A Fountain of Youth Pt. 02

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Adriana Chechik

She was partially the woman I’d remembered. She was also a curiously familiar stranger, a person you know you’ve met before; a person you can’t quite place. Her new form was endearing, but also somewhat foreign. She now punctuated her sentences with filler words and phrases, the coded banter of the youthful. When she finished with a complete thought, right before moving to the next, she used one of six trusty phrases: like, you know, um, totally, awesome, cool.

The effect was a bit aggravating at first, but it really wasn’t that difficult to brush aside and ignore. Now I had a sweet young thing of my own, and I was quite eager to explore all the perks it provided me.

Any fears I might have about her response to this process had proved to be entirely baseless. My wife was quite enthusiastic and eager to be sexually intimate, smiling broadly, seemingly overjoyed at the transformation. I went right to work, and she followed my every move like the perfect dancing partner.

Not sure whether to go fast, or to go slow, I began with a half-measure instead, my purpose and pace deliberate. We undressed in front of each other silently, as we had multiple times before, but things were far more different now. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She couldn’t take her eyes off of me.

I’ve never told my wife Escort about the impregnation fantasies. We made a decision, years ago, to be childless by choice. The persistent thoughts I’ve just described used to crop up periodically in the middle of our lovemaking, and I admit that they really freaked me out at first. But I found that with time it was better if I let go and let it happen. If it turned me on, it couldn’t be all bad, could it?

Today, on top of her, thrusting away as I had many times before, my thoughts went to even odder places. I imagined myself performing a kind of brave, imperative, crucial biological duty. In the middle of this waking reverie, I could perfectly visualize her stomach swelling with the passage of time, her breasts increasing dramatically in size. Reaching this desired state was somehow my responsibility, my grail to discover. I’d always had these thoughts before, sure, but now the intensity of these fantasies had been amplified a hundred times more than ever before.

In her prior, fify-year-old form, she wasn’t very far away from menopause. The window of opportunity for us to have a kid had long since passed. Now, the clock had been completely reset. She could give birth to a child at the peak time of her fertility. The desire to procreate, to further the race, to be fruitful Escort Bayan and multiply surely was powerful. Now that she looked so much younger, intoxicatingly inviting, my fantasies came fast and furious. They proceeded at a clip that I’d never experienced ever before.

“I don’t want kids. I don’t want kids. Oh, but why not? Do it. No, no kids. Never. Oh, but I want it.”

She must have been thinking the same thing I was, but wasn’t resisting much.

“Fill me up, baby. Get me pregnant. I want it inside me. Give me a child of my own. I want your baby.”

I had not signed up for this much temptation, nor for demands like these. How was I going to explain a pregnancy along with a new, much younger girlfriend? If I really went along with this crazy act, it would only confirm the skepticism of my close friends and others in my social circle.

Everyone would assume I’d been extremely incautious, taking huge risks by not using protection, and, in short, not being careful. It would be easy to think I’d been led around by my dick, not my brain.

The two of us had gotten some of what we’d wanted, but matters like these were more than we’d both ever bargained for. I blamed myself for being too hasty, not thinking things through. I’d foolishly believed that I was at least somewhat in Bayan Escort command of the ship. Was this a bad idea?

I peered down at her. She was breathing heavily, eyes closed. I’d never seen her this enthusiastic about sex until today. Meanwhile, the same arousing, visually stimulating image kept returning. In my fantasies, I once again saw her belly grow larger and more rounded. I saw her breasts grow heavy with milk, darker in color and shade. The urges and commands were insistent.

“Oh,” I groaned, “I’m not in control of this. This is stronger than me. I can’t hold back.”

She kept pleading, her voice moaning seductively. It only made it worse.

“Knock me up, sexy. I want your baby. I want to have your child.”

Not fair, universe. This is totally not fair. I knew I had about two or three minutes tops to put on the emergency break. Late to the parade, my rational self kicked back in again. My wife had always been a devotee of the birth control pill in her earlier years, but I knew she’d stopped taking it when it had become evident her child-bearing days were no more. Now everything had changed.

She was fertile, fecund, inviting, begging me for the privilege.

“Oh shit,” I thought. “Here I come.” And then I did.

I peered down. She was grinning ear from ear, as though she’d just heard the best news ever in her entire life.

“Thank you, honey. Thank you for doing this for me. I want it so badly. You won’t regret it.”

Did the universe want us to stop at one child? Good God, what if we have five?

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Ordre Naturel – Part 1

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Ordre Naturel – Part 1J’ai découvert mon homosexualité assez jeune mais il était impensable pour moi de le vivre, c’était bien trop honteux et anormal pour moi-même et mon entourage. Je me suis contenté de fantasmer de longues années, à vrai dire jusqu’à ma majorité. Voilà où tout commença.En ce beau week-end de septembre, j’étais à la piscine avec des amis. Une belle et grande piscine ouverte où il faisait bon faire quelques longueurs et se reposer sur les transats. Après avoir nagé quelques instants, je décidais de laisser mes amis et sortir m’asseoir un petit moment à côté d’une autre collègue qui lisait un bouquin. Assis par terre et bien enveloppé dans ma serviette, j’observais un peu les gens qui nageaient. Jeunes, vieux, hommes, femmes, puis montai mon regard vers l’autre côté de la piscine pour voir qui se tenait assis. Mon regard fut immédiatement attiré par un magnifique paquet gris posé sur une chaise. Je ne pouvais regarder ailleurs. L’homme assis sur cette chaise avait de belles jambes très poilues et bien en chair. Elles étaient bien écartées, laissant se dessiner deux belles boules descendant touchant la chaise et légèrement plus Escort haut un beau prépuce qui ressortait également. Mon regard est resté figé sur ces jambes et ce paquet un bon moment. Le haut du corps de cet homme était également très velu, et magnifiquement déssiné avec de très beaux pectoraux.Je continuais à monter mon regard quand….. je tombai nez à nez avec le regard de cet homme. Il était chauve, bras croisés avec la main droite devant sa bouche et des yeux qui me fixaient un peu sournoisement et de façon insistante. J’ai immédiatement baissé le regard, honteux de voir qu’il avait compris que je le matais depuis déjà quelques minutes. En plus je m’apercevais que je bandais dur sous ma serviette.Je faisais mine de regarder la piscine, quand je vis du coin des yeux les jambes de ce monsieur bouger. Je relevais donc les yeux vers son regard et vis qu’il me regardait toujours… J’ai pas bougé les yeux ce coup-ci, seulement mon coeur et ma respiration s’étaient arrêtés. Il se leva doucement et commença à se diriger vers les douches. Comme si rien ne pouvait m’arrêter, je dis un “attends je reviens” à ma collègue et commençais à le suivre, Escort Bayan toujours avec ma grosse serviette pour masquer mon érection. Je le vis rentrer dans une cabine où l’on se change. J’avançais fébrile dans cette direction jusqu’au moment où je vis qu’il avait laissé la porte entre-ouverte… Tellement stressé je regardais devant, derrière, être sûr que personne ne m’observait. Mais je restais coincé, à regarder l’ouverture de la porte mais incapable d’y aller. A l’époque j’étais même pas sûr que cet homme soit réellement gay, c’est mon fantasme qui me poussait à le suivre car tout ça me paraissait irréel. La porte s’ouvrit en plus large. J’avançais doucement devant et vis alors cet homme assis, pile en face, jambes écartées, regard perçant. J’entrais et refermais derrière moi. Il se leva, prit ma tête doucement avec ses mains, m’embrassa tout en me poussant dans le coin de la cabine. Oh la la, quelle sensation. Rien que ces mains grosses comme ma tête auraient suffit à me faire bander… Il m’embrassait langoureusement et je sentais son gros paquet qui avait durci se frotter contre moi. J’étais prisonnier de cet homme Bayan Escort costaud et j’adorais ça. Il prit ma main et la mit dans son slip de bain où je pouvais sentir un bon sexe pas très grand mais très épais, très poilu, avec deux boules très pendantes. Il devait être très excité car son sexe était tout visqueux.Il prit ma tête et la guida vers son sexe que j’avais sorti. Je n’avais jamais vu un sexe d’homme en vrai, jamais touché, sucé mais je ne me suis même pas posé la question. Je l’ai pris en bouche et j’ai fais mon maximum pour lui donner du plaisir. C’était si bon… Son sexe était presque trop épais pour rentrer dans ma bouche mais c’était un régal, j’adorais ce corps chaud pénétrer lentement ma bouche, ce “petit goût” plaisant, mes mains sur ses fesses poilus et ses mains de vrai mâle qui me caraissaient la tête… Il me retira la tête après quelques va et vient et me dit enfin quelque chose “on va arrêter c’est un peu risqué quand même” et m’embrassa rapidement. Il rangea sa queue gonflée, me caressa les fesses alors que je me penchais pour ramasser ma serviette et me dit de ressortir en premier. Excité comme un fou, perturbé d’une expérience si particulière, je retournai m’asseoir auprès de mon amie. Attendant que ce bel homme revienne s’asseoir, dans l’espoir de pouvoir recommencer un peu plus tard? Hélas, je ne revis jamais cet homme. Mais ce n’était qu’un début.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

