dedi baktım delikten birşey gözükmüyor teyzem hemen toparlandı bende giyindim kapıyı açtım baktım ufaklık annem burda diye soruyor geldi içer geçti teyzem ben gidiyorum dedi bende tmm o zaman dedim ama içimden ufalıga sayrıyordum…

İlk olayımız böyle geçti teyzemde seks konusundan benim ile beraber öğrendi son bir ay içiden gelicek hikayelerimi yazıcam begenen olursa hoşçaklın..

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Adım sanım önemli değil. Basımdan gecen bir olayı yazmak istedim sadece. Arada bir girip okurum hikayleri ve porno seyrederim. Zaten cağımızda pc kullnıpda okumadım seyretmedim diyen yalan soyler neyse işte coğu hikaye sallama yok kapı komsumu siktim yok karısını hemen yatırdım domalttım ne lan bu sanki cevremizdeki kadınların hepsi orospu. Hic alakası yok coğu hayal urunu neyse ya uzatmıyyım demek istediğim bir kac satır okuduktan sonra soğuyorum hikayelerden.. cunku gerceklik payı hic gorunmuyor belki biraz da kendileri katıyor bilemem de..
Neyse uzattım galiba ben xxx bir sehirde yasıyorum 5,6 senedir. Bir sikayetden dolayı ki bölüm bölüm gezdiğim bir sikayet o zamanlar henuz bulunamamıştı neden kaynaklandığı. Sikayetinde bir onemi yok konumuzla alakasıda yok. Neyse 2,3 bolum gezdikten sonra sıra dahiliye bolumune gelmişti. Insanımız sağolsun biraz tuafdır o hastahenelrde hemsireler devamlı ” Lutfen kapı onune yığılmyın az acılın” demesine rağmen 10 dk surer bu olay ve dah sonra yine kapıların onu dolar 🙂 bunu niye anlattım onuda bilmiyorum ya neyse.. Sıra bekledim bir sure daha sonra sıram geldi girdim içeri ve anlattım durumu doktor bir bayandı orta yaşlı. Bana sundan sundan kaynaklanıyor olabilir diyerek bir kan tahlili istemişti. Cıktım ordan ve aşağı katdaki kan verme bolumune gittim orda da tahmin edilceği uzre sıra vardı. Sağıma solumua bakıyor bir kız arıyor ve etrafı kesiyordum. Kız arıyor gozlerim dedim guzel kız arıyor demedim cunku etraf coktan ölmüş kişilerle doluydu bırakın yaşlı olmalarını… İki önümde bir bayan vardı tatlı sayılabilicek onu keserek zamanı geciriyordum ki gözlerini gormediğimden neresine baktığım anlaşılıyordur bu sozlerden.. Sıra bana geldi kolu sıvadım ve içeri girdim daha oncede ( yaklaşık 1 ay once gittiğim zaman baska bir sebebpden kan vermiştim ama o normal genel birsey var mı diye yalandan kolumu deldirdiğim zaman olandı) kan verdiğimde alan hemsire yine denk geldi. Olacak ya.. Sıvadığım kolu değil diğerini acmamı 2 saniye sonra hayır hayır diğeri demesi uzerine acaba dalga mı geciyor diye saskınlıkla yuzune baktım. Ağzı kapalıydı. Sadece gözlerini gorebiliyordum. Gozlerindne ve ellerinden anladığım kadari ile 30lu yaslarda bir kadındı. Gözlerine baktığımda saskınlıkla ağız bolgesinin biraz yanak tarafına doğru gerildiğini buradan da gulumsediğini anlamıştım. Bir saniye sonra kusura bakmayın benim hatam diyerek delmesi gerektiği kolumu kendine cekti ve damarın cıkması için kucukken kuş avladğımız sapan lastiklerinden birini koluma bağladı. Bir yandan kolum ile uğrasıyor diğer yandan hic cekinmeksizin tak tak soruları sıralıyordu. Bir anlam verememiştim herseyi soruyordu ard ardına. Nerde calışıyorsun, orası nerede evlimisin adı ne .. Şaşırmıştım bu sorulara ve anlam veremedim. Isı bitti ve gecmiş olsun derken gozlerime bakıyordu. Bende tesekkur ederim diyebildim sadece onun o kadar davetkar hadi sende sor da konusşma gelişşsin der gibi sorularının ardından.
Kalktım montumu kucukken izlediğim çolak salih dizindeki fikret hakanın elbise giymesi gibi bir kolumu soktum diğerini ise montun dışında bırakarak ilerledim. O kalabalığın ve ölmüş insnaların ustlerine basmamk için sağlı sollu ilerleyerek cıkışa geldim. Bir sigara yaktım kolumda hala pamuğu tutarken. Sigara yarıya gelmişti ki arkamdaki atesini verrimisin sesini once kulağım beynime iletti o arada o sesi sentezleyen beynim bunun daha once duyulan ve hatta cok yakın zamanda duyulan bir ses oldğunu bana soylerken bu sesin hemsireye ayit oldğunu anladım. Arkamı dondum ve beyazlar içinde ve bu sefer ağzı acık guzel sayılabilecek bakımlı bir kadın buldum.
“Merhaba” diyerek gülümsedi.
“Merhaba” dedim bende aynı sekilde gulmseyerek.
“İçeride bunaldım resmen bugun cok kalabalık”
“Evet oyle sanırım ama guzel ve kutsal bir meslek sizinkisi hep imrenmişimdir” diyerek gülümsedim ve hemen ardından
“Tabi hemsireliğe değil ” dediketn sonra gulmsemem biraz daha yoğunlaştı onun kahkasının içinde..
Sigaram sonuna yaklaşıyordu konuşma bitecek ve ben oradan ayrılacaktım ama birseyler yapıp bunun bu sekilde sonlanmasını durdurmam laızmdı. Ne yapabilirim ne yapabilirim diye dusunuyordum dukalrınından dokulen sozler içinde onu dinlemiyor beynim ile carpışıyordum. Tam o sırada bir mesaj geldi telefomuna cıkarttım izin isteyerek baktım ki salak sacma operator mesajlarındna biri . O sorada gormus olacak ki bilen bilir candy crush adında facebookda da oynan bir oyun vardır. Ben de sevdiğimden telefonumada yuklemiştim.
“aa sende mi oyunuyorsun dedi ”
“Neyi” diye cevap verdim.
“Şu şeker patlatma oyunu ”
“Hee candy crush” evet severeim oynuyorum. Dememin uzreine orada yer alan banklara oturduk kendi telefonunuda cıkarttı ve ondada oldğunu soyledi ve oyunu actı. Bu arada incecik elbisesi ile bacaklrı bacaklrıma dokunuyor ve kendindne gecerek birseyler anlatıyordu onu dinelmiyordum. Sertleştiğimi hiseedip saklamaya calışırken. Bu duruumu anlamış olcak ki hafifce bacağını cekti. Utanmışdım bunuda anladğını anladım. Bir iki saniye oyle durduktan sonra gitmem gerekdiğini soyledim. Ardından oğleden sonra yine geleceğimi musait olursa yine oyun oyunuyabileceğimizi gulumseyrek ve imalı bir sekilde soyledikten sonra tamam dedi ve gulumsedi.
Oğlen olmustu tekrar hastaneye ve o salak sıralardan birini daha almaya cıktım yukarı. Sıramı aldım ve yaklşık beklem suresi altında yazan salak kağata baktıkdan sonra 1 saat oldğunu gormustum. Ne derece doğrudyu bu sure bilinmez ama ben aşağıya doğru o kadını gormek umudu ile indim. Orada yoktu cunku oğleden sonra kan alınmıyordu. Buruk bir sekilde geriye doğru merdivenlerden cıkarken birden ilerde bir kapıdan cıktığını gordum oda bir sure sonra beni gordu ve gulumseyerek bana doğru geldi.
“Merhaba nasılsın”
“Tesekkurler sen nasılsın” diyerek giriş ve salak gelişme bolumlerini gectik bir kac kelam ederek. Daha sonra Hastalığımı sordu bende durumu anlattım ve sıramı gosterdim daha cok sıra oldğunu ve istersem ileride oturabileceğimizi soyledi. Ilerlerken konuşmaya devam ediyorduk. Konustuk konusktuk ve konustuk. Bir sure sonra hastalığımla alakalı beni musait olan bir doktorun oraya goturebileceğini soyledi ve elimden tutarak kaldırdı. Bunu hic beklemiyordum ani elimden tutmasını biraz utanmış biraz sıkılgan sekilde kalkıp yanında yurudum. Bir sure sonra daha ust katlarda olan bir odaya geldik kapıyı caldı ve içeri girdi doktorun orada olmadğını ve içeride beklememiz gerektiğini soylerek gelmemi istedi. İçeri girdim konusmaya devam ediyorduk. Yanımdaki sandalyede oldğu için arada bir yine bacağını bacağıma değdiriyor ve anlamamamzlıktan gelir gibi etrafa bakıyordu. Bunun ardıdan bende daha cok soktum bacağımı ona doğru oda bir sure sonra sabitledi ve oynatmayı bıraktı. Yine sertleşmiştim bu bana heyecan veriyordu. Elimi nasıl yaptığımı bilmeden sandalyesinin arkasına attığımda bana doğru bir bakış atarak sanki içindeki sex canvaranını ateşlemiş bir bicimde gozlerini gozlerime dikti bir kac saniye oylece baktı ve birden dukdalrıma uzattı dudaklarını . Ne oldğunu anlayammıştım cok heyecanlıydım. Yaşca ve tecrube olarak ondan kucuktum belk**e onun verdiği bir cekingenlik vardı ustumde. Hafif kendimi geri cektim ve doktorun her an gelebileceğini ve zor durumda kalabileceğimizi soylememe rağmen konuşmam biter bitmez elleri ile kafamı tutup yine yumludu dudaklrıma. Bunun ardından o dusunmuyorsa ben niye dusuneyim diyerek bir elimi sacındna diğeri ilede belinden kavrayıp kendime doğru cektim ve ateşli bir sekild eopmeye başladım. Uzun bir sure opustukden sonra ustumdeki motumu cıkarttı hızlı ve hadi o vucudu ver bana der gibi. Daha sonra da ustumdeki bodymi. Kot pantalonumla kalmıştım. Ayakta ustunudeki hemşire elbisesini basından gecirerk cıkarttıkdan sonra hemen ileride muayine için olan adı herne ise onun oraya doğru ilerledik. Ve ustune oturttum dudaklrını operken bir elimde ne kcuuk ne buyuk goguslerinin ustunde geziyordu. Daha fazla dayanamadı ve elimi kemerime goturup onu cozdu ben ise bir anda onu indirip arkasını ceviridm. Daha sonra ince kumaşlı pantalonu indirdim kilodu beyaz cok yumsaktı ellerimle kalcalrına dokunurken. Onuda indirip sular içinde kalmış kadınlığına dayadım aletimi. Bir cırpıda soktum tamamen ellerim goguslerinde iken. Her darbede kalcalrı oynuyor ve iniltiler cıkartıyordu. Fazla dayanmayacağımı anlayıp sert girişleri yavaslattığımda kalcası hadi daha hızlı der gibi ileri geri gidip geliyordu. Bir sure sonra tamamen durdum ve kafasını cevirip dudaklrından yetişebildiğim kadar opmeye başladım elim gogus uclarını sıkarken. HAdi hadi diyerek kalcalrı ileri geri yapmaya calışıyordu kasıklarım ve masının arasında. sadece 10-15 saniye optukden sonra dudaklarını tekrar sert sert sikmeye başladım. Dayanammış gelmişti ınıtiler arasında ben ise doruğa yaklaşıyordum. Bir sure sonra bende boşlacağımı anladğım anada cıkatttıp yere doğru boşaldım. Etraf spermlerime dolmustu ama içine boşalmazdım. Hemen oradaki ıslak mendili getirip once sikimi sonra yerleri sildi. Tekrar oturduk ve burasının doktorun değil kendi odası oldğunu soylediğinde ona bakarak gulmsedim. Hersey cok ani olmustu bende anlmadım nasıl geliştiğini ama cok heyecanlıydı. Daha sonra oradan ayrıldık ve ben doktoruma gidip durumu oğrendim. Ve onunla daha sonra hic gorusemedim. Ya ordan ayrılmıstı yada denk gelmedi. Zaten hastane bu market değil ya devamlı gidip gorebilesiniz. Ama en cok telefonu almadğım için uzulmuştum….

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Out for Lunch

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


It was an average day with average weather, sky blue at some angles, the pale grey of clouds at others. It was warm enough that the sunlight required wearing no jacket but the shade almost insisted on gloves and coat. The only difference from most days was that this was a weekend and he felt like going out to lunch. She’d been called out by friends, to spend a day in company instead of alone behind her walls. Some lunch after some shopping, or so it had been promised. But the day had gone by as they’d both would have expected, and so the two were at lunch, the mere length of a food court between them.

He’d sat there eating, alone in his thoughts, pondering what to do with the rest of the day. Nothing outside the realm of usual, but then there rarely was. And she sat there reliving the same conversations, the same stories about different faces. She still smiled. She still laughed, but her friends rarely provided anything new in their misadventures and she, well, she never really went adventuring. But her smile was there, shining in the light, just enough in sight that his gaze could not avoid her for long. His eyes zeroed in, unable to resist the light she brought to that otherwise banal day. He tried to look away, he really did, but he couldn’t. And eventually her eyes locked with his, where they also remained.

How much time can be spent in one shared look? For these two, it was both a few seconds and a short eternity. Moments in which the world slowed, the periphery blurred, and an unfettered gaze burned through time and cloth and essence. They saw a possibility and, somehow, miraculously, they lived it in enviable detail.

His eyes traced her features. The gentle curve of her pale neck. The way her eyes had dilated ever-so-faintly as he’d watched. The nigh-imperceptible flush upon her cheek, absent so very few microseconds ago. The way her hair glowed in the back-light.

Yet the distance between them had faded at a mere thought. He was soon beside her, the scent of her perfume tracing the air. Something about the way she held her face, the coy angles of her smile, he knew she knew he was there. The fingers of his left reached out and stroked the softness of her cheek. She had betrayed her awareness then, in this microcosm, her face turning and pressing into his outstretched hand, leaning into the delicate contact.

At that, he placed his right hand to the side of her arm and lifted softly upwards. She rose angelically but swiftly, her back still to him. His face closed to the side of her neck, his nostrils filling with her aroma as his mouth reached her ear. His breath fell upon her cool skin, hot and full of desire. She pressed backwards, then, forcing his lips to her ear. He could not resist tasting her as she did, his lips parting about the soft lobe of her ear, his tongue, warm and wet, stroking the delicate flesh. She moaned, that backwards pressure firm at first but then melting. His left hand dropped from cheek to waist and he pulled her close, the softness of her ass making firm contact with his groin.

They stayed like this for a few seconds that felt far longer than it truly was, her soft gasps bubbling up as Escort his tongue caressed her. He paused then, moving his mouth down and to the side, soft kisses against the nape of her neck. Her flesh tightened, goosebumps of pleasure at attention, soft shivers traversing her spine. Her right hand reaches back and pulls his face firmer against her skin while her left guides his underneath her shirt, to where her bra covers the soft mounds atop her chest. His hand, though not unpracticed, does not dart straight for the delicate bud atop the crown of areola. Instead it feels and presses, the soft flesh yielding to his grip. First her left and then her right, a teasing through fabric that sees her press firmer still that shapely bottom against his growing arousal. A few such delicate strokes prove enough, however, as his hand then skirts around her shirt, the clasp of her bra falling aside.

Unrestrained, her breasts shift slightly downwards. Both of his hands now move, each cupping and caressing, fingers now finding the hardening nipples. He tweaks and he teases, her gasps slowly transitioning into faint moans as he toys with her fragile buds. Her arousal is clearly building, the grinding of her ass into his now-solid erection proving quite fervent. His right hand slips farther downwards, the snap of her jeans already undone before his fingers even reach her waist, slipping past the last real barrier to her sex. Expecting to find panties obstructing his path, however, his hands find only the narrowness of a thong. His fingers tug playfully, the string pressing into the budding moisture between her legs and against the delicate skin beneath her cheeks.

