eşimi izlerken..

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eşimi izlerken..
Adım Şener 35 yaşındayım. Eşim Mısra ise 30 yaşında. Tabi ki bu isimler gerçek isimlerimiz değil.İkimizde üniversite mezunu ve kariyerleri olan kişileriz. Maddi durumumuz oldukça iyi sayılır Türkiye şartlarına göre. Benim fiziksel özelliğim okuyanların ilgisini çekmeyeceği için sizlere kısaca eşimin fiziksel özelliklerinden bahsedeyim. Kendisi 1.60 boylarında. Güzel sayılabilecek kadar bebek yüzlü,kumral, kahverengi gözlü ,ince belli ve iri göğüsleri olan birisidir. Evleneli 4 sene oldu. Şimdilik çocuk düşünmüyoruz.Evliliğimin ilk aylarında birisi bana eşin seni aldatsa ne yapardın diye sorsalar düşünmeden onu vururdum derdim. Veya eşini başka bir herifle sikişirken seyretmek hoşuna gider mi diye soru sorsalar ,büyük ihtimalle soranı öldürürdüm. Ama hayat bu 4 sene sonra ne olacağı veya daha önce büyük bir tabu olarak gördüğün şeyleri daha sonra senin için vazgeçilmez bir şey, daha da önemlisi senin büyük bir zevkin haline geleceği. Benim ve eşimin birazdan anlatacağım olaylar kimisine göre anlaşılmaz bir iffetsizlik, namussuzluk, ahlaksızlık olarak gelebilir. Aranızdan “adam nasıl eşinin başka birisiyle sikişmesinden zevk alır” deyip küfür edenleri duyar gibiyim. Onlara da bir sözüm yok. Olamazda .Doğrusuda onların düşündüğüdür. Eşimle ben bu şekli yaşam biçimimiz olarak görüyoruz. Zevk aldığımız bir eğlence ve faaliyet gibi. Kesinlikle birbirimize olan sevgimiz eksilmedi. Aksine daha çok arttı. Gazetelerde belki okumuşunuzdur swinger eş değiştirme ailelerin varlığı. Bu insanlar bu tip şeyleri yapmaktan hoşlanıyorlar. Bizimkisi de buna benziyor. Neyse fazla felsefe yapmadan ilk olayımıza geçeyim. Bu olayımızı heyecanlı kılmak için porno edebiyatına sık sık baş vuracağım. Hala o günü hatırladıkça içim tuhaf olur ve heyecan duyarım.2 sene sonunda cinsel yaşamımız o kadar sıkıcı bir hale geldi ki bu iş yapılması gereken ve aradan çıkması gereken olay gibiydi. Sikişmelerimiz o kadar kısa sürüyordu ki ne ben nede eşim bu işten zevk alıyordu. Bir gün bilgisayarda iken eşini birisine siktirip seyrederek büyük zevk alan konulu bir porno seyrettim. İlk önce olmaz ya böyle bir şey dedim kendi kendime. Ama bir taraftan da heyecanlandırmıştı. Yani bir taraftan iğrenç geliyor, diğer taraftan heyecan duyuyordum. Filmi seyrettiğim gün eşimle ateşli sikiş yaşadım. Uzun süredir bu kadar zevk almamıştım. Sikiş süresince daha önce ağzıma almadığım kelimeler çıkmıştı. Yarrağım Biraz heyecan olsun diye ikinci r harfini yazıyorum kalın uzun sayılmaz. Her erkek gibi bende daha önceleri ölçmüştüm. 13,5 cm Söylediğim sözler ise benimki küçük,seni koca yarraklılar siksin, Amın koca yarrak görsün gibi. Sikiş bittikten sonra eşim bana sen iyisin değil mi? Çünkü hiç böyle şeyler söylemezdin. Biraz utanmıştım. Daha eşim uyuduktan sonra hızımı alamadım. Banyoda eşimi koca yarraklı birisi sikiyor hayali ile 31 çektim. Boşaldıktan sonra kendime çok kızdım ve suçluluk hissettim. 1 sene boyunca eşimle sikişmelerimde hep aynı davranışları gösterdim. Bu durum adeta beynimi kemiriyordu. Bir taraftan müthiş heyecan bir taraftan kendime kızgınlık ve suçluluk duygusu. Acaba eşime böyle bir isteğimin olduğunu söylesem mi diyordum kendi kendime.Her defasında söyleyecek gibi oluyordum ama sonra birden cesaretim kırılıp, vazgeçiyordum. Eşimle yine bir gün sikişimizin sonunda sert bir şekilde dedi ki ” sen benim başkalarıyla mı yatmamı istiyorsun”. Bende saçmalama , fanztazi yapmanın ne gibi zararı var ki diye olayı başka tarafa çekmeye çalıştım. Ama daha sonraki sikişmelerimde o da alışmıştı. Hatta kendisi bile fantazi üretiyordu. Bugün işi çabuk bitir, beni çok yordular gibi Bende bu olay saplantı halini almıştı. Bir gün yine sikiş yaparken cesaretimi toplayarak, gerçekten bir başkası ile sikişir misin dedim ve anında tokadı yedim. Sen nasıl denersin beni bu konuda.Sen nasıl böyle bir şey düşünürsün yahu. Ben orospuyum diye çıkıştı. O gün ve ondan sonraki 2 hafta ayrı yattık. Zorunlu haller dışında benimle konuşmuyor. Ben ise gönlünü kazanmaya çalışıyor, kendimi affettirmeye çalışıyordum. Sonra bir akşam televizyon seyrederken aniden gerçekten böyle bir şey istiyor musun dedi. Çok şaşırmıştım. Acaba o da benimi deniyor dedim kendime. Ben aramız iyice bozulmasın diye yok canım diye geçiştirdim. Eşim yok yok sen istiyorsun anlaşılan. Anladım ki eşim beni seviyor ve kaybetmek istemiyordu. O zaman birisini bul onunla yatacağım dedi. Sen bulmazsan sana inat ben birisini bulurum dedi. Resmen şok olmuştum. Böyle cüretkarlığı beklemiyordum. Kekelemeye başladım. Emin misin hayatım böyle bir şeyi istediğinden dedim. Bana emreder gibi birisini bul dedi. Acı acı gülümseyerek “ama koca ve kalın yarraklı olsun senin istediğin gibi” dedi. O gün gece hayatımızın sikişini yaşadık. Birbirimize demediğimiz laflar kalmadı. o bana boynuzlu, ben ona koca yarrak isteyen orospu gibi Daha sonra kendi kendime düşünmeye başladım. İyide ben nerden bulacağım böyle adam dedim kendi kendime. Böyle şeyleri hayal etmek kolay ama gerçeğe taşımak o kadar basit değil. Bir gün alış-veriş merkezinde bizim apartmanın kapıcısı Veysel efendi ile karşılaştım. Acayip tuvaletim gelmişti. Veysel efendiye tuvalete gideceğimi söyledim. O da bende geleceğim dedi. Pisuvarda yan yana işerken herifin yarrağını gördüm. Benimkinden biraz daha uzun ama kalınlıkta en az 2 misliydi. Akşam eve döndüğümde eşime bizim kapıcı Veysel efendiye alış-veriş merkezinde rastladığımı söyledim. Eşim ee bunda ne var dedi. Herifle yan yana tuvalette işerken yarrağını gördüm. Herifin yarrağı senin daha önce bana söylediğin büyüklükte hemen hemen dedim. Eşim bana şimdi sen bizim çirkin suratlı, koca göbekli, bodur boylu kapıcıyla mı yatmamı teklif ediyorsun dedi. Eşim dedi ki hayatım bana bu adamı mı layık gördün aşk olsun dedi. Duyulduğu zaman halimizi düşünmek bile istemiyorum dedi. Bende hayatım yabancı birisi olursa başka rizikoları da almış oluruz ,örneğin hastalık gibi dedim. Veysel efendi yabancı birisi değil . Adam gayet sağlıklı birisi. Size kapıcımız Veysel efendiden bahsedeyim. Herif evli 3 tane çocuğu, kendisi gibi saf bir karısı var. Kapıcının karısı aynı zamanda bizim eve haftada bir temizliğe gelmekte. Eşim yukarıda söylediği kadar çirkin sayılabilecek fiziksel özelliklere sahip. Ama her işimize koşan bir yardımsever. Veysel efendinin en büyük korkusu işsiz kalmak. Çünkü hiç bir vasıfa sahip değil. Buradan ayrılırsa bir iş bulamayacağını biliyor. Bu bilgiyi arabamın bagajını temizlememe yardımı sırasındaki sohbette öğrendim. Bunu koz olarak kullanabilirdik. Biraz da haince. Eşime bu durumu anlattım. Eşim iyide ama adam çirkin yahu. Bir maraza çıkmayacağından eminsin değil mi dedi. Ben eşime yinede tekrar sordum . Böyle bir olayı bana inat yapıyorsan istersen vazgeçebilirsin dedim. Eşim yok dedi . Bakarsın hoşuma gider. Şimdiden heyecanlanmaya başladım dedi. Yani eşimde benim gibi havaya girmeye başlamıştı. Bundan 3 hafta öncesine kadar sadece hayalimde olan olay bir ara hep hayalimde olacak sanmıştım gerçekleşmek üzereydi. Ama az da olsa içimden bir ses vazgeç der gibiydi. Ama o sese kulak vermek istemiyordum. Ağustos ayı idi. Eşimle ben aynı anda yıllık izin almıştık iş yerlerimizden. Eşime dedim ki kısmetse bugün Veysel efendiyi ayarlayayım dedim. Eşimin sesi titreyerek , heyecanlı bir şekilde tamam olur dedi. Saat sabah 10:00 civarlarıydı. Kapıcı dairesine indim. Kapıyı çaldım. Veysel efendi kapıda pijama , fanila şeklinde açtı. Buyur abi dedi bana. Yalnız mısın dedim. Evet dedi. Çocuklar köyde, hanım ise temizliğe gitti dedi. yarım saat sonra bize uğrasana dedim. O da olur dedi. Ben yukarıya çıktım. Eşime hazırlanan herif biraz gelecek dedim. Eşim nasıl ya dedi şimdimi. Evet bende şimdi dedim. Kalbim küt küt atıyordu eşiminki gibi. Daha önce hazırladığımız planı devreye sokmaya başladık. Planımız, eşim yatak odasına gidecek. Yatağın üzerinde bekleyecek. Eşim dedi ki herif yıkanmadan ben bu işi kesinlikle yapmam dedi. Peki o işinde çaresini bulurum dedim. Kapı çalındı ve kapıda Veysel efendi göründü. İçeriye davet ettim. Soğuk bir şeyler ikram ettim. Abi yenge yok mu dedi. Hayır alış-verişte dedim. Ee ne yapıyoruz abi dedi. Banyoda eski termosifon var . Onu sökebilir misin dedim. Ben fazla anlamıyorum bu işlerden diyerek bahane ürettim. Abi alet çantası var mı. Var dedim. Başladı bizimki işe koyulmaya. Gerçekten vidalar pas tutmuş olduğundan dolayı epeyce zorluyordu bizim kapıcıyı. İş bitti. Ben gideyim abi dedi. Hayır dedim. Yıkan burada. daha sonra soğuk bir şeyler içersin dedim. Yok abi ben evde duş alırım dedi. Ben ısrar ettim. Peki dedi. Duş alman bittiği zaman oradaki bornozu kullanırsın. Çıktığın zaman sakın elbiselerini giyme bornozla çık. Soğuk bir şeyler içeriz dedim. Herif banyodayken doğruca yatak odasına gittim. Eşim amma uzadı işiniz dedi kısık sesle. Heyecandan her tarafı titriyordu. Banyodan çıktıktan sonra soğuk bir şeyler içtik. Herifi bir bahaneyle Gardrop kapağının problemini göstermek yatak odasına doğru götürmeye başladım.Heyecanım 2 kat artmıştı. Artık geri dönüşü olamayan bir yola girmiştik.Kapıyı açar açmaz herif eşimi orada görünce pardon deyip çıkmaya çalıştı. Ben kolundan tutarak tekrar odaya soktum. Ama abi ne yapıyoruz böyle dedi. Heyecandan sesim titreyerek anla lan işte. Ne yapacağın malum görmüyor musun dedim. Herif şok vaziyetteydi. Eşimde resmen titriyordu heyecandan. Ben yatağın kenarındaki pufa oturdum. Bornozu çıkar dedim. Herif bir bana , bir eşime bakarak çıkardı. Eşim herifin yarrağını gördü. Gözleri iyice büyüdü. Yatağa doğru yanaşmasını söyledim. Herif artık heyecandan mı yoksa korkudan mı gözlerini resmen iyice kısmıştı. Eşime herifin yarrağını eline almasını söyledim. Eşim gözleri sabit bir şekilde herifin yarrağındaydı. Bana bakmadan hıı hıı dedi ve eline aldı. Sıvazlamaya başladı. Herifin gözleri hala kısıktı ve tavana bakıyordu. Herif bizden de beter durumdaydı. Eşim sesi titreyerek bununki kalkmıyor dedi. Veysel efendi sakinleş dedim. Sonra herifin yatağa uzanmasını söyledim. dediklerimi bir robot gibi yapıyordu. Benim ise heyecanım giderek artıyordu. Eşime de yanına uzanması söyledim. Eşim ilk zamanlara göre daha da sakindi. Eşim herifin yarrağını eline alıp oynamaya başladı. Herif şimdi daha sakindi. En azından gözlerini açmıştı. Herifin yarrağında hareketlenmeler olmaya başlamıştı. Eşim yarrağı daha hızlı sıvazlamaya başladı. Bana dönüp yarrak bayağı kalın dedi. Ben ve eşim ilk heyecanlanmaları üstümüzden atmış, daha rahattık. Veysel efendi ,abi ne yapacağız diyerek sanki ilk defa bu işi yapacak kişi edasıyla bakıyordu. Kardeşim al sana güzel bir hatun. Bununla ne yapılır sen söyle dedim. Herif ilk şokları üstünden atmıştı artık. Eşim yarrağı sıvazlamayı bıraktı. Bende o sırada şortumu indirmiş, elimle oynuyordum. Karım sırtüstü uzandı. Herif rahatlamanın etkisiyle kirli sakallarıyla eşimin iri göğüslerine yumulmaya başladı. Göğüsleri sakalın şeklinden dolayı hafif kızarmıştı.Eşim hafif hafif iniltiler çıkarmaya başlamıştı. Herif bir eliyle de eşimin amını mıncıklıyordu. Kendimi porno film izleyen seyirci gibi hissediyordum. Başrollerde eşim ve kapıcı Veysel. Herif daha sonra porno aktörleri gibi eşimin amına dil darbeleri atmaya başladı. Eşimin büyük bir zevk aldığı ,kafasını sağa sola çevirmesinden ve bayağı bayağı inilti çıkarmasından belliydi. Kenardan bende herife seni köftehor seni çok porno seyretmişsin anlaşılıyor dedim. Herifte okeyler tarzında kafa salladı. Herif eşimi dudağından öpmeye kalktı. Eşim izin vermedi. Herif fena bozulmuştu. Sonra amı yalamayı bıraktı. Herif iyice açılmıştı artık. Eşime şimdi seni öyle bir sikeceğim ki tadını bir daha unutamayacaksın dedi. Herif yarrağını eşimin amına yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladı.Bir süre sonra kalın yarrak eşimin amında kayboldu. Eşim derin bir oohh çekti. İçime keyif veren kazık girmiş gibi hissediyorum dedi. Herif hızlanmaya başlamıştı. eşim daha hızlı daha hızlı diyerek gaz veriyordu. Herife keyfin nasıl diye sordum. Abi uzun süredir gerçek bir karı sikiyorum. Bizim evdeki çamaşır makinesi karısını kastediyor artık tat vermiyordu. Eşim ve ben adamın bu sözleri karşısında gülmeye başladık. Böyle bir laf beklemiyorduk. Herif eşimi ayaklarından tutarak götü yatağın kenarına gelecek kadar çekti. Daha sonra kendisi yataktan inerek eşimin ayaklarını ayak bileklerinden tutarak havaya kaldırdı ve yarağını hızlıca eşimin amına gömdü. Herif hızlı, sert ve yüklenerek siktiğinden dolayı eşimin iri göğüsleri resmen dairesel hareketler çiziyordu. eşim kendinden geçmiş durumundaydı. Dudaklarını ısırmış, kafasını sağa sola atıyor ve gözleri kapalıydı. Sadece inliyordu. Müthiş bir zevk aldığı her halinden anlaşılıyordu. Herif eşimi bu vaziyette aşağı yukarı 5 dakika kadar sikti. Herif kan ter içindeydi ama en ufak yorgunluk ve boşalma emaresi gözükmüyordu. Daha sonra adam sırt üstü yatağa yattı ve eşimi üzerine aldı. Eşim küçük eliyle herifin yarrağını kavramaya çalıştı. Daha sonra herifin kalın yarrağını yavaş yavaş amına sokmaya başladı. Herifin yarrağı santim santim ilerleyerek eşimin amında kayboldu. Eşim yavaş yavaş yarrağın üzerinde hoplamaya başladı. Herifin ellleri eşimin iri göğüslerindeydi. Mıncıklıyordu.Manzara arkadan müthiş görünüyordu. Eşimin amının dudakları sanki sağa ve sola gidebilecekleri en son yere gitmiş gibi görünüyordu. Sanki am yarılmıştı.Bir müddet sonra hızlanmaya başladı. Hızlanırken inlemelerinin sesi de artmaya başlamıştı. Eşim: “Hadi daha hızlı sik beni daha hızlı” diyordu. Herif bu sözleri duyar duymaz karımın ince belinden tutup 10-15 cm yukarıya kaldırıp yarrağını hızlı bir piston gibi kullanmaya başladı. Herifin yarrağı eşimin amına giriş çıkışlarını takip edemez hale geldim. Eşimden tiz bir çığlık geldi. Orgazm olduğunu anladım. Herifte 5- 6 defa gidip geldikten sonra büyük böğürtüyle eşimin amının derinliklerine boşalmaya başladı. Eşim herifin üzerine yığılıp kaldı.Herifin yarrağı hala eşimin amındaydı. Eşimin amından sızan spermler herifin yarrağın kenarından taşaklarına akıyordu. Manzara harikaydı. Aşağı yukarı 2-3 dakika o şekilde kaldılar. Eşim bir süre sonra temizlenmek için banyoya gitti. Bu sırada Biz Veysel efendiyle konuşmaya başladık. Bak veysel bugünkü yaşananlar aramızda kalacak. Eğer bir duyulursa Senin hiç hayırlı olmaz. Hem işinden gücünden olursun ,hem de bu durumu kimseyi inandıramazsın. İftiradan dolayı hapse bile girebilirsin. Ben seni ufak yolluda olsa göreceğim her zaman. Ara sıra buraya gelip bugünkü alem yaparız. Zaten böyle bir karı nerde bulabilirsin sikmek için. Herifi korkutarak işin ciddiyetini iyice anlamasını sağladım. Bak hem güzel bir karı sikeceksin hem de ufak yollu yardım alacaksın. Canına minnet değil mi. Tamam abi dedi. Her zaman dediğine hazırım ben dedi. Eşim bu sırada banyodan dönmüştü. Herifi banyoya gönderdik temizlensin diye. Biraz önceki sikişin verdiği azgınlıkla hemen icraata koyuldum. Eşimi üzerime aldım, alttan pompalamaya başladım. Eşim seninkini hissetmiyorum şimdi gerçekten deyip gülmeye başladı. Şakayla karışık eşime kızdım. Alıştın şimdi kalın yarrağa. Gecenin ortasında tutturmasak iyidir. Eşimde bilmem sen istedin böyle olmasını , belki tuttururum diye hınzırca sırıttı. Herif banyodan dönmüştü o bensiz başlamışsınız ikinci devreye dedi. Herif bayağı espritüeldi gerçekten. eşimi hoplatırken Veysel efendi Eşime arkadan girmeye çalışıyordu. Ben defalarca yapmıştın arkadan. Ama herifinki kalın olunca eşim acıyor acıyor diyordu. Bende herife zorlama şimdi dedim. Herif sırtüstü yattı ve yarrağı eşim bir çırpıda soktu amına. İşte buna yarrak denir diyerek bana baktı. Eşim hafif hafif hoplamaya başladı yarrağın üzerinde. Bende arkasına geçip biraz önce aşağılanmanın etkisiyle hızlıca soktum. Yavaş dedi eşim. Eşimi aramızda tost yapmıştık. Eşim bize gaz veriyordu. Boğalarım benim daha hızlı sikin beni. Doyurun beni diyerek filmi koparıyordu. Herif bir taraftan eşimin iri göğüslerini adeta yiyordu. Herifin çok porno seyreden birisi olduğu belliydi. Yavrum sana iyi döşeniyoruz değil mi gibi cümleler kurarak eşimi daha azdırıyordu. O sırada üçümüzde aynaya bakarak sikişin nasıl olduğunu görüyorduk. Bu durum eşimi azdırdı. Olmayacak kelimeler etmeye başladı. Kocacığım bak boynuzların çıkmaya başladı. onları iyice cilala oldu mu diyerek, sözüm ona beni aşağılıyordu. Bu şekilde 5 dakika kadar sikistik. Azmanın neticesinde ilk boşalan ben oldum. Kendimi yanlarına attım. Herif ilk boşalmasını yarım saat önce yaptığı için herifte boşalmanın emaresi yoktu. Bunların öyle bir tempo yakaladılar ki eşimin iri göğüsleri neredeyse çenesine değiyordu. Yine aynı muhteşem manzara görünüyordu. Eşimin amının dudakları sanki sağa ve sola gidebilecekleri en son yere gitmiş gibi görünüyordu. Bende yanlarında mutlu musun hayatım dedim. Çok diyebildi sadece. Dudaklarından öpmeye başladım. Sikişmenin verdiği azgınlıkla kulağıma daha büyük yarraklıda bulursun değil mi canım dedi. Bende kafa salladım. Herif sonra eşimi domaltarak sikmeye başladı. Bir ara götten sikmeye çalışsa da eşim acıyor diyerek denemesine izin vermedim. Herif bu şekilde sert darbeler vurdukça iri göğüsler sarkaç gibi bir o yana bir bu yana gidiyordu. Herif hızlanmaya başladı. Eşimde herifte kan ter içindeydi. 2-3 dakika sonra herif geliyorum, amını döllerimle dolduracağım yavrum diyerek boşalmaya başladı. Herif eşimin üstüne yığılıp kaldı daha sonra. Bir süre sonra kendine geldiler.İkisi de temizlendikten sonra yatakta keyif sigarası içmeye başladık. O sırada aklıma yarraklarımızın uzun ve kalınlığı ölçmek geldi. Komidinden mezroyu çıkardım. Eşim bana onunla ne yapacaksın dedi. Ölçü alacaksın dedim. Eşimde gülümseyerek neyin ölçüsü dedi. Neyin olacak yarraklarımızın dedim. İyide şu an ikinizin de sönük dedi. O zaman sende kaldır dedim. Eşim ikimize de 31 çekiyordu. Daha sonra bir benimkini bir herifinkini yalıyordu. Sonunda dimdik olmuştu yarraklar. İlk önce boyları ölçtü. Benimkinin uzunluğu 13,5-14 kalınlığı ise 7 cm gelmişti. Sonra eşim herifinkini ölçtü. Uzunluğu 16,5 cm , kalınlık ise 13,5 cm di. Herif kalınlıkta 2 kat fark atmıştı. Herif eşime maden kaldırdın yarrakları o zaman senin üstünde indirelim demez mi .Eşim yok hayır zaten kalın yarağınla haşat ettin beni yeter dedi. Eşim bu bol pozisyonlu sikiş tekniklerini nerden biliyorsun diye sordu Veysel efendiye. Bende bunu böyle olduğuna bakma ,sessiz sakin gibi ama tam pornocu yahu. Sonra herife iyice bu durumun nazikliğini anlattık eşimle beraber. Veysel efendi gayet iyi anladım. Sikmek için böyle hatunu nerden bulurum yahu dedi. Her zaman hazırım ben, ne zaman isterseniz dedi. Herif bu sözlerle iyice havaya girmişti. Kendisini eşi bulunmaz sikici gibi görmeye başlamıştı. Ben en son yine bu durum buradan dışarıya çıkmayacak dedim. En ufak bir şey sezersek bize bir şey olmaz olan sana olur. Biz bu durumun içinden çıkmasını biliriz dedik eşimle sert tonla. Daha sonra herife evin kapısında 50 Ytl verip, yolcu ettim. Daha sonra yatak odasına eşimin yanına gittim. Yanına uzanarak pişmanlık duyuyormusun dedim. Hayır dedi. İyiki yaşadık böyle bir olayı. Herhangi bir maraz çıkarmasın diye Veysel efendiyi sürekli kollayıp, gözümüzün üzerinde olduğu hissini verelim. Nede olsa cahil adamdır.Eşime sen merak etme dedim. O günden sonra Veysel efendiyi bir kaç defa aramıza katıp eşimi kalın yarraktan mahrum bırakmadım.Bir sonraki hedefimiz evli çiftler ve eşimin çok merak ettiği zenciler.