die Party

Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


die PartyDie Party, wie alles begann…Es gibt Parties da sollte man gar nicht erst hingehen. Entweder langweilig, blöde Leute, schlechtes Essen, schlimme Musik oder alles zusammen, von jedem ein bisschen.Auf eine solche Party waren wir eingeladen. Eine Menge netter Leute waren doch da aber ein paar Dinge passten einfach nicht.Wegen des sommerwarmen Wetters hattest du deinen super Jeansminirock angezogen, das super steht für sehr kurz, dazu high heels mit den Bändchen, ich glaube man nennt es Römerstil und die obligatorischen schwarzen Strümpfe. Ob als halterlose oder mit Strapsen konnte ich natürlich nicht so ohne weiteres erkennen denn beim ankleiden hatte ich dich nicht beobachtet. Strumpfhose bei den sommerlichen Temperaturen wohl eher nicht. Dazu hattest du ein sehr, sehr leichtes Top unter dem deine festen, schweren Brüste ab und an schaukelten, besonders wenn du dich amüsiertes. Der Ausschnitt lies viel Einblick zu.Die anderen Frauen waren aber auch recht freizügig gekleidet, vielleicht lag es an den schwülen, sommerlichen Temperaturen. Die eine oder andere erregte schon mein Aufsehen!Schade für mich war es sonst eigentlich nicht so spannend. Ich unterhielt mich mit ein paar Bekannten, Fußball als Thema und anderes.Die Stimmung war so la la, bis plötzlich ein Typ hereinkamen und ich erstaunt war wie Frauen manchmal auf Männer reagieren. Er kam also und machte völlig den Strahlemann. Gut er hatte einen guten Körper, sah aus den Augen einer Frau wohl gut aus, aber sonst, na ja, ist vielleicht verständlich dass ich nicht so sehr auf Typen stehe.Mein Hemdkragen war zum Glück offen als er alle anwesenden Frauen meinte zur Begrüßung küssen zu müssen und bei der einen oder anderen meinte ich zu erkennen, dass seine Hände an Stellen waren wo sie nicht hingehörten. Der Grossteil der Männer kannte ihn anscheinend und schaute genervt weg. Ein Kumpel meinte, oh Mann, der Wichser ist da! Bestimmt hat er wieder seinen Spaten dabei.Spaten, kam es fragend von mir.Du kennst ihn wohl nicht, er gräbt jede aber auch jede Frau an und wahrscheinlich gibt es hier kaum noch eine die er nicht schon gefickt hat.Erstaunt schaute ich noch mal zu ihm rüber und da winkte der Typ mir auch noch zu!Ok, ich kenne ihn nicht, meinte ich.Er ist Filmproduzent, macht Videoclips mit Musik und so. Damit baggert er die Frauen an, ist damit meist erfolgreich und dann kommt noch dazu dass er angeblich einen Hammer-Schwanz haben soll. Die Größe macht es eben doch! Wir lachen gemeinsam, machen uns wegen unserer Frauen aber so unsere Gedanken.OK, na ja, dachte ich, bis ich sah dass er auf dich zuging, dich anstrahlte, dich natürlich umarmte und seine Tatzen auf deinen süssen runden Hintern legte. Die beiden Wangenküsse waren dann auch etwas zu lang für mich, ich musste mich etwas beherrschen.Dann kam der Typ doch tatsächlich zu mir, begrüßte mich, wir kennen uns noch nicht, schön dass du hier bist! Oh Mann dachte ich, wie werde ich den wieder los. Musste ich aber nicht weiter überlegen denn es kamen 2 attraktive Frauen die unbedingt mit ihm über seinen nächsten Film sprechen wollten.Ich suchte mir also eine Ecke aus der ich das ganze entspannt beobachten konnte.Später, sehr viel später, als ich dich fragen wollte ob du mich nicht von dieser blöden Party erlösen willst, finde ich dich zusammen mit ihm in einem etwas schummrigen Bereich des Hauses und der Typ steht hinter dir und flüstert dir irgendwas ins ohr und dann, ich dachte ich ticke aus, umarmt er dich von hinten so dass du deine Arme nicht bewegen kannst und streicht vom Bauch über deine pralle Brust zum Hals, küsst dich auf den Hals und fährt mit der Hand wieder über deine Brust, presst sie vorsichtig mit der Hand. Der Hammer, dir scheint es auch noch zu gefallen, jedenfalls ist die Gegenwehr nicht der Rede wert.Ich ziehe mich kurz zurück, dann kommst du aber auch schon, wollen wir nach hause fahren.Ja, sehr gern, bin ich etwas angefressen, was du schon merkst.Warum bin ich angefressen? In letzter Zeit läuft Sex nicht mehr so besonders bei uns, es beschränkt sich auf den normalen Verkehr, vielleicht 1 x wöchentlich, nichts was vorher etwas geil macht. Die hübsche Wäsche, BHs,Straps, Strümpfe liegen im Schrank.Wir schauen ab und an einen Porno und ich spüre bei bestimmten Szenen das es dich anmacht, meist bläst du ihn mir und ziehst mich dann ins Schlafzimmer um „gefühlt“ kurz einen Abschluß hinzubekommen.Komisch Escort ist das schon und richtig Spaß macht es auch nicht mehr, aber na ja, so richtig reden können wir anscheinend nicht darüber. Ich hörte ein Telefonat mit deiner Freundin zufällig, da ging es wohl um Sex und du meintest dass du vielleicht zu wenige Partner gehabt hättest mit denen du Dinge hättest ausprobieren können. Vielleicht würde dir das heute etwas fehlen. Als ich dich später darauf ansprach warst du überrascht, dass ich es mitgehört hätte, aber vielleicht wäre doch ein wenig daran.Mein Hinweis, wenn es das ist was dir fehlt, dann probiere es doch aus. Ein so attraktive, tolle Frau mit diesem Körper findet doch an jeder Ecke einen der sie gern ficken möchte. Das sagte ich etwas frustriert, du spürtest es wohl, kommentiertest das aber nicht.Der Typ, nennen wir ihn Lars, bringt mich schon mal zum Auto meinst du.Ok meine ich, ich muss mich noch verabschieden, langsam bin ich etwas frustriert.Als ich zum Auto komme, sitzt du drin und quatscht immer noch mit ihm, er steht sehr dicht vor dir, du musst auf seine Beckenregion schauen. Als er mich sieht verabschiedet er sich recht schnell und verschwindet. Sicherlich besser für ihn denke ich.Auf der Heimfahrt ist es dann aber etwas irritierend für mich!Kaum sind wir losgefahren nimmst du meine Hand und legst sie auf deinen Schenkel. Ich liebe dieses Gefühl von Nylons und dein Rock, ich hatte es gar nicht bemerkt, ist sehr weit hochgerutscht, wenn man es von diesem Jeansmini überhaupt noch sagen kann. Er ist so schon äusserst kurz und vor längerer Zeit hattest du mal Straps an und musstest dich beim Hinsetzen sehr bemühen, dass man sie nicht sieht!Da ich mich auf die Straße konzentriere sehe ich nicht wie weit der Rock hochgerutscht ist. Du schiebst meine Hand weiter in deinen Schoß und hey, ich bi hellwach, du trägst die Spitzenstrapse und lässt mich die nackte Haut deines Schenkels fühlen. Wow entfährt es mir.Gefällt dir das fragst du scheinheilig. Ich liebe es und du weist das. OK, hat Lars das auch gesehen? Bestimmt!Zwei meiner Finger machen sich etwas auf den Weg zu deiner süssen Pussy und wow entfährt es mir wieder, dein Slip ist völlig nass. Mit einem Finger schiebe ich ihn beiseite und kann dann direkt in deine Pussy eindringen, sie ist völlig nass nicht nur feucht. Süss, saftig und völlig unbehaart!Hey, muss ich einfach fragen, was ist los mit dir?Nichts, alles nur für dich!Ach komm, erzähl schon.Also dieser Lars, ich glaube du mochtest ihn nicht sehr, er ist Filmproduzent und möchte ein paar Probefotos mit mir machen. Toll, oder?Innerlich muss ich lachen, hätte nicht gedacht dass du auf den Typen reinfällst. Meine dann aber nur sarkastisch, aber erst musst du bestimmt auf seine Besetzungscouch. Du findest es nicht so lustig, ich meine, warte es einfach ab.Meine Finger in deiner Pussy sind nicht untätig und schon nach kurzer Zeit hast du einen heftigen Orgasmus drückst meine Hand an sie.Nach ein paar Tagen habe ich die Party und unser Gespräch vergessen, eines abends meinst du dann aber etwas drucksend, wie hattest du das bei unserem Gespräch über Sex und die mir fehlende Erfahrung mit anderen gemeint?Ich bin erstaunt und stottere etwas von na ja, wenn du meinst dass es uns hilft wenn du mal etwas anderes ausprobierst, dann ist es für mich ok, ich möchte keine andere als dich!Du küsst mich sehr sehr lieb.Hast du schon was im Auge, frage ich.Du hattest recht mit dem Lars, er hat mich gleich am nächsten Tag angerufen und wir haben uns verabredet, sind nach X gefahren und er hat mir von seinem Projekt erzählt, er macht ein sehr erotisches Video und ich hätte nun mal die beste Figur. Mittlerweile haben wir uns ein paar mal getroffen, aber nur geredet.Ok, geht es mir im Kopf herum. Ich hatte mich gewundert dass ich in der Wäsche deine winzigen Slips gesehen habe, die du schon sehr lange nicht mehr anhattest. Und, entschuldige bitte, ein-, zweimal habe ich an ihnen geschnuppert und den Duft deiner Pussy genossen.Du lächelst, oh Schatz, es tut mir leid.Hey, dass muss es doch nicht. Wie soll es weitergehen?Das wollte ich von dir hören. Er hat mich angerufen und gefragt ob ich ihn heute Abend besuchen komme, er möchte gern mit mir über das Video sprechen.Und du vermutest, dass es dabei nicht bleibt?Na ja, er hat mich das schon etwas spüren lassen.Ich habe gehört das er einen Hammer-Schwanz haben soll.Du Escort Bayan lächelst, ja habe ich auch. Das findest du doch immer gut, wenn wir uns Filme anschauen.Dann probier ihn doch aus, rutscht es mir heraus und ich bin erschrocken das ich spüre wie meine Hose zu eng für meinen Schwanz wird.Ist es wirklich ok für dich.Ja, absolut! Natürlich bin ich etwas betroffen. Meine süsse Frau will mit einem anderen Typen ficken, was wird aus mir?Schatz, kommt es leise von dir, ich mache es nur um unser Sexleben wieder etwas attraktiver zu gestalten. In den Pornos die wir gesehen haben, habe ich festgestellt, was mich anmacht und habe auch gespürt was dich anmacht. Erinnerst du dich an den einen film mit dem Paar wo die Frau losgezogen ist und es die beiden so arrangiert haben, dass er es mit anschauen konnte. Hinterher hatte sie absolut tollen sex und wir beide auch.Hey, ja, ich erinnere mich, der film war wirklich geil!Aber wie machen wir das, dass ich zuschauen kann.Ok, pass auf…Du schlägst mir einen Plan vor den wir so praktizieren wollen, in der Hoffnung das alles so klappt.Abends ziehst du deine schwarzen Strümpfe, Straps, high heels und diesen tollen halboffenen BH, der deine Brüste etwas anhebt und die Nippel nicht bedeckt, an, auf einen Slip verzichtest du. Findest du das gut so, fragst du. Ich schaue dich genauer an und verfluche diesen Moment dich jetzt gehen zu lassen. Ich küsse eine deiner Brüste, der Nippel ist schon ganz hart. Hey, lachst du, später, später!Dein Jeansmini und ein Top komplettiert das sexy outfit.Du hast mir gesagt wo er wohnt. Es ist ein kleiner Anbau in Stadtrandlage. Du fährst so gegen 22:00 Uhr los, es ist dann schon dunkel, ich soll etwas später dazu kommen. In der Nachbarschaft stehen nur entfernt Häuser, die anderen Bewohner sind gerade im Urlaub, also dürfte es nicht auffallen, wenn ich da ums Haus schleiche.Du hast mir gesagt, dass es nur ein größerer Wohn-/Schlafraum ist und das du an einem Fenster mit der besten Übersicht durch den Raum die Gardine etwas öffnest.OK, das ist alles sehr spannend, aber auch erregend für mich, irgendwie finde ich es aber auch sehr geil! Schon länger habe ich die Fantasie dich zu sehen, wenn du es mit einem anderen Typen machst, einen Schwanz bläst, dich ficken und anspritzen lässt. In den Filmen haben uns diese Szenen tatsächlich besonders angeregt.OK, du fährst los. Ich kann es kaum abwarten, laufe wie ein Tiger im Käfig herum, dann fahre ich hinterher. Ey, nicht so schnell, muss ich mir selber sagen. Was wird da wohl laufen, wie wird es sein, was wirst du machen, ist es das richtige für unsere Situation. Tausend Gedanken, OK, zu spät, denke ich, ich werde es erleben.Als ich in der Straße ankomme, sehe ich dein Auto bleibe mit etwas Abstand stehen und laufe die 3, 4 Häuser weiter, schaue mich um, fast wie ein Einbrecher denke ich, habe auch eine schwarze Hose, ein schwarzes sweatshirt und eine dunkle Kappe an. Die Gartentür ist zum Glück offen, ich schaue mich noch einmal um und gehe schnell hinein, sehe das Fenster von dem du sprachst, sehe den Lichtschein und die Büsche davor, kann mich da schnell gut verstecken und krabbele auf allen Vieren an das Fenster.Tatsächlich kann ich gut hineinschauen und sehe euch beide, er reicht dir gerade ein Glas Sekt. Oh Mann, denke ich, du siehst so toll aus, deine high heels mit den sehr hohen Absätzen formen deine Beine, machen sie noch länger und formen auch deinen geilen Hintern. Ich kann alles gut sehen, auch das deine Nippel unter dem leichten Top steinhart sind. Der Typ hat tatsächlich die Frechheit und fasst deine Brust an dann küsst er dich, wie soll ich das aushalten? Ich erschrecke, ich spüre das mein Schwanz knallhart geworden ist und meine Hose dadurch kneift!Plötzlich, oh verdammt, es kommt ein Auto und fährt auf die Garagenauffahrt, ich muss mich schnell wegdrehen, damit er mein Gesicht nicht sieht, der Rest von mir ist so dunkel gekleidet, dass er es bestimmt nicht wahrgenommen hat. Ein Typ steigt aus, was will der jetzt hier, denke ich? Er geht auf die Haustür zu, klingelt aber nicht, sie scheint offen gewesen zu sein.Ich hatte mich so auf den Typen und seine Anfahrt konzentriert dass ich nicht mitbekommen habe, dass Lars dir eine schwarze Augenbinde umgelegt hat und er dir dein Top und deinen Minirock ausgezogen hat. Er ist gerade dabei sich auch auszuziehen als ich den Typen in der Bayan Escort Wohnraumtür sehe, er ist schon völlig nackt und hat einen, ja wirklich, einen supertollen harten Schwanz! Oh Mann, denke ich. Als ich dann zu Lars schaue ist der nicht weniger gut bestückt.Zum Glück bin ich nicht ganz unterbemittelt in der Beziehung, muss also nicht fürchten dass du später meinen als zu klein titulierst!Lars nimmt dir das Sektglas aus der Hand, stellt es weg und beugt sich etwas vor um deine Brüste zu küssen. Seine Hände gleiten über deinen körper, ich sehe das du schwer atmest.Der andere Typ ist sehr leise in den Raum gekommen steht recht dicht bei euch, du scheinst es nicht bemerkt zu haben. Lars geht um dich herum drängt seinen halbsteifen Schwanz an deinen Hintern und massiert von hinten deine Brüste. Dann dreht er dich um und bedeutet dir dass du dich vor ihn knien sollst, fürsorglich hat er ein größeres Kissen auf den Boden gelegt.Er nimmt deine Hand und führt sie an seinen Schwanz den du mit einem Lächeln in die Hand nimmst und gleich an deine Lippen führst. Du nimmst ihn aber noch nicht in den Mund du leckst ihn von den Eiern hoch bis an die geile Stelle unterhalb der Eichel, das machst du aufreizend langsam, wieder und wieder, dann endlich nimmst du ihn zwischen deine zarten, feuchten Lippen, leckst die Eichel unterhalb.Ich kenne dieses Wahnsinnsgefühl, liebe es, weil es fast irre macht! Dann nimmst du die pralle Eichel wieder in den Mund lutscht sie mit viel Speichel, massierst seinen Schwanz mit der Hand. Lars scheint es kaum auszuhalten, hat seinen Kopf in den Nacken gelegt und ich höre leise wie er stöhnt, dass das so irre ist! Plötzlich trtt er einen Schritt zurück entzieht seinen Schwanz deinem Mund und deiner Hand, dreht sich um und bedeutet dem anderen Typen näher zu kommen, seinen Platz einzunehmen. Schon hast du dessen Schwanz in der Hand und massierst ihn, nimmst ihn zwischen deine Lippen, lutschst ihn heftig. Lars geht mit seinem Schwanz in der Hand massierend leise hinter dich, du scheinst das nicht zu bemerken, der andere Typ stöhnt auch vielleicht hörst du auch den Unterschied nicht, ist aber auch egal.Als Lars dir dann plötzlich unter die Achseln greift um dich anzuheben bemerkst du das es zwei Typen sind, die sich da um dich kümmern. Du erschrickst, willst die Augenbinde abnehmen, dass verhindern die beiden aber und beruhigen dich. Lars setzt sich auf einen Stuhl vor das Kissen auf das du wieder gedrückt wurdest und zieht deinen Kopf an seinen Schwanz bedeutet dir das du ihn blasen sollst. Der andere mit seinem sehr großen, prallen, dicken Schwanz kniet sich hinter dich und drückt seinen Schwanz an deinen Hintern dann durch die Poritze an deine Pussy. Du scheinst wieder völlig nass zu sein, denn er kann ihn ohne großen Widerstand direkt in dich hineinschieben, was du mit einem Stöhnen quittierst. Das sieht so geil aus, du bläst diesen Riesenschwanz von Lars und lässt dich mit einem ebenso großen Schwanz ficken. Er glänzt von deinem Pussysaft wenn er ihn weit herauszieht.Oh Mann, denke ich, und muss meine Hand an meinen Schwanz legen, ihn pressen, würde ihn zu gern herausholen und ihn wichsen. Es fasziniert mich, euch zuzusehen. Am liebsten würde ich reingehen und mitmachen.Es dauert nicht sehr lange, da höre ich Lars laut stöhnen fast grunzen und du kannst seinen Schwanz gerade noch aus dem Mund nehmen da spritzt er 3, 4 mal heftig sein Sperma in die Luft und in dein Gesicht, schon hast du seine Eichel wieder im Mund massierst sie mit deinen Lippen, er hört fast nicht mehr auf mit dem Stöhnen so heftig ist sein Orgasmus!Der andere Typ fickt dich jetzt auch schneller und schneller, zieht dann seinen Schwanz aus dir, massiert ihn mit der Hand und spritzt dir heftig auf deinen Hintern. Fast schon zärtlich leckst und lutscht du den Schwanz von Lars, hast deinen Mund verschmiert mit seinem Sperma während der andere Typ seinen noch immer halbsteifen Schwanz wieder in deiner Pussy verschwinden lässt und noch etwas weiterfickt.Oh Mann, mir geht gleich einer ab, denke ich. Du erhebst dich, nimmst deine Augenbinde ab schaust dir den anderen Typen an, dann schaust du kurz lächelnd zu dem Fenster an dem du mich vermutest.Irre denke ich, dass war so geil. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass du das so mitmachst. Ich ziehe mich leise zurück. Später als du nach hause kommst erzählst du mir, dass du es nicht gewusst hast, dass ein zweiter Typ dazukommt, dass es aber sehr geil gewesen wäre und wir hatten den Sex unseres Lebens. Zu wissen dass du gerade einen anderen Schwanz geblasen hast und von noch einem anderen gefickt wurdest lässt mich irre kommen!Wie es wohl weitergeht?

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Frankie dogging

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Frankie doggingMonday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as she found another pair of red knickers, she pulled on her denim skirt, her short denim skirt, her legs looked good if nothing else, she had shaved them and coloured them carefully till the colour was perfect, she hadn’t shaved her pussy today though as it was still a little sore from the previous playing, so she left it with a little fluff on it.She fastened her red bra and tucked her tits neatly into the cups either side and pulled on a low cut white top which flashed the top of her bra, she knew it looked tarty but Bob had already said before he would love to see her in a white top with a coloured bra showing, so this was for him, though it did make her feel horny as she brushed her hands over her nipples just so they would be protruding when he arrived.The tablets had taken hold as she rushed to open the door to him, tweaking her nipples one last time for effect, the effect was there for her to see as she stood back all he could say was my god you look so horny I could take you right now.She licked her lips seductively and replied, no not here, we are going somewhere quiet, as she shut the door behind her, Bob opened the car door for her and as she bent to get into the luxurious feeling car he slapped her bottom hard, making her jump and practically fall in head first. She righted herself just in time to feel the leather seat on her knicker clad ass as her skirt had risen already.Bob got in his side of the car and kissed her full on tonguing her throat and squeezing her pussy at the same time as breathing I want you into her mouth.By the time Bob had turned out of the street she had her hand on his bulge, which felt bigger than the last time, yes she had made him horny, she lazily stroked his cock as he drove, his face getting redder and redder, her pussy getting wetter and wetter. As they drove along chatting about nothing in particular but feeling comfortable all the same they were approaching a notorious dogging area, Frankie looked at Bob and by the twinkle in his eye she knew straight away they were heading straight for there.Frankie had never been in one of these places before and on enquiry Bob hadn’t either he just wanted to be in her knickers so it was the most convenient place to stop. As they pulled in there were two cars already parked Escort up and what looked like two men not far from the cars with their cocks out, every part of Frankie wanted to say, no, turn the car round we will find somewhere else, but a small part wanted to see what would happen.Bob stopped the car a short distance from the others, removed his seat belt and in one movement had her seat back and his head buried in her pussy, Frankie moved her legs outwards on the dashboard so he could gain easier access and lost herself completely in his insistent tongue licking of her pussy, laid back eyes closed, she felt her orgasm building and so did Bob as he seemed to know the right time to thrust his fingers inside her she bit down on his back as she came all over the leather seats, her skirt soaking wet, while she tried to bounce out of his mouth he held on to her clit with his teeth and forced her to stay where she was demanding before she moved that she came again for him, once again his tongue licked her and brought her close to orgasm but this time he knew she was close and pulled away, she pulled his head back towards her aching pussy but he wasn’t having it as he turned to kiss her full tongue with her juices all over his face, his face was dripping as much as her pussy was.Without warning he moved down to her bra and slipped her tits out one by one feasting on her nipples, biting each one in turn as he had done before, sending shivers of pain down her back but shivers of pleasure too, suddenly he plunged his two fingers straight in her and banged her until she came once more, Frankie thought once again, how amazing his fingers where and they got her off so quickly just with force.Suddenly from nowhere came a great roar as cum splashed down her window, Frankie jumped up to see what was happening and the two men who had been stood near the other two cars had moved and jerked off all over the car window, Frankie laughed out loud when she looked and saw them both stood their holding their rapidly shrinking cocks and just staring at them.Bob looked at her with a worried look on his face and asked if she was ok? Frankie replied yes she just thought it was funny that they have both got off watching them and leaned over Bob, saying shall we give them another show? Frankie grinned and kissed Bob before quickly undoing his trousers, his cock was protruding upwards and she sank her mouth down on him in one go, Bob wasn’t the biggest cock she had seen, in fact far from it, but it was a perfect size for giving head as she could take him to the hilt without gagging.She let Bob move towards her fucking her face as her tongue slid up and down his shaft, she knew from yesterday that he wasn’t far off as she felt the pressure building in his shaft, but wanted Escort Bayan it, she wanted it all, wanted to feel his cum hit the back of her throat, so really didn’t want him to pull out like he had last time, Bob was moaning now as she carried on receiving his cock in her mouth pleading with him though not verbally to leave her to have it all, no sooner had she thought he is going to pull away then she felt him tense up as she swallowed quickly she waited for the assault on the back of her throat to come and cum it did, down her throat, but she knew she had an audience so it would only be fair for them to see a little of it still in her mouth.She lifted her mouth from Bob’s cock and swirled his cum on her tongue letting it drip onto her chin so she could lick it up for the audience, as she closed her eyes she knew they were still watching she let Bob’s cum run down her chin and scooped it up with her finger and lapped at it. As she put her hand back on Bob’s cock she found he was almost hard again and moaning at what he was witnessing her doing.Bob almost growled when he said I want to fuck you hard now, as he pushed her back onto the seat, he once again pushed his fingers straight in her pussy, her pussy grabbed at his fingers and rode them and he moved above her, just at that moment he pressed the button for the window so the onlookers could see closer or even smell the sex in the car, as the window started to move downwards one of the men asked if he could fuck Frankie, Bob responded very quickly with no mate but you are welcome to watch while I fuck her. With one movement his fingers clamped over Frankie nipple and he buried himself straight in her pussy, she lifted her legs higher so the onlookers could see his cock riding in and out of her pussy while he played with her clit with his fingers and bit her nipples one after the other.Frankie could feel herself close to orgasm again as she made a request she didn’t know how it would be received, so she pulled at Bob’s cock until it pulled out of her, she looked at his face, disappointment all over it, she was sure she even heard a sigh from the onlookers too.She pushed Bob back into his seat and knelt on all fours, “wet your finger with my pussy juice and work it into my ass” she requested, Bob thought all his Christmas’s had come at once as he grinned realising she was giving him permission to fuck her ass even though she hadn’t said the words.He eagerly did as requested and dipped his fingers in her pussy giving her g-spot a tweak just for the hell of it and was greeted with more pussy juice then he would ever need, he very gently prised at the entrance of her ass as she felt herself relax his finger slipped in easily, as the same time he slipped a finger in her pussy and Bayan Escort rubbed them both together through her pussy walls, she pushed back against him feeling incredibly turned on knowing that the two men were still stood there and now she could hear their breathing and their moaning, she took the chance to look up and there was not two but four cocks hammering away in front of their side window.Suddenly she felt something harder and wider then a finger pushing at her asshole very gently while a finger pushed in and out of her pussy taking the juice and rubbing along his shaft Bob proceeded to push his cock in her, slowly at first but as she relaxed she felt all of him inside her, he didn’t move at first just feeling about to make sure she was ok with it, when he started to move he moved slowly and Frankie heard one of the onlookers shout can I fuck her pussy while you’re doing that, Frankie and Bob just laughed and carried on as they were, Bob gently fucking her ass and Frankie now playing with her own pussy, once Bob had a rhythm he started to move in and out faster and harder as Frankie fucked her pussy with her own fingers she felt Bob tense up and shoot his cum straight into her ass as she came all over her own fingers.Bob collapsed on her back as his cock deflated inside her, he pulled out and Frankie pushed Bob’s cum out of her ass for the onlookers to see. As she turned round the side of the window was covered in cum from all four cocks that had been watching.As Frankie moved to sit back in her seat, Bob did the same, Bob had a beautiful car a top of the range Jaguar and laughing Frankie turned to him and said look what they have done to your beautiful car, he grinned back at her saying it will clean, but I wouldn’t change how you have made me feel today for the world so fuck the car.Frankie tried in vain to pull her sopping wet denim skirt back down after abandoning her soaking knickers and turned to him saying, can I have a break please from fucking I will fuck the car later.Bob pulled himself back together and suggested they both needed to go home for a shower they couldn’t go anywhere else today, Frankie agreed but suggested they pulled in a little further up to try and get at least some of the cum off the car before they went home. Frankie always wondered what a seagull was at a dogging site, today she had found out big time, there was cum from four cocks once and two cocks once all down the side of the car.As they pulled in a proper lay by Frankie got the baby wipes out and tried to clean the worst of it off, it was actually making her squeamish though cleaning all that cum up, Bob’s was different she would lick and taste his cum everyday but not the cum of any of the onlookers thanks very much.She managed to get most of it off and cleaned her hands with gel, she always carried it with in case she went in what she called a dodgy toilet.Feeling a little cleaner she got back in the car, kissed Bob full on, her tongue exploring his mouth and said let’s go and shower and fuck again!

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Dirty Sex

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Dirty SexMore Dirty Sex with Tania. Part One Hotel SexMore Sex with TaniaPart One. Hotel SexIt took quite some planning, after our last meet in the lay-by, but at long last we had both been able to get away at the same time. We, well actually Tania, had arranged our meet to be at the Premier Inn at Witcombe, just south of Cheltenham and just of the A46. Tania was arriving just after lunch and myself at about 3ish. We agreed it that way so it gave Tania time to dress and get ready, however it did mean that I would have to arrive dressed as Joanna. I have a lot of confidence when dressed, as Joanna but most of my forays have been either at night or at least dusk. What to wear? I obviously didn’t want to wear the same dress as when we had last met, although the blue one that I wore that time was my favourite. I decided on my red raunched dress. A bit dressy but very sexy and very short. Another plus with wearing this dress was that as it has shoulder straps I could wear one of my sexy basques and black sheer stockings. Black strappy heels and matching red thong completed the outfit. I did pack as well, in my holdall, my really short leather mini skirt and a silky red top.I spent pretty well all the morning getting ready. I wanted my make up to be just perfect, my skin lovely and smooth (all over!!!) and to smell lovely and fem. Eventually it was time to leave. I had decided to wear baggy trousers and carried my shoes and hair in my holdall. At last it was time to leave and I hurried to the car. It’s about an hour from Bristol to Witcombe and I arrived at about 2.45. I parked around the back of the Beefeater Restaurant and phoned Tania on her mobile. Room 51 at the end of the corridor. Head down I breezed straight past Reception and up the stairs. Luckily, apart from the young girl on the desk, there was no one around. Again lady luck was with me. Half way down the passageway there was the entrance to the Emergency stairs and I quickly ducked in and slipped on my heels, hair and checked my make-up. Fine!!Tania undid the door chain and carefully peered around the door. “Hi Darling” and quickly let me in. Tania was stunning, again!!! Wearing a blond bob hairpiece, gorgeous red lipstick (very whorey), a red bra and suspender set with sheer black stockings and her usual incredibly high heels. The most obvious feature of Tania however was her cock, which was enormous. “Yes Darling” very aware of my eyes being transfixed to it “I took a little something to help it” she giggled. I can only describe it as being an 8” cock sheathed in a 6” skin. It seemed as it was bursting out of itself!!!!! I couldn’t resist touching it. “Later Darling, you’ve’ only just arrived”.I looked further into the room. Tania had certainly been busy. The bed was covered in a large black rubber/latex sheet, a video camera and still camera were at the far end both mounted on tripods and aimed directly at the bed. Spread out on the dressing table was a whole selection of butt plugs and dildo’s of various colours and sizes. I looked at Tania. She was so pleased with her efforts. “I hope you like it?” “Of course I do darling. It’s all here, Escort all we talked about”. We sat on the bed. Tania made the first move and beckoned me to stand in front of her. “Lets get this dress off. It’s very sexy and suits you so much but I want you so much”. Tania slipped the shoulder straps down over my arms and let my dress fall to the ground. I usually take a while to become aroused but that day I was already semi hard. Her fingers deftly slipped under my thong and she swiftly took me in her mouth, at the same time pulling my skin fully back. Her tongue started to explore my cock, probing every part. Soon I was really hard. “That’s more the Joanna I know and want,” gasped Tania, as she took breath. Her other hand and fingers then started exploring my clitty. Soon I could feel a finger slipping deep inside me. “Lub me up Darling!” I asked, as I wanted more. Tania quickly reached over and within seconds I could feel the warm creamy lub running down and being pushed deep inside me, only this time with at least two or three fingers. I lowered myself and eased my legs apart slightly, to allow her to get better penetration. Slowly and methodically Tania was sucking and fingering me with all the pleasure she could muster. I stared to the ceiling and closed my eyes. “Oh Tania I Love you!!!!”After a while Tania stopped and looked up at me “Lets switch on the cam recorder?” Tania got everything sorted and also picked up the remote for the camera. We lay on the bed 69 style and at last I could take Tania’s cock in my mouth. I was going to savour this. Slowly I ran my lips all around its knob end and tried to force my curled up tongue down the hole. I could hear Tania moaning with delight. She was again taking me deep in her mouth. I started to take her fully. She was BIG. Her cock tasted gorgeous. I’m sure that Tania had probably had a little show of spunk before I’d arrived, as there was the unmistakeable taste that only spunk carries. Tania started fingering me again as well as sucking my cock and this time quickly found my spot. “You bitch” I thought and pulled her cheeks roughly apart probing her with my finger. Tania, the sex professional that she is, was well prepared and was oozing lub. Soon I had three fingers deep up her clitty. She moaned more!!Tania was facing the dressing table and I felt her reach over for something. I didn’t have long to wait to discover that she was now pushing a vibrator deep inside me. I must confess I do enjoy being fucked by a vibrator, especially one handled so expertly as Tania. I was seriously aroused now and beginning to wonder how long it would be before I exploded. Tania obviously realised this and pulled out the vibrator. Tania lay back on the bed and pointed to the dressing table. “Get that one there darling” pointing to a huge purple dildo. It must have been at least 12″ long and at least 2” in diameter. Tania pulled a couple of pillows down and laid on them, her clitty fully exposed and her stocking sheathed legs wide apart. It was obvious what was now wanted. I lubbed up the dildo and slowly started cycling the dildo around her clitty. Tania Escort Bayan was writhing and moaning in expectation. Very slowly I started to force the dildo into her. “I don’t want to hurt you Darling”. “Its okay Joanna. Remember its what we talked about. I want you to do it!” We certainly had fantasized about doing exactly what we were now doing. This was real ‘tranny’ sex. Soon I had broken through and was able to force more and more of the dildo into her. I started to fuck her with it, keeping it nicely lubbed. I reached under her and started to wank her cock at the same time. The pleasure Tania was getting was plain to see and hear. I actually wondered (and worried) if we had people in the next room and what they would be thinking. All this time I could hear Tania working the camera remote and taking pictures.I pulled out the dildo and told Tania to lie on her back. This time, when I put the dildo into her there was absolutely no resistance. Her clitty was like a red gaping hole. She took nearly all of its length. I brought my knee up to the dildo to hold it in place whilst I used both my hands to wank Tania’s, by now swollen (if that were possible) and throbbing cock. Her face was a picture of extreme pleasure. I had to wank myself a little as the sexual vibrations going through my body and mind was so intense. Slowly I brought Tania to that moment when ones cock just couldn’t hold back any longer. I moved closer to hopefully catch some of the spunk. I was caught a little unawares with her first spurt but quickly covered her knob end to catch the rest. So hot, so much, so thick and creamy. I swallowed. I tried to look up at Tania but she had thrown her head back and was writhing and shaking with pleasure. I’m probably exaggerating but it seemed several minutes before Tania stopped spunking and I could pull my lips and hands away from Tania’s cock. I slowly removed the dildo and kissed Tania. “Oh Tania that was fantastic. It was beautiful”. Tania could only smile and blow me a kiss in return.Due to Tania’s little ‘extra’ that she had taken before my arrival her cock was still as strong as before her massive orgasm. It was now my turn to experience what sexual pleasures it was going to inflict upon me. I couldn’t wait! Tania knelt in front of me and commenced to suck my throbbing and excited cock. Her tongue, as before, was exploring it with sexual precision, her bright red lipstick, well what was left of it, leaving a beautiful ring around my fast growing cock. Soon she wanted more and turning me around quickly fingered more lub into my clitty and forced her still aroused and spunky cock deep into my clitty. Gorgeous. She rode me well and I’m sorry to say that I didn’t take long to reach the edge. I love it when you can spunk without your cock being touched, sheer pleasure forcing the cum out. I shot my first load practically to the other side of the latex covered bed, the white spunk showing clearly against the black latex sheet. Tania pushed me forward and still fucking my clitty forced my face into my own white spunk.Tania was a girl possessed, seriously into ripping my clitty Bayan Escort and forcing herself ever deeper into my hole. The pleasure was unbearable and soon I could feel Tania shaking and moaning as she again spunked this time deep inside me. We lay joined together for some minutes before Tania withdrew her cock. I lay there deep in thought enjoying the feeling of Tania’s spunk gradually dribbling and pulsing out from my clitty. Tania removed the video from the tripod and videoed my little eruptions. “I so so enjoyed that Darling”. I clenched my cheeks and could feel the hot sticky fluid trickling down between my legs. “One more little squeeze Joanna and it will be all out!” said Tania as she licked my clitty clean.We both laid on the bed for some minutes, both contented and deep in thought. We must have laid there, deep in our thoughts, for some minutes. I rolled over at looked at Tania. She looked so gorgeous, if a little fucked!!!! I glanced down at Tania’s cock, it was still erect! I couldn’t believe it. “How many of those pills did you take darling?” I asked. Tania looked at me rather sheepishly “Too many obviously”. “Lets see what the video turned out like?” We both looked with extreme pleasure as the video rolled before us. “Let’s put in on the web,” Tania suggested. We couldn’t really be recognised so I agreed.It was still quite early and still light outside. “You know your always on about prostitutes and red light areas” queried Tania “Well yes I do have a certain fascination in that area” I replied from the bathroom where I was applying and freshening up my make-up. “Well let’s wait a little longer for the sun to go down and then, why don’t we go down to Swindon. It’s on your way home and not much out of my way and perhaps we could act out a little of what we’ve talked about”. I was taken back a little by this suggestion. Yes we had certainly talked about dressing like a whore’s, standing on a street corner’s and acting out my fantasy of being a prostitute. Yes it was my dream but tonight????. I thought about it for all of three seconds. “Yes come on let’s go for it”We didn’t bother to shower but we both decided to change. I slipped on my little leather mini, my red top, a clean g-string and just wiped most of the spunk off. Tania refreshed her make-up, slipped on really short red cotton mini skirt and a little black jacket over her red bra. Tania had a bit of a problem in that her cock was still obviously well aroused but she pulled it in and we hoped for the best. Soon we were ready to go!It was still quite early and still light outside. “You know your always on about prostitutes and red light areas” queried Tania “Well yes I do have a certain fascination in that area” I replied, applying and freshening up my make-up. “Well let’s wait a little longer for the sun to go down and then, why don’t we go down to Swindon. It’s on your way home and not much out of my way and perhaps we could act out a little of what we’ve talked about”. I was taken back a little by this suggestion. Yes we had certainly talked about dressing like a whore and standing on a street corner. Yes it was my dream but tonight????. I thought about it for all of three seconds. “Yes come on let’s go for it”. We didn’t bother to shower and just wiped most of the stains down. Tania had a bit of a problem in that her cock was still obviously well aroused.

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My Peeping Tom Phase Part.1

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My Peeping Tom Phase Part.1I first became interested in spying on people when i was about 8. I use to only do it because i was bored at target. I never saw anything but the rush and the idea that a person might not see me was an awesome feeling. I actually didn’t see any women naked until I was about 12 when i was my aunt changing at a cabin that my family use to Escort go up to. I couldn’t really process what was going on at the time but I got that same rush. It wasn’t until i was about 14 that I really got sexual about looking at women naked. I saw my sister first. She was 16 at the time and from going through her drawers I could tell that she was 36 Escort Bayan C. She was fat but she still had some nice breasts. On days during the summer that were really hot, and my mom would be away at work, I would plot and plan how i would see my sister naked. After about a month of trying to duck under doors and other things like that, i finally Bayan Escort found a perfect spot to see her naked breasts for about five seconds after she would get out of the shower. I’ll possibly post a picture of the spot later if you guys want to see it. Every night my sister would take showers and I would turn the lights off in the kitchen and watch her get in the shower. I would usually see her fat back. When she got out, I would see her nice erect nipples. They were perfect nipples with a huge breast behind them. If you guys want better stories I’ll post some more. Possibly including some pics.

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THE CHRONICLESThe rain lashed it’s cool touch across my face as I stared at the number on the front door. Anxiety and arousal lined my stomach with lead as I hesitated on her doorstep. I remembered when I posted my advertisement to Usenet last week, eager to meet a woman with whom I could explore my most erotic virgin fantasies. I’d always enjoyed honest sex but I’d never dared allow my repressed desires to surface. But now I had done it! I had advertised and now I was here, to meet a likeminded woman for the first time! My mouth was dry and I felt afraid as I pressed the doorbell. The harsh shriek of a buzzer made me jolt out of my reverie. The woman I was to meet was called Kelly and she seemed to be a lovely person via e-mail but she was obviously more experienced than I.From behind the wooden door I could hear the rhythmic thumping of feet on a staircase. Through the opaque glass of the door I could see a female shape moving towards me. A sudden guilty image of my girlfriend passed through my mind. I loved my girlfriend but she was not interested in anything other than the normal, pedestrian sex that we’re familiar with. The lock on the door retracted with a metallic sc**** and a smile greeted my frightened and wet visage.”Hello” she grinned “You must be Jon”. I returned her smile nervously. “Yes” I answered pathetically. She was definitely attractive. She was not classically good looking but well formed and pretty. I felt a warm surge of shame as I thought how I must appear. My long hair was wet and straggly and the cold weather would not have flattered my proud nose, either! Kelly did not seem to notice and she ushered me inside.She led me by my hand up to her bedroom and sat me down on the bed. I just sat there at first, watching her as I began to relax. She retrieved a towel from the bathroom and started to rub my hair dry. I could smell her scent as she stood over me.”You’re a bit nervous aren’t you” she said softly.”Yes,” I swallowed. Her left breast brushed against Tire Escort my cheek as she dried my hair, “I’m sorry, Kelly. You know I haven’t done this before”.”Don’t worry” she answered “I like you”. My arousal at her and the promise of what was to come was rapidly overcoming my diminishing nerves. As she finished off my hair, I swept a glance across her bedside table. There was a tube of lubricant, a silk headscarf, a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold. Tentatively, I raised a hand and stroked her back. Kelly stopped rubbing my hair and dropped the towel to the floor. She rested her hands on my shoulders and looked at me with her warm, brown eyes. I felt the chemistry race in my pulse as we leant forward to kiss oh so softly. I felt her soft lips embrace mine with delicious feminine warmth. Suddenly, she squeezed me hard in her arms. I returned the embrace, nibbling and licking her ear as she fell forward to land on top of me on the bed. Her hands ran down my chest and stopped above my belt where she grasped a handful of my tee-shirt and pulled it out from my jeans. I glided my hands down over her soft buttocks to the edge of her knee length skirt and hoisted up the hem as I retraced my downward stroke back up her silken thighs. She filled my mouth with her writhing tongue and I felt my erect penis pressing painfully hard against the zip of my fly. I grasped her wrists and pulled her hands out from under my tee-shirt. I grabbed the handcuffs and slapped them round her wrists but not too tight as to hurt her. I stood up and placed her manacled arms over my head so her hands were chained behind me. I made her stand there, locked into a steel embrace as I teased her erect nipples with my fingertips. She closed her eyes and sighed softly as the pleasurable sensation trembled up her spine. I unzipped my fly and let my jeans fall around me knees.”Suck me!” I rasped. She compliantly knelt down, arms now around my ass. Her mouth opened and the Torbalı Escort tip of her tongue touched the hot, round head of my circumcised cock. I inhaled sharply at the sweet tingle her kiss gave me. Kelly leant forward and took half my now throbbing cock in her mouth. Oh God, her warm, moist mouth felt so good! She sucked on my phallus, hard enough to make me tense. I could feel my climax rising and I didn’t want it to be over so quickly. I wanted her so badly I ached. I gently withdrew my wet penis from it’s oral sanctuary and lifted her to her feet. I pulled her arms back from behind me and slid off her skirt as I stepped out of my jeans (she wasn’t wearing anything under her skirt). I guided her over to the bed and lay her down on her front. I undid the handcuffs and took them off her. Little red tramlines ran around her wrists. I picked up the silk scarf and tied one round her right wrist, threaded it through the banisters of her wooden headboard and tied the other end to her left wrist. Then, as she lay there breathing into her pillow, I put the blindfold on her and I pulled it down over her eyes.I reached up under her rumpled blouse and ran my fingers down her back to her ass, where I stroked around the circumference of her buttocks. Then I reached down and glided my hand up her thighs. In anticipation, she parted her legs for me.”No!” I scolded, rewarding her impatience with a moderate slap across her butt. “Not until I say!” Kelly whimpered as I traced a teasing knife-edge around her wet sex with my fingertip. Then I grabbed her behind the knees and pushed her legs up and out, so she was in the squatting position but still lying down. The sight of her little pink anus and inviting pussy was too much. I had to reward her for such perfection. I buried my face amidst her splayed upper thighs and, very slowly, ran my tongue from her clitoris up though the entrance to her vagina and around her anus. The tip of my tongue skirted Urla Escort the edge of her butt-hole and I retraced my moist path, this time licking her more firmly. I paused over her clit and massaged it with all the gentleness I could, to make her squirm. And squirm she did, pushing back against my face. As soon as she did so I pulled away.”No!” I scolded again, slapping her inner thigh. “You will take only that which I freely give!” I smiled inwardly. I was seriously enjoying this and dominating this fine woman was turning me on like I couldn’t *believe!*”Beg forgiveness” I commanded, reaching for the tube of lubricant. At the sound of movement on the table, she craned her neck round to see what I was doing but she could see nothing through the blindfold.”I said beg forgiveness” I repeated, feigning anger “Or I shall gag you!””Forgive me!” she gasped. I opened the tube-o-lube and squirted a little onto my finger.”Good” I praised “you shall be rewarded!” I kissed her on the buttocks and ran my tongue down between the cleft of her cheeks to her asshole. There, I licked her anus, thoroughly enjoying the groans of pleasure she made. Next, I smeared the lubricant around her moist anus and, with saintly gentleness, guided my greased finger into her rectum. Kelly gasped and ground he ass out and onto my finger. Inwardly I winced as I knew how fragile the rectal tissues were and, dominance aside, I didn’t want to inflict any real damage to this lovely nymph. I didn’t scold her for that! My fixation with women’s anuses had me so turned on that I felt I could orgasm on command! With my index finger nestled snugly in her ass I moved up and sank my engorged cock into her soaking vaginal orifice. I was beyond the point of no return and I thrust into her as I slowly frigged her anus with my finger. She, in her ecstasy, was straining against her bonds. Her resistance was driving me wild! I came with unashamed vigor as I pumped my load into her and, to help her reach climax, I lay on top of her, reaching around with my free hand to masturbate her clitoris. The combination of clitoral and anal stimulation was too much and she orgasmed, the contraction of her vagina around my cock nearly bringing me off a second time!Panting, we vowed to meet again…THE END.Geriwww.bdsmfinder.com

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My Anal Adventure with Jack

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My Anal Adventure with JackIt had been a few days since I heard from my new sex partners, Jack & Molly – a sex loving couple – Our initial sexcapades had been so intense that I was getting my pussy wet just thinking about them. My roommate had to go out of town to the village to see her parents, so it left me alone. The pool was nice and warm, nude swimming was all ways a favourite past time for me. The phone woke me out of my daydreaming. “Hello.” I said. “Hey! What’s up?” Jack said on the other end. “Not much, just hanging.” “Linda gone?” He asked. “Yea, for a few days.” “Well, Molly and I were thinking of stopping by and having some fun in your pool. Do you mind?” “Sure… Sounds good to me,” I said before I thought about it. “Great, we’ll be over in an hour.” Jack said hanging up the phone. My mind was running. The thought of seeing Molly and Jack again had my nipples rising quickly. They arrived and Jack already had his bathing suit on and he told Molly to get here’s on. She went to my bedroom to change while Jack and I broke into the beer and made idle chat. A few minutes later, Molly appeared in a conservative two-piece suit.”Molly, take your top off.” Jack said. He was kind of drunk and not really sure what he was Narlıdere Escort saying. Molly looked at him and wanted to piss him off. “Sure, honey.” In one quick motion, her top was off. Wow, her boobs are beautiful I thought to myself. Every time I have set my eyes on them, they just look better and better. He jumped into the pool with Molly right behind him. I jumped in to join them. We started to horse around with each other, tackling, dunking under water and just playing with each other. I made sure to get my feel of Jack’s popping dick whenever possible. Molly made her way out of the pool as Jack grabbed onto me. Molly was heading for the bathroom. It seems to me that she was not in the right mood today. Wasting no chance I turned my ass to him and said, “Fuck me now. And do it quick. I’m so fucking hot and I want you inside my pussy right now!! Do it to me now.” He also was so turned on, took his hard-on out and mounted on me from behind. We were fairly deep in the pool, so it took him few seconds to line-up his dick with my pussy. It went in real easy. All the way in. “Fuck me”, “Fuck me” I moaned. The ‘Pluck’, ‘Pluck’ sound of splashing water when his hard cock moving Ödemiş Escort in and out of my hungry pussy made me even more horny.He was fucking fast. In and out; in and out and had my hips in his hands and I was rocking so hard with wild pleasure and orgasm. Finally he came with a thunder, a big load of hot cum between my ass cheeks. ‘Haa,.. Hoo.., he sighed with relief, as I took his still erect cock in my mouth and sucked it dry.We took a break from the pool since it was getting late. We had some dinner and chatted while watching TV. Molly got up and found herself heading to the spare bedroom to sleep. That left me and Jack alone.. He jumped in. I started to take off the panties I had on and asked, “Won’t Molly wake up?” “No, she is so out of it.” he smiled, “Even if she did, we’ll be in the pool and she won’t notice.” Grabbing his dick I was stroking it slowly as our lips met. He had his fingers in my wet pussy and I could feel the wet slippery cum inside me. “Oh my! That felt wild… You got to do that again.” I turned to him, kissed him and begged for more. He spread my ass cheeks open and let his tongue touch my sexy pucker hole. I gasped. He then started licking my ass Seferihisar Escort slowly. I loved it and pushed my ass further into his face. He licked and licked for close to twenty minutes and my pucker hole was soaked. I had cum at least twice. He then pulled out his fingers from my pussy and slides them into my ass-hole.He started to finger fuck my ass for a few seconds and I was already cumming and cumming hard. Knowing I was rocking, He decided to put something else in my ass. He quickly found a bottle of oil and oiled his throbbing dick. I knew what is in store for me and just smiled and laid there still. He positioned his oiled dick in my already wet pucker hole and slowly pushed it in. The shaft of his cock took a second before my ass-hole started to swallow it. Finally, the head was in. and he waited a second for me to relax. I didn’t want to wait and started to push back slowly. “Oh fuck… oh fuck… oh, oh this is good…” Fuck me harder… I moaned………He slide back in a faster than the first time. I wanted more and encouraged him to fuck faster and faster. He then started fucking my ass with hard long thrusts. “Ooowweeeee, wwwooooowww… Give it to me. Harder!!!” I was now screaming. “Yes… Yes… Oh, fuckin yes…” I screamed as his hot load of cum blasted in my ass. About five minutes later as we relaxed on the bed, he got up, kissed me and told me that he was going to bed before she(Molly) came looking for him. He headed to the door, naked and very well satisfied. I was still thinking how sexy he looked that moment.

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Forbidden Lust For My Cousin

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Forbidden Lust For My CousinIt is in the middle of June and is a warm day outside. I am sitting outside in my red bikini catching some rays when David showed up.I say “Hey cousin.”David says “Hey. Whew, it sure is hot today”I think to myself “Yeah, it sure is.”I turn my head to look at him and could not keep my eyes off his body. He is wearing a white T-shirt and denim shorts.I move my eyes up and down his body stopping at his hips.Staring at the crotch area of his shorts thinking of what a hot 13 1/2-inch cock is hiding beneath them.And how I’d like to get my hands on it.David started talking to me and I am so engrossed at looking at his body that I do not hear him.David says to me, ” Stephanie, are you listening?”I jerk up out of my daydreaming long enough to hear the question.I respond by saying, “Sorry David, didn’t hear you. Was not concentrating. Mind repeating yourself, please?”As David starts repeating himself, I just smile and think to myself, he is a hottie.”Want to take a swim with me, Stephanie?” David asks.I say “Sure David. Let’s go.”So he takes off his T-shirt and I cannot stop staring at his chest.While I am staring, he pulls off his shorts and jumps into the pool.I jump into the pool with him and we start swimming.We swim for about 20 minutes. Then he gets out.I get out too feeling hornier for him. He dries off with a towel and puts his clothes back on.I lay face down on a towel that I have put down and ask David to please put some lotion on my back.David says, “Okay.”He reaches over to grab the lotion. He grabs it and I undo my bikini top so he can get better access.He squeezes some of the lotion on his hand and then puts the lotion down. I scoot over some and he sits on the towel next to me.He brings his manly hands down to my hot bare skin and starts applying the lotion to my back.I start moaning softly over and over hoping that David will hear me.And he does. But instead of paying attention to my constant moans he just finishes applying the lotion to me and put his sunshades on so he can avoid the sun rays.Since he did not notice while ago, I decide that I should just go ahead and get bold to show him that I want him.So as David is lying there, I move over some and brush my hand against the crotch of his shorts taking a feel of his cock.David acts like he did not even notice so I do it again. The second time around gets his attention and looks over at me.He then says “Stephanie, is that your hand on my cock?”I act all innocent, wondering if he will buy it.I then say, “Whoops, sorry David.”I move my hand away quickly.David then says,”That’s ok, Stephanie.”I am not sure but I thought I saw him smile when I did that. I decide to go inside so I get up and get ready to walk inside the house.”Hey, where are you going?,” David asks me.”I’m going inside to cool off some.,” I say.David says, “Good idea, I’ll join you.”He gets up and follows me into the house.I purposely stop by the chair so I can walk behind him and keep my eyes focused on his body.Touching him earlier just makes me want him more. He walks past me and I follow keeping my eyes focused on him.I walk into the kitchen and grab some ice to help cool me down.I walk into the livingroom where David is sitting on the leather couch. I go and sit next to him.”Would you like a piece of ice?,” I ask him.He says, “No thanks, Stephanie. Maybe later.”As I am sitting there feeling hot, I grab a piece of ice and start tracing my body with it.Down my neck, over my breasts, and even down between my legs.I notice that David is watching me now and that he has this new look that I have never seen before in his eyes.He watches my hand as I trace it all along my body. I see him lick his lips when I bring it down towards my pussy.Then suddenly, David reaches out and grabs my hand putting in on his crotch. By doing that, it makes me notice that his cock is rock hard.”Oh David,” I moan out softly.Then he pulls my thong aside and shoves the piece of ice right into my pussy making me gasp then moan out loud.He then takes his hand and starts manuerving the ice in and out of my pussy.I am speechless feeling the lust within me grow for him.I let David have all the control for now. All I can do is moan.I start stroking his cock slowly through his shorts waiting for any kind of bad reaction from him.When I receive none, I start stroking a little bit faster.I hear David starting to moan a little bit himself. David keeps on fucking me with the ice and leans over planting his mouth on mine.He kisses me and I kiss him back feeling all my lust that I have had for him come out in that one kiss.Our tongues intertwine and our hands keep on playing with each other’s bodies.Our kiss is so hot and is so full of lust. Then he breaks away and moves the ice out of my pussy.He brings right it up to his mouth and licks it slowly tasting my juices.I keep my hand on his cock stroking more and more through his shorts. David looks over at me with lust.”Oh Stephanie, oh yes baby,” David moans out.I use one hand to pull my thong off so that I am now nude next to him. I use my other hand to keep on stroking him.I watch David as he looks at my body up and down seeing me fully nude for the first time.David then reaches down and pulls my hand away. I am confused for I am not sure what he is doing.David then gets up and pulls me down onto the couch so that I am lying down.David then spreads my legs open and he licks his lips.He then says, “I have wanted this for so long. I have always had the hots for you, Stephanie. Ever since we first met.”I smile wickedly and all I can do is watch David as he gets in between my legs.He pulls my outer lips apart, and starts licking my pussy hungrily.I Manisa Escort feel pleasure start to run through me like a river. I too have wanted this for so long. I have wanted him for so long.David then says, “Oh yeah, you taste so good baby. Mmmm, better than I imagined.”I start moaning feeling his tongue doing it’s work on my pussy.I reach down and run my fingers through his hair as he licks my pussy deeper and faster. I feel my juices pouring out into his mouth like wine.He licks them up hungrily. While licking me, David takes a finger and moves it around my asshole.David then penetrates my asshole with his finger.I gasp then moan feeling this new sensation and realizing that I really like it.Sensing that I like it, David starts fucking my ass with his finger while he licks my pussy. I moan more cause it feels so good.David hears my moans and he starts licking my pussy faster concentrating on my clit. He shoves his finger up my ass.”David, oh fuck baby!” I scream out.I feel my orgasm approaching rapidly and I cry out his name repeatedly.I start coming on his tongue and I feel him speed up his licking taking it all in his mouth.Not wanting to waste a drop of my sweetness.I cum so hard that I shake for about 10 minutes. He then pulls his finger out of my ass leaving me partially stretched.I feel David’s mouth on my pussy with his tongue still licking me even after I come down from my first orgasm.I tell him to stop, but he won’t. He just keeps on licking me hungrily.”I’m going lick you dry, baby. I want all of you.,” David says.All I can do is watch David as he plants his mouth back down on my pussy and licks me more.I feel myself cum again in his mouth, and David just licks me more.David then moves his head up quickly and says, “Mmmm, so tasty.”I then say to David, “Mmmm, I’m enjoying this so much baby. You’re such a good pussy licker.”David moves his head back down and licks me for about 5 minutes more.He then pulls away from my pussy. He walks up to me and looks deep into my eyes.As I am lying there on the couch, I look deep back up into his eyes. I can see the lust but can also see some love there.David leans down and kisses me on the mouth, running his hands along my breasts massaging them some.I kiss him back and moan into his mouth feeling his touch on my breasts. Oh god how good it feels.Then David pulls away from my lips and leans down to my ear.David then whispers, “I still love you, Stephanie. Do you still love me?”All I can do is smile and move up to his ear.I whisper back to him, “I still love you too David .”David smiles at me.He then reaches down and picks me up into his arms.He walks towards the bedroom carrying me and I can do is hold on to him.He walks over to the bed and lays me down.Then he lies down next to me and we kiss. Then I fall asleep smiling.When I awake later on that night, I look over for David and notice that he isn’t there. However, there is a note on the pillow.So I reach over and grab the note. I then read it.The note says, “Dearest Stephanie, I had to go home to do some things. Call me if you need me. I love you so much. Love, David.”I smile and get up off the bed.I put the note down, and walk towards the shower.I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water to the shower.I grab a washcloth and get into the shower.I get it wet, soap it up, and start washing my body down. I start thinking of David and of what happened earlier.I feel myself get horny again so I start rubbing my breasts with my hand. I pull on my nipples making them hard.I moan softly under the sound of the shower and I run my hand over my breasts more thinking of his touch.I use my other hand to wash my body down with the washcloth. I run the washcloth down my body further circling my tummy and running it over my pussy.Then I move it back up and down over my body. I let my hand trail down my body until I reach my pussy.I take my hand and trace the outside of my pussy lips, which make me shudder.I open my pussy lips up and run my finger across my clit, causing a small moan to escape from my lips.I circle my clit more and then pull my hand away for the water in the shower has suddenly became cold.I rinse myself off and get out of the shower.I grab a towel and start drying my body off.I dry my body off fully and walk out of the bathroom.I then walk to the closet and open it up.I get out my sexiest outfit, which is a red lace teddy that hugs my body perfectly.I grab the teddy, walk over to my dresser and open it. I grab my red lace bra and my red lace thong to match.I then grab my red garter belt, my red hose and my 5 inch red heels.I put everything on slowly, taking my time. When I am dressed I look in the mirror and am quite pleased with the sight before me.I turn away from the mirror and walk into the livingroom. Once I reach there, I grab the telephone and dial David’s number.David answers the telephone after two rings. I ask him if he would like to come over and spend the night with me. I hear David breathe.David then says, “Sure baby. I’ll be there.”I respond to him saying, “Good. I’m waiting for you”I hang up the telephone and smile wickedly knowing that tonight will be magical.I go over and put a porn into the VCR. I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on. I then push play on the VCR remote.The scene that is playing before me on the screen is of a man fucking a woman hard. Ramming his hard cock into her pussy repeatedly.I get so into the movie that I don’t even hear the doorbell ring the first time around.The doorbell rings again and I turn my head towards the door. I put the porn on pause and walk towards the door, swinging my hips seductively.When Mavişehir Escort I reach the door, I look to see who it is and I notice that it is David. I feel my pussy get wet by just seeing him.I open the door and stand against it seductively. I see David’s eyes grow wide as he sees what I am wearing.All he can do is stare and lick his lips. I feel the wetness between my legs grow more.David then walks into the house and grabs me, kissing me hard.I almost lose my footing but he grabs me tighter and I kiss him back.He picks me up and I wrap my arms around him. Then I wrap my legs around him and we started walking together.We walk towards the kitchen where he lays me down on the kitchen table.He then moves his arms and goes over to refrigerator grabbing some whipped cream.David then walks back over to me and just stares at my body as he puts the food down.I watch David as he takes his hands and runs them all over my body.He squeezes my tits and then rubs my pussy through my teddy. I moan softly and David kisses me silencing my moans, which makes me hotter.I kiss him back with passion and so much lust.Then David takes his hand and slips it underneath my thong, rubbing my pussy. I hear him moan happily as he feels how wet I am.I feel David slip his fingers into my pussy fingering me. I open my legs wide and moan loudly.David takes the incentive and rips all of my clothes off me with his other hand.Then suddenly I feel something cold against my pussy. I cry out cause it feels so good.Turns out that David had sprayed some whipped cream on my pussy.I grip on to table and look down to see David’s handsome face between my legs.He licks the whipped cream away from my pussy and swallowing it down his throat.David starts licking my pussy so hard. He looks up into my face and sees all of the pleasure that he is giving me.David then says, “I love licking your pussy so much Stephanie. Gotten me so hard for you.””Oh David,” I cry out in response.Then he resumes back to licking me.Harder and faster he licks me holding my lips open to get better access to my clit.I feel another orgasm coming on and I cum into his mouth for the third time today.David then grabs onto my clit with his mouth and sucks it. He wastes no time taking my juices into his mouth.After I finish coming David moves off the table. He comes up and kisses me snaking his tongue into my mouth.I kiss him back passionately. After about 10 minutes, we break our kiss.I then move off the table and grab David. I lay him down on the table and let him get comfortable.I then move my hand down his chest lifting his shirt up then taking it off. I throw his shirt to the side not caring where it landed.I then kiss my way down his chest.”Oh yes honey. Mmm, go lower baby. Please. Suck my cock,” David says to me.Then I reach what I have been waiting for all day, which is his big hard cock.I unbutton and unzip his pants taking his boxer briefs off with them.I pull them off him and watch hungrily as his hard cock springs out.I then take his cock into my hand and start stroking slowly. I hear a moan escape from his lips.I want to hear more so I move my hand and take his cock into my mouth. I suck fast and deep.I run my tongue around the shaft and the head. Then I deep throat him.”Mmmmm oh yes Stephanie,” David cries out.I suck his cock faster and faster tasting the precum on my tongue swallowing it.It tastes so good in my mouth.I take one hand and start massaging his balls making him groan in pleasure.I massage his balls over and over while keeping my mouth secured around his cock sucking and licking.Then I bite down softly and I feel his cock jump following by a low moan.David reaches down and takes a hold of my hair running his hands through it.I look up at him and see him look back at me. Faster and quicker, my mouth works on his cock, sucking more and more.David’s moans grow louder and louder each minute.David then says, “Oh god baby, I’m gonna cum in that hot mouth of yours. Gonna fill it up. Drink my cum you sexy slut cousin of mine.”I feel his hips thrust forward and I know that he is about to cum.So I increase my sucking on his cock and I hear David moan loudly.His hips jump forward and he explodes in my mouth. I feel and taste his hot cum running down my throat.I start swallowing as fast as I can, not wanting to miss a drop.David’s cum just keeps on spurting down my throat as I swallow it all.It tastes so good that it makes me want more.When I know that David has finished coming for now, I move my mouth and crawl up to him.I kiss him hard letting my tongue slide into his mouth. I feel this tongue slide into my mouth and we kiss passionately.After we are done kissing, I move off the table and grab David’s hand.I lead him to the couch where the porno is still on pause from earlier.David sits down on the couch and pulls me down onto his lap. I spread my legs open and straddle his lap with my back facing him.I push play on the remote and both of us start watching.The porno keeps on going with the man fucking the woman even harder now.I get more aroused watching the porno and start moving on David’s lap back and forth.I move my pussy against his cock, which I notice is regaining its hardness.I feel David run his hands along my thighs and I sigh softly. I lean back against him and start running my hands along his thighs too.His hands trail closer and closer to my pussy. My hands travel closer and closer to his cock.I start moving more on David’s lap back and forth. The porn keeps on playing but we are not even paying attention to it anymore.We are more focused on and with each other.David then leans up, bringing his Menderes Escort body close to mine.David then whispered in my ear, “That’s how I want to and how I am going to fuck you tonight. Just like they’re doing on the porno.”Hearing that makes me sigh and whisper his name softly.I feel his hands move up my body and grab onto my breasts pinching the nipples gently.I moan loudly but only loud enough for David to hear.David then starts rubbing my breasts repeatedly making me feel so much pleasure.I can not help but move my hands up and run them through his hair.I turn my mouth and start kissing his neck grinding against his cock now. I hear David groan in pleasure.My hands are going wild in his hair now and I am licking his neck hitting all the right spots that make him more aroused.I feel his cock become rock hard beneath me and I just grind harder.I move my mouth from his neck and I lay back against him more.I feel David move his hands down and grab my hips helping me grind against him.David starts moving his hips up and down slowly making the grinding hotter.Together we move moaning in unison both teasing each other.”God, I want to fuck you so bad baby.” David says to me.”I want you to fuck me hard baby.,” I say in response.Both of us wanting to fuck each other but holding out making it better. Finally, we both cannot stand it anymore.We have to fuck each other for the teasing had become unbearable.I reach and grab the remote to stop the porn. I stop the porn and turn off the television.Then I grab the remote for the CD player and turn it on. A very sexual song fills the room.I throw the remote down and I stop grinding against David’s cock.I then turn myself around and sit facing him. I look into David’s eyes as he looks into mine and I move up some.I slowly move down and feel his cock penetrate my pussy.We both moan out loud in unison cause it feels so good.I start moving up and down on David’s cock as he thrusts his hips upward.It feels so naughty and wrong to be fucking my cousin but I don’t care. Neither does he.We start fucking slowly at first. Then David picks up speed.He starts thrusting his cock faster and harder into my pussy. I start riding him harder and faster.I moan in so much pleasure cause his cock feels so good filling me up all the way.I start bouncing up and down on his cock faster. David then grabbed my hips and pushed me down on his cock making it go deeper.Deeper than I ever thought possible.The leather couch starts squeaking some as we fucked.Suddenly David picks me up and I wrap my legs around him.He starts walking to the bedroom with me on him. I bounce on his cock the whole way, which makes it more pleasurable for the both of us.When we reach the bedroom, David throws me down on the bed and starts pounding me hard. Harder than I ever thought possible.”David, oh yeah fuck David, fuck me hard. Fuck your slut cousin. Your cock feels so damn good in my pussy. Fuck me till I can’t stand it anymore.,” I cry out.Upon hearing what I said, David starts pounding my pussy harder.”Oh yeah Stephanie, you like this bitch. I know that you do. You like having me fuck you this hard in your sweet pussy, don’t you. You like having this big cock of mine fucking your tight pussy, don’t you slut. Fucking your brains out. Damn, you’re so tight. I fucking love it.,” David says in response.Harder and harder we fuck, the bed shaking and our combined moans filling the room so loudly that anybody could hear us.David stops fucking me long enough and takes my legs moving them up.David then puts them on his shoulders and sticks his cock back into my pussy getting ready to fuck me again.I know that he wants what I want which is deep penetration. He starts fucking me hard and fast.I start moving my hips with his thrusts, matching them.Pounding me so hard that all you can hear is the slap of skin against skin. My moans became so much louder that they are deafening.Harder and harder we fuck. I feel my orgasm coming on and I know that it’s gonna be a big one.David starts shaking himself and I know that he is about to cum too.David grabs unto my hips pounding my pussy harder and faster making this fuck last for all it is worth.I start pounding my pussy against his cock as he fucked me harder.”I’m coming, Stephanie. Yes, oh yes!” David says.Then I heard him moan loudly and I watch his face as he comes inside of me filling me up with his wonderful i****tuous cum.I started coming myself at the same time.”Oh David, I’m coming too!” I scream out.I feel my orgasm riding itself out and I cannot stop shaking or moaning. I feel David’s cum filling me up more giving it all to me.Neither one of us not caring if I get pregnant.For if I do, it will be our love c***d and since we are so deeply in love it would not change anything between us.I put my legs down and wrap them around his waist holding them there.David leans down and kisses me. Then he looks into my eyes and sees all the love and lust that I have for him.I kiss him back and look up into his eyes to see the same thing reflected.Slowly, David pulls out of me and I unwrap my legs. Then I get up off the bed.David gets up too and comes up behind me. He then wraps his arms around me.David whispers in my ear, “I love you more now. I’m so glad I came over tonight to be with you.”I squeeze his hands and lean back slightly.I then whisper in his ear, “I love you more too. I am too.”We both decide to stay nude all night long. We then crawled into bed and went to sleep spoon style with my back against his front.With his arms wrapped around me and big smiles on both of our faces.In the morning when we woke, more lovemaking occurred between us. Cause David sold his house and decided to move in with me.During one of our many times together making love, I did get pregnant.And we got married in a beautiful double-ring ceremony.Now we live together in our house as a happy family. Just the two of us and our daughter Brittany.I had better go now. He is coming home and the baby is crying. Bye.

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The Assistant

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Double Penetration

The AssistantShe had been working all day and it was getting late. She had a report to get out and was very tense. Her office door opened and her aide came in with coffee for her. “You have been working hard in here. I brought you coffee.” she replied. The boss stretched and told her, “Yes I have been leaning over this computer for hours.” Her aide said “let me give you a massage” and got behind her and began to rub her shoulders. “Oh that feels good” said the boss. “it gets better” replied the aide. She then rubbed around her neck and onto her chest. “Lets loosen this shirt a little.” The aide had more in mind. As the shirt was loosened the aide rubbed her shoulders and down the front of her chest just to her tits. She waited to see if the boss would object and when she didn’t the aide then rubbed the tops of her tits.As the boss began to relax the aide then reached in her bra and rubbed over her nipples. The boss seemed to love her hands on her tits. The aide then said “Lets get you comfy” and removed the shirt and the bra. “You have great tits. I can tell you like them massaged.” She then rubbed her tits and played with the nipples tweaking them between two fingers. The nipples doubled Kemalpaşa Escort in size. The aide then came around to the front of her and watched as her hands felt the tits and pinched the nipples. She then began to kiss eat tit. The tits were large and full and felt good in her small hands. She sucked each nipple taking turns grasping them deep in her mouth. She pushed the bosses chair back and began to rub her leg beneath her short skirt as she continued to suck each nipple.Her hand soon found the crotch of her boss and rubbed her outside her panties. She noticed the panties were getting wet. She told her “I bet that pussy would love to be rubbed and fingered too.” The boss replied “Oh yes. You make me feel so good.” The aide pulled the panty aside and ran a finger over her bosses pussy and down the slit. She found the clit and began to rub it between two fingers and felt it swell. She sucked hard on each tit as she fingered the smooth shaved pussy. The boss arched her back and spread her legs. This was a sign that the aide needed to please her boss and she pushed a finger in her cunt as she sucked so hard on the tit that she left small bruises. Konak Escort The boss was moaning and moving her hips wanting more.”We need to get you naked if you really want to enjoy this” and the aide then stripped the boss and threw her clothes on the floor. She told the boss “You have a magnificent sexy body. I am going to love making you scream in pleasure.” She then continued to suck the tits and finger fuck the pussy. As she fucked the pussy she added another finger and the boss moaned wanting more. Soon the aide had all four fingers in the wet cunt of her boss and fucking her hard as her thumb massaged her clit. She felt her boss multi climax and knew she needed to taste her wet pussy. She let go of the tit she was sucking and went down between the bosses legs and licked her pussy lips then the clit. She sucked hard on the clit till the boss climaxed again. Her tongue then found the entrance to her very wet cunt. She licked all around the cunt hole before she plunged her tongue in her. “Your cunt tastes so good” she told her boss. “I could eat you all night.””Oh yes, eat my cunt. Fuck me.” the boss screamed. as the aide tongue fucked her boss Kuşadası Escort her fingers were tweaking the clit and the boss was moaning and twisting her hips wanting more. The aide had her cumming faster and faster.The aide then stopped for a moment and stripped her clothes off and moved the boss to the couch in the office. Both women lay naked on the couch. The aide then began to eat pussy one more time as the boss was screaming in pleasure. The aide then straddled the bosses face and rubbed her pussy all over her and told her “Now eat my pussy and taste my cum”. The boss wasted no time licking and sucking the young aides cunt. She sucked her clit deep in her mouth and then rammed her tongue in her cunt hole. The aide covered the tongue with her juice. then the aide turned to eat the boss as each was licking and sucking the pussies. The boss could not believe how good the aide tasted. “Finger my ass” yelled the aide. “Push your finger in my asshole.” As the boss found her ass the aide then sucked the clit of the boss and finger fucked her ass. Both women were cumming and licking the cum from the wet cunts.When they were done the aide then told the boss “Do not wear panties to work under your skirt and I will lick that pussy every day during work.” The boss replied “then let me finger fuck you as you take notes for me. I want to feel your young sexy body daily.” Needless to say the boss and aide spent a lot of time behind closed doors and stayed late many nights. they were two horny nymphos.

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