She moans and then turns, her face finally coming into view. Glossy lips, eyes aglow. She hesitates not before pressing her lips into his. Her tongue returns the favor, stroking and sucking on his. Their kisses are heated but not frenzied. For they have all the time in the world, it seems. But their patience is not quite so infinite.

His hands no longer beneath her clothing are now at her waist. He lifts, she squirms playfully, and he places her on the table before them. She tilts her head back and he his down, another kiss. Shorter. Because his hands are already pulling her top up and over her head. The light around them sets her pale white flesh aglow, the delicate pink of areola and nipple coming into view. He begins to kneel slightly, his mouth moving from hers back to her neck and down, his tongue tracing across her softness until it begins to crest her supple mound. Her nipple almost pops into his mouth without trying, the delicate nub standing so at attention. His teeth close gently around her, as his tongue takes short strokes on the tip thus pinched. She cries out in surprise and pleasure, her left hand pulling him closer to her breast. He teases and suckles there for a moment, his left creeping upwards and stroking the same anatomy on the left. He disengages and trades places, his mouth finding the other succulent treat as his right hand sets to busying.

She pushes him back slightly, enough that her nipple exits his mouth with a soft “pop”, and she shivers. Her fingers Escort Bayan are fast and nimble, dancing from button to button as she undoes them. His shirt falls open, no undershirt on this oh-so-average day. She pulls the sleeves off, his chest exposed. It is her turn now, soft kisses up and down his chest while her hands drop lower still to where her prize waits. A slip of a zipper, an unsnap of a button, and a firm tug downwards is all it takes. His boxers and slacks fall to the ground, his member springing from its confinement.

She grins and keeps her kissing moving downwards until her nose and his tip are but inches apart. She flinches first in this game of chicken, her lips making a brief contact with his glans before her tongue creeps out and flits across his slit, a half-drop of pearly precum on the very tip of her tongue. She makes a soft giggle and her lips part. Her tongue slicks them as his tip slips inside. She sweeps it across his crown and beneath his glans. He moans and shifts as she works, her tongue busy, flitting to and fro. She applies firm suction and moves back and forth slightly, half his length slipping inside at the deepest, but such continuous stimulation he finds his pleasure building too swiftly. He pushes her back. She smiles coyly, knowing his meaning.

He returns the favor of disrobing her with a firm grasp on her pale blue jeans. They bunch around her ankles and then fall to the floor, the narrow thong somehow still in place, its scarlet red in vivid contrast to her soft skin. He kneels then, her legs splaying to grant him access. His fingers trace along her lower back to her buttocks and to her outer thighs as his mouth kisses sporadically between them, zeroing in on its target. Her sex is on fire, hot and wet. The heat brimming from her is undeniable, as is the tantalizing smell of her arousal. His left hand brushes her thong aside, his tongue striking her delicate hood immediately. With a slight shift, the probing tip of his tongue skirts this defense, teasing her swollen nub directly. A few strokes is all it takes for her to clamp her thighs down on either side of his face. She moans aloud and his strokes begin in earnest. She can hear his breaths, taken in short, staggered bursts as they are, heavy, air less pleasing to his lungs than her button to his tongue. He says no words as he works but his soft vocalizations resonate inside her. It does not take long for the first wash of pleasure to crest and break. Her thighs clench harder, trembling. Her moans grow loud, her breath hard, her breasts heave before it passes. She relaxes her grip and dislodges her lover’s face. He tries to resist but she playfully pushed him away once more.

The two stood like that, staring into each other’s eyes, an unresolved need still brimming between them. She drops her fingers and tugs her thong to the side. She gestures he advance and he does so, his cock standing at attention and still glistening with the mixture of pre-cum and saliva from before. Ready as she is, it is not hard for him to slide inside. Half his length slips in without difficulty. But he must pause, the roiling heat and comforting tightness Bayan Escort now drowning his eager, turgid flesh. He sighs, long, low, and hard, the first hints of heady groan inside his throat. She moans and places her fingers upon his back, pulling him closer. He shifts, a partial stroke out, before sliding in further. Her grip on his back rises in intensity the farther inside he gets until, at last, his balls meet the cleft of her ass. She purrs and looks up. Her lips again meet his and they kiss once more now that they are joined.

He begins to move. Slow and deep, his travels her passage, his crown stroking and stroked by the clenching walls around them. At his deepest, his glans presses against her deepest corners. She moans when he bottoms out and he moans back into her mouth when her walls tighten around him. Her heat melts into his flesh, her slickness brimming. His pace begins to rise, faster strokes now a random mixture between deep and shallow. She holds his face close to hers for a time, but the rising tempo soon threatens to dislodge her from her perch. One hand falls to the table while the other dips to her clit. She strokes her button as he works his way into her time after time. She cums first, another slip-sliding wash of heat over her body. She can feel her pussy clench on every inch of his flesh. He pauses, already too close to his own release, its siren call building in his loins.

A brief pause. Long enough for her orgasm to pass. But not long enough to delay the inevitable for long. He begins to move again, his strokes faster, harder, but more chaotic. She can sense that he will cum soon, too. She grips her legs around him and pulls him to her. Restricted such, his strokes are fast and deep within her but with limited amplitude. His tip strikes her cervix, tickling recesses within her deeper yet. Another orgasm is already welling within her and descending fast. He pulls from their kiss, a word mouthed on his lips that she does not care to hear. She pulls him back and thrusts back into him, her orgasms cresting and dragging him with her. Their orgasmic cries mingle in the shared space between their kisses, her muscles clenching and clamping around him, his shaft throbbing and pulsing. The first splash of his release within her is heralded by her moans falling to cooing gasps, her kisses rising to a frenzied pace. The second and the third see her freeze, the two falling into a singular embrace. And as the after-shocks of both releases finally end, their torsos separate. Their eyes lock. They smile.

And then they are back to reality. His cock aches in its pants, rigid, a soft wet patch discoloring the fabric. He wondered if her panties were in an equal state of affair. He felt tempted to go and greet her. But he shook his head. Such a sumptuous moment in time was to be just that. A beautiful girl with a radiant smile across the way, laughing with her friends. He sat and ate his lunch in peace, savoring the fleeting recollection of an imagined moment. His tray finally empty, he reached down to grab the earbud case from the bag. A familiar jean-clad leg lands in the outskirts of his vision.

“Leaving so soon after we shared such a nice moment? No way. You’re going to buy me a drink and we’ll see if that gets you off the hook.” She grasps his hand and tugs him along with her, the subtlest hint of red thong peeking above the hem of those pale blue jeans.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Seduced by My Stepdaughter Pt. 01

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Happy birthday, Viv,” I grin, snapping one last picture of my stepdaughter as she poses with her cupcake. She gives me a cute smile and blows out the ‘nineteen’ candle in its center, giggling as a round of applause erupts from nearby tables. There may be a storm outside, but here in the restaurant it’s cozy and cheerful as people clap along, joining in our little celebration.

“Thank youu,” she smiles shyly to the strangers, giving them a small wave. She’s so sweet and kind, it’s no wonder people like her everywhere we go. I sneak in another photo, suppressing a pang of regret — she just looks so much like her mother sometimes. It kills me every day that things didn’t work out between us, but at least I’ve got my Vivian again.

She looks back to me, her big brown almond-shaped eyes alight with excitement. A slender young woman of medium height, she wears her silky dark hair long, her bangs swept to the side, her features cute and petite from her Vietnamese heritage.

“Soo, what did you wish for?” I ask, leaning in.

“I can’t tell you, come on,” she scoffs with a scandalized laugh. “If I do then I don’t get my wish. And you’re not costing me a wish, mister.”

She grins, carefully putting the cupcake away in her to-go box.

“Fine fine fine. What are you doing, though — you’re not gonna eat it? I brought the candle so you could have it here.”

“No, I’m full…we can have it later,” she says, sucking frosting off her finger.

“Later? I’m going to bed!” I tease.

“Dad! Come on; we both know you aren’t,” she says with an annoyed tick of the tongue. I laugh. She’s right, of course — it’s been awhile since we could celebrate one of her birthdays, what with her mom and I splitting up and all. Now that she’s living with me for school, though, we have a tradition to reinstate: ‘movies til midnight.’

I shrug and let out a yawn. “Well we’d better get going then, or I’ll be asleep before the first one ends.”

“Fine. I’m driving,” she springs up, an excited, mischievous look on her face.

“What? Viv it’s…”

“I know I know, it’s a new car, you just got it. Blah blah blah. I’ll be careful!” she grins, pulling on her jacket.

“No, Viv, it’s storming out…and dark. The roads are wet, and–“

“And you’re sleepy,” she counters with a winning smile. I’m already mid-yawn again, and I can’t help but laugh. She got me there. I look her over, so happy and full of life. God how I’ve missed her.

“Alright alright, fine,” I agree, gathering up my coat and dangling my keys. “But we’re going slow.”

She rolls her eyes as she takes them, leading the way out of the restaurant. “Yeah yeah Dad, I know…”


Sure enough, it’s windy and wet out as we make our way home. I can’t help but feel tense as Vivian leans over the steering wheel, peering out past the headlights, taking each turn just a bit too fast or a smidge too slow. I know she didn’t get much driving practice while living with her mom…Kim is weirdly overprotective with her about some things, and absolutely absent on other issues. It’s part of the reason for their strained relationship, I think — the two really aren’t all that alike.

She gives me a nervous glance from time to time, and I reassure her with a warm smile, keeping my apprehensions to myself. For six years I was her stability, a break in the revolving door of boyfriends her mom never seemed satisfied with. I suppose things didn’t last with me, either…but still. I stuck around long enough to become ‘Dad,’ even after the divorce, and I’m proud of that.

It’s a twenty minute drive through the woods back to my place, and we pass the time listening to whatever she likes on the radio, arguing about what movies we’re going to watch.

“I don’t want to watch anything *old*, though,” she says, crinkling her nose. “Besides, it’s my birthday, so I should get to pick the first one.”

“Well I don’t want to watch anything that’s going to put me to sleep,” I counter, easing back into my seat. I’m finally almost able to relax; just a few more miles to go.

“How about a musical?”


“Dad! Come on! You can’t just say no to every–“


The deer comes out of nowhere as she takes a too-fast turn; startled, she panics, swerving the car back the other way, losing control of it as we start to spin. She screams, and everything is a blur; all I can think to do is reach across and uselessly grab the wheel as we turn and turn again. My stomach feels like it’s going to fly out of me, and at the same time it all feels so surreal, like I’m watching this happen to someone else.

Miraculously, we don’t hit anything — thank god for the pullout here. We come to a stop along the opposite shoulder of the road, pointed the wrong way, both of us shaking.

“Oh my god…are you okay sweetie?” I turn to her as soon as I’m able.

She’s trembling all over, holding the wheel in a white-knuckle grip. She looks to me, eyes huge, and slowly nods her head. Then she bursts into tears.

“Oh honey, oh Viv…” I reach out, hugging her across the center console. Escort She leans into me, sobbing against my shoulder; I stroke her hair, muttering reassurances and trying to calm down myself.

“C-could you drive the rest of the way, Dad?” she whimpers after a long minute.

“Of course, baby.”


She’s distraught when we get home, and I walk up the drive with my arm around her, the wind whipping at us, the storm only seeming to get worse. I tell her again and again it wasn’t her fault, that it could happen to anyone, that we’re safe and that’s what matters.

She won’t hear it; she’s devastated, and she starts up anew when we discover the mangled remains of her cupcake.

“We can still eat it,” I say with a small smile, trying to cheer her. It doesn’t work — she hurries back to her room, still in tears.

Fuck. I feel terrible. I shouldn’t have let her be in that situation. I’d wanted to encourage her, to let her try something. I’d wanted to help her grow…I’d wanted to be a better parent than Kim.

The realization hits me, and it makes me feel even wore. Had I put Vivian up to something dangerous just for the sake of my own ego? I have to make this right, I can still save this birthday. Afterall, I’m here and Kim isn’t — she skipped town as soon as Viv got into college. I’m the one who stuck around. I’m Dad.

With a sigh and shake of my head, I go out to the living room and queue up one of those awful teen musicals she loves so much, microwaving a bag of popcorn as I pass through the kitchen.

“Movie’s on,” I call out as I knock on her door.

Silence. I knock again. “Come on Viv. I’m up til midnight no matter what, so don’t make me watch ’em all by myself.”

The door swings open — she’s got a blanket partially over her head, her makeup smeared from tears. Still, she’s stopped crying at least, and she gives me a pouty look and nods her head, following me out to the living room.

I settle on the couch, but she stops in front of me and fixes me with an agonized look. “Dad, I am so, so–“

“Shh shh shh,” I shush her quavering voice, shaking my head gently. “Baby don’t apologize. It was an accident. Like I said, it could have happened to anyone. It was dark, it was wet, the dumb deer just jumped out. It’s okay. It happens.”

“But Dad I could have–“

“No, sweetie. Listen. We are okay. There’s guardrails there for a reason. We’re lucky we didn’t hit anything, but you weren’t going that fast — it was just slippery. It’s a new car, it’s got airbags, it’s got everything. We were gonna be okay, no matter what.”

She drops her chin and pouts again, gnawing at her lip. “But I could have wrecked your new car…”

I give her the biggest smile I can. “Baby that doesn’t matter, I don’t care about that — what matters is that we’re safe. I’m just happy to be home with you; I’m just glad we’re here together. Alright? Come here, have a seat. Let’s watch some movies, okay?”

She blinks away further tears, her mouth perking up ever so slightly. “I love you, Dad,” she says as she scurries over, settling beside me. She nestles against me the way she did when she was younger and I chuckle, putting an arm around her and petting her hair.

“I love you too sweetie.”

With that I finally start the movie, while Viv fusses about finding pillows for me to lay against. “Get comfortable,” she says, nudging me towards the arm of the couch.

Soon we’re lying side by side, watching the opening credits roll. At least, I am; Viv lies facing me, arms wrapped around my chest and eyes closed, breathing deep against me. I think about making a joke of her needing to watch, but I hold my tongue — she’s been through a lot.

When the timer for the microwave goes off I start to get up but she shakes her head, pushing against me. “Mm-mm. Don’t go. Just stay.”

I smile fondly, rubbing her shoulders. “Alright,” I murmur, pulling her closer, wrapping both arms around her. It feels good, laying with her.

The movie starts and it’s just as bad as I remembered; somehow, I don’t mind. Just having her with me like this has me at peace, and it’s with a rueful grin that I watch, unbothered by the cheesy dialogue, the cliched plot and awful acting.

“Dad…I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad to be here,” she murmurs against me, at length. “Thank you.”

“Mmm. I’m glad you’re here too.”

She snuggles closer, her face against my neck, her breath warm on my skin. I can feel tears start to fall again, soft and slow; I rub her back through the blanket, comforting her any way I can. Her lips press to me in the ghost of a kiss, and I can’t help but grin a little — she’s awfully affectionate tonight. Can I blame her for being emotional, though, after what she’s been through?

Not just tonight, but the whole ordeal with her mom. A flash of anger flies through me — Kim shouldn’t have left. I mean seriously, what the fuck? She’d transferred to another office as soon as Vivian started school in the fall, like she couldn’t wait to be rid of her. I know it’d already been decided that Viv would Escort Bayan move a few towns over to stay with me, so she could be closer to her classes…but still. It felt too much like abandonment to me, and I know Vivian feels it too. It’s why she’s been so attached since she’s been here. She’s a sensitive girl, and Kim should know better.

Just one more thing to be pissed with my ex about, I guess.

My thoughts are interrupted as Vivian shifts against me, getting more comfortable. All of a sudden something feels…off. It was just a slight movement, but now her hips rest right up against mine, subtly locking into place. I’m suddenly aware of things I hadn’t been just moments before: the sweet scent of her skin, the warmth of her body against mine. An unwelcome tingle runs through me as she again puts her lips to my neck, and in the span of a second I start to understand how much my Viv has grown.

A panic runs through me as I start to stir. No no no — no this isn’t right. She lays right up against my crotch, her closeness making me grow.

Fuck. This is *not* okay.

She’s clinging to me tight, and I can’t get away. She kisses my neck again, and I shudder. What the hell is happening?

“Dad,” she murmurs against me once more, her lips brushing softly against my skin. “I love you.”

“I…I love you too, Viv,” I stammer, my mouth gone dry.

I’m hard. I suck in a shaky breath and swallow, trying not to move, trying not to draw attention to it. Maybe she can’t tell. Maybe she doesn’t know what it is she’s doing to me.

Then I feel her hips push into mine as she presses herself against my erection, and it feels like a bolt of lightning goes through me.

*Wh…what the hell?*

Maybe she doesn’t realize–

She does it again.

It’s a subtle motion, tentative and exploratory yet very much deliberate. It stuns me; it empties my mind. I stay absolutely still, hoping she’ll stop.

She doesn’t. She eases against me more and more, slowly grinding herself as my hands lie completely motionless on her back.


I say her name in a hoarse whisper and she appears before me, her big brown eyes half-lidded and full of adoration, her bottom lip between her teeth as she slowly drags her crotch against mine.

“Viv this is…Viv this is not okay…”

I say it, but my cock is absolutely straining against my jeans. She doesn’t respond — she just shakes her head and grinds into me again, exhaling as she does.


My hands wake up and I grab her slender sides, intending to pull her off. Instead she pushes against me again in my grip, letting out a soft moan as she does.

“I Love you Dad.”

It freezes me; I forget whatever the fuck it is I thought I was doing. All I can do is stare as my step-daughter chases her arousal, her mouth half-open as she humps herself against me, the blanket fallen back to reveal the black birthday dress she still wears. The garment feels so thin under my fingers; I can feel her body trembling beneath it.

Her eyes lock onto mine, her expression a mix of wonderment and lust, and my heart jumps into my throat. I want to look away, I want to stop her. But I can’t.

“Vivie…” I say in a low, strangled voice full of apprehension, my own breathing grown more intense as she torments me.

“Daddy,” she leans in and breathes against my neck, her lips at the hollow of my jaw.

That does it. I don’t know if it’s adrenaline or testosterone or what, but a surge of something courses through me, making me feel like a mad man, filling me with feverish thoughts of forbidden things I’d never before considered. It’s been awhile and she’s got me aching, and all I can think is…

No. No no no no no.

“Vivie. Stop.”

It takes a superhuman effort — it really does. I don’t know how I regain control, but I do. I seize her by the waist, holding her from me even as she gyrates against the empty air, as she gives a little whimper of frustration.

“Vivie we need to…Vivie we can’t be doing things like this.”

Her forearms rest on my chest as she leans against me, her heart in her big beautiful brown eyes. She chews her lip and leans in close…way too close.

“Why not…” Her voice is a whisper, her mouth just inches from mine, her body still subtly writhing in my strong grasp.

My mind is sluggish; all I can think about is how goddamn good she smells, how sweet she looks, how pretty she is. I know there are reasons — obvious ones — but still it takes me several long seconds to think of them.

“Baby I…I helped raise you. I took care of you — I still do. I…I treat you like a daughter. You *are* my daughter. I can’t, we can’t…God Vivie, it’s so wrong.”

She shakes her head slowly, always watching me with those big, trusting eyes. “Daddy I don’t care.”

I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the chest — I feel like I’m spinning around in the car all over again, except this time I’m hurtling off a cliff.

“Daddy you’re the only man for me.”

“Baby don’t…don’t say that.”

“It’s true.” Bayan Escort She breathes the words out, leaning in and kissing my cheek, her lips so, so soft. “It…It’s you. It’s always been you. You’re the one who cares, you’re the only one. You’re the one I want to care for. The only one.”

“Vivie no. Please, no.” I’m shaking, I’m sweating. I’m harder than I’ve ever been in my life. “Your…your mother, she–“

“*Fuck* her.”

She says it with venom, a flash of real anger flickering through her eyes, something I’ve never seen before. “Dad she drove you away…she drove me away. That’s what she does. She wasn’t good enough for you — but I can be.”

I’m thunderstruck; I’m speechless. An eager smile blooms across her face as she puts her lips to my jaw, as she nibbles at my skin. “Daddy I want to be your woman…I want to make you happy. I want to make you happier than you’ve ever been. Mom didn’t know how, cause she can only think of herself. But all I think about is you.”

*This can’t be happening.*

Her hands start to rub up and down my chest, her slim fingers greedily digging into my pecs, her mouth moving to my neck again. Suddenly she’s undone the top two buttons of my shirt, pressing her face to my chest hair and inhaling deeply.

I’m shivering. I’m freezing, I’m burning up — I’m covered in a cold sweat and I don’t know what the fuck to do. Two more buttons come undone and she purrs amorously against me, kissing the top of my stomach.


I struggle to get her name out and then she’s there, summoned by the sound of my voice and staring me in the eyes once more, love and lust and hope and fear writ across her features. She purses her lips, seeming frightened of what I might say.

God…god she’s so pretty. My heart aches — I just can’t stand to see her looking scared like that.

I pull her to me, and I kiss her.

I kiss her hard; I kiss her like I’ve never kissed anyone. I take her lips between mine, I push into her with my tongue. I kiss her like I mean to devour her, smushing her slender body against mine, holding her like I never intend to let go.

Once she’s in my arms she absolutely melts. She moans against me, her little tongue dancing with mine, her mouth hot and desperate and full of the same aching need that I feel as well. He hands run through my hair, her hips press back into mine. She mewls against my lips, quivering with joy. I know it’s wrong, I know it’s fucked…but somehow it just feels right. So, so incredibly right.

I make out with her, I kiss her again and again and again. I can’t breathe and I don’t care. It’s the most passionate thing I’ve ever experienced; the whole time she’s grinding against me, whimpering in arousal, her little body needy and in heat.

After an age I break away for breath, both of our chests heaving. I roll us onto our sides, her face held in my hands, still so close. She watches me lovingly and nibbles her lip, a delicate hand descending my chest, sneaking in under my half-unbuttoned shirt. Her palm plays across my abdomen, and then suddenly she’s tugging at my belt.


My breath hitches and I freeze up; unthinking, all I can do is dumbly nod my head.

She comes at me again, attacking with another series of feverish kisses as my buckle springs open, as her little hands part my button and pull down my zipper, and suddenly it’s just my briefs between us.

*Holy fucking shit.*

She runs her palm lightly over my shape, her eyes lighting up. I’m so hard I feel like I’m gonna punch a hole in the fabric; I know it’s gotta be absolutely stained with precum, but Vivian does not seem to care. She kisses my jaw and my neck, purring luxuriously, starting to make her way down my body as she pulls open the last of my shirt buttons.

“Oh Daddy…oh Daddy, oh my Daddy…”

Each and every little impact of her lips sends a tremor though me, sets me straining and struggling beyond belief. Suddenly her face is nuzzled against my crotch, one of her arms looping around my waist, the other falling between her legs as she starts to touch herself.

“Oh my god,” I groan. “Oh my god Vivie, oh my god…”

She gives me the look — that same look of eager mischief, the one I’ve seen a thousand times before. But this time it means so, so much more.

She bites her whole lower lip, her eyes flashing at me as her hips buck into her own touch. Then she’s pulling down my Hanes, her mouth falling open in wonder as my hardness springs forth.

I’m so aroused, I’m so goddamn bloated — I’m hard like a marble statue, every vein etched in relief. My pre-seed oozes out, a neverending stream of it already coating her hand in quicksilver. She just looks at it in awe, still working on herself down below.

She leans in and smells my oversized cock, inhaling deep, her eyes rolling back in her head. I gasp at the sight, at the feel of her face against me. I half-convulse, and she just rubs her forehead and nose and cheeks and chin all against it, over and over, lost in bliss and touching herself all the while. “Oh my god, Daddy…oh my god this is all I think about. This is all I want,” she moans, breathing heavier and heavier. My jaw sags, and all I can do is stare as she nuzzles me again and again, precum glistening in place of her dried tears.

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TormentedBecky was gorgeous and she used it to torment me. When Becky and her husband moved next door, I fell immediately in lust! She had very long, very silky black hair that I wanted to grab a handful of and never let go. I wanted to wrap it around my cock and stroke it until I shot off all over her gorgeous face.And Becky somehow knew exactly what I wanted to do. The four of us became good friends and would spend two or three evenings together playing Canasta. The whole time she would torment me by throwing her hair around; running her fingers through it; then give me a look that said, “You’d love to do this, wouldn’t you?”I’d sit there, get a boner, and rub it to pretend that Becky was rubbing it and saying, “Would you like a blowjob, Bill? I’d love to feel your hard cock in my throat.”I had to do something!! I was going mad with desire for Becky! I wanted to force my cock down her throat. I wanted to bend her over the arm of the sofa and fuck her for an hour. Fucking my wife and pretending she was Becky, just didn’t do it for me. I HAD to fuck Becky, no matter what it took!- – – – -Then one night as we were playing Canasta, I got up to go to the bathroom. When I came out, Becky was standing in the hallway with her back to me, her hands on the wall to block my way. I thought, “What is she up to? Maybe this is my opportunity to do something?”So, I walked up behind her, slipped my arms around her waist, buried my face in her gorgeous, silky hair, and whispered, “What are you doing, Becky? Trying to get ****d?”“Mmm! Is that what you want to do?”“No. I’d rather you be cooperative and do anything I wanted to do to you.” The whole time my cock was rock-hard, so I pressed it against her nice ass.“Oh, Bill! You’d better be careful with that thing,” she whispered and pushed back against it.“Why should I do that when I’m dying to fuck you?” Then I put my hand over her mouth and began to hump her ass like I was forcibly fucking her. She moaned and let me “fuck her” until I shot off in my pants.“Dammit, Becky! I just came in my pants,” I whispered as I kissed her behind the ear.“Mmm. That’s so erotic, Bill. When can we get together? I want to feel you inside me.”Before I could answer, we heard someone coming, so she quickly walked away with me about ten feet behind her.“Hey, guy!” Becky’s husband, Todd, said. “We thought you two were lost.”“No. I guess I ate too many baked beans for dinner. I was a bit gassy,” I said as Becky went on and sat back down at the dining room table.“Yeah. Me too. I’ll be back in a minute.” And he went into the guest bathroom.My secret rendezvous with Becky had happened and we didn’t get caught, although we almost did. And I’d essentially fucked her from behind and she loved it. And she wanted to meet with me for sex! My head was swimming for the rest of the night, and my pants were sticky with cum as well.- – – – -The following weekend, while I was cooking hamburgers on the grill, Becky walked over and said, “Mmm! Those smell so good!” Then she whispered, “Can you get away for a few hours tomorrow? Todd has to work, so I can meet you someplace.”I whispered back, “I can go shopping for several hours. I’ll get a room at the Holiday Inn Express, then text you the room number.”“That sounds like a wonderful plan, Bill.” Then she said loudly, “When will they be ready? I’m famished!”“About five more minutes,” I responded.I had to resist the urge to grab Becky and kiss her hard. She looked so sexy that day with her long, silky hair hanging down to her butt as always. That’s when I decided that the first thing I was going to do the next day was to take a handful of her gorgeous hair, wrap it around my cock, and stroke it until I shoot off in her mouth. I wanted her to moan and suck my cock until my balls were drained. That way I’d be able to fuck her a long time without cumming quickly.For the rest of the afternoon, Escort my head was swimming with images of doing everything to Becky that I’d always wanted to do. I wanted to feel her legs around my waist as I fucked her slowly. I wanted to hear her moans of ecstasy when an orgasm ravishes her body. I wanted to feel her tight throat stretch as I push my cock down it. When it came time to play Canasta, Becky and I played footsie under the table throughout the whole game. Then at one point, as before, Becky met me in the hallway when I came out of the bathroom. She quickly threw her arms around my neck and gave me a French kiss that I’ll never forget. My cock grew hard quickly, so I pressed it against her crotch.“Mmm. I wish I could suck you off right now,” she whispered when she felt it.“Tomorrow you will.”“Let me do that first. I’ve wanted to feel your cock in my throat for so long.”“Really! Why did you take so long to come on to me?”“I kept waiting for you to start something, but you never did.”“Becky, I’ve wanted you on your knees since the moment we met.”“Mmm. You’ve been reading my mind, Bill. That’s what I want to do tomorrow.”- – – – -At nine the next morning, I checked into a room at the Holiday Inn Express and texted the room number to Becky. She was parked outside, so she knocked on the door only five minutes later.We immediately embraced and kissed. I could feel that under her silk blouse, she was braless. And I had to assume that she was not wearing panties under her shorts either.The feel of Becky’s silk hair under my hands as I held her, made my cock harder than it had ever been before.“Bill. I’ve waited for this moment for so long. Let me suck you,” she whispered just before she dropped to her knees. She quickly got my shorts and boxers down, licked my cock to get it wet, then pushed forward to make it slide down her throat.I had already made two fists with her silky hair, so I took her head in my hands and pulled her face to my stomach. She gagged slightly, but that just squeezed my cock, making it even harder.With Becky’s throat engulfing my cock and her hair and head in my hands, I knew I wouldn’t last long. Already I could feel my climax building. My cock was about to explode in Becky’s throat and I couldn’t stop it.Then it happened. My cock started to jerk and spurt in Becky’s throat. She flinched and coughed when she felt it, but all I could do was to pull her face harder to my stomach as my balls drained.But when I finished, she started to push on my legs, needing to breathe. So, I reluctantly released her, having just had the best blowjob of my life.Becky stood up, put her arms around my neck, and said, “I really loved that, Bill.”“I did too, Becky. I’ve dreamed about it for so long.”“Now, what would you like to do with me next?”“Gosh! I don’t know where to start.”“I do. I want you on top of me, fucking me.” Then she laid down on the floor and said, “I want you to fuck me right here on the floor. Pretend that you’re forcing me.”As I looked down at Becky with her long black hair spread out on the carpet, just waiting for me to fuck her, I got the distinct feeling that I was about to have sex with an angel. She was looking up at me with loving eyes that seemed to say, “You can do anything you want to me.”I had an impulse to walk barefoot through her silky hair, so I quickly pulled off my sandals and stepped onto it. It felt cool under my feet, so I dug my toes into it, then walked its full three-foot length. I don’t know where the idea came from, but walking on Becky’s long black hair was a wonderful and erotic feeling; so erotic that my cock became rock-hard again.“Bill! What are you doing?” Becky asked as I walked back and forth on her hair.“This is so erotic, Becky! It just struck me that walking on your silky hair would be a turn-on…and it is.”“I can see that. But I think you should fuck me Escort Bayan while you’re hard.”“You’re right,” I said as I laid down between her legs.“Oh, god. This is where I want you for the next three hours.”“Then we should move to the bed.”“Fuck me here first. You are going to force yourself on me, remember?”“I remember thinking when I first saw you; that if I was ever going to fuck you, I’d have to force you.”“Then force me!” she said as she started to push me away.I grabbed her wrists, pinned them to the floor beside her head, and said, “Don’t fight me, Becky. For two years I’ve wanted to fuck you and now I’m going to.” But as I released one wrist so I could put my cock in her, she started to fight me again.“Stop it, Bill. I don’t want this. I’ll tell Todd.”“I think you do want it. You’re just pretending not to. You’ve been asking for this for two years with all of your flirtatious looks; throwing your hair around, knowing that it turned me on. No. This is exactly what you want.” Even with her struggling to stop me, I’d managed to get my cock into her about an inch. Then I took her other wrist and had them both pinned to the floor as I looked down at her and rammed the remaining eight inches of my cock into her body.“Ugh! Fuck!” Becky groaned when she felt my cock so forcefully enter her body.“Please don’t do this, Bill. I could get pregnant.”Then as I started to pump into her, she put her legs around my waist. I gathered up two handfuls of her gorgeous hair, took her head in my hands, and we kissed like two lovers who hadn’t been together for months.We must have fucked there on the floor for thirty minutes as she had three orgasms. I was getting close to cumming when she said, “Bill, we should move to the bed. I’m getting carpet burns on my back.”“Okay, sweetie.”As we settled on the bed and I entered her from behind, she whispered, “I like the way you called me sweetie.”“Well, that’s an appropriate name for the girl I’m in love with.”Becky stopped, turned, and looked at me as tears welled up in her eyes. “You’re in love with me?”“Of course! How could any man make love to you and not fall in love with you? You are the most gorgeous creature on Earth!”“Aww. You really think that?”“Yes. And somehow I want to make you my wife so I can sleep with you in my arms every night.”Tears started to run down Becky’s cheeks as she said, “I love you too, Bill. I think I fell in love with you that night in the hallway when you slipped your arms around me.”“Oh! I’ll never forget that night; the feel of your body in my arms; the feel and smell of your hair when I buried my face in it. It took a lot of effort to not push you against the wall and fuck you right there.”“Mmm. I would have liked that. But Todd would have caught us.”“I know. I’m glad that I won the battle with my hormones.”Then we fucked for another ten minutes before I blew my load. When Becky felt me cumming, she moaned and pushed her butt up higher to get me as deep into her body as possible.When my balls were again drained, I rolled over and pulled Becky on top of me. Her long silky hair was spread out on my arm.“Bill, if you’ll ask me to marry you, I’ll say yes.”I kissed the top of her head, took a handful of her hair, pulled her head up so I could look into her eyes, and asked, “Will you marry me, Becky Lehr?”“Yes, Bill. I will.”Then we kiss tenderly as she cried softly. We both were so happy that we just held each other for a long time. I ran my fingers through her silky hair and daydreamed about how life was going to be with Becky as my wife.“Penny for your thoughts,” Becky whispered.”I’m thinking about how wonderful our lives will be. We’ll make love every night, then I’ll hold you in my arms all night.”“Mmm. That’s what I was thinking too. I want to make love in all the different ways. Todd only likes the missionary position. And he cums so quickly that Bayan Escort I never have an orgasm.”“That’s terrible! Then I promise to introduce you to all the ways to make love.”“Good. I’ll hold you to that.”Then we both dropped off to sleep.- – – – -When I woke up two hours later, I panicked. I’d been “shopping” for five hours!“Becky! Wake up! I’ve got to go!”“What?” she said sleepily.“We have to go! Get up!”We quickly got dressed and went our separate ways. I made a quick stop at Sears and bought a circular saw to cover my ass.When I got home, my wife said, “Where the heck have you been for five hours?”“I went to Lowe’s, Home Depot, and finally found what I was looking for at Sears,” I replied as I held up the box.“Eight-Inch Circular Saw,” she read on the box. “What’s so special about that?”“It has an easy-changing blade. The one I have now is a pain in the neck to change. I’ve cut my fingers many times while changing a blade on that thing!”“Oh. Then I’m glad you got it.”Internally I said, “Phew! That was close!”- – – – -After that close call, Becky and I met only twice a month. It was hard to be near her every weekend and not be able to kiss her. Oh, a couple of times we were able to “accidentally” meet in the hallway and make out for a few fleeting minutes.As the four of us sat at the dining room table playing Canasta, it was hard to act normal and resist the temptation to look lovingly at one another. So, we had to be satisfied with playing footsie under the table.One time I was able to work my toes up to Becky’s crotch and give her an orgasm, which she hid by coughing then leaving the table. Todd followed her.I was left with a huge boner that Becky could not take care of.- – – – -Then came the day that we decided to tell all. We wanted to be together and didn’t want to hide it any longer!So, one night while were playing Canasta, I put my cards down and said, “Todd and Sandy. I have something to tell you and I know you’re not going to like it.”They looked at each other inquisitively and waited for me to continue.I took a deep breath as Becky held my hand and said, “Becky and I have been seeing each other for almost two years. We’re in love and want to get married.” Then I stopped, waiting for the proverbial shit to hit the fan. But it didn’t.Todd said, “I figured something was up with you two. I could tell by our sex life dropping to once a month, that Becky had to be seeing someone and I assumed it was you. I was hoping that it would be a temporary infatuation and that it would eventually end, but obviously, it didn’t.” Then Sandy broke her silence. “I also knew that something was wrong. Your long weekend shopping trips were suspicious. And like Todd said, our sex life began to suffer. So, speaking only for myself, I’ll give you a divorce.”“I will too,” Todd added. “Truth be told, Sandy and I have been seeing each other as well.”“Todd!” Sandy exclaimed, not expecting him to reveal their infidelity as well.“Well, they may as well know, given their circumstances.”It was my turn again, so I said, “Well then! I guess it’s all settled. Becky and Sandy can file for divorce, Todd and I will marry each other’s ex-wives, and live happily ever after.”Then Todd turned to Becky and said, “Honey. You haven’t said a word about this.”No one had noticed, but tears were running down her cheeks as she said, “Bill and I love each other very much, and all we want is for everyone to be happy. Can we all try to be happy?”I smiled at her and we leaned over and kissed.Todd cleared his throat and said, “Yes. I think we can try to do that. Now, can we continue with the game?”- – – – -Each divorce went smoothly. Becky got their house, so I moved in with her. Sandy got our house, so Todd moved in with her. And believe it or not, our weekly Canasta games continued! Becky and I would cuddle and kiss while I cooked on the grill, and Todd and Sandy would do the same.- – – – -That was ten years ago and we’re all still very happy. Becky and I shower together every morning so I can shampoo her gorgeous, long hair. She loves it and I always get a nice blowjob as a reward.Miracles do happen.

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Tokyo Heat

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Author’s note:

This is my entry for the Literotica Summer Lovin’ Story Contest 2024, so please vote.

My sincerest thanks to AwkwardMD, Bramblethorn and NoTalentHack for beta reading. You guys rock.


I was far from home, and Emi was my lifeline.

“Lifeline” sounded melodramatic. Still, that was how I felt, ascending the stairs to the dimly lit subway station, following her white summer dress in a sea of other dark-haired people of similar height. I stood out like a sore thumb, a head taller than the rest and with dark blonde hair.

The Japanese didn’t stare. They were all very polite, very subdued. I had been in Tokyo for a week, and in that time I had almost gotten used to the prickling in my neck from so many eyes aimed at me. Eyes that always were aimed anywhere but at me if I turned to look.

Emi gestured to a door further down the corridor. “Me go, you wait?”

I nodded. The crowd parted easily for Emi, and she quickly detached from the subway-goers and hurried down the hall. I followed her with much less grace, muttering sumimasen, sumimasen, every time I bumped into someone or stepped in their way so that they needed to slow down.

Even at this late hour, there were people everywhere. The stream of people going down the stairs thinned a little as I waited. Many wore dark suits, and my light colored linens made me stand out all the more. On street level, in the oppressive damp heat of the August night and small bars we’d just visited, the businessmen had looked overdressed, many sweating visibly. Down here, in the crisp coolness of effective air conditioning, I shivered in my short sleeved shirt.

I was trying to not ogle the door to the women’s toilet too openly as I waited. Emi was a friend of a friend of a friend; Jacob had reached out when he’d found out I’d be visiting Tokyo. Good thing, too. The locals were very polite and friendly, but it was rare enough to find anyone with passable English that I would’ve been thoroughly lost without Emi. Not to mention all the places she’d taken me that I never would’ve found on my own. This was our last evening together, and she’d taken me bar-hopping–not the first activity I would’ve expected when I first met her.

All of the Japanese were subdued and well-mannered, but Emi had some subtle impishness to her that had revealed itself in our time together. Her English wasn’t superb, but occasionally she’d crack a joke, usually deadpanning with only a glint in her eye or a subtle small smile. She was quick-witted and had a good sense of humor. I was sorry I didn’t know any Japanese, so that our communication was flatter than it needed to be. Still, I enjoyed her company.

Here she was, the white sundress pillowing around her nimble body. It buttoned all the way down, with blue embroidery near the collar and hem. It was modest, like all the dresses I’d seen on women here, but thin enough to show an outline of her body with bright enough backlighting. She flashed a little smile, almost a grin, and the glint was back in her eyes.

“All ready! Sorry you wait.”

“No no,” I said as I turned to follow her down to the platforms. “I’m in no hurry.”

There were people on the platform, and Emi took a light hold of the crook of my arm, guiding me along to where fewer people were waiting. She smiled up at me and then we waited.

Even drunk, the Japanese were subdued and orderly. There was no drunken singing or hollering; everyone waited for the train, talking with each other in hushed tones or reading a magazine. When the train came, Emi ushered me inside and pushed me along the corridor.

“Here,” she said, gesturing at the very end of the train car. There was a free seat between a passed-out businessman and the wall, narrow enough for one. I raised my eyebrows.

“Very many people,” she said. “You sit, me sit in lap, save room.”

She pushed me to sit, and surprised, I did, thumping on the bench. I didn’t even have time to pull my hands out of my lap before she backed up to sit on my legs, curiously straddling them even though I had them spread apart a little. The hem of her dress flowed on my lap, and she pulled my left hand from under her and placed it on her thigh, patting on it twice and then leaving her hand over mine. My right was still trapped under her, not tightly between us because she didn’t sit all the way back on my lap, but still in a place where I couldn’t easily slip it out because the wall was blocking me from bending my elbow.

Emi sat in my lap, looking forward. The doors closed and the train started moving, jostling the drunkard beside me.

I eyed the car. It was full, but not abnormally full. Some people stood, swaying and holding the overhead handles, and all the seats were occupied. In situations like these, we had previously both remained standing. I looked at the back of Emi’s neck, puzzled. A few black escort hairs had escaped her bun, and her white swan’s neck curved toward her small ear.

The train screeched, tilting to a bend, and Emi tilted her hips forward almost imperceptibly. It had the effect of putting my hand in contact with her skin briefly. She stayed close enough that I felt the heat radiating from her posterior. Was it intentional?

I hadn’t tried to flirt with Emi, mostly because I had difficulty reading her and didn’t want to insult her, afraid I’d lose not only my shot for some travel-time fun with her but her guiding services. Now I replayed the past evening in my head. Had she smiled at me more than usual? Had she touched my hand more than she had in previous days?

My slightly drunken mind was kicked into gear. All my senses were heightened. I moved my hand a little, heart thumping, my fingertips grazing her butt. She didn’t flinch, didn’t jump up, didn’t start shouting at me, so I pressed a little more firmly. My fingers marveled at the absolute smoothness of her skin.

…only skin. I spread my fingers, cupping one of her small, firm buttocks in my palm. She had no underwear on! My mind raced as I replayed the night in rapid motion: had she been going commando this whole time? Did she have a bra on?

I stared at her back, seeing no hint of any kind of lines through the thin fabric of the dress. Her hand remained over my left one, modestly closer to her knee than her crotch. She held it, lightly, and then squeezed a teeny tiny amount. She kept looking forward. The drunk beside me hadn’t moved, his thigh pressing into mine, his briefcase inexplicably clutched in his arms even as his head had bobbed backward against the back of the seat.

Emboldened, I reached a bit more to the side. The heat emanating from her pussy was amazing, unbelievable. My fingers hovered millimeters from touching as I hesitated, feeling like I was crossing some kind of line. The train swayed, and I made contact. Emi’s thighs, hot against mine through the thin layer of fabric between us, tensed minutely, but probably not enough to be noticeable from the outside.

I held my breath. Her outer labia were warm, amazingly soft and puffy, and as I wiggled my middle finger her lips opened up to reveal the slick, silky soft inner lips. I couldn’t move my hand a whole lot, so I tried to undulate my finger against her, massaging and pressing gently with my other fingers. She didn’t move, but the train’s motion helped me somewhat. She had been wet to begin with, but slowly the moisture seeped down to my palm, making my finger slip and slide. I reached, stretching my finger as far as I could. Emi’s grip on my hand grew stronger, and her thighs tensed again when I caressed the underside of her nub.

Speakers announced the next station, and the train began to decelerate. Alarmed, I glanced at the businessman next to me, but he hadn’t stirred. I was grateful that I was mostly hidden behind Emi’s back. I had no idea how she could keep her face impassive, but she must have, because nobody was giving us a second glance.

The train stopped. Doors opened, people stepped out, there was an announcement. All I could think of was the slick, moist heat on my hand, how I wasn’t sure if I felt or only hoped that my fingertip reached Emi’s clit. She sat still, but the grip of my hand on her thigh was tight now. I couldn’t stop touching her. I wondered if someone could hear the tiny wet sounds we had to make, if someone could smell her pussy, exposed to the air like it was, spread open and fingered like this.

The thought of her pussy’s scent made my mouth water. Fewer people came in than had gone out, and the doors closed again. The train swayed leaving the station, and Emi took advantage and tilted her hips a little more.

Now I was certain I was touching her clit. It was a slippery little bump under the pad of my finger, and I massaged, vibrated, hoping I had the freedom to fully experiment and find what she liked. As it was, my range of movement was very limited, and I was afraid to do anything that would flex my arm muscles too visibly. I inched my finger back toward her opening, scooping up the copious amounts of viscous liquid she was now producing, and then up to slather it on her clit the best I could.

My cock was hard; how could it be otherwise? It pulsed, straining against my thin pants and the loose boxer shorts underneath. Jacob had recommended wearing silk boxers for the heat. It had been good advice until now, when the sensation of silk rubbing against my burning shaft every time I twitched my arm to touch Emi made me more aroused by the second. Not half as much as touching her, but the effect was noticeable.

I poked and prodded, slowly, with alternating pressure. Emi held my hand in an iron grip. I stared at the back of her neck, at the tiny black hairs on her hairline. A bead of escort bayan sweat rolled down the back of her neck, slowly. I had to suppress the urge to lean forward and kiss it off.

Could she come like this? Someone was bound to notice if she did, right? As unbelievably as she had managed to stay motionless until now, she couldn’t possibly orgasm without any outward signs, could she? What would happen if she came, and someone noticed? Would we get arrested? Was this illegal? Sweat glued my shirt to my back, even though the train was cool.

I let my gaze travel over the other passengers, trying to look bored and indifferent. Nobody seemed to be looking at our way, but then the Japanese never stared openly.

Emi shifted in my lap, turning her head sideways to my direction, and said, “Next stop our one.”

She was a little breathless, but that could have been attributed to speaking in polite, hushed sounds like one did in the train. I nodded, and she turned back the way she had been. I resumed tickling the tip of her clit. My finger was now perfectly positioned for it, my palm full of her pussy. Her pubic hair was matted with her nectar. It wasn’t until I heard the announcement for the next station that I realized I would have to get up from my seat, and that my raging cock was probably not easily concealed in my thin, white linen pants. I was sure I had made a wet spot, too.

Concealed weapon, I thought and suppressed a panicked grin. I wonder what’s the conviction in Japan for this kind of concealment.

Emi stirred, which was enough heads up for me to withdraw my hand. She got to her feet slowly, a little unsteadily, and keeping her in front of me as a shield I got up too, quickly reaching into my pocket to grab my cock to try and hide my erection. It wasn’t ideal. I was sure it looked suspicious as hell, and because this was the same hand that had been thoroughly drenched in Emi’s pussy juice, my cock surged in my hand. I tried to stay as close behind Emi as was plausible and made my best impassive face.

The doors opened, we stepped out with a few other passengers. Luckily, the platform wasn’t quite as brightly lit as the train had been. No chastity police forces awaited us. Others headed toward the exit, Emi among them, and I followed her. She lingered a little so that we got to the back of the line, which I appreciated. I glanced that there was no one behind us and breathed a little easier.

When we got up the first flight of stairs to a corridor, Emi also looked around, suddenly alert and quick. She looked at me, her dark eyes bright, her pale cheeks decorated with the cutest pink blush. “Come, fast.”

I wondered if this was an intentional pun, because I did feel like I would come extremely fast if she touched my genitals. She hurried along the corridor, turning a corner. Public toilets were ahead, but instead of going for either women’s or men’s, she stopped in front of a disabled toilet. After one more quick glance around, she opened the door.

The toilet was spacious, probably to be maneuverable with a wheelchair, and spotlessly clean like everything in Japan. I took in the toilet seat, the handicap rails, the sinks at two heights, one normal and one lower for the disabled, both embedded in a counter. I stopped in the middle of the floor, my hopes rapidly rising.

Emi locked the door behind us, then turned toward me in a swirl of her summer dress. She stared at me, straight into my eyes, and smiled radiantly. She stepped toward the higher counter, setting her purse on top. With quick motions she dug out a condom and handed it to me. The pink spots in her cheeks darkened, though her smile got even wider, and she started to unbutton her dress swiftly.

Her small, white fingers danced on the buttons, revealing more of her alabaster skin with each one. When she got the last one, she spread the dress open like a robe, showing off her slim frame, the dark triangle of her pubes, and her small, perfect breasts, which were indeed braless. They rose rapidly with her breathing, those lovely soft mounds, topped with cherry pink nipples.

I couldn’t stop staring, and without looking, hardly paying any attention, I unzipped and released my raging erection. Emi giggled breathlessly, looking at me in the same direct and shameless way. She released her hair, unclipping what had held her bun in one easy motion, and dark strands flowed on her shoulders. She sat up on the counter, her bare skin on the hard, cool surface, the dress bunched behind and around her.

I ripped open the wrapper, sparing the rubber the tiniest amount of attention to get it the right way, and rolled it down. Emi leaned back, supporting herself with her hands, pushing her boobs out. She looked at my cock, mesmerized, and bit her lip when I stepped closer. She opened her legs even further, and for a moment I stopped to look at the pussy I had just spent bayan escort the train ride fondling.

It was exquisite. Her dark pubes covered it partially, but the pink nub of her clit peeked out of its hood, jutting proudly. I could see the shadow of her opening amidst the pink, glistening folds. She was dripping wet, like she had been on the train. I wanted to taste her, but I didn’t know how much time we had, and the way she beckoned for me made me think she wanted me inside her right away. I grunted and stepped up to the counter.

Emi’s tiny hand reached to touch my cock. She cooed, then giggled, her fingers circling the tip and taking the measure of my girth. I held the base to keep it steady, and together we guided me to her entrance. Emi gasped, looking down, when I made contact and pushed the first half an inch in slowly. Her dark eyes looked up at me, her cheeks blushed, her mouth agape. I pushed deeper, reaching to hold her hip with one hand. She arched her back, letting her head roll backward, and gasped again.

She was tight, and hot, and wet. So wet. I swirled the tip just inside her slowly, pushed a little more in and then retreated, then again. She was breathing rapidly, her lovely breasts rising and falling, and the blush spread down her neck onto her chest. God, I wanted to kiss those perfect, pink nipples.

Slowly my latex-wrapped cock made its way into her amazingly heated pussy. I marveled on every inch, taking it as slow as I could possibly muster. Emi’s reactions were so cute, so pure, she seemed unbelievably excited to be impaled by me. I had never felt more wanted, nor more like I had a golden cock. Her heat surrounded me, my hard flesh sinking into her slick pussy with resistance but still smoothly. Seeing how her flesh opened and swallowed my hard shaft was amazing.

When I was all the way inside, I paused. Emi looked up at me, quizzically. I slid my hands up over her smooth sides, cupping both her breasts, my fingers rolling and squeezing her nipples. She let out an adorable little whimper. I could feel her pussy squeeze on me, and I took it as a prompt to start moving.

We accelerated quickly. Soon I had to let her boobs bounce on their own and grab her hips again, for leverage, as I burrowed deep inside of her again and again. She moaned, low and almost inaudibly, and the blush on her chest deepened. She slid one hand down to touch herself, and I could feel she was approaching her peak rapidly. Her pussy clenched, her thighs quivered, her fingers were a blur on her small pearl.

I was also rapidly approaching mine. I could smell her now, the fragrance of her pussy surrounded us, mixed with the latex and my cologne. Sweat ran down my back. I pounded her, struggling to keep at least some kind of pace and keep her steady while I fucked her. There was a sloshing sound to us, combined with the thuds of my thighs meeting hers. Emi made a rhythmical, low “oh, oh, oh” sound, and I grunted as I took it up another notch.

Emi looked up at me, her dark eyes widening, and then her eyelids fluttered. Her thighs trembled, her pussy squeezed rhythmically, milking me, and that was all I could take. Groaning, I bottomed out, my cock letting go of its seed with matching rhythmic pulses.

For a few moments, we stayed like that. Me deep inside her pussy, she with her head lolling back, me gripping her hips. Every time her pussy twitched my cock matched it. A few strands of hair had plastered on her neck, so dark against her skin. Awkwardly, I bent down, pursing my lips and kissing one perfect, tight, cherry-pink nipple. Emi gasped, breathlessly, then giggled. She pushed my head away, then me altogether, and with great regret I let my cock slip out of her.

Emi hopped down from the counter and slipped her shoes on–I hadn’t even noticed when she had removed them. I turned toward the sink, suddenly bashful, and rolled off the condom which was now equally slimy both inside and out. It was intact, and I tied it into a knot before turning to look for a bin to toss it in.

Emi had already buttoned up her dress, which made me regret I’d spent the last few minutes not looking at her. She didn’t look at me, instead staring into the mirror, and with a nifty turn of an arm tied her hair up to a ponytail. Emi’s eyes found mine, an impish grin on her face as she sat down on the toilet. She held my gaze as she peed, only breaking eye contact to rummage in her purse. Then, taking out a pair of panties, she slipped them on. I remembered her going to the toilet before we boarded the train; had she taken them off then?

I stood, leaning on the sink, my brain slow and sluggish and my cock limply hanging out of my pants. Emi got up, checking her appearance in the mirror once again. I was trying to come up with something to say. What is it exactly you were supposed to say in this kind of a situation?

“Five minutes, then you go,” Emi said.

I raised my eyebrows, trying to connect the dots. She just nodded, and before I could say anything she had opened the door and vanished. I got just enough wits to scramble to the door to lock it again, so that nobody would walk in on me.

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The Bull

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Well, I guess being the eldest of five sons, it was always my fate to take over the running of the plantation from my father. I suppose this is why I have aways taken a great deal of interest in its running. From a very early age, I delved into all matters, learning how things worked. How the crops grew, how the irrigation worked, how to get the best from the forty slaves who did all the work. Three of my brothers had already rushed off to find glory in the army but that wasn’t to be my fate.

I was eighteen when father died, and all the responsibilities fell onto my shoulders. I was more than ready for the challenge and implemented a great many changes from the off. Overseers were instructed not to use any form of violence on the slaves, their food rationing was increased, living accommodation was vastly improved and instructions were given, that any injury was to be treated immediately. Hours of work were reduced to nine per day, with each Sunday declared a day of rest.

Those who had mocked me were shocked to see there was an increase in crops harvested, of forty per cent, with a hundred percent decrease in sickness. Because of this, other plantations were becoming interested in what I was doing. This had culminated in an invitation to the wedding of the biggest of us all, Charles Noble, a seventy-year-old, grossly rich man, and Victoria Lambert, who at nineteen was doing what her father commanded.

The marriage was only happening because the last of Charles’s sons had died when he fell off a horse. Being from the leading family in the South, Charles needed an heir, after all he had a lot to leave. Victora was expected to produce straight away as his health was failing. This ill heath was the reason why we suddenly had so many unexpected visitors.

The Noble family doctor, Old Henry, lived about thirty miles from my plantation. Victoria was taken to him to verify she was still a virgin, which he had done. On the way back Charles felt ill, so they had called in to rest. The groom to be, was now in bed, in my father’s old room, with a doctor in attendance. It was my obligation to make sure the visitors were all fed and housed in rooms appropriate for their standing.

James Noble, brother of Charles, who was vehemently against the marriage, as he would be next in line if there was no heir, was allocated my room. Victoria and her mother would share a bed together, which made sure Victoria was always chaperoned. Two drivers and two men who were there to make sure any trouble was dealt with, were now getting drunk in the snug.

The family were invited to dine with us. It wasn’t a pleasant atmosphere. Charles, who had now recovered enough to sit with us and quaff wine, hardly said a word. He looked terrible. His left-hand shook, eyes were grey and watery, his skin pale and clammy. His brother, James, did his best to eat me out of house and home, stuffed his face and moaned about everything. The wine was wrong, the mutton too hot, the chair uncomfortable. He called his brother names, mocked him at every opportunity and made references that hinted Victoria couldn’t have been a virgin.

The girl’s mother sat and blushed while my mother tried to change the subject.

At first glance, Victora was a mousey looking girl, who looked like she would burst into tears at any moment. She wore a thick, green, velvet dress, that covered her from neck to toes. It was a hot and humid night; she must have been boiling, but she made no complaint and ate what was put in front of her.

When James announced it was time for bed, they all went. It was a very abrupt end to the meal.

There was no moon that night, so I used the light from the stables as a guide as I went to complete the day’s work. Three slave girls jumped to their feet when they saw me enter and fell silent. I told them to sit. I heard a noise and turned around. Calum, my bull for the night, stepped forward, a huge grin showed his bright white teeth.

We may be the same age, but Calum was much taller. He was about as handsome as a man could be, with big, strong arms, thick with muscles as were his long legs. His wide chest was as hard as iron, his back simply rippled with power. The three girls drank him in, wide eyed but silent.

“Well Calum, are you ready.” I asked but didn’t get an answer as the stable door suddenly sprang open and Victoria walked in.

“This isn’t the sort of place for a lady.” I said but it didn’t stop her. “I’ve work to do; you need to leave.” I added firmly.

“I know but I was hoping you might help me.” She looked me directly in the eyes, pleading of me to be kind.

What I could do for her I didn’t know and told her so.

“I’m to be married in three days and must conceive quickly but I don’t know what to do. What a man looks like, what I should expect.”

I protested but she was persistent, so I told Calum to step forward and drop his cotton trousers, leaving him in a loin cloth. I’d expected her to squeal and run off, but she stepped closer and looked at me, escort I nodded, Calum untied them, so they fell to the floor.

She gasped a little but couldn’t take her eyes off the black cock before her. It was flaccid but the size you would expect for such a big man.

“Is that what goes in me?” She asked.

“Not like that, it needs to grow.” I replied and looked towards the first girl. She stepped forward and shed the dress she wore, showing her nakedness to Calum who reacted immediately.

Victoria squealed and stepped back.

“And that goes.” She said. I nodded. “Will it fit?”

“Don’t worry, I doubt Charles will have as much. Calum is blessed in that area.” I said and laughed.

“Can I touch?” She asked.

Her fingers went around his shaft, she pulled the skin down a little and seemed mesmerised by the glistening cock head.

“I heard the drivers talking once, they said French women put it in their mouths.” She said.

“That they do.” I said as if I knew everything.

With that, Victoria suddenly took his black cock in her mouth and moved her head back and forth. I saw Calum’s tense, his eyes bulged, giving him a look of half terrified, half in heaven. He looked at me, I could see she was having an immediate effect, that he wouldn’t last.

“Victoria!” I shouted.

She stopped but her hand was still wrapped around his cock and was pumping him.

Calum grunted and sent a fountain of cum that went over her shoulder. She screamed with shock.

“I’m so sorry, I’ve broken it.” She wailed running to me.

“No. Thats his essence.” I chafed. “What men produce.”

“Is he spoiled now?” She asked.

Southern women were kept being this stupid. It kept them under control. She asked question after question, many of which were embarrassing to answer, so I was glad when Calum showed he had recovered and was ready to mount the first girl.

“I’ll show you what happens.” I said telling one of them to lay down.

Though his cock was huge, thick and long, he slid into her with ease.

“A woman produces a type of mucus that lubricates, allowing the cock to slide in and out. It’s natural, you don’t need to do anything.”

The girl below him began to groan, Calum’s giant hand reached out to hold a breast which made her body move up to meet his rhythm.

“There are other positions he can use.” I said telling the girl to get on her knees. As Calum slid back inside her, Victoria moved close, so she was only inches away from the bucking cock. She then moved to the woman, saw how her tits were bouncing and held one, squeezing it tightly.

Calum signalled he was about to finish. She seemed eager to see what happened next and stood to get the best view. She was enthralled at the cum dripping from the girl and seemed disappointed when Calum withdrew his cock which was quickly deflating.

I sent the slaves away and presumed Victoria would leave but she wasn’t ready yet. There was something more she wanted me to help with.

Her husband to be is a sick man with very little energy. She needed him to perform on the night, but her mother was worried his cock wouldn’t have enough power to break her virginity. If it was found still to be intact after a few weeks of marriage, she would be sent away. The embarrassment would kill her father. She was also unsure if her body would work enough to get her husband ready, to give her the baby needed.

“Can you tell me if my body works on a man?” She asked blushing furiously.

I was too shocked to speak but she didn’t wait for an answer. She moved back so the light showed her more clearly. I hadn’t noticed she was wearing a night dress. She slipped it off to show her naked body.

Her breasts, always hidden in thick clothing were much larger than I thought. They hung ripe, with bullet nipples. Her belly was flat, with a sexy, oval naval. Her hips gave a curve to her body that enthralled me. Though her long hair was a mousy colour, the pubic hair was jet black, my eyes were drawn to it. Suddenly she put her arms to cover her breasts, tears filled her eyes.

“I’m not enough of a woman to inflame a man.” She whispered.

“You are a beautiful woman. He’s not worthy of you.” I replied quickly.

“Have I excited you?” She asked tearfully.

I nodded, she had, my cock was as hard as hell.

“Would you help me. If he can’t break my virginity my life would be over.” She was laid on the bed, her legs were opened wide.

I thought of using a finger, but my balls were in charge now. I moved to her side, caressed her breasts as I moved on top.

“My mucus seems to be working.” She said. shyly.

I almost burst into laughter but that would have hurt her. Instead, I eased inside. She was tight, a woman fresh and ready for adult adventure. But I felt no resistance and was about to pull out when she told me to carry on, that I hadn’t breached her yet. I began slowly, expecting her to tell me to stop, that the job was done. But instead, she lay with her arms escort bayan wrapped around me, as if making sure I didn’t escape. This lulled me, I didn’t feel the usual signs telling me the essence of man was growing ready to explode.

I suckled on a nipple as my other hand pulled at her breast. My lips moved to hers, a tongue pushing her lips apart, sought her mouth. At that moment I felt it was all I would ever want. Then, just as I felt I was about to explode, some sense returned. I pulled away but her legs, wrapped around me, held me back for that extra second more, then it was too late. I had ejaculated deep inside a woman about to be married.

“You are a true friend Johnny. I will remember this, if my husband can give me a child, our families will become close, your plantation will do well.” Victoria said as she slipped the nightdress back on and rushed away.

The next time I saw her, she was dressed in white, being walked down the aisle to a man waiting in a wheelchair. People were openly joking about the odd couple. The wedding itself was rather a dull affair, which ended much earlier than normal.

I was chatting to a cousin when James Noble had insisted on an old tradition being revived. The bride and groom would be taken to the bedroom and witnesses would see the marriage be consummated. I didn’t go, but apparently, it was rather a humorous occasion, with lots of laughter and bawdy jokes, led by a jealous brother.

She was put in a bed that Charles needed to be lifted into. He managed to summon up enough energy to get on top of her. James was so sure his brother had fallen asleep that he was about to pull the covers off when suddenly there was movement.

“It hurts.” Victoria had shouted as her husband bounced away for a few minutes.

James was sure it was Victoria moving a living corpse under the blankets but was shouted down by drunken cheers encouraging Charles on.

It was said she looked hot and sweaty after his exertions, that she’d then demanded that everyone leave immediately. James had wanted to strip the bedding off to prove it was all fake, but Simon Blake, the head of an important family, had knocked this back, shouting that nobody could deny the marriage had been consummated and the girl’s ordeal was now over. James Noble had been humiliated, I watched him storm off cursing our stupidity.

“I wonder how long it will be until she has an accident?” My cousin commented.

It was almost a year to the day when a house slave announced we had visitors. It was Charles and Victoria with their new baby and her mother. They came with good news. I was to be appointed to the Trade Board, an important institution that set crop prices among other things. It was a huge thing; I was now destined to be a rich man.

They were to stay overnight; we all saw how Victoria fussed over the old man. She made sure he had water to drink instead of wine. That his plate was full of vegetables. He no longer smoked fat cigars and when the suns heat fell, they walked around the gardens, he didn’t need a stick. The shake in his hand had all but disappeared, eyes were no longer watery, they had a glint in them that showed he was alive. He’d even put weight on.

At nine o’clock sharp, Victora announced it was time for them to retire for the night. Charles rose and asked if he would still be able to have his honey drink. He was assured this was the case. I shook his hand, thanked him for my appointment and smiled at Victoria, she leant forward just a little.

“See you in the usual place.” She whispered.

As soon as I could, I made excuses and ran to the stables. Making sure there was enough light to see each other but not enough to draw attention.

An hour went by. My confidence in what she’d said began to wane.

“See you have the usual grace.” I whispered, saying aloud what she may have said instead, feeling sure I had misheard her. “I am not out of place.” The first explanation seemed more likely, just to make sure I waited another hour, but there was no sign of her.

“Ah well, I should have known.” I said angrily.

“Should have known what?” Victora asked.

In my temper I hadn’t heard her open the stable door.

“Nothing, just thinking aloud.” I blustered.

She gave me a hug, then stepped back holding my hands.

“Well, I think you have grown even more handsome.” She said with a big grin.

Now, it can be said that I am more than a little naive when it comes to women and sex. I didn’t use the slave girls as the sin was always shown with the lighter coloured children. Any suitable woman in a plantation family wouldn’t show an ankle without being chaperoned. I had dallied at Belles, where city girls were a lot more friendly. I had learned what went where and what you should do. But Victoria seemed to be more than friendly. She’d hugged me, I had never been hugged before. She seemed happy to see me and the way she held my hands seemed to have a hidden meaning. To be called handsome by your mother, bayan escort or Aunt is one thing, but by a young woman, it seemed much different.

“I wanted to tell you the news first.” She said. “I’m with child again.”

“I’m pleased for you.” I lied.

“I was hoping you might be little jealous.” She said looking sad.

She’d sat down at the end of the bed we’d used before. I sat with her, put an arm around her to console.

“What we did I will remember all my life, but you are a married woman, even when Charles dies a husband will be chosen from one of the old families.”

She shrugged her shoulders, then leant over and kissed me. I returned her passion, sighing when she pulled back and stood before me. In a second she had pulled her nightdress over her head, allowing my eyed to roam her naked body. Her breasts were bigger than before, around the swell of her belly there were a few lines, but her skin was smooth and without other blemish.

Victoria pushed me back and straddled me, allowing my hands to run free over her. She leant down, breasts were in my face. I went to each, caressing, touching, sucking on ripe nipples. The soft touch made her shiver though it was so very hot. She pulled at my trousers, which gave way easily, then eagerly sought my cock, stroking it, feeling how hard it had become.

The tip of my cock was poised outside her soaking hole. She teased a little, pulling the skin back, allowing it to caress the lips, to rub on her clit, before it seemed, she could wait no more. The cock slid in easily, I moaned loudly. Her finger pressed against my lips, I looked up and saw she was shaking her head.

“People could hear.” She whispered as she began rocking against me.

My hands went to her breasts as I watched her face grimace with pleasure. Her mouth was open wide, I could see her white teeth even in the dim light. Her head slumped down, spittle slipped from her mouth and dripped onto my chest, she was oblivious to it.

I felt the rise in my cock and remembered the advice from one of Belles girls and clenched my buttocks, the rise stopped. Victoria began to move faster, her tits, bouncing in rhythm, were almost hypnotic. Suddenly she tensed and gave out a long sigh of satisfaction before slumping beside me. Her body was glossed in sweat, she could hardly breathe and lay dragging breath into her lungs.

My cock was demanding satisfaction, but I was patient, content to sit and look at her body.

“I didn’t know it could be like that.” She said after a while.

She was laid half on her side, I was holding her close, with my cock firmly between her buttocks. She was ready for me now; I was trying to turn her onto all fours, but she moved onto her back.

“I want to look into your eyes as you reach the pleasure.” She whispered.

She didn’t need to wait long. My balls were bursting for relief, I began fast, only slowing for the last few strokes before pumping cum inside her.

We lay together, the pleasure shared making us feel relaxed, so much so we fell asleep in each other’s arms. I was woken by a shove in the back, it was Calum.

“Wake up Boss, you need to get Miss Victoria in the house.” His eyes were wide open with fear. Fear of a beating because he’d touched me, fear of being strung up for seeing a white woman naked, fear of what would happen if this was known to all, but I guess he knew I would do nothing to him for such help.

I had a last glimpse of her naked flesh before she slipped her nightgown back on.

“Calum, take her to the side entrance of the house. If anyone sees her let me know.”

I was panic stricken until he returned a half hour later to report no eyes could have seen her.

It was late morning before Charles was ready to leave. He shook my hand warmly, wished me good luck, smiling as I thanked him. Victoria nodded an acknowledgment as they began the journey home.

The following week I was introduced to the other twenty members of the Trade Board. James was the President, in charge by proxy because of his brother’s ill health, which was a big topic of conversation. There were many bawdy jokes about how a wife can bring an old cock back to life. The man who shouted these the loudest was Toby White. He was the eldest son, of a powerful family, destined to take over from his ageing father. He was an oaf, a thin necked, fat man around the same age as me. It seemed his greatest claim to fame was the beatings he often gave to the girls at Belles. He wasn’t very popular, but few would ever stand up to him. That included me. If I had defended her honour, people would ask why. So even when Toby gleefully told me, that when Charles died, he would be the next cock inside his wife, I said nothing, instead gave a fake smile at his good fortune.

But Charles health improved even more when it was announced Victoria had given birth to another male heir. The rumour was the old man had been atop his wife when a servant walked in. Victora had asked if they could come back in twenty minutes, this caused some to joke how Toby would never last five when his time came. It was said that Charles had whooped with joy as he implanted another child in his wife, but I think this was more embellishment than fact.

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Educating Molly – Chapter Four

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I decided to take Molly to LA and the San Fernando Valley to continue her training. She was now an experienced sub-slut who enjoyed being trained and disciplined and I wanted her to experience all the joys of BDSM and slavery.

Our first stop was a boutique which specialized in slutty outfits. We bought Molly a bikini which barely covered her generous tits with little triangles and a bottom which was just a scrap of cloth covering her snatch and a thin band of butt floss. We also got her some crotchless panties and a garter belt and stockings.

We then headed to a sleazy motel in LA I knew where doms and subs congregated and swapped. We checked into our room and got dressed for the pool. I wore a tight Speedo which outlined my package and Molly wore her new bikini.

The pool was occupied, but not crowded. A few people were cooling off in the pool and there were a few naked people in the hot tub, but most were lounging on reclining chairs soaking up the sun. We found chairs and lay down.

A couple soon approached us and offered to rub lotion on our backs. We lowered our chairs and turned over. The man began to rub lotion into Molly’s back. He soon moved to her legs and then her butt. Molly wiggled her bottom as the man massaged it. His hand moved between her legs and began rubbing her pussy. Molly groaned and raised her ass, encouraging his hand and giving him full access. He was rubbing her pussy with one hand and began rubbing lotion into her ass crack with the other hand. It wasn’t long before he was rubbing her clit while inserting two fingers up her ass.

Meanwhile, the woman he was with was rubbing lotion on my chest, then my legs and then rubbing the outside of my suit. I responded by getting an obvious hard-on. She soon released my cock from my suit and started stroking it to full attention. I grabbed her hair and guided her head down to my crotch. She responded by taking the head of my cock in her mouth. She began licking the shaft up and down and then taking the head in her mouth and sucking.

We began attracting a crowd who came to watch. A couple of the men began massaging the woman’s ass who was sucking me. Two men had their hands down the back of her bikini bottom and were rubbing her ass. Finally, one pulled her bottom down, exposing her ass and the crack of her shaved pussy. The woman kicked off her bikini bottom. She reached back with both hands and spread her cheeks, fully displaying her asshole and cunt.

The men began running their fingers down her cracks. From there, it didn’t take long before the fingers were inserted into her pussy and ass. The woman groaned with pleasure as she continued to take my cock in her mouth. I pressed the back of her head, forcing my cock deeper into her mouth and down her throat. She gagged for a second and I let her up. She took a few seconds to recover and then continued sucking me.

I looked over at Molly, who was now the other center of attention. While the man played with her ass and pussy, another couple were now standing next to Molly. The new man ordered the woman to strip and present herself. Molly came up to a kneeling position, allowing the woman to slide under her. Molly bent forward between the woman’s legs and began licking her pussy.

The man who had been fingering Molly, stood up and pulled off his suit. His medium sized dick stood at attention. He carefully slid his dick into Molly’s cunt and began pumping.

The new guy dangled his large penis in Molly’s face. Molly began alternating between eating the woman’s cunt and sucking the man’s dick while being fucked by the man in back. The man in back began furiously pumping and then thrust as far as he could into Molly and gasped as he came. He held that position for a few moments and then eased out of Molly’s pussy.

The other man told Molly and his sub to change places. Molly lay on her back on the lounger with her legs spread wide, and the other woman parked herself between Molly’s legs. The man thrust his cock in Molly’s face and she obligingly took him in her mouth. He ordered his sub to lick the cum out of Molly’s pussy.

While this was going on, I was still getting blown by the woman. I lifted her up and had her turn around and sit on me in reverse cowgirl. I rubbed my cock against her nasty hole. I told one of the men to lube up her ass. He squirted lube on two fingers and worked them into her ass. I told the woman to guide my cock up her bum hole.

She was obviously very practiced as being ass fucked, and expertly guided me up her ass. She settled herself on my cock and began moving slowly up and down, using her arms to push up from the side of the chair. As she lowered her ass onto my cock, one of the men held her still and then slid his cock into her cunt, impaling her in a double penetration.

He began pumping into her cunt. I could feel his cock on the other side while mine rested in her ass. The third man grabbed her head and guided it to his stiff cock and she began Escort to suck him while being double fucked.

Another woman came over and began masturbating while watching. I pulled her over to me and had her staddle me so I could lick her cunt while enjoying the other woman’s ass. I pulled the woman’s bikini to the side and looked at her shaved pussy. She had large engorged lips, which were dark brown, like her hair. I parted the lips and her cunt was bright red. I began licking up and down her pussy, shoving my tongue as deep inside as it would go. She began moaning.

I told her to take off her bikini bottoms and spread her labia herself, freeing up my hands. I inserted one, then two, then three fingers into her vagina while I licked her clit. My other hand explored her ass crack and my fingers rested against her tight wrinkled hole. I took my fingers of that hand and thrust my index and middle finger into her cunt, making five fingers inside her.

She gasped but I only wanted to use her wetness to lubricate those two fingers. I removed them and reached around behind her and began working them into her tight asshole. Meanwhile I continued to lick her clit.

The guy fucking the other woman’s cunt while I was balls deep in her ass suddenly clenched and came, crying out. After a few moments, he pulled out. I ordered the woman I was licking and fingering to get on her knees and clean off his cock. She eagerly took his still erect cock in her mouth and coaxed out the last drops of cum. I then ordered her to lick the cum out of the fucked woman’s pussy.

The man who had been in the double penetrated woman’s mouth, quickly moved in front and took the place of the other man. He moved the woman aside who was licking the fucked woman’s pussy and thrust inside her and began pumping away. He was on the edge from having the woman expertly blow him and soon shot his wad into her stretched pussy. The woman I’d been fingering dutifully waited for him to pull out so she could clean his cock and then suck down all the cum in the woman’s cunt.

I told her to continue licking the woman to orgasm. She demonstrated her obvious experience licking pussy. She grabbed the woman’s clit between her thumb and index finger and pulled it upward, out of its sheath. She began flicking her tongue expertly across her clit. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes when I felt the woman clench my cock with her sphincter as her orgasm exploded.

The other woman continued to lick her and sop up all her juices. I pulled my cock out of the limp woman’s ass and presented it to the woman licking her. She began sucking my cock like her life depended on it. She expertly deep throated my cock, her mouth going all the way to my balls. I felt my orgasm rising and then I exploded in her mouth. I told her to hold it and then ordered the other woman to kneel next to her so they could share my cum. They passed my cum back and forth as they kissed. It was super hot.

Molly was building up to her own orgasm as the woman continued to clean her cunt and lick her clit. She turned to me and asked, “Daddy, please can I cum?” I gave my permission and Molly exploded, holding the woman’s head against her crotch with both hands. Her orgasm seemed to go on and on, but finally she stopped, released the woman’s head, and sunk back in her lounger. When she had relaxed, I told her we were going back to the room for a siesta.

We got back to the room and both collapsed on the bed. I told Molly we should nap, if possible, because we had a busy night ahead.

After our nap, we went out for dinner and then came back to the room to change for our nighttime activities. I wore drawstring pants with nothing on underneath and I had Molly wear her garter belt and black lace stockings with no underwear, a short skirt, and a low-cut top showing plenty of cleavage.

We headed to my favorite LA adult theater, book and toy store, and video arcade. We walked in and were greeted by an attractive woman behind the counter, conservatively dressed. We started looking around at the toys, videos and other interesting items displayed in several rows. There were a few women present, but mostly men. Some of the men were old and creepy looking, but there were a few young, good-looking guys, too.

I whispered to Molly what I expected of her. She saw one of the younger guys checking her out, so she bent down to adjust her sandal. Her short skirt rode up in back and he had a generous view of her luscious ass and pussy. She looked back at him and gave her come-hither smile but continued to stay bent over. She straightened up and we headed to the video arcade. Molly looked over her shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile.

Several other men had seen her and began following us to the back. We picked a booth with other booths on either side. We entered the booth and closed the door. On either side was a glory hole. There was a pad on the floor for Molly to kneel on. The walls on either Escort Bayan side were close enough that Molly could reach both sides.

Molly looked through one hole and saw that the young man she had encouraged had entered the booth. She placed her hand through the hole and gestured for him to stick his dick through the hole. By now, a dick appeared through the hole from the booth on the other side. Molly reached back and began stroking that cock, a medium sized circumcised white cock, while waiting for the young man to present his cock to her. His cock quickly appeared. It was straight, long but not too thick, and quite hard already.

Molly began licking his cock while I began filming with my phone. She flicked her tongue across its head, driving her tongue into the pee hole, and then taking his cock deep into her mouth and down her throat. She began sucking hard and moving her head back and forth, his cock going all the way into her mouth and then coming back out to the edge of its head.

Meanwhile, she continued to frig the other cock, stroking harder and harder and squeezing. The head of his cock went from pink to red to purple as Molly squeezed and pulled.

The blowjob went on for several minutes before the young man erupted and sprayed a prodigious amount of cum in Molly’s mouth. It was so much that it began squirting out the sides of her mouth and down her front, dripping between her comely breasts.

When his spasms stopped, Molly turned to me and opened her mouth, showing it full of cum. She closed her mouth and swallowed, then opened it again to show me that her mouth was empty. She scooped up some of the cum between her breasts and returned it to her mouth.

Meanwhile, she now turned to the cock she had been tugging. She examined it, and, satisfied, continued stroking it. She took it in her mouth and in no time, she was taking her second load. She repeated showing me her mouth full of cum and swallowing.

Molly now stood up and removed her top, freeing her breasts, and removed her skirt. She left the garter belt and stockings on, but was otherwise nude. She began stroking her pussy and inserted two, and then three, fingers into her vulva. She would take her fingers out and rub two, one on either side, against her clitoris.

New cocks appeared in both gloryholes. Molly got back on her knees and took one in her mouth and began stroking the other. The one in her mouth was a long, black dick and Molly took it deep into her throat. The other cock she was stroking was not nearly as long, but it was thick and Molly’s fingers barely fit around its girth.

Molly was immensely enjoying sucking the black cock while I filmed. She stood up and I handed her a condom, which she unwrapped and rolled over the black cock. Molly backed up to the cock and rubbed it against her pussy. She slowly backed into the cock and it slid into her wet snatch. Molly began rocking back and forth, taking the cock deep inside her cunt, then slowly moving forward until it was almost out of her before rocking back and taking it to the hilt.

Molly leaned all the way forward and was able to take the other thick cock in her mouth. It was not as smooth as her normal blowjobs since she was being slammed in the back by the black man who was now excitedly pistoning her with his long cock.

Even though it was a choppy job sucking the thick cock, the man came in short order, filling Molly’s mouth once again with cum. Because she was busy being fucked, she was unable to show me her third cum load, but she dutifully swallowed as she offered herself to the black man.

I asked Molly if she would take him up the ass and she smiled. Molly reached back and removed the man’s cock from her pussy and began rubbing it against her tightly closed nasty hole. I reached down and applied some lube to the hole and to the condom covering his cock. Molly slowly worked his dick into her asshole, which reluctantly opened to admit it.

Molly sucked in a ragged breath as his dick crossed her sphincter and stretched her asshole to admit it. Molly slowly backed into his long cock and it obligingly slid into her ass. When it was all the way in, Molly pulled back almost all the way and then pushed up against it, letting it slide all the way in.

Molly slowly developed a rhythm, in and out, picking up steam as the long cock moved in and out of her ass. The man excitedly began to pump faster and faster. As he picked up speed, Molly groaned with pain and pleasure. She was furiously frigging her clit now, feeling wonderful sensations from her cunt and ass at the same time, and she erupted in a furious orgasm.

The man drove his cock with one great thrust all the way in and shuddered as Molly clenched and unclenched her sphincter. The man grew still and Molly pulled away until his cock fell out of her ass. She turned away from me, still bent over, and with both hands pulled her cheeks apart, showing me her gape where his cock had ravaged her Bayan Escort asshole. She looked back and smiled.

The man’s cock was still hanging out the hole and Molly kneeled down and removed the condom. She held the condom up by the tip and let his cum drain out into her mouth. She displayed his cum to me and dutifully swallowed. She then took his still mostly erect penis in her mouth and cleaned it.

By then, another dick was sticking out through the other hole, patiently waiting, hoping for Molly to take it. She knelt before the hole and began sucking this man’s medium sized cock. After several minutes, the man came in her mouth.

By now, Molly’s jaw was tired and I was getting a little bored, so Molly put on her clothes and we headed out of the booth. We made our way to the back where a door led into a theater. It was dark and we stood there a few moments for our eyes to adjust. As we were finally able to see clearly, we could see a porno of an orgy on the screen and the audience filling up about a dozen or more seats. They were spread out and it was mostly guys masturbating and about three other couples fondling and sucking.

Molly and I took seats about halfway down in the middle of the aisle. There was a single guy in front of us who had his dick out and was lazily stroking it and another single guy behind us. I had Molly stand and pull down her top and pull up her skirt so her tits, ass and cunt were visible. She sat back down and began unzipping my pants and taking my dick out.

Molly began stoking my dick and then taking it in her mouth. The man behind us stood up to get a better view of the action and the guy in front of us turned around. The guy in back presented his dick over my shoulder. As Molly lifted her head, she saw it and knew I wanted her to take it. She sat up and examined his dick and then took it in her mouth. The guy in front now stood up and moved to our row to stand next to Molly. He presented her his dick and Molly began stroking it.

After sucking the man in back, Molly turned her attention to the man standing beside her and took his dick in her mouth. She began sucking hard, moving her head back and forth, taking his cock deep into her mouth and then pulling back. The man reached down and began fingering Molly’s cunt. The other man, who was stroking his own cock waiting for Molly to return to it, began fondling her tits.

We were now attracting some attention and one of the couples moved over to us. They climbed over the seats so they were next to me. The woman sat next to me and bent down and took my cock in her mouth. The man took out his cock and began stroking it, watching his partner sucking me off. Molly continued to alternate between the two guys’ cocks.

I stood up and stepped out of my draw-string pants. When I sat down, the woman sat in my lap, facing away from me. She grabbed my cock and guided it up her pussy. She reached down and took over the stroking of her partner’s cock while she rode my dick. I reached around under her shirt and began rolling and pulling on her nipples. The woman groaned and began moving up and down more quickly. With her free hand she furiously rubbed her clit.

One of the men pulled his cock out of Molly’s mouth and sprayed cum all over her face and tits. Molly smiled and guided some of his cum into her mouth with her fingers. She then turned to face the other man who was furiously masturbating. He, too, emptied his load on Molly’s face. Molly then turned to the woman who was riding my cock and began kissing her. The woman started licking the cum off Molly’s face.

Molly dropped to her knees and began licking the woman’s clit. She would lick her clit and then suck it, taking it by her teeth and tugging upward. The woman’s partner then climbed over to the other side and positioned Molly’s ass up on the seat while Molly continued to lick and bite his partner’s clit.

The man guided his cock up Molly’s vagina and began pumping away. Meanwhile, his partner continued to fuck me and Molly continued to eat her cunt. Several other men moved in, hoping to get in on the action while the four of us were occupied fucking and sucking.

The woman I was fucking started quivering as she began her orgasm. Molly had her clit between her teeth while I continued to fuck her. The woman began an enormous orgasm, bucking and groaning loudly. Molly couldn’t keep her mouth on the woman’s cunt, so the woman rubbed her clit furiously herself to continue coming. I was barely able to keep my dick inside her.

The woman collapsed into a heap. At last, she opened her eyes and smiled at Molly. She mouthed, “Thank you,” to Molly and turned her head to kiss me. I was still inside her, but didn’t want to cum yet, so I lifted her off of me. She stood up. Molly pulled her partner out of her cunt, but instead of moving away, she took his cock and directed it up her ass.

The man was surprised and delighted. Molly bent forward and took my cock in her mouth, sucking me while being fucked in the ass. In a few moments, the man emptied his load in Molly’s ass. His partner, who had just orgasmed herself, now applied her mouth to Molly’s ass and licked up her partner’s cum as it dripped out of Molly’s ass.

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My Wife Shares Me with Her Friend

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The following is a work of pure fiction. None of the characters exists nor did anything described occur.

Wife Hazel and I have been married for 20 years. Even before we met, she introduced me to her friend Camille, aka Millie.

Hazel is attractive, but not what anyone would call beautiful, but I love her dearly and she loves me. Around 10 years ago, I developed a fantasy about having Hazel peg my ass. It took a few weeks, but I finally told Hazel about my fantasy. We had regularly discussed our fantasies and she said that this was one that she was willing to help me fulfill.

So, the following weekend, we made a trip to the nearest sex store. Hazel selected a strap on harness that she thought would fit and appeared to be comfortable. I selected a set of three beginner pegging cocks that were compatible with her harness. That evening, we were both eager to try out our new purchase.

Hazel put the smallest cock onto the harness and then put the harness on. She looked very different with an erect cock sticking out from her crotch. As she lubed it up, I got into bed face down and spread my legs to give her a view of her target, my asshole. She touched her cock to my ass, asked if I was ready and when I nodded, she slowly pushed it in. I told her that it felt great, so she slowly pulled out and started giving me my first ass fucking. She continued for about five minutes before pulling out and collapsing onto her back on the bed next to me.

She said,”That is hard work.”

My reply was to roll over onto her, to give her a passionate and a very passionate kiss. After a short time, I finally lifted up and rolled back to her side.

I told her,”That was better than my fantasy. I cannot wait to see what the two larger cocks feel like.”

Over the next week or two, Hazel would occasionally put on her harness with one of the larger cocks and give me another ass fucking. As she got more experience, she was starting to be able to fuck me for longer and longer periods.

Then, one night she had the largest of the three cocks on her harness and started fucking me once again. But this time, she lasted for almost 15 minutes. Suddenly, I was overcome with a new sensation. My body stiffened and I started to shudder. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but Hazel recognized the signs of an orgasm and suddenly buried her cock deep in my ass. She wrapped her arms around my chest so that her tits were pressed tightly against my back.

It felt like I laid there had shuddered forever as wave after wave of my first anal orgasm swept over me, but Hazel said that it only took about a minute before I started to recover. At that point, I was addicted to getting pegged by her cock. I pestered her to fuck me so much that it was starting to cut into the number of nights that I would fuck her pussy. She finally told me that I owed her as much fucking as she was giving me. I had to agree with that and so we worked out an agreement that she would not have to peg my ass more than twice a week. That allowed us alternate fucking each other normally during the rest of the week.

After a couple of months, I felt that I had outgrown the beginner pegging cocks, so we made another trip to the store and this time we bought a natural looking dildo that was about the size of my cock. At the store, I told Hazel that now we are the same size. Her new cock kept me satisfied for the next year or so. The texture of the beginner cocks was different from the new natural looking cock, so she would occasionally alternate things so that I wouldn’t become too tired of the same old feeling in my ass.

Finally, after about a year, I had a fantasy of getting pegged by a huge cock. I didn’t want something that would hurt, but I wanted to feel like Hazel was stretching my ass as far as she could without causing pain. We went back to the same store, but I couldn’t find anything that drew my interest. Almost all of their larger products were just giant cocks and I wanted something different.

So, we went home and I started exploring the online stores. I finally found a product that drew my interest. It wasn’t a natural looking cock. It was long enough that it had about 5.5 inches of insertable length, enough to fill my ass. It had a rounded head shaped like the end of a rugby ball that was about 2 inches in diameter, enough to stretch my asshole to its limits and it had a shaft that was about 1.5 inches in diameter, but the shaft was covered by about twenty 1/4 inch diameter rounded bumps that were randomly scattered around the shaft and along the length.

This dildo really drew my attention since it was long enough for Hazel to be able to fill my ass, the rounded head would challenge my asshole to accept it and the bumps would provide stimulation to my asshole as she pegged me. So, I placed the order and eagerly awaited its arrival.

Two LONG weeks later, it arrived. That night I told Hazel, I know that it isn’t my turn to be the one who receives the fucking, but please Escort peg my ass tonight.

When she saw her new cock she smiled and said, “I can’t wait to use this on your ass.”

That night, we were both ready early because we both knew that this was going to be different. After I had undressed and gotten into place and she had finished adjusting her harness, she put the new cock into her harness. As she lubed it, she ran her hand up and down the shaft as if she was jacking off her cock.

She said, “You are going to love how this feels and I cannot wait to try it out in my pussy tomorrow night.”

She then climbed up between my legs and pressed the rounded head to my asshole. As she slowly put her weight against the head to push it into me, I did everything that I could to relax my asshole. She pushed very slowly and my asshole was starting to hurt from being stretched that wide. I was beginning to think that I was going to have to tell her to stop when suddenly the head popped in and my asshole relaxed around the shaft. Step one complete, I now had the head of the new cock in my ass.

Hazel then slowly pushed and as she pushed, I could feel my ass getting stuffed more and more.

I was again about to tell her to stop when she said, “That’s all of it. How does it feel?”

I told her, “I was about to tell you to stop pushing when the head suddenly popped into my ass. Then, I was about to tell you that I couldn’t take any more cock in my ass when you stopped. Right now, it feels great. My ass is stuffed full and I could feel all of the bumps as each one of them passed through my asshole. I am ready for you to start fucking me, but please go slow this time.”

So, she started pulling out to the point where the rounded head was near my asshole and then pushing back in. I felt each one of the little knobs as it came out and went back in. The feeling was like nothing I have ever experienced.

She slowly fucked me like this for about five minutes before she started to pick up the pace. The feeling of all those knobs was wonderful. After about five minutes of this, I suddenly had an anal orgasm, so she stopped to let me recover. She then resumed fucking me, but this time at a very rapid pace. At this fast pace, my asshole wasn’t getting a chance to recover as the individual knobs went through, so it just felt like a very large, rough cock.

Hazel finally started to tire and asked if she could pull out. I agreed, so she slowly pulled the head out of my ass and then collapsed next to me. I turned to her and gave her a big kiss and passionate hug. Then she asked for another review of how the new cock had felt.

I explained that the head had hurt as it initially went in and that I was about to give up being able to take it up my ass when it suddenly popped in. I said that I felt the increased volume compared to the natural cock and that the fullness felt good.

I then told her that the feeling of the knobs passing through my asshole as she was fucking me at a slow to medium pace was far better than I could have imagined. However, when she rapidly fucked me, my asshole didn’t recover with each knob so that it just felt like her cock had gotten larger. It was still wonderful, but that it just wasn’t the same as the feeling of each knob rubbing against my asshole.

The next night, she asked me to use the new cock to manually fuck her pussy before I used my cock on her. I did much the same thing to her pussy that she had done to me the night before. I lubed the entire cock, slowly pushed the head in, slowly pushed it in until it was all the way in and then fucked her with it at varying speeds. I finished by using a moderate speed to fuck her when suddenly she shuddered with an orgasm. I left it in her and carefully leaned over to hug and kiss her while she recovered.

Once she had recovered she said that she experienced all of the feelings that I had described when she fucked my ass. As I pulled the cock out of her pussy, I asked if I could fuck her now. She said no, just let me blow you tonight. You can come in my mouth. Even though I love you, after having that monster in my pussy, your cock just wouldn’t seem adequate. I told her that I fully understood and resigned myself for a blow job rather than a chance to fuck her.


Millie is not a woman that anyone would call beautiful or even attractive. To be honest, her appearance is quite homely, but she makes up for it with a sparking personality. Anyone that is able to get past her appearance instantly becomes her friend. However, this meant that it was difficult for Millie to attract men when she was in her teens or 20’s. Guys were more interested in the pretty girls, or at least those who were reasonably attractive.

Millie was a bit over 5 ft tall and probably weighed about 160 lbs. She had a very stocky build and her shoulders, waist and hips were all about the same size. She wasn’t fat, but she might have been politely described either Bayan Escort as sturdy or even chunky. Her tits were probably about 38B, but given the size of her shoulders and waist, they didn’t show. If not for her long, wavy dark brown hair, she might have easily been taken to be a man.

As a result, Millie didn’t get married until she was 31. When Hazel and I first met her fiancée, neither of us was at all impressed. In fact, I was downright turned off by him and feared that Millie had made a big mistake by agreeing to his proposal. However, I kept my mouth shut since this was her life and I didn’t want to interfere with her chance at happiness.

As it turned out, I was right. Although he had a good job and bought a nice house for Millie, he would frequently come home drunk and then either physically or sexually assault her or both. Since she had almost no experience with men or with sex, at first she thought that this happened in most marriages. She knew that this was not true for Hazel and me, but she had few other friends that were close enough to talk to about that sort of thing.

The beatings and marital assaults continued for about a year. Then one night, he came home drunk again and beat her harder and longer than normal. Millie was in such bad shape that she had to call 911. The paramedics immediately called the police and transported her to the ER. When the police arrived, he was still passed out on the couch. When the ER doctors saw her, they immediately knew that it was a case of spousal assault and started documenting her injuries for the police as well as signs of past beatings. There was also a policewoman at the hospital who interviewed Millie about this and past assaults.

When the police at the house heard from the policewoman at the hospital, he was just starting to wake up and demanded to know why the police were inside his house. The police arrested him for assault and battery of his wife and took him to jail. At his arraignment hearing the next day, Millie refused to press charges, so he was released.

Hazel and I had picked up Millie at the hospital to take her to the arraignment hearing. After she told the judge that she chose not to press charges, Hazel and I took her aside. We told her that she should not go home and we convinced her to go with us to talk with our attorney. Our attorney told her that in his experience, once spousal abuse reaches this point, it will only continue to get worse.

He told her, “Your husband is probably very upset about getting arrested and even though it was his fault, he will blame you. I advise that you go home with your friends and do not back to your house by yourself.”

I continued, “If you agree, I will draw up the papers for a restraining order to prevent your husband from coming within 100 ft of you for the next month. I can have the judge sign them first thing in the morning and a process server will serve them on your husband tomorrow afternoon.”

I said, “I further advise you to let me start drawing up the paperwork for you to file for divorce to free you from this monster so that he doesn’t eventually kill you.”

Hazel and I both told Mille that although this might seem like a big step, it was really the only way to keep from getting an even more serious beating or even from being killed tonight. She thought about it for about five minutes before telling our attorney to start work on both documents.

We loaded Millie back into our car and took her home. During the drive home, we told her that under no circumstances should she call home to tell her husband what she had done. I told that if you do, he will come to our house and then all of three of us will be in danger.

The next afternoon, Millie’s husband received both the restraining order and the divorce papers. To say that he was enraged would be an understatement. He was so mad that he trashed the inside of their house and then drove off at high speed. The neighbors said that he had almost hit several cars parked on the street as he drove off.

After dinner, the three of us went to the house to see if he was there. His car was gone and the lights were off, so we took Millie inside to pack her clothes in a suitcase that she could take to our house. She was in tears when she saw how many of her things had been destroyed and how much of her clothing had been thrown around or ripped to shreds. We locked up and left as soon as we could because we were afraid that he would come back.

The next day, I had a locksmith come and change the locks and I changed the settings on the garage door opener so that he could not get back in. I also went to both neighbors to tell them what was going on and to please keep an eye on the house for a day or two while Mille was staying with us.

Four days later, the neighbors reported seeing her husband try to get into the house, but that he had once again sped down the street in an apparent rage.

One week later, we helped Millie move Escort Bayan back and the three of us worked all day long to clean things up and to put things back where they had been. Hazel and I had packed a bag so that we could spend that first night with Millie. I had also alerted the police that Millie had finally moved back home and asked that they please keep an eye on her.

The next day, a police officer came by to check on Millie and to confirm that the car parked in the driveway was ours and not his. The officer gave Millie his card and explained that her house was on his beat and that if she had any problems or even saw were husband drive by to immediately call 911 and ask for them to send him immediately.

The day after that, the officer came by to let us know that her husband had been picked up last night for DWI. He was in jail today and given his previous court hearing, would probably be spending a couple of days in jail.

That was the last that we heard about him until it was time for the divorce to be finalized. He showed up at the hearing and tried to convince the judge that he had changed. However, we found out that he had been arrested a few more times on drunk and disorderly charges and for getting into bar fights. The judge had seen this sort of thing many times before and not only made the divorce final, but he also made the 100 ft restraining order permanent. Her now ex-husband was to never again knowingly come within 100 ft of Mille.

Millie, Hazel and I

As soon as the divorce was final, Millie told us that she wanted to take us out to dinner to celebrate. She repeatedly thanked us for our help, which we told her is what good friends do for their friends. She then confided that the only thing that she missed about her husband was the times that they had truly made love to each other when he wasn’t drunk.

She finally looked at Hazel and said, “What I really miss is sleeping with a man”.

Hazel told her, let me think about that and I will talk to you tomorrow afternoon.

When we got home, Hazel told me that she knew that when Hazel’s ex wasn’t drunk that he enjoyed getting pegged. That was one of the better parts of their relationship in bed.

Hazel smiled at me and asked, “If she is willing, would you be willing to let her peg you too?”

To say that I was astounded by this question is an extreme understatement.

I said, “You mean to tell me that you would allow Mille to fuck my ass?”

Hazel said, “I would be willing to let her provided that I am present when she does it, that you don’t EVER fuck her pussy. She wants to peg your ass as much as she loved pegging her ex’s ass.”

I could barely contain myself. Hazel was offering me the opportunity to get pegged by both my wife and her best friend.

I was grinning from ear to ear when I told her, “Of course I would agree to that. Getting my ass fucked by you and your best friend, that is like a fantasy that I never dreamed of. Millie isn’t beautiful, but I like her and cannot tell what she looks like and do not care while she is fucking me.”

The next day, Hazel called Mille and made her the offer. Mille was stunned that Hazel was offering to let Millie fuck her husband and didn’t care that her pussy would not get fucked in return. It didn’t take her long to say yes to Hazel’s offer. Her next question was, “When?”

Hazel asked her, “Why don’t you bring your things over Friday afternoon for dinner and plan to spend the night. You will need to sleep in the spare bedroom, but the three of us can spend our time in bed together before it is time to go to sleep.”

Friday Afternoon

Millie showed up with two bags at 4PM Friday afternoon. The small one had a change of clothing. The larger one contained her harness and a collection of cocks that fit into the harness.

After dinner, we all went into the bedroom and Millie unpacked the larger bag. She first pulled out her harness, which was similar in design to Hazel’s but was larger in size to match Millie’s larger waist and hips.

Then she pulled out a selection of cocks. Most of them were similar to the ones that we had purchased prior to the knobby cock. But there was one that stood out from the rest. It was so long that the insertable length was at least eight inches. As for the diameter of the cock, the largest part was at the head and was about a 1/4 inch larger in diameter than the knobby cock and the shaft was close to two inches in diameter.

She explained that she had bought this cock in an attempt to demonstrate to her ex what it felt like to be sexually assaulted. At first, she had used it on him when he was sober and he had told her that it hurt both going in and as well as when it was all the way in. But as time went one, he had adjusted to it so long as she used to in a loving fashion. However, she soon found out that if she used it to forcefully peg him, that she could hurt him to the point where she started to become afraid that she was causing him internal injuries.

Therefore, she had started to reserve this cock for fucking his ass when he was so drunk that he was almost passed out. She would fuck him hard to release her anger about the way that he had been treating her.

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les atiye 74

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les atiye 74
les atiye 74 kaldığı yerden devam uyandığımda saat 10 geliyordu sibel ile ceylan yatkta yoktular kalkıp duşumu alıp bornozu giyip aşağıya indim ceylan mutfaktaydı mutfağın kapısından günaydın canım
c) günaydın canım sen otur ben kahve hazırlayıp geliyorum
b) harika olur ceylan tşk ederim sibel nerde yokmu
c) yok cıktı işi vardı ofiste onları bugün bitirmesi lazım
b) seninde işin varsa sende cıksaydın beraber
c) işim yok benim sibelin işinin olması iyi oldu senin özel olarak konuşmak istiyordum kahveler olmak üzere sen otur icer konuşuruz
b) tamam olur aslında cok merak etmiştim benimle özel ne konuşmak istiyordu
c) buyrun kahven canım
b) ellerine sağlık ceylana bakıp duruyordum konuya girmesini bekliyordum ama ceylan cok ağırdan alıyordu kız hadi söylesene ne konuşacaksın özel olarak meraktan catlayacam
c) tamam anlatacamda konuya nasıl gireceğiimi düşünüyorum
b) ceylan benden cekinmene gerek yok ne diyeceksen lafı cevirmeden söyleye bilirsin seni anlayışla karşılayacağımdan emin olabilirsin
c) atiye özümü kesmeden beni dinlersen sevinirim
b) tabi dinliyorum seni
c)atiye biliyorsun ben şuana kadar hiç kimseyle beraber olmadım bana dokunan ilk kişi sensin tek hayalim gelinlik giyip evlenmekti ama olmadı zaten artık bu yaş tan sonra olacağınıda düşünmüyorum maddi durumunda cok iyi artık evlenmeden böyle yaşamak istiyorum yanızca senden isteğim olacak gelinlik giyip bekaretimi sana vermek istiyorum bunu kabul edersen bunu kabul edersen beni cok mutlu edersin
b) şey ben bunu yapa bilirmiyim bilmiyorum sen bunu sibelden istesen bence daha iyi olur
c) ben seni anlıyorum ama ben bekaretimi senden başkasının almasını istemiyorum lütfen beni kırma bunu kabul ett
b) bence ozaman sen acele etme belki başka bir erkek cıkar onunla evlenirsin acele etme sağlıklı karar vermiyor ola bilirsin
c) yok atiye ben bunu baya düşündüm artık evlenmeyi düşümüyorum artık böyle yaşamak istiyorum
b) sen bir kac gün düşün sanra karar ver bence
c) ben kararımı verdim değiştirmeyide düşünmüyorum tek isteğim gelinlik giyip senin olmak lütfen atiye
b) ne diyeceğimi bilmiyorum ceylan
c) sadece tamam olur demen yeterli ben gidip geliniğimi alıp giyinip bu aksam senin olmak istiyorum
b) ceylan tamam olur ama benimde bazı şartlaım var eğer senin için uyarsa ben senin istediğini yaparım
c) tabi ne istersen şartlarını kabul edeyorum sen söyle şartlarını
b) ceylan ben davamlı bir arada yaşamayı sevmeyen biriyim aynı evde yaşamak gibi sahiplenmek gibi sevgili olmak gibi seyleri sevmiyorum birbirimizi istediğimiz zaman beraber olabiliriz sende kimle beraber olmak istersen olabilirsin bende kimle beraber olmak istersen olurum hiçbir şekilde kıskaclık olmaması lazım senin içinde uygunsa benlik sıkıntı olmaz
c) seni anladım bağalnamak istemiyorsun hayatını böyle bağlanmadan yaşamak istiyorsun anladım seni peki neden bağlanmaktan korkuyorsun onu merak ettim
b) cünkü ben kimsenin benden üzülmesini kırılmasını istemiyorum herkesin özgürce yaşamasını istiyorum
c) seni hiç kırmayacağıma senin dediği yapacağıma sana söz veriyor söylediğin herşeyi de kabul ediyorum yanız sen beni hiç bırakma yeter
b) seni hiç bırakmam sana söyledimi gibi yaşarsak
c) kesinlikle senin değin gibi olacak
b) caylan ayağa kalkıp yanıma yaklaşıp bana sarılarak dudaklarımadan öpmeye başlamıştı bende kendisine karşılık veriyordum ceylan durdu bana baktı
c) kralicem ben sibeli arıyım buluşup ben daha önce beğendiğim gelinliği alıyım kuaföre gecip sibele hazırlanıp geliriz ama senin burda olaman lazım saat 22 sonra geleceksin sibele buraları hazırlayıp yatak odasını düzeltecez olurmu
b) olur canım ben ne giyinecem onu bilmiyorum
c) fark etmez kraliçem sen nasıl istersen öyle hazırlan ben hemen cıkıyım anca hazırlanırım aksam görüşürüz bye
b) ceylan sevinten ucuyordu hızlı bir şekilde üzerini değiştirip cıkmıştı ben de ne yapacağımı bilmiyordum yukarı cıkıp kısa sortumu bluzumu giyinip avm ye gidip gendime birşeyler bakıyım diye düşündüm evden cıkıp benim kendi evime yakın olan avm ye doğru yola cıkmıştım ordan alır kendi evimde giyinir saat 22 gibi burda olurum bende haycanlanmıştım ilk defa öyle birşey yaşayacaktım avm ye vardığımda ilk önce kendime siyah sırt dekolteli abiye aldıktan sonra kırmızı boxer kadın külotu adım siyah jartiyer takımı aldıktan sonra uzun sivri tobuklu çizme aldım aldıklarımı arabaya koyduktan sonra kuaföre sedefin yanına uğrayıp bütün bakımları yapıp sedef ben hazırlanıp gelir makyajımı yaparsın olurmu dedim sedefte olur gel yaparız dedi eve gecmiştim saat baya ilerlemişti benim haycanım gidikce artıyordu duşumu alıp yatakta oturup jartiyerimi giyindim dolaptan strapon alıp giyidikten sonra kırmızı boxer
külotu üzerine giyindim abiyeyi de giyindikten sonra aynada penis belli olup olmadığına bakıyordum ama belli oluyordu bu kötüydü cünkü tekrar sedefin yanına gidip makyajımı yapacaktım külotu cıkarıp strapon cıkardım cantama koydum sedefin yanına kuaföre gectim sedef makyajımı fönümü yaptıktan sonra hesabı ödeyip arabaya binip yola cıkmıştım saat 20 geciyordu heycanım baya artmıştı yol bitmek bilmiyordu telefonum calmaya başlamıştı telefona baktığıma arayan sibeldi
s) atiye herşey hazır kralicemiz seni bekliyoruz
b) yoldayım kız 30 dk ordayım geliyorum
s) tamam bekliyoruz seni ceylan benim arabada oturmuş eve beraber girmeniz için orda bekliyor seni
b) tamam canım deyip telefonu kapatmıştım 30 dk sonra villanın önüne gelmiştim abiyemi yukarı kadırıp strapon giyindikten sonra külotu üzerine giyinmiştim kumandayla kapıyı acıp villa girip arabanın park edip yan tarafına gecip strapon üzerimi düzeltip sibelin arabsına doğru yürüdüm kapıyı acıp elimi uzatım buyrun askım
c) tşk ererim kralicem
b) ceylanın elinden tutarak arabadan indirdim ceylan tesettürlü gelinlik giymiş yüzünüde duvakla kapatmıştı baya heycanlanmıştım ceylanda baya hecanlanmıştı ikimizinde ellerinde hafiften titreme vardı
c) kralicem sende an az benim kadar heycanlısın
b) evet baya heycanlıyım ilk defa böyle birşey yaşıyorum normal değilmi
c) evet haklısın normal tabi sana bir sürprizim daha var
b)hımm cok merak etim şimdi
c) birazdan görürsün
b) sibel kapının önüne cıkmıştı sibelde gelinlik giymişti cok şaşrımıştım ceylana bakıyor neden sibelde gelinlik giymiş
c) iki gelinin var bugün sibelde gelin olarak senin olmak istediğini söyledi bende istersen sende gelinlik al ikimiz beraber aynı mutluğu yaşayalım dedim sibelde cok sevindi sana sürprizimizi beğendinmi
b) evet cok meğendim tabiki sibel kapıda durmuş bize bakıyordu kapıya yaklaştığımızda dans müziği acmıştı içeri gidiğimizde üzerimize kırmızı cicekler atıyordu ceylanın duvağını acıp dudakarına öpücük kondurup dans etmeye başlamıştık ceylana baktığıma cok güzel görünüyordu gözlerinin içi gülüyordu sibelde üzerimize güller atmaya davam ediyor bizi izliyordu harika görünüyorsun ceylanım
c)sende öyle kraliçem
b) ceylanın dudaklarından öpüyor dans etmeye devam ediyorduk ceylan birden bana karşılık vermeye başlamıştı dil dile öpüşerek dans devam ediyorduk
s) acele etmeyim pastamızı kesip şarap içelip sonra devam edersiniz
b) ikimizde sibele bakıp gülümseyip sibelin elindeki pastanın mularını söndürdük sibel pastayı masaya koydu ceylanla beraber kesip birbirimize yedirip şarap bardaklarını üçümüzün mutluğumuza kadırıp içmeye başladık
s) ceylan birazda ben de dans ediyim bizim kraliçemizle
c) olur tabi
b) sibele dans ederken busefer ceylan üzerimize güller atıyordu
s) nasıl beğendinmi sürprizi iki gelinle birden olacaksın
b) evet cok beğendim deyip sibelin dudaklarından öpmeye sibelde beni öpmeye başlamıştı ceylan elinde pastayla yanıma gelmişti sibelle ceylanın elindeki pastanın mularını söndürdükten sonra pastamızı kesip yedik şarap bardaklarımızı mutluğumuza kadırmış içmiştik ceylan bana bakıp
c) yatak odamıza cıkalımmı kreliçem
b) ceylanın elinden tutup yukarı yatak odasına cıkmıştık yatak beyaz icerisindeydi üzerine kırmızı güller dökülmüştü herşey harika görünüyordu sibel bize bakıyordu
c) kraliçem sen şuan sadece benimle olacaksın bekaretimi actıktan sonra yaralarım ileşene kadar kumam sibel seni mutlu edecek olurmu
b) bugün senin günün sen nasıl istersen ceylanım devamı 75 te

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32