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Hilal ve Dressing 2

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Hilal ve Dressing 2

İLK POST : http://xhamster.com/user/cdhilal/posts/549223.html

Gelen son mesajla epey irkilmiştim. Aklım karma karışık olmuştu. Bi taraftan yakalanmış olmanın küçük tatlı heyecanıyla bundan sonra olacakları düşünüyordum. Yine de mesaja ne cevap vereceğimi bilemiyordum. Ortada kaçabilecek bir durum da kalmamıştı. Her şey alenen ortada idi. Sonunda mesaj yazmaya karar verdim :

** Lütfen numaramı silin ve bir daha beni rahatsız etmeyin. Hoş olmayacak şeyler yaşamayalım.

10 dk sonra;

— Pardon rahatsızlık vermek istememiştim. Beni yanlış anladın. Sadece ilgi duyduğumu belirtmek istedim. Özür dilerim. İyigeceler.

Bu sözler rahatlamak için yeterli olmasa da bir nefes aldırmıştı yine de. Konu daha fazla uzamasın diye birşey yazmamak en iyisiydi.
Bu gün yaşadığım adrenalin giyinmekten de öte bir heyecan uyandırmıştı. Evet korkmuştum belki ama vücudumda karıncalanmalara sebep olan bir korkuydu bu. Zevkli bir korku. Heyecan.
Uykum gelmişti ve giyinmek, düşünmek epey yormuştu. Üzerimi değiştirmek istemedim. Bu gece kadın olarak uyumalıydım. Sütyenimi çıkarttım ve minicik kırmızı saten geceliğimi giydim. Islanan pembe stringim kirli sepetinin yolunu tutmuştu 🙂 Onun yerine gardrobumdan önü tamamen transparan güzel bir kırmızı tanga giydim. Eveeeeet yatak vakti tatlı kız 🙂

Saten geceliği kalçalarımda vücudumda hissettikçe serin sularda zevk yağmuru yağıyordu sanki üzerime. Ben bu kızın güzelliğine kendimi inandıramamıştım; kargo görevlisi bu halde yatakta görse dili tutulurdu belki de :))

Düşünceler fantezi olurken sere serpe uyumuşum. Sabah gözümü açtığımda, gün ışığıyla dans eden pürüzsüz bacaklarım, ayaklarım güne iyi bir başlangıç yaptırmıştı. Azgınlıktan teşhir duygum nasıl kabardıysa perdeyi belime kadar göstereceğim şekilde açık bırakarak uyumuşum. Bilmiyorum karşı apartmandan görenler oldu ise taş gibi kızı eve attığımı düşünmüş olabilirler 😛
Okula gitmeliydim. Hilal hayatımda durması gereken yerleri bilmeliydi. Hazırlanıp bedenimdeki Hilal’i çıkarttım. Eskisi kadar olmasa da boşalma sonrası Hilal’e kızgınlık oluyor genelde. Ama iki kişilikte birbirine baskın gelemedi hiçbir zaman.

Neyse okul, ders, sınavlar yarı benliğim dışarıda, okulda uğraşmaya devam ediyordu. Akşam üzeri ders çıkışı yorgun bir şekilde otobüsle evin yolunu tuttum. Her zaman indiğim durakta değil iki durak ileride indim. Aklımda kargo görevlisi vardı tabiki. Takip edilmek yada karşılaşmak için hiç hazır değildim. Rutin olarak yürüdüğüm cadde sokaklardan değil farklı yollardan eve gitmeliydim. Aslında ne yaparsam yapayım ev aynı yerde ve karşılaşmak isteyen birisi için açık adres belli idi. Karmaşık düşünceler ile siteye girdim. Gözlerim hep o çıkar mı diye tedirgin bir şekilde etrafı tarıyordu. Asansör kapısında geldiğinde kötü senaryoyu aklımdan çıkarabilmiştim.
Asansör ve ayna.. o kısacık kat yolculuğunda Hilal’e birşeyler anlatmak istiyordu. Giyinmeliydi ve bu asansör, bu büyük boy aynası ona var olan güzelliğini daha detaylı, heyacanlı şekilde göstermeliydi. Asansörün durma sesiyle hayaller toparlandı.. Hilal’in şeytanı kısa süreliğine yanımdan ayrıldı 🙂
Evimin kapısına doğru yürüdüm. Orta büyüklükte bir kutu kapımın önünde duruyordu. Aklıma site görevlisinin çöp toplama sırasında unutmuş olabileceği gelmişti. Kapıyı açarken göz ucuyla kutuyu inceliyordum. Üzerine kalemle gülücük smile’ı yapılmıştı. Aklıma gelen şey olabilir miydi ? Bunu anlamanın yolu o kutuyu eve alıp açmaktan geçiyordu.
Kapıyı açtıktan sonra tekrar apartman boşluğuna doğru bakıp biri olup olmadığını kontrol ettim. Küçük yaramaz çocuklar gibi kutuyu alıp kapıyı kapattım. :)) Ağır değildi ancak içinde birşeyler olduğu kesindi ve çöp olmayacak kadar dikkatli paket yapılmıştı.

Çok heyecanlı bir şekilde kutuyu açmaya başladım. En üstte ikiye katlanmış bir not. Altında hediye paketleri.

— Özel hayatına istemeyerek dahil olduğum için üzgünüm. Ama seni tanımak sevindirici 🙂
Bunların hepsi senin için. Sana çok yakışacağından eminim 🙂

Hilal gülümsedi hediye paketlerine baktıkça. Bedenimin diğer yarısı ise daha fazla direnemiyordu. Hilal’e teslim olmamak mümkün değildi.

Bir çocuğun yeni hediyeleri açtığı gibi açıyordum paketleri. Tek tek yırtmadan. Hem sabırsızca hem de sabırla.
İlk açtığım pakette desenli külotlu çoraplar, renk renk jartiyer çoraplar, file çoraplar, bacak bantları. ojeler 😛

İkincisinde rüyada bile olabileceğimi düşündüm. Bir kıza bu kadar string, tanga çok fazlaydı :P. Hepsi birbirinden güzeldi ve saatler yetmeyecekti bunları denemeye.

Poşette olan diğer pakette ise; çok seksi bir mini kot şort, iki mini elbise, mini etek, gecelikler vardı. Ancak bunların bazıları yeni değildi. Kullanılmış olduğu belli oluyordu.

En sonuncu paketin üzerinde ise bir not vardı;

— Bunlar ekstra 🙂 Evde öyle duruyorlardı. Bende sana yakışacağını düşündüm.

İçinde bir çok külotlu çorap vardı. Ağ bölgesi lekeli stringler bir kadının olduğunu gösteriyordu. Bunlar daha çok ilgimi çekmişti. Kim bilir nasıl bir kadın bunlarla sevişmiş, orgazm olmuştu. O kadının seksiliği çalınıp bana verilmiş gibi hissediyordum.

Zamanı unuttum akıp gitmiş. Giyinmek bu kez daha anlamlıydı. Beğenilen bir kız olmuştum. Ve hayranımın hediyeleri beni oldukça şımartmıştı. Hepsini denedim ve sanki hepsi bana özel üretilmişti.

Gece saat 3 olmuş ve ben kargo görevlisi hayranıma bir teşekkür bile etmemiştim. Bu kadar ince düşünceli olabileceği aklımın ucuna gelmemişti.

Bu ince düşünceli kişiye nasıl teşekkür etmeliydim bilmiyordum. Mesaj yazıp silmekle vakit geçiyordu. Bu kadar hediyeye bir mesajla teşekkür etmek kesinlikle ayıp olurdu.

Hilal ‘ in şeytanı hiç rahat durmuyordu. Bu sevimli, minik, tatlı seksi kızı etkisi altında yönetiyordu 🙂 Siyah ojeli ayaklarıma baktım. Kargo görevlisi çok beğenmişti 🙂 Hilal’ e göre bir kez daha görmek onun hakkıydı 😛

Asansör Hilal’ i, beni çağırıyordu. Yaramazlık zirveye çıkmıştı artık. Hilal istiyorsa yapılmalıydı 🙂
Diğer benlik, mantıklı düşünmeye çağırıyordu yaramaz kızı. Bu şekilde komşularına yakalanabilirdik. Belki normal giyinip, asansörde çıkartmalıydı üzerindekileri ve öyle çıplak kalmalıydı. Ama asansördü bu ve o kadar vakit olmayacaktı.

Yaramaz Hilal cesaretli bir şekilde yapacağını yapmalıydı. Ya da içinde tartışıp günü sabah edecekti.
Evden çıkmadan aynanın karşısına son kez geçtim. Hafif terlemiş vücudum parlıyordu. Üzerimde hayranımın hediyeleri vardı. Ve topuklu ayakkabılarım.
Ama fazlalıklar vardı. Mini şortum güzel olsa da Hilal’in o muhteşem kalçasını ve stringin seksiliğini kapatıyordu. Mini şortumu çıkarttım 🙂 Ten rengi incecik jartiyer çoraplarımı jartiyer kemerim tamamlıyordu. Bu muhteşem görüntüyü gören olursa, peşimi bırakmazdı ama olsundu 🙂 Bütün riskleri göze alıyordu yaramaz kız 😛
Hayranımın gönderdiği açık mavi tangam popomda minicik görüntüsüyle suç işlemeye davet eden cinstendi.

Artık asansöre gidebilirdim. İki adımdan attıktan sonra durdum. Yaramaz kız topuklularla tüm komşularını uyandırmamalıydı. Topuklularımı sessizce çıkarıp kenara bıraktım. Çok dikkatli olmalıydım. Ve saat oldukça geç olsa da birileri çıkabilirdi. Hilal’i cezbeden de zaten bu idi 🙂

Ses yapmadan evimin kapısını açtım. Biraz bekledikten sonra kapıyı çekmeden parmak uçlarımda koridorda ilerlemeye başladım.Kalbim durabilirdi o anda. Bu nasıl bir heyecan ve zevk karışımıydı. Asansöre girip kapıyı kapattım. Asansörün spot ışıkları altında ve büyük boy aynada manken bir kız vardı. Pürüzsüz bacakları, parmak uçlarında ki duruşunun narinliği, siyah ojelerinin çekiciliği, tangasıyla bütünleşen muhteşem kalçaları…… 5 dk lık bir fotoğraf çekiminde hepsi buluşmuştu. Sessizce asansörden çıkıp evime girdim. Başarmanın mutluluğu vücudumun güzelliği Hilali gülümsetiyordu.

Son bir adım kalmıştı..
Hayranıma fotoğraflarımın içerisinden, en güzel olan sadece bir tanesini göndermek.
Whatsapp ile gönderildi. İletildi. Ama görülmedi… Görüldüğünde neler olacaktı… 🙂 😛

Devam edecek……

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni bo�altmam� ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


My name is Kit and I’m twenty-three years old. I know Kit is an unusual name for a man but I had no part in choosing it. My mother was consumed with American history, especially the old west. Kit Carson was a famous frontiersman and army officer. My mother was fascinated by his life and exploits and she named her only son after him. So my name is Kit and I’m used to it.

I work in the maintenance department of the local university. It’s a large state school, the job is easy and the benefits are fantastic. I earn an hourly wage higher than most non-salaried federal employees. I have fully paid health insurance and a retirement program that will follow me into early retirement and make my life easier than most.

Not bad for a guy that never graduated from high school and still lives at home with his mother. You might conclude a number of things from my situation but you’d probably be wrong about most of them. Some of you might smirk at the thought that my relationship with my mother is more than is apparent. Its not. I love my mother but I also respect her and I’d never consider approaching her for something that a son shouldn’t expect from his mother.

You might conclude that my sexual experiences have been limited because I never went to college or have an apartment to entertain female guests but you’d be wrong again. I’m very popular at the local pub and I’m there four or five times a week. I rarely leave without an attractive member of the opposite sex on my arm on the way to their home, apartment or nearby room for rent. I’m a believer in the “use it or lose it” school of physical fitness and the results have been predictable. I’ve never had a single complaint from any of the women I’ve entertained. However, I have received numerous complements.

My assignment in the maintenance department at the university is the Sports Hall. There’s a large indoor arena; several smaller gyms; workout areas and men’s and women’s locker areas with large shower rooms lined with multiple showers on the walls. I get to work at two in the afternoon and work until ten-thirty, including a thirty-minute dinner break. It’s a huge building and I’m not alone. I overlap with four other workers and spend the first half of my shift cleaning empty rooms and sweeping hallways and the floors in the gyms. The rest of the time, after most activities are complete and on non-game nights, I’m responsible for the locker rooms and showers, both the men’s and women’s. I have several green uniforms, trousers and shirts that I can rotate to have a clean one each day. The shirts have an oval on the left breast with “Kit” embroidered on it which is perfect since it’s my name.

I give each area a general cleaning, sweeping the floors, disinfecting the flat surfaces and mopping the shower floors. I’m usually finished by ten-thirty and, after a shower before leaving, I have time to visit my friends in the pub where there are attractive women usually waiting for me.

My Sunday schedule is different. Sunday mornings are reserved for intensive cleaning focused on the locker rooms and, more importantly, the showers. Activity in the Sports Hall is almost non-existent on Sunday mornings. I come in between six and seven in the morning and spend about four hours in each of the locker rooms doing a deep cleaning. On a Sunday over a year ago, I finished with the men’s locker room and shower about nine. I took a short break and started on the women’s area. The place was empty. No sounds other than the echoes of my labor. I finished the locker room area and started on the shower area by just after ten.

The shower area gets special treatment. My supervisor believes the shower area is a potential breeding ground for problems. I use a special, highly antibacterial mixture on the walls and floor of the shower. It’s a major project involving a hose, bucket full of antiseptic, a wall brush on a long handle and a mop. keçiören escort The mixture is damaging to clothing and after staining a uniform beyond recovery, I generally work in my underwear and canvas shoes.

The mixture also dries on the wall if it’s left on too long and is difficult to remove. I break the room into thirds and clean it a section at a time. I spread the cleaning solution on the wall of one side of the room and rinse it off with the hose before moving on to the back wall. I was spreading the mixture on the last wall of the room, wearing just my tighty-whities, when I heard noises coming from the locker area.

I heard the voices of excited women. Many voices. Many women. It was obvious to even me that one of the women’s teams had entered the locker room. I was stunned. I’d never encountered a team in the locker room on a Sunday before. “Why today?” I wondered. I hoped they were changing into their game uniforms prior to a practice or game. If so, I was relatively safe since they wouldn’t be taking showers. If, on the other hand, they were finishing a practice or game, I was trapped and probably fired. I kept still and as quiet as I could to avoid detection.

I learned later that the women’s softball team had an unscheduled practice that Sunday morning and had not put it on the schedule. I always checked the schedule carefully before cleaning the locker rooms just to avoid the situation that was developing. Unfortunately, the practice had just ended and the locker room was full of tired, sweaty and dirty young women who were anxious to get showers.

I’m not a big person, but my size was not important while I was trying to look as small as possible, hiding in the back corner of a large, brightly lit shower room without privacy barriers between the showers. I cowered in the far corner as the first of the athletes hung her towel on a peg at the entrance of the showers, walked in, completely naked, and turned on the first shower. While she was waiting for the water to warm, she turned and saw me.

She screamed and tried to cover herself. “What the fuck are doing in here?” she shouted. “Who the hell are you?” she added.

“I’m the maintenance man. I clean the showers every Sunday,” I said without looking up at her, trying to minimize my presence and preserve her modesty.

By now, her scream had brought the entire team into the shower, all seventeen of them. Some were naked like the first woman; others were wearing sports bras and panties. Still others wore bras without panties or panties without bras.

“You need to get out of here, now!” she said, staring directly at me with her hands on her hips ignoring her nakedness.

Her request was going to be difficult to fulfill since I had to negotiate a path through a bevy of mostly naked women.

While I was considering how I was going to proceed, another woman said, “I saw a shirt on the bench in the other room. You’re Kit, aren’t you?”

“I am,” I replied.

“I don’t care who you are. You need to leave,” the first one repeated.

“This stuff,” I said, pointing to the bucket and mop, “is not good for you. I need to rinse it off the wall and floor or your skin will burn.”

“Then hurry up,” she said as she turned under the shower and began to wash herself.

As I worked, the rest of the team finished undressing and turned on the showers where I had completed cleaning while the rest waited patiently for me to finish, all naked.

I was almost done when the woman nearest to me said, “Actually, this is quite funny. Kit,” she asked, “did you ever imagine being alone in a room with seventeen naked women?”

“I never imagined myself in a shower with more than one naked woman,” I replied.

Most of the crowd laughed at my statement. “You’re cute,” said one.

“He’s more than cute,” said another. “Kit,” she added. “Turn etlik escort around and look at me.”

I did as she asked. “Look up at me,” she ordered.

I looked up. I saw seventeen naked women looking back.

“Ladies,” she said, “he’s way more than cute. He’s excited. Look at him. He’s stiff as a bat.”

Another spoke up. “Kit, why are you wearing underwear?”

“I didn’t want to ruin my uniform,” I said candidly.

“Aren’t you afraid of ruining your underwear?” she asked.

“I hadn’t thought about it,” I answered.

“Do you believe in fair play?” the first woman asked. Her attitude was much softer now. Her initial shock and reaction seemed calmer.

“What?” I asked.

“Do you believe in fair play?” she repeated.

“I guess I do,” I answered.

“Then I think, in the interest of fairness, you should take off your underwear.”

Sixteen other voices chanted, “Take ’em off. Take ’em off.”

“You want me to get naked?” I asked. I was in over my head and taking off my underwear was certain to make things worse.

“It’s only fair. You’ve seen us naked. We should see you naked.”

“I don’t think my getting naked is appropriate,” I countered.

“Appropriate isn’t the issue. Fairness is. You’ve see ours and now we should see yours. From where I stand you don’t have anything to be ashamed of.”

“Makes sense. Only …”

“Only what?” she asked.

“In my experience, taking off my clothes leads to nakedness and nakedness leads to other things.”

“Oooh,” said sixteen voices.

“Depending on what you show me, I’m okay with that,” she said. She turned to the other women, “Are you okay with that?” she asked.

The chorus responded on cue, “Yesssss.” “I want to see,” echoed a single voice in the rear.

I caved. It wasn’t that difficult. I actually thought that looking for a new job was worth the potential benefit that these seventeen women presented. I stripped off my Fruit of the Looms. I stood proudly in front of the softball team, waving my bannerless staff in front of them. I was pleased with my “use it or lose it” philosophy and the many practice sessions I managed to perform. Apparently, so was the women’s softball team.

A blonde pushed through the crowd. “I want to fuck that,” she said.

“Wait your turn,” said another.

“Kit,” said the first woman. “Would you like to fuck all of us?”

“How many days do I have?” I asked.

“You have a point. There’s no way we could all be satisfied today.” She turned to the group. “Do any of you have any suggestions?”

The blonde spoke up. “Why don’t we all sample him today and then work out a schedule for each of us to spend time alone with him?”

“I like that. How many of you want to sample fuck Kit now?” she asked.

Seventeen hands went up. One cock went up further.

“Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. Kit, come up here behind me. I’ll bend over and you can push into me from behind and fuck me. Don’t go too far. You have to last for all seventeen of us. Maybe just a half dozen strokes then you move to the next one of us who will bend over next to me. If you get through all seventeen of us, I’ll finish you off and the others will set up meetings with you later. You good with that?”

I nodded. What else could I do? What would you have done? I thought it was the most ridiculous suggestion I’d ever heard and I was anxious to get started.

“Are you girls all right with that too?”

No one objected. Patsy, she was the team captain and the one who made the offer, bent over and I stepped up behind her. “Don’t be shy,” she stated as she reached between her legs and guided me to her pussy.

“One, two, three, four, five six.” I focused on counting to distract from the incredible feeling of being inside Patsy. Anything else would have derailed the goal of seventeen rus escort “samples,” today.

By the time I finished counting, another team member was next to Patsy.

I made it through, or is that in, all seventeen naked women. The last was the blonde. She reached behind and refused to let go of my hips when I finished counting. She pushed harder against me and pulled me into her well past the agreed upon count. We got a good rhythm going and, when she let me go, I grabbed her hips and pumped into her even harder. I didn’t last long after sampling the other sixteen women. I came strongly inside her and I felt her stiffen in response as she climaxed as well.

“That was selfish,” said Patsy to the blonde.

“It was,” she responded, “and I’d do it again.”

“You might get the chance but you’ll have to wait. You’re at the end of the line.”

“All right ladies,” said Patsy. “That’s all for today. Finish your showers and get dressed. Let’s get together in the morning and work out a schedule for time with Kit.” She turned to me. “Kit, are you okay with us generating the schedule?”

Of course I was. I’d be an idiot if I wasn’t. Anyway, I could change some of the times and dates if I had to. I gave her my cell phone number and told her to call anytime.

I finished scrubbing and rinsing the rest of the shower, picked up my stuff and left to get dressed myself. Many of the women stopped to encourage me, kiss me and make promises. One offered a tit to kiss and I gleefully took her up on it. Before I left, Patsy, stopped me and told me to wait outside until she had a chance to talk to me.

Patsy found me waiting outside around the corner. “Come with me,” she said as she led me back inside and to a small room with mats on the floor. There we got undressed again. She sucked my cock. I sucked her nipples. She sucked my balls. I sucked her clitoris. Patsy seemed impressed with my endowment. We fucked, twice.

As we got dressed, Patsy said, “Kit, I’m available whenever you want more than the schedule allows. I also think we’ll be able to get through the schedule more than once before the semester is over. We may even be able to have a go at it again next season. I hope so.”

“Patsy,” I said. “I hope you’re right. I don’t know if I’ll be available that long.”


“What we’ve done is not part of my job description. So much so, I could be fired.”

“Never happen,” she said. “None of us will ever tell and I’ll make sure we’re careful enough that no one will ever find out. And even if they do, we’ll raise so much hell they’ll never follow through with firing you. We know where all the bodies are buried and all the penises are hidden, metaphorically speaking, and you have no idea how many administrators are involved. We could screw everybody, even those we haven’t already.”

“Thanks,” I said, “and thank you and your teammates. I’m blown away.”

“Not yet, but I’m sure everyone will contribute until you are,” she said with a smile.

We got through the schedule just over three times before the end of the season. I met with them one on one, in pairs and, once, with three of them. Having more than one naked woman in bed with me at a time was addictive. Patsy got far more than her share and I got more of Patsy. I also had a half dozen extra sessions with the blonde, outside of the schedule, with a promise to not tell anyone on the team and they all knew where to find me on Sunday mornings.

The women at the pub noticed my reduced attendance, a problem I did my best to correct by spending time with more than one of them at a time.

The summer was a slow period and I compensated with more time at the pub. In the fall, before the softball season, I connected with some members of the team and they introduced me to several coeds who were new team members.

Maybe I didn’t graduate from high school or go to college but I’ve been to school in other ways and I’m a huge supporter of the women’s softball team. I look forward to the start of the season with added enthusiasm. I plan to attend every practice and game my work schedule will allow and offer whatever post game services they require.

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Kinky College Friends

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My divorce wasn’t quite done yet but things were starting to fall back into place in my life. I had started dating again and before long reconnected with a woman I had known as an acquaintance in school and we had both landed in San Diego. The fifteen years since we both graduated had been kind to both of us as we had taken pretty good care of ourselves, although she, Jamie, had certainly developed a lot of friskiness in her personality and a bit of nastiness in bed…both very good things.

Thursday I was at work and got a call from Jamie. “Gary (that is me, by the way), do you remember me telling you about Deborah, my friend from high school and college? She and her husband are in town for a few days, staying at the Hyatt, and want to have dinner tomorrow night. You up for it?”

I had nothing planned as we would often relax on Fridays watching a movie with take-out, so this sounded great. And I did recall something about Deborah being a bit edgy in her younger years, so I was curious as well.

“Great! You girls pick the place. Let me know timing and I’ll be there.”

Friday hit quickly. The plan was Jamie and I would pick them up at their hotel and we would go to our favorite seafood place, Jake’s, on the beach.

Driving from Jamie’s house I asked why I remembered Deborah.

“She was my roommate in college for a couple of years. Great girl, very smart and attractive, but she went through guys by the dozens. Lost interest quickly, it seemed. Loved sex, talked about all the time and I found her vibing away several times late at night watching some erotic thing on TV. Never thought she would get married, so I can’t wait to meet this guy. Apparently they’ve only been married nine months or so.”

We arrived at the Hyatt. The valet let us park for a few minutes by the door and we walked to the lobby. Deborah and her husband, Steve were waiting.

Well, if Jamie described Deborah as attractive, it was a massive understatement. Hot, but that sort of hot elegant that can be intimidating. Tall, slender but muscled body, ramrod straight, dark brown shoulder length hair, a chiseled yet feminine face and piercing brown eyes. Her slacks and turquoise blouse highlighted her ass and breasts. No wonder she could burn through men a few years ago.

On the other hand, Steve was attractive, well dressed, sported a beard and roughly as tall as Deborah with her heels on. Not bad but I immediately figured he either has a boatload of daddy’s money or was hung like Secretariat.

Introductions were had all around, hugs and handshakes, and we were off to dinner.

Dinner was great as always. Conversation flowed freely with the girls telling old stories. I contributed as there was space however Steve was interestingly quiet, turning to Deborah often as if asking for permission. When the desert menus arrived Jamie suggested we all go back to her house for desert and a “final final.” Unanimous approval followed.

At Jamie’s we settled into the couch, nibbled on a few pieces of left over cheesecake and started draining wine bottles. Jamie asked Deborah if she and Steve would be interested in some cannabis gummies, now legal in California. Deborah, without a peek at Steve, replied “Yes. We’d love a gummy or two!”

Soon we were all, on a double high.

A bit later Deborah spoke, “Jamie, was that a hot tub I saw in your back yard? Why don’t we put it to use?”

Jamie smiled, looked at me and replied, “Great. We have suits you two can use, or,” she paused, “we can just get naked which is what Gary and I do.”

“Naked it is!” replied Deborah and Jamie left to get towels and turn on the tub. Deborah and Steve were directed to the guest bedroom and Jamie and I went to the master. Soon we all emerged wrapped in towels.

We walked to the tub, steam rising in the cool coastal air. Steve and I, being the gentlemen we are, allowed Deborah and Jamie to lose their towels and enter the water ahead of us. Deborah was all I expected, tight, fit body, incredible tits and a clean pussy, just as Jamie’s was kept.

“Do we pass the test, boys?” Jamie asked. “Uh, yep,” I responded weakly. Then we watched them check us out just as we had them.

Jamie, noticing Steve’s dick and balls were smooth and hairless, turned to Deborah and asked how she liked his hairless condition. “I love it,” she replied. “After our second week sincan escort of dating I instructed him to keep himself smooth. He even keeps his ass shaved. After a couple more drinks I may be able to talk him into showing.”

An interesting comment, I thought as I settled into the steaming water and nursed my pinot noir.

The conversation among the four of us got more and more erotic as more wine flowed and pot gummy worms kept finding their way to our mouths. The girls were sharing college exploits. Deborah passed me a gummy holding it in her teeth, a pass that naturally turned into a kiss as I felt her tits press against my chest. Steve sat up on the edge, trying to cool off a bit. It was clear he was not hung like Secretariat, but his cock was showing a bit of life.

Deborah suggested we play “Truth or Dare,” apparently the girl’s favorite game from their college days.

I forget how we determined who asked who questions, but we went through a bunch of “Truth” choices. We, or they, learned Jamie likes, actually loves, getting her asshole licked. We learned Steve shaves Deborah’s pussy but he does his own cock shaving. They learned I had a threesome years back with my ex and an old guy friend of hers.

Then we got the first dare, with Steve responding to Deborah as he still sat on the rim of the tub.

“I want to see your cock get hard, but without touching. Jamie, slide over to Steve and get his cock hard with just your voice. You can whisper, you can talk out loud, but no touching.”

Jamie has a hot sexy voice when she wants and can talk as nasty as anyone, so I knew where this was going.

Jamie slid over as instructed, pushed herself up so she was right next to Steve and leaned toward his ear. She began to whisper.

Three of us, Steve, Deborah and I stared at Steve’s cock. Whatever was coming out of that beautiful, naked woman’s mouth was working. Steve’s cock began to shift a bit, straighten and grow. I could feel mine growing due to the pure eroticism in the air and it sure looked like Deborah’s hand had moved further into her lap.

Eventually Steve’s cock was at full girth, solid and very functional. Deborah ended the exercise and instructed Steve to go to the kitchen and bring more wine, “And your cock better stay hard until you get back,” she added.

Steve obediently left the tub and walked to the kitchen, cock swinging with each stride.

“Listen,” Deborah whispered to Jamie and me. “The next time I ask Steve ‘Truth or Dare’ I know he will say “dare”. He loved what you did for him Jamie, and he will expect something similar. But I will surprise him with something he has always wanted to do but hasn’t. OK?”

We both were insanely curious but we could not pry anything from Deborah. Then Steve returned with two bottles of wine and a hard cock.

We rotated around a few times. I recall more “truths”. I instructed Jamie to make out with Deborah, which turned into a minor grope-a-thon. Someone, I think Jamie, asked me to sit on the edge and stroke myself to full hardness, with the thinking the girls should be able to compare to hard cocks as well as two soft.

Then it came to Deborah and Steve. As predicted, Steve chose “dare”


By then we were all sitting on the edge. Deborah slid over to Steve and in a whisper loud enough that we could all hear, said, “Steve I want you to do something you have always wanted to but never had the courage, that we have talked about as I sucked you and as you fucked me. I want you to suck Gary’s cock.”

Instantly, all eyes were on Deborah, then on Steve, then finally on me.

“I’m not sure…” I spoke. Then Jamie slid over to me and said “It’s ok. I want to see it too. I want your cock in his mouth.” Then she slid back into the water so her head was at the same level as my cock.

Steve was paralyzed. He never suspected Deborah would ask him to do this. But his condition also told me he had spoken of it and was not repulsed by it.

Deborah slid him off the lip and into the water. She led him to me. She put one hand on the back of his head and with the other she took hold of my cock and held it out for him.

She slowly pushed the two together.

“You have wanted this for so long. This is when it happens, now, tonight, with Jamie and me watching. Open your mouth, now.”

Steve’s çankaya escort eyes shifted briefly to Jamie, then Deborah. He closed his eyes then opened his mouth. Deborah slid my cock between his lips. “Now suck,” Deborah whispered.

I didn’t move as I felt his mouth slide over my cock. Debora’s hand on had firmed it up but as I gazed at the two mesmerized women and the guy I had just met sucking me for them I grew rock hard.

I was surprised. It felt just like a woman’s mouth except for the whiskers I could feel on my balls as he went deep. The sucking was good, but having two beautiful women inches from the action was hotter.

“Oh, fuck,” Jamie said. “I never thought this could be so hot.”

“Thought you’d like it, Jamie,” Deborah said, smiling.

“How did you know he would do this, especially with us here?”

“Simple. He does anything I want…anything. Don’t you, Stevie?” He nodded. “I knew it when we met. That was why I was able to get him to shave everything only two weeks after we met.”

Jamie looked up at me, “How does it feel? Good?”

“Kinda’ like a blowjob, only way nastier, and way more erotic with you two watching and discussing it so clinically.”

“Are you going to cum?” she asked.

“No” Deborah interrupted. “Since we have gone this far, let’s wait. We have so much ahead of us.”

With that, she pulled Steve’s head back, his mouth leaving strings of saliva between his lips and my cock, now as hard as I could remember. Deborah handed my cock to Jamie who gave the tip a little kiss and the underside a slow lick, as if reclaiming it.

“We are heading into the living room,” Deborah stated, seemingly assuming control. “Steven, after we dry off bring the towels. We won’t be needing them.”

Minutes later three of us were walking naked into the house, as if walking together nude was normal, while Jamie and I had no idea what Deborah had planned next.

Steve, of course, trailed behind, gathering up the towels.

When we entered Jamie’s living room, Deborah instructed Steve to place a couple of towels on the sofa then fetch everyone fresh glasses of wine. I of course sat in the middle of the couch anticipating being bookended by the two lovely, naked, women.

Deborah had other ideas.

“I want Jamie in the middle.” Jamie, puzzled, sat as Deborah snuggled up on her right and I on her left. With Jamie’s arms around the two of us she was somewhat pinned to the sofa.

Deborah’s fingers drifted from Jamie’s lips, down her neck, across her breasts then down to her hip and thigh. I watched, mesmerized.

“You have certainly held yourself together, Jamie. You are as lovely and firm as you were in college.”

Jamie, anxious and excited looked at me, began to respond, then stopped as Deborah’s lips descended to her neck and began a series of slow, gentle kisses on her neck.

Deborah reached for my hand and placed it on Jamie’s left breast, then she continued to caress Jamie, lips, breast, nipple, stomach, inside of thigh, then back up.

I followed. Jamie moaned and her legs inched slightly apart, her eyes closed.

Steve returned, a tray with glasses and his hairless cock still hard.

“Put the tray on the table there, Steve, then on your knees in front of Jamie,” Deborah said. Jamie opened her eyes as Steve knelt. “Show him your pussy”, Deborah whispered.

We all watched Jamie’s legs spread. She glistened, likely from her arousal, and her breathing deepened. She was the center of attention, and truly seemed to be reveling in our caresses and collective viewing of her spread lips.

“Eat her, Steve,” Deborah instructed, “Go slow. If she cums you will suffer”

Jamie slowly and deeply inhaled as Steve further spread her legs and lowered his mouth to her. As he engulfed her Jamie let out a deep, long, moan of excitement. Her eyes, which had been focused intently on Steve and her pussy, closed.

Deborah smiled at me, allowed her fingers to caress Jamie’s lips then slit two fingers into her mouth. Jamie allowed her to explore, then sucked on Deborah’s fingers. The two moist fingers then left Jamie’s mouth, traveled to her right nipple and began to first caress, then twist.

“Are you enjoying yourself, little one?” Deborah asked. She received an affirmative nod of the head.

“Do you want more?” eryaman escort Again, an affirmative nod.

“Good.” “Steven, lift Jamie’s legs and lick her ass.”

My wife’s eye’s opened. She looked at Deborah, then at me, questioning. “You wanted to see him suck my cock. Now we can all watch him lick your ass. You know you want it.” Her eyes closed, her legs spread further and her head lay back to savor the tongue snaking around her hole.

Deborah took my hand in hers, placed two of my fingers at the entrance to Jamie’s vagina and slowly slid them into the wet, steaming pussy. Her hand then slid under mine to find Jamie’s clit.

Jamie moaned again, then let out an “Oh, God” as the sensations began to overwhelm her. The three most sensitive places on her body were simultaneously being stroked. Her hips began to lift, rhythmically, as if humping the collective fingers and tongue. A familiar flush appeared on her chest. Her breathing deepened yet periodically gave a quick inhale as Steven penetrated her or Deborah squeezed her clit.

“Let her taste your fingers,” Deborah instructed me. I pulled my two fingers out of Jamie and slid them across her lips. She licked her lips and then they opened slightly. My fingers went in and while they explored her mouth, she sucked her nectar from them.

“Tasty?” Deborah asked. Jamie’s head nodded. Then, as my fingers returned to Jamie’s pussy, Deborah inquired,” Do you want to cum? Do you want to cum in front of all three of us?”

“Oh, God yes” Jamie replied. “I really want to cum.”

“Do you want us all to watch you?”

“Yes. Fuck yes,” Jamie said, as her hips rose into Steven’s tongue and our fingers.

Deborah brought her lips close to Jamie’s ear. “Well little one…not yet. You have to wait until you have permission.”

“I…can’t…wait! I really need it.”

“Well, little one, let me think. If I let you cum, to explode right here, in front of all of us, what will you do for me in return?”

“Oh, God…anything,” Jamie moaned as her body began to writhe on the couch.

“Anything? Ok. I want to fuck your boyfriend. I want to fuck Gary. And I want you to help.”

Jamie’s eyes opened to look at Deborah and at me. I looked up at Deborah, wondering if I had heard correctly. Deborah winked at me as I contemplated fucking her rocket body.

“Yes, I will help. I will watch. Just let me cum, please…please.”

The two women looked at each other, Jamie’s body writhing as her eyes pleaded for release. Deborah stared back, clinically, as a small smile emerged. She said nothing, savoring Jamie’s torment.

“Now, Jamie. Cum for us.”

I felt her hips rise from the edge of the sofa. Her body tensed, her flat stomach rippling as her body straightened. A guttural sound escaped her lips. I was sure Steven got his tongue ripped out by her clenching buttocks or he slipped it out of her ass ahead of time. I kept my fingers inside while Deborah kept up her massage of Jamie’s clit.

It went on and on, in waves, as Jamie would shift from deep panting to another round of clenching. Eventually the waves declined, her panting became continuous and her body relaxed. It was over.

Jamie’s eyes opened, she looked at me the Deborah as the woman slowly placed her lips on Jamie’s and they kissed. Then I kissed Jamie and asked if she was OK. She nodded affirmatively. She then looked at Deborah.

“Are ready to help me fuck your boyfriend?” she asked. Jamie again nodded affirmatively.

“Excellent. You and Steven get between his legs and get his cock harder than it has ever been, whatever it takes.”

I didn’t think it was possible to get harder after what I had just witnessed, but they went to work on me nonetheless. After Steven had sucked me in the hot tub, this didn’t seem quite so odd, but it still took some getting used to. I felt hands, fingers, lips, tongues all over my balls and cock, even a periodic trail down to my ass, which didn’t feel too bad. I kept watching until Deborah tilted my head back, kissed me, and began to tell me what our fucking would be like.

As good as the action on my crotch was, her words took things to the next level.

“I don’t just want to fuck you, Gary. I want to devour you. I want you to devour me. I can cum a hundred times, so I want you to fuck me where you choose, to eat my pussy and ass until I cum from each, to torture me then let me release. There will be nothing you have dreamed of I will not do to you, you just need to recover quickly after I let you cum because you will cum in my pussy, my mouth, on my tits and in my ass if you want to.”

“Are you ready?”

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Rahab Bk. 05 Ch. 03: The Plan

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Mel was perturbed.

‘Are you sure that your Great Council will, literally, buy into your plans, darling?’

She looked concerned.

‘Why? What have you heard?’ I asked.

‘Simply that some of the other Counsellors are saying that you have given that scoundrel Dogu too much.’

‘I gather so. I have spread the word that he will be bearing the lion’s share of the costs, and that should, I hope, at our discussions weigh in against the complaints; if the others want to pay more they can do so, of course.”

I knew Mel had a point. She listened a lot, and people tended to speak in her presence without quite realising how close she was to me. Ana was known to be my lover, and the religious bigots did not like it, but as I never flaunted it, they seemed to have come to terms with it; but the idea that I had another lover was so foreign to them that they missed the obvious fact that Mel was just that.

I asked Mel whether she had anyone in mind other than the Bashir clan, from whom there was nothing to expect except bad faith and conspiracy. She shook her pretty head. She was so beautiful I thought; how I wished we could live a private life away from this public gaze. But it was not possible. It was Ana who was able to nail what Mel had intuited.

She came to me, as usual, on Friday afternoon. We slipped into our usual habit, which was for me to bathe her.

There was something restful for us both in my assuming the role of her bath-girl. So I would help her off with her soiled garments and, having prepared a bath for her, I would strip and we would enter it, with me attending to her needs. The sensation of the water around my own nakedness as I took care of her cunt and breasts was delightful, and I loved the way in which the water both hid and exaggerated her nakedness, depending on what position we adopted.

She loved me to get behind her and play with her nipples with one hand, and her cunt with the other. I loved the slippery feel of it in the waters, and so, from her reactions, did she. As I nibbled her neck, my fingers would trace their path around her bud, strumming it, feeling her wetness, warm and thick, in contrast with that of the water that surrounded us. Then I would tweak her nipples, and, inserting two fingers into that warm, cloying wetness, use my thumb to massage her bud while finger-fucking her. Her gasps, and the feel of her bottom against me turned me on, and soon I was feeling as wet as she was.

Ana floated by pushing back against me, until, gripping her to me, we both floated. Together, in the warmth of the bath, it felt so good. I just wanted to stay there with her — always. With her head against my small breasts, I stroked her hair softly, whispering into her ear, telling her how loved she was and how precious she was to me. We floated etimesgut escort for what seemed ages, until the water began to cool. In the silence, only the gentle lapping of the waters and our breathing could be heard. If there is a Heaven, that is my vision of it; that perfect moment in time, frozen forever in my memory.

It was only the cooling of the water that made us stir from that place.

Towelling each other down caused a fresh erotic frisson, and this time, fired up as we were by our earlier dalliances, we made love. Her lips on mine, my body pressed into her as she lay on top of me, my legs apart as she pressed her knee against me. I wanted to slide down and lick her, but she was having none of it.

“No, Rahab, your needs matter to me, you are mine and I am taking you.”

With that thought making me tingle, I abandoned myself to her. Enveloped by her lust and love, I felt myself slipping away into that borderland where pleasure overwhelms one. As if by magic, my thighs tightened, my tummy rippled and I felt as though the world was slipping away. A voice screamed Ana’s name. It was mine. I was far above us, looking down on us. My world exploded. I struggled for breath, I felt so wet between my thighs that I could have been back in the bath. It did not stop. The ripples ran through me, and I felt as though I was lighter than air. I felt her hold me, anchoring me to herself, stopping me from floating far away.

As I recovered, still shaking, I looked at her.

“I love you Rahab,” she said, “and I want you to know that, in every way possible.”

Her smile energised me.

“Well, my Ana, the same is true for me with you.”

And so saying I found myself between her strong thighs, tasting her familiar juices, my tongue lapping, sucking, wanting and needing her. My hand gripped her backside, which was firm and lean; I wanted that too. My tongue licked her everywhere it could, and it was not just as though I could not get enough of her, I really could not get enough. I wanted her like the desert wants rain. And, taking her to our couch, we came together that night, and did not part.

The early dawn light brought me back to consciousness, and I noticed with a smile, that next to Ana, Mel was lying. That pleased me.

I grabbed my robe and a flask of pomegranate juice and went to the window. It looked out across to the sea. I thought of Istanbul and my Master the Sultan, and I wondered what he was doing. Going out onto the balcony in the morning chill, I shivered, and looked the other way towards the mountains where the early mist was being burnt off quickly. The day was rising. The time was coming. And then suddenly it was as though the sun was falling towards the earth. My heart skipped a beat.

Ana came onto the balcony.

“Rahab, otele gelen escort what is that?”

She pointed upwards. The sun was spinning out of control, shimmering as it plunged to the earth.

She held me, and I held her.

“It is time to act, Rahab, before the fall of the sun.”

“Did you …?” I started to say, but Ana nodded.

The sun had stabilised.

“It was the sign,” Ana said.

This time it was me who nodded.

The Council, which took place the following day was, as Mel had predicted, tense.

The Amirs had all been in favour of the operation, but had all supposed that “the Government,” would pay for it. When I pointed out that the money I had came from them, and that in order to do something on this scale, I would need more of that money, they bridled. That allowed me to say that I was sure they would appreciate Dogu’s offer to bear the brunt of the new costs — and understand he would need to be compensated from any revenues from the new territory. Their greed and whining had, as I had predicted, trapped them. If they wanted more, they would have to join Dogu. What they could not ask for was what they really wanted, more revenue for no contribution.

Dogu, primed by Mel, laid it on thick with how the costs would be heavy for his Emirate, and offered to share the revenues in return for a greater contribution; of course no such offer came. So it was agreed that after the celebration of the Paschal Mysteries, we would launch our operation against the old kingdom of Armenia.

Princess Damila and Mel were full of praise when we adjourned to my Chamber.

“You are, indeed, a fox my darling,” said the Princess, embracing me. “You play those greedy, vain and ambitious men like an oud, and what is more you do it without resorting to your feminine wiles.”

Mel laughed, as I did, and said:

“To be fair, Princess, our beloved little Vizier has had to learn to do it, lacking as the does, the obvious feminine wiles.”

I giggled, and they both laughed. It was good, I reflected to have lovers who were not in awe of my status. I was a fortunate woman. I had the love of my Ana, my very special one who made the stars shine for me, and also of my Mel, who stopped my getting gloomy, and was a light in the dark places. Our mutual love bound us together and made me better able to bear the tasks set on me.

Ana joined Mel and I that evening to plot out our campaign. I shocked them both by suggesting that I wanted to travel into the Armenian kingdom incognito, but Ana, after some badgering from me came up with a plan. The Armenian Emir had an uneasy relationship with the Bodyguard, but would be willing to receive a deputation from them, not least in the light of the rumours that I was about to invade kızılay escort the country. We agreed that I should accompany her as her secretary. Mel promised to show me what to do.

That lightened our mood, and Ana suggested that I should reward my new mentor, which was how I found myself between Mel’s welcoming thighs, tasting her delicious juices. As I licked her, I felt Ana’s hands on my backside, and a cool waft of air, as my drawers were taken down. Ana’s hands caressed my bottom as I began to tug on Mel’s outer lips, causing little moans to erupt from her. Her juices began to trickled down my chin. My tongue pressed her bud upwards as a prelude to taking it between my teeth and sucking firmly. She gripped my hair, pulling me into her, grinding her cunt into my face.

I felt myself pushed into Mel still further by pressure from Ana. Then it was my turn to moan. I felt my cunt lips part as she pushed something into me. I gasped almost as loud as Mel was as the insertion moved back and forth.

Concentrating on Mel, I licked faster as she made humping motions against my face, spreading her girl juices all over me, her hairs making my cheeks red as Ana thrust me more deeply into her. Then she came, suddenly, magnificently, flooding my face. I felt her juices dripping down onto my titlets, and licked her through her orgasm, cleaning her, as I thought. But the sensation of my being thrust into her by Ana, made her orgasm again.

“She does that so well, Mel,” I heard Ana say rejoicing.

“She is a good girl for us, Ana,” Mel replied.

With that, Ana withdrew and I felt two pairs of hands turn me over and carry me to the couch.

I looked up, and saw that Ana was wearing some sort of belt with a model of a cock attached. She was smiling.

“Who says a knowledge of Classical antiquity is all academic,” she smiled, “this we have from one of our new ladies who has come to us from Lesbos. I take it you liked it?”

Hanging, as I was, between them, my cunt on fire, I nodded greedily.

“Me next,” Mel volunteered.

“Our Rahab first,” Ana laughed. “We have to make sure she gets her share of the fun.”

Mel laughed.

Throwing me on the couch, Ana got between my thighs and fucked me lovingly. As she penetrated me, our breasts touched, and jolts of pleasure shot through me. I could see Mel attending to Ana’s backside. She Ana kissed and took me, Mel took care of her needs.

Her weight on me, the feel of her body, the sensation of her love, of her wanting to please me, and of Mel pleasing her all coursed through my frame like a tidal wave. My orgasm was so powerful that I lost consciousness for a brief moment. As I came round, Ana was having her orgasm, and I felt our juices join.

Mel laughed happily.

“Well it seems as though both my wives have joined me on pleasure’s island, so, ladies, let us explore the used of the lesbian tool.”

So it was that our new toy was named — and exercised. It was long into the night before we three, sated, sought the arms of Morpheus — and each other. It was the prelude to the drama to come.

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Killer B Ch. 04

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After swimming a few laps, Scott and I exited the pool and retired to a couple of chairs. Beryl was still lying on the cushion. We chatted about a number of different subjects as the afternoon passed. “Mind if I ask you a question?” I said “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“Ask away,” Beryl and Scott replied, almost in unison.

“So, how long have you two been enjoying the fruits of the flesh with each other and did it ever seem weird?” I asked before taking a sip of tea.

“That sounds like two questions,” Beryl smirked as she sat up. “But it’s all your fault,” she said laughing.

“My fault?” I sputtered, nearly spitting out my tea.

“Yes, remember when I told you Scott caught me in the cornfield watching you sunbathe?” Beryl said.

“Yeah,” Scott interrupted, “she had one hand on the binoculars and one down the front of her shorts. Sister or not, I’m a guy, and that sight made me hard as a rock. Before that, I’d never thought of her as a sex object. But right then and there, I realized what a fox she was.”

Beryl jumped back in. “Well, when he put his hand on me it shocked me so much I jumped back. When my butt hit his crotch I could feel his hard on. Anyway, at that point hormones took over. We were both so horny we needed some relief. So it just felt natural to help each other out, if you know what I mean,” Beryl said with a dazzling smile.

“Afterwards,” Scott said, “it did feel a bit strange realizing what we’d done. But the way I looked at it, sister or not, Beryl was just a hot chick I had a chance to bone. If she wasn’t my sister, she’d be a girl I’d try to get in bed anyway because she looks so damn hot.”

“Same here,” Beryl responded. “Scott’s the type of guy I’d be after in a heartbeat. Just because he’s my brother shouldn’t change things. I mean, I know what society thinks about that kind of stuff, but the way I look at it is I have a hot guy living in the same house as me so let’s take advantage of it.”

“Yes,” Scott laughed. “It is convenient, although not so much when Mom and Dad are around.”

“So,” I asked, “does anybody else know about you two besides me? Cody? Scott’s girlfriend? Your friends?”

“No,” Beryl replied. “Again, with the society outlook and especially in a small town, we didn’t feel we could trust anybody to keep it a quiet. keçiören escort People seem to like to talk around here whether they know what they’re saying is true or not.”

“Yeah,” Scott agreed. “I’m not sure how my girlfriend, Payton, would handle it. Although she can be pretty wild!” he grinned.

“Yeah,” Beryl chimed in. “Cody knows I’ve played with others and I think that idea excites him. He really got off on having sex while we were watching you sunbathe. But I don’t know how he’d feel about Scott and me, though.”

“Well,” I suggested, “maybe you should introduce that idea next time you’re playing with them. Tell them you had a dream about it and see how they react. I’m pretty sure you’ll find out rather quickly if they’re grossed out or intrigued by the idea. If they show an interest, just keep embellishing the dream and see where they’d draw the line. If they’re all in, maybe schedule a double date or something like a game of Truth or Dare where the talk gets around to sex and see if the hormones take over.”

“Hmmm,” Scott mused, “that might be interesting. Last time Payton did the reverse cowgirl position I was stroking her clit and telling her to imagine my fingers were someone else’s tongue and she had a huge orgasm. But going from fantasy to reality is a big step.”

“True,” I replied, “but if they are receptive just keep revisiting and ramping up the details and they might eventually want to try it. Emphasize that it’s just recreational sex. It’s not like you’re going to leave them for the other person. Some people have hobbies like golf or gardening or fishing. Your hobby is recreational sex where people try different things and everybody goes home happy. Besides, how are you going to find out if you like something or not if you just dismiss it out of hand? When I was young the idea of being bisexual didn’t appeal to me in the least. But as I got older and more comfortable with my sexuality, I got to the point where I wondered what I might be missing so I tried it out. I enjoyed it so much I was kicking myself for not trying it earlier. Of course, it helped that I wasn’t pressured into it. The couple I was playing with just suggested I try it then decide. The husband’s description of his first time sounded interesting so I gave it a shot. Talk about a different sensation. etlik escort They got me hooked on it”

“Well, we’ll certainly have to at least introduce the concept,” Beryl replied.

“Anybody hungry?” I asked. “I’ll throw some burgers on the grill.”

“That sounds great!” said Scott.

“There’s chips and carrots, too” I added. “Drinks and condiments are in the fridge.” I fired up the grill. Scott grabbed the carrots and drinks from the fridge. Beryl pulled the chips and paper plates from the pantry. We sat around naked eating dinner and talking about relationships as the sun set. Just being in the presence of their young, naked, beautiful bodies was intoxicating to me. The night air grew cooler. “Should we continue this conversation in the hot tub?” I asked.

“That sounds like a great idea!” Beryl responded.

We eased into the spa and I turned on the jets. “I’ve heard some women can get off just from the jets,” I said.

“Well,since I’m the only woman here, I guess I’ll have to test that theory,” Beryl giggled adjusting her body in the spa. “Oooohhhh, that does feel nice,” she sighed as she laid her head back and closed her eyes. “Mmmmmm.” Scott and I watched as her face registered her building pleasure. “We’ve got to get one of these, bro,” she sighed. The fluttering of her eyelids portended her approaching orgasm. “Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes. Here it comes, HERE IT COMES! OH MY GOD!” she cried out as her body spasmed then went limp. I slipped an arm around her and pulled her to my lap. Her display had resulted in two very hard cocks. With little effort, my cock split her cunt lips and entered her tight, wet pussy. Beryl’s eyes opened and she smiled, her dazzling white teeth lighting up the gloom. She tilted her head back and our lips met as we passionately kissed. Carefully, I repositioned our bodies until I felt one of the jets massaging her clit. She gasped. Then, while I pulled and tweaked her perfect tiny tits, I slowly began fucking that beautiful, bald pussy. Her eyes closed as she groaned in pleasure. Meanwhile, Scott had stood up and moved towards us, his cock inches from her lips. Beryl opened her eyes and, with a big smile, hungrily sucked his shaft into her lovely mouth. The three of us found a rhythm and bathed in the sensations of pleasure sweeping through us. Scott began rus escort humping her mouth more insistently as he neared the edge. With a grunt, he emptied his load into Beryl’s mouth. Then, he staggered back and sat with a splash.

Beryl turned her face toward mine with a smile, then feverishly began kissing me, sharing Scott’s load. Meanwhile, my hands had moved to her slender hips and were effortlessly lifting her weightless body up then slamming it down on my cock. “My God, I love the way you’re fucking me,” she whispered. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, mmmmmmmm, yesss, yesssss, yesssssssssssss,” she hissed. Her body was beginning to tremble as I too felt the impending end. “Oh God, oh God, oh, God,OH GODDDDD,” she shouted. “NOWWWWWWWWWWWW, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” she wailed as she grew incoherent. Her body jerked violently as her orgasm crashed through her lithe body. Feeling her pussy clench I spurted jet after jet of hot cum deep into her as I pulled her sweet body down on my shaft. I could feel the aftershocks of her orgasm ripple through her body and felt the clenching and unclenching of her pussy as her limp body lay in my lap, her head resting back on my shoulder, her eyes closed as soft moans came with every breath, eventually trailing off to just the sound of her breathing.

After many long minutes during which the only sounds were our ragged breathing and the chirping of the crickets, her eyes fluttered open and she began to stir, a smile playing across her face. “I know I’ll sleep well tonight,” she giggled.

“I think we all will,” I replied. “Good thing tomorrow is a day of rest.”

“You’re resting tomorrow?” Beryl pouted.

“I think he means tomorrow he’ll give us the rest,” Scott laughed.

“If you two are too scared to spend the night alone in your house while your parents are away, I will graciously offer you shelter,” I winked.

“We should accept that offer, sis,” Scott responded. “We don’t know how many dirty old men are out there waiting to take advantage of us.”

“Yeah,” Beryl replied, “better to stay with the dirty old man we know than chance it,” she laughed.

“What you should know,” I said, “is that the only bed in the house is my king size bed.”

“Well,” Scott replied, “if we’re imposing on your hospitality, I guess we have to accept what Is offered without complaint.”

“Sounds good to me,” Beryl giggled. “Besides, I’ve always wanted breakfast in bed,” she winked.

Oh boy, I thought, will anyone get any sleep tonight? But more importantly, will I be able to keep up with these two insatiable sex machines? Oh to be young again!

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Long Walk Home

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Having finally come to terms with the fact that I was a full-blown exhibitionist, I found my self constantly fantasizing of new and different ways to explore my fetish. I found all kinds of websites where people would share and discuss their own exhibitionist tales or fantasies with each other under complete anonymity. These would range from simple flashing stories or accidental exposure incidents to full blown public nudity. These were the ones that caught my attention the most.

One night while searching through various blogs I came across a link to a website I hadn’t seen before. The site was called ‘The Exhibitionist Dare Page’, and it gave users the opportunity to give each other various dares or challenges to perform.

I spent hours reading through the existing posts, thrilled by the creativity of the different users. There were hundreds of different dares covering l different scenarios, but there was one that I kept coming back to. The post was titled ‘The Charity Bin Dare’.

“This dare is a simple one,” the post read, “but can be made more challenging depending on how far you are prepared to take it. Quite simply, you must find the nearest charity bin to your home. The large metal dumpster kind for clothing donations. The object of the dare is to place all of your clothing into the bin leaving you naked. There are escalating levels to this dare and you may choose how difficult you want it to be. Each level builds on the one before it. They are as follows.”

Level 1: Park close to bin, undress in the car and quickly dash out to the bin and throw your clothes in.

Level 2: You must park at least 50 metres from the bin.

Level 3: You must get undressed at the bin before walking back to the car. (No running!)

Level 4: You must get undressed one item at a time, throwing it into the bin before you can take off the next item.

Level 5: Once completely naked you must stay by the bin for a full 30 seconds (Optional challenge – Do jumping-jacks or a handstand).

Level 6: You must walk home.

It was the final level that had me returning to this post over and over again. I could not shake from my mind the incredible idea of walking home naked. In all of my exhibitionist experiences so far, no matter how out of hand things had seemed, I always had access to my clothes or car nearby leaving me with a safety net of sorts.

The post however, did not finish at level 6. There was one final option.

Level 7: For those who are unable to make a decision, you may roll a dice. If the dice lands on an odd number, you must perform Level 1. If it lands on an even number, you must perform Level 6!

I knew deep down that this was my only option. I didn’t trust my self not to chicken out and pick an easy option so I decided to let luck decide. I found a single die in an old board game and after a moment of hesitation, I rolled it across my desk. It took me a moment to gather enough courage to look at the face of dice. I could feel my heart pounding in my throat as I lifted my eyes up towards where it lay. There looking back at me were six small white dots facing upwards. I felt excitement and arousal course through my body as I realised that my fate was now sealed.

The nearest charity bin that I knew of was about a 15-minute walk away, at the back end of an open-air car park behind the local shopping area. I decided that if I were going to complete the dare to the letter, I’d have to wait until the late hours of the night to even have the slightest chance of pulling it off.

I spent that evening anxiously watching the clock, waiting for minutes then hours to pass as I anticipated what lay before me. Dressed in a pair of shorts, t-shirt and some old running shoes I waited until the clock showed 2.30am before slipping out the back door. It was a warm night, but the anticipation of what lay ahead had me covered in goosebumps. The streets were empty and in the part of town that I lived in there weren’t many street lights so my chances of being seen were relatively slim, especially given that it was past 2am on a weeknight. Still, despite the lack of lighting, there was also a distinct lack of places to hide along the street. If I did encounter anyone on my walk back I would have a hard time hiding myself.

Eventually I came upon the rear entrance to the car park. The dim lighting of about 4 separate light posts didn’t offer much illumination, but I could still make out the line of charity collection bins across the far end of the lot. Starting to tremble now, I slowly made my way across the car park. There was only a single car parked about halfway across the lot and I made sure to check inside to confirm that it was empty. It looked like I had the whole place to myself.

Now standing in front of the wall of dumpsters I took a moment to let the reality of my situation sink in. The dumpsters had a similar design to that of a post box. You had to pull a chute forward, load it up and then close it, dropping everything into the cavernous bin. Once inside, sincan escort there was no way to access the bin without a key. No turning back. I would be stuck in the middle of a car park in my neighbourhood stark naked.

Slowly peeling off my shirt, I felt the warm night air across my bare chest. Wanting to follow the dare step by step, I turned to the bin and pulled down on the chute handle. I was immediately greeted by the ear-piercing screech of metal on metal. I froze on the spot, hyper alert, waiting to hear the sound of footsteps or see the glow of a light switching on in a nearby house. After a full minute of standing dead still I figured that I was safe, but not wanting to push my luck I decided to throw everything in one go.

Trembling more than before, I quickly kicked off my shoes, threw them into the chute, took a deep breath, and in one quick motion pulled my pants down to my ankles and stepped out. Panic and doubt coursing through my body, I quickly loaded my remaining clothes into the chute, then slowly and quietly pushed the lid back into place. With a soft, muffled thud, I heard the pile slide its way into the depths of the bin. I was butt naked, standing in a car park with nothing to cover myself.

The warm night air was dancing across my pale body. I looked down at my bare feet on the grimy car park road, tracing my gaze up past my trembling legs to my small, hairless cock and balls. If anyone were to come along now, they would have a clear and unobstructed view of my naked body, shaking and defenseless in this dirty car park.

I let my mind wonder and began to imagine the car park as I had seen it so many times in the daylight, full of cars and packed with people coming and going as they ran their daily errands. I lived in a fairly wealthy part of town, and I wondered how these people would react to seeing a skinny, pale twenty-something strutting around naked in the middle of the road. Would they shout at me? Call the police? Try to offer me clothes? Or just stand and laugh at my embarrassment and my tiny cock? The idea of this sent another wave of excitement and arousal through my body. I could feel my little cock starting to get hard. The thought of complete strangers being able to see every part of my body unclothed has always been my greatest fantasy.

Well, they wouldn’t have seen everything, I thought to myself. Not if I’m just standing face on. In order to complete my humiliation I would need to truly expose myself. Still picturing in my mind a car park full of people, I turned so my back was facing the lot, bent at the waist and pulled my ass cheeks apart. Straight away I felt the foreign sensation of the warm night’s breeze caressing my puckered anus. Gripping harder, I pulled my cheeks further apart until my asshole was completely exposed to the car park, and the dozens of imagined shoppers crowded there. I felt more naked than I had ever felt in my life, wantonly exposing myself to the night. If anyone were to walk past the entrance to the car park they would have a clear view of my sordid display.

I held this pose for thirty seconds, counting each silently in my head feeling the excitement build inside me. I found myself hoping that someone would walk in to the car park and find me displaying myself like this. When I reached thirty, I stopped and turned back around. The parking lot was unchanged, empty but for the single car in the middle.

I turned to face the exit and began my walk home. The rough gravel road was cutting into my bare feet but I didn’t mind the pain, each step I took just served to remind me how naked I was. More confident now, I felt sure that there was no likelihood of me running into anyone on my walk home. I straightened my back, squared my shoulders and turned the corner onto the street. I felt empowered walking down the pavement of my neighbourhood, proudly exposing my naked body. I began to imagine the street in the daylight, dotted with joggers and locals walking to the shops. I imagined how they would react to seeing me casually walking along their street, my little naked cock bouncing up and down with each step.

I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear the car until it was too late. As it rounded the corner its headlights swung across the pathway in a wide arch, briefly illuminating my pale body. I froze on the spot, terror and arousal tearing through my body. My mind had gone completely blank and I found myself paralysed, my feet cemented to the ground. As the car lined itself up with the street and began moving forward I started praying that maybe they hadn’t noticed me. But my hopes were instantly dashed as the black sedan pulled up to a stop alongside me.

There was a tense moment where I thought that maybe they would drive away. The car was a new model BMW, expensive and sleek. With the windows up I could hear the muffled pounding of heavy bass music vibrating the vehicle. Suddenly the music stopped, and the front passenger window slid smoothly down. Whilst it had been too dark çankaya escort to see through the glass a moment before, I could now see the two occupants of the front seats illuminated by the interior light. They looked to be a couple of years older than me, late twenties at the most, both dressed in designer street wear, flat caps, typical ‘suburban gangster’ type clothing. They were the kind of guys I would silently judge when I passed them in the street or pulled up next to them at the lights. But tonight I was in no position to be passing judgement.

The shorter of the two was sitting in the passenger seat and turned to the driver. “Holy shit, he is naked. What the fuck?” he said to him before turning back to me. “Oi! What the fuck are you doing walking around naked for?” he yelled to me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was lost for words. The lump in my throat felt like a fist squeezing my windpipe. The shorter of the two turned back again, this time facing the back seat. I heard him say, “Are you seeing this shit Mike?” Apparently there was a third person in the car.

I heard the driver pull the handbrakes and then dim the headlights. One by one each of the guys in the car opened their door and stepped out. The third passenger, Mike, looked a little younger than the other two, closer to my age, and he was staring me up and down with an appraising look that both terrified and excited me.

They walked over and formed a rough semi-circle around me. With my back to the garden wall of the house behind me I stayed rooted to the spot. No escaping now. The shorter one took a step closer to me and in a menacing voice said, “I asked you a question mate. What the fuck are you doing naked and alone on a dark street?”

I painfully swallowed, trying to calm myself before responding. Despite my best efforts, the voice that escaped my mouth sounded meek and pathetic. “I…I lost a bet…had to walk…home…” my voice trailed off, the lump in my throat returning.

“So where are you clothes then boy?” he demanded, taking another step towards me and staring down at my limp hairless cock.

“I…I don’t…they’re gone…Sir,” I replied, the last word escaping my mouth before I could stop it. These guys were my age, why on earth was I calling him sir? The three of them laughed derisively at me before the shorter one turned to the other two and said “Sir? Well at least the little bitch knows his place.” He turned back to me, casting his gaze across my body from head to toe, lingering for a moment at my little cock which, despite the warm night air, had shriveled to a pathetic two inches.

“You’re not packing much are you mate?” he asked with a smirk. Without waiting for a reply he continued, “Well we can’t have you walking around the streets like a naked little slut now can we? We don’t know what kind of trouble you’d get yourself into. I think it’s only fair that we do the right thing and drive you home. What do you say Mike?” Mike silently nodded his approval all the while staring into my eyes sneering.

The tallest of the three took a step forward holding up his hand. “Now hang on a second,” he said, “I can’t have his naked little ass grinding on my back seat. We need to check he’s clean first.” Without another word he walked around behind me. I was still frozen to the spot and before I could react I felt his strong hands gripping me behind the knees. In one swift motion he lifted me into the air so that I was stuck in an awkward seated position, my back pressed to his chest and my legs bent at the knees supported by his hands. “Mike, would you do the honours?” he asked, laughing.

As he said this he pulled my legs apart so I was now obscenely on display. My hands were gripping the sides of his arms to so I didn’t fall sideways which gave me no chance to cover myself. I could feel my ass cheeks pulled apart as he spread my legs and could only imagine how the view would look like from below.

Mike stepped forward, leering at my exposed body, and at the same time pulled his phone from his pocket and turned on the torch. Crouching down in front of me he shone the light upwards directing it squarely at my puckered asshole. I felt blood rush to my face as the embarrassment of the situation hit me. I suddenly got another shock as I felt the rough caress of Mike’s fingers sliding across my smooth skin. He dragged his fingertips across my inner thighs moving towards my crotch. Briefly sliding them across the smooth skin of my ball sack he continued across my taint and slowly circled my anus.

“He’s clean alright,” came Mike’s voice, breaking my trance. “Not a hair or speck of dirt in sight. And he’s liking it by the looks of it.” The shorter of the two laughed cruelly at this last comment. I looked down and with a wave of shame realised that I was now completely hard. Although only a couple of inches at its longest, my cock was now pointing straight up and I could see the telltale glisten of precum leaking from the tip.

Mike joined eryaman escort in the laughter. “Better get him in the car before he makes a mess of himself then,” he said, turning back to the car and opening the rear door. The one holding me lurched forward, effortlessly carrying me towards the back seat. Before I could say a single word of protest he had dumped me into the car and closed the door. The three of them then returned to their seats, slammed their doors and started the ignition.

“Hang on a minute,” said the tallest one, now back in the driver’s seat, “We’re forgetting something. Nobody gets a free ride, and I’m guessing our new friend here doesn’t have any cash on him.”

The two in the front turned to look at me, waiting for my reply. I looked over at Mike, unsure of what to say. Then I looked down. Mike had dropped his pants down past his knees and his throbbing cock was standing straight up. Already rock hard, it looked at least 10 inches from base to tip and about as thick as a can of deodorant. My heart was racing as I sat there staring at it, imagining the taste and feel of it. I realised my mouth was hanging open and quickly closed it and looked back to the front.

“Well,” said the tall one, “I think you get the idea. You take care of our buddy back there, and we’ll take care of you. You don’t get dropped off until you’ve finished, so we might need to take a little detour.”

They could clearly tell how excited I was and knew I wasn’t going to make an objections. Silently nodding, I turned back to Mike as they slid the car into gear and started down the street. The space in the backseat seemed much smaller than it had from the outside of the car. I awkwardly shuffled onto all fours positioning my face near Mike’s crotch and my ass facing the door. In this cramped space I had to arch my back to fit down which caused my ass to stick up in the air, my cheeks parted, giving anyone who looked through the window a clear view of my asshole and balls hanging beneath it. I wondered to myself where they would be driving. If we went onto the main roads we were almost guaranteed to pass other cars, even this late at night.

I turned my attention to the job at hand. Mike’s enormous cock was swaying slightly, inches from my face. He placed a hand on top of my head as if to signal that I should start. I leant forward, running my face along the length of his shaft, savouring the musky smell and the feel of his skin on mine. Sliding back down, I stretched out my tongue and traced it along his balls. He was shaved completely smooth around his sack and the base of his cock, but the rest of his crotch was neatly trimmed. I could feel the sharp bristles scraping at my face as I ran my tongue over ever inch of his sack.

Mike let out a sigh and slid further down in his chair, pushing his legs wider apart to give me easier access. I leant further forward, my ass sticking further up, and took both of his balls into my mouth. I started to slowly suck on them, feeling them roll slightly in my mouth, my tongue pushing and pulling them. Opening my mouth wider, I took them completely into my mouth. From this angle I could suck them both while letting my tongue slide out underneath and lick at his taint. The taste of his sweat and musky balls was intoxicating.

Letting them both slide out of my mouth, I turned my attention to his cock. Tracing the tip of my tongue from the base to the tip and working my way back down again; I slowly teased him, feeling him tense up overtime I came close to the end. Finally lining up my lips with the tip of his cock, I wrapped them around the head and sucked the precum into my mouth. Mike gave a shudder and moan and I felt the hand on top of my head push slightly down. Opening my mouth and lining it up with his cock, I was about to slowly slide my lips down when the car took a sudden corner. I was lurched forward, mouth open, as the entire length of Mike’s cock was crammed suddenly down my throat.

“Oh, fuck yes!” he moaned as he gripped my hair forcing my face down. I held my breath for as long as I could before starting to push against the seat of the car, trying to pull Mike’s cock from my throat. He held me for a few more seconds before letting go. I pushed up with a gasp of air, saliva trailing from my mouth to his tip. I only had a second to catch my breath before I was pushed back down again. This time however, Mike didn’t hold my face down, instead pushing and pulling my hair until I fell into a rhythm, my head bobbing up and down along his shaft. When he was satisfied with my pace he eased his hand from my head and leant back in his seat. I kept bobbing up and down, eagerly taking the length of his shaft down my throat, sucking on the tip of his cock every time I pulled it from my mouth.

I was so lost in the rhythm of this that I hadn’t noticed that the lights overhead had grown stronger. We had clearly left the suburban back streets and pulled onto the main road where the street lights were bright and abundant. I found myself hoping that maybe someone out driving would pull up alongside our car and see my shameless display. I didn’t have to wait too long. I felt the car slide to a stop as we pulled up at a traffic light. The two in the front started laughing as I heard the driver say, “Looks like we’ve got company.”

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Rachel Seduces Sarah…

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Big Tits

Rachel Seduces Sarah, Who Seduces Her Brother

* * * * *

Rachel arrived in Paris. She had committed herself to work at a shelter for orphaned immigrant children and she was looking forward to helping those children.

Rachel checked into the opulent Sheraton Hotel near the Eiffel Tower, knowing this would be her last fun expenditure for the next year.

A beautiful, hotel worker carded her hotel room. Her name was Sarah and she was the sexiest thing Rachel had ever set her eyes on. “Is that all madam”, Sarah said in a pussy licking accent, that made Rachel begin to drip, to pour out her wetness.

“I should just tell her,” Rachel thought. “Fuck it. I’m sick of my bashfulness.”

“I want to make love to you,” Rachel said, launching into the greatest sexual risk she had ever taken.

“Yes Madam. I would like to fuck you. You have $100 U.S.?”, a strange question Rachel thought for a hotel like this. “Why yes”, and she searched through her pocket book.

Rachel looked so seductive to Sarah, who had seen and made love to a dozen women since her 16th birthday, and first day at the Sheraton. Today was her 18th birthday, and she would make it a good one. Today she would explore Rachel’s body and uncover the mysteries of her cunt, her ass, and her mouth.

Sarah leaned forward and unabashedly kissed Rachel’s ear. She whispered to her, “I am inside of you, now. Feel my tongue in you.”

Rachel leaned back against the bed. She collapsed onto it and simultaneously passed Sarah the $100. Sarah plucked the $100 out of her hand, and dropped it into her apron.

“I am finished for the day. I have no plans until tonight”, Sarah said. “It is my birthday.”

Rachel was melting, melting, into a puddle hearing this French nymph’s manipulation of English through a filter of the most sexy, childlike accent she had ever heard.

Her words were fucking her pussy. Sarah’s tongue, teeth, pallet – all those things in her mouth that formed a word, were ravaging Rachel. She felt as though sentences were pumping her swollen lips, and grammar and punctuation were sucking on her little but might clit.

Sarah called the front desk and told them that she was done for the day. A short but evident conversation in French followed. I caught a couple of words I had learned from a La Belle song in the seventies – voule vuquu che avec….. .something about sleeping with me!

The front deskman, Richard, knew Sarah well. $50 would be his after a pretty much effortless task. Richard dug into his locker and pulled out a bag that looked custom made. It was hard on the outside and would easily be protected by a gunshot, or the damage caused by being sucked out of an airplane at 30,000 feet.

Richard headed over to the elevator and pressed 27 – floor 27. The elevator started to rise and Richard began to remember the first time he had made love to Sarah. They had started here on the same day, only two years ago.

Their parents has spotted an advertisement in La Press looking for hotel workers and the next day Sarah began her job as assistant hotel hospitality associate, and Richard, her older brother by two years, became the front desk clerk.

It was the perfect setup. Like every other hotel, there were always vacancies and Sarah and Richard would sneak off to one of the presidential suites, and smoke a joint and watch porno.

After a while Richard began to watch Sarah instead of the TV. After a few minutes of every movie, especially the lesbian ones, she would start rubbing her crotch, and pulling up her dress. Her breathing grew heavier and heavier, and so did mine.

Sarah had no inhibitions, ever. She was lying in front of her brother and her finger was deeply impaled inside of her cunt. She had two fingers inside her now, and she was attacking her clit with strokes, pulls and rubs — I was afraid she’d yank it right off.

I sat and watched and my penis pushed against my pants. She had three fingers inside her and she looked at me. Shit. I’m dying. Her eyes made me melt.

Richard, I want you to put your finger in my ass. My head blew off my shoulders. “Her ass”, I thought. Why couldn’t I stick it in her mouth,”

Richard moved over because she was a South Pole magnet and he had become the North Pole. She raised her legs into the air and he smelled her juices and saw her lips, imploding and exploding from her fingering.

He was dying. Do you know what it is mecidiyeköy escort for an 18-year-old guy, watching a 16-year-old beauty masturbating? Do you have any idea what it is like to watch your sister, who you love deeply, and have always been seduced by, frigging herself?

This was greater than my Bar Mitzvah!!

The young man, with deep, dark brown eyes,and jet black long hair, moved forward because he trusted her. He jelled his middle finger with KY and found her hole. Slowly but deliberately, unlike the actions of an 18 year-old, Richard pushed his finger up into her ass.

Sarah was passing out. And coming back to life. She was crying, laughing and yelling and whispering like an absolute madwoman, like a fox or a wolf or a coyote. Her cunt was dripping out of control and a shower of juices rained out from inside of his sister.

I could barely keep my finger lodged in her ass. She stood up while all this was going on, her back to me – and I stayed with her. She began to sway back and forth. Slowly, Sarah leaned against the wall and bent over.

She looked back, as far as she could and said, “Richard put your cock in my ass.”

“There is a God. There is a God,” Richard said aloud. He wished his friends could be here with him.

His cock was at her entrance. She was bucking.

His cock was an inch inside of her, she was wild.

His cock was pushing deeper and deeper and deeper and he was 2 inches inside of her and her nails were destroying the wallpaper.

He felt her wetness and moved deeper. He made love to his sister and he was making love to her like he had never made love to anyone’s sister.

Richard was now four inches, five inches inside of Sarah’s ass and he had three more inches to go. His balls were tight.

Sarah pushed back onto her brother’s cock. She pushed the other three inches inside of her and was now filled up with her brother’s cock. He moved. He stopped. He fucked her and he would stop.

He started to move quickly and Sarah was cooing. He moved quicker and shoved it deeply inside of her thing.

“Richard faster, faster, deeper, harder, harder baby. I love you brother.”

He did. He lived up to it. He was making love to his little sister and watching her breasts sway and watching her silky black hair hang to the side of her head, with a sexiness of a passionate porn star.

Her feet made him harder. Her fingers made him want to cum. Her belly, her ass, her birthmarks and her scar from the fight she had with Boo Boo Barker when she was only five, and didn’t take shit from anyone – even then.

“Oh fuck me. FUCK ME, RICHARD. FUCK ME, “Sarah yelled. Banking from the walls and the ceiling were coming from all over. The guest in adjacent rooms were cheering them on. Her telephone began to ring and she grabbed it.

“Go, Sarah. Go”, shouted Marie at the front desk.

This was an exhibition that everyone was waiting for. They were all part of it and the brother and sister were celebrating life.

Richard could feel it coming. He was about to cum and so was Sarah. He told her, like a little boy, he was going to cum. A little boy who loved the bike his mom brought him. He was safe and protected by his sis, and this was fun, safe sex.

She said, “okay”….”go Richard”…..”Me too”.

Together the poor children from an awful part of town came. Together, in the greatest hotel in Europe, with friends all around them, they began to cum and cum and cum like the openings of the heaven during the greatest rainstorm you can remember.

Her juices flowed out of her pussy, down her legs and they were combined with the ooey gooey cum of her brother, rolling to the floor.

His eyes were lost in the back of his head, and her ass was raw and red. He slapped her cheeks and she moaned and yelled. The girl in the telephone was jacking off and the folks next door had stopped to do the same.

She came more and more and didn’t seem like she would ever stop. Richard was lost in an ethereal realm and time was gone, and space had disintegrated.

But still deep in his mind, he thought, “God, I wish my friends were here.” Boys will be boys.

10 minutes had passed and Sarah and Richard finally stopped cumming. The girl on the phone and had three orgasms, and cum was seeping through the walls from the guest’s fucking and jerking.

The elevator arrived at the right floor. Richard handed Sarah the bag. She kissed taksim escort him and told him that she was so thankful that God had placed the two of them together, in one family, from the same loins. Sarah was wild like that. In the middle of the day, she would say philosophical things, or stuff that most people only hear at their wedding or read in their own obituary.

“Do you believe in God,” was one question she asked me during a boxing match we went to.

“Have you ever thought about fucking Dad”, was another she asked me at synagogue on Yom Kipper.

“You know I once tried to kill myself,” she told me while we were walking down the aisle, at my cousin Franny’s wedding.

I learned to accept it and celebrate it, because know one else I had ever met had been so connected to heaven, on this earth.

Richard headed back down the elevator. A Lions Club member asked him for directions to the local Home Show.

Rachel couldn’t believe this was happening. Sarah had stripped her of her clothes and was rubbing oils all over her body. She watched as Sarah’s long nails, masked in red nail polish rubbed the Japanese lotions, burny, into her nipples.

She stared longingly as Sarah’s hands, together, rubbed lower on her body, and eventually arrived at her feet. Rachel had never, ever had some suck her toes and Sarah was, like they were fugicles.

She sucked the little one and moved to the next one, but sucked them both together. Her soft hands rubbed my other foot and massaged up until my knee and came back down to press skillfully into the arch of my foot.

Her mouth had sucked in all my toes and my feet were full of her saliva. T feeling of unbelievable happiness, and sexiness was running up and down my spine and feet, with no stop in sight.

I moved my hand down to my pussy and started to masturbate. My back arched and Sarah sucked harder. One of my fingers was inside of me, and then two, as I playfully squeezed and pinched my clit.

I had never been this hot and Sarah knew it. She was so aware of my every reaction and every sound, and she licked and sucked my toes and she bathed in the brilliance of the moment herself.

I could see that her other hand was now making love to herself.

The smells in the room had become fantastic. The smells of love were everywhere. My orgasm was here and Sarah deep throated my food. It was deep inside of her, like a cock hitting her tonsils.

I was cumming and I was close to death. My cunt had burst and I began to cry with joy. Her tongue found parts of my toes that were like dozens of little clits…my hands were soaked and Sarah knew when to stop. Oh god. Please think about your best orgasm, right now. That was mine. remember. Remember. think. Close your eyes and think.

I had experienced my greatest orgasm ever and my body was stretching and yawning in the sexiest fashion – making Sarah aware of my love for her.

The hotel employee opened the box. Inside it looked like a rifle case from Dirty Harry, but indeed the attachable pieces were not from M-16 or an AK47, but from the most creative vibrato collections I had ever seen.

It had double Heads, single heads, 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, 12 inches, 14 inch attachment, an anal probe, electic, vibrating balls…. my god, it was the proverbial Sax 5th Avenue of Sexual toys.

Sarah lay my head back on the pillow and kissed me ever so slightly on my lips. “I love you too,” she whispered in my ears.

“Mon ami. I love you,” someone said.

Once again, she poured lotions and oils on my body, holding the bottle a few inches in the air. They dripped between my breasts, and down to my lips. The feeling was overwhelming and I felt my body begin to shake with excitement.

My eyes were shut; I heard a buzzing and I opened them to find the vibrator operational. Four or five heads were operating at the same time, extending from one single base.

Some how, the vibrator would enter me every which way conceivable. Sarah brought the machine down between my legs.

Methodically she took the double-sided dildo and brought one side to the opening of my vagina. It was the jelly type I loved, with a nice think head and enough length to fuck me with a good seven inches. I knew where the other side was going.

After that, Sarah adjusted the anal probe and lifted my legs up into the air. With one very poetic thrust the dildo and anal probe found their marks. neither of beşiktaş escort them were humming yet but they were lathered with KY, and she began to push.

I grunted like an animal as the anal probe (a.p) pushed into my ass and as Sarah turned up the spped. It was the deepest, grunt I had ever heard from my lips and the feeling inside of my ass was everything I had wanted.

Together the dildo and the anal probe pushed. I watched this incredible contraption as a little spinning wheel popped out from the base, which was exactly adjacent with my clit. It was, what seemed a spinning wheel of feathers, and velvet and as it touched my clit, I felt faint.

The greatest part was that very warm water and oils flowed out of the base. They entered me, with the dildo and a.p and clit wheel.

Sarah swung her legs up over my head so that her pussy was directly over my lips. Slowly she lowered them onto my mouth and I, for the very first time, tasted a cunt.

I swore that this was heaven, and was convinced an angel had come by to swoop me up. Maybe I was in an accident and I’m unconscious.

I was adventurous with Sarah’s lips and was playful when I found her clit. I latched onto it like it was a chocolate Popsicle and then entertained myself by putting, one, two, three fingers inside of her.

She was leaping up and down and this only helped my movement. My mind would go in and out of her, and then back to me.

I continued to suck her, but did so perfunctorily, so I could go back down to my middle. The machine was working a miracle.

Inside of me, flowing into my every whole was the greatest sensations one could imagine. My ass was so full with the a.p. and I swear, it touched the dildo inside of my pussy.

Sarah swung around again, professionally took the other side of the dildo and eased inside of her cunt.

She reached down to control my clit, to message it and urge it to grow, and I did put my finger in her mouth. She sucked on it like it was a cock. Our bodies were one, and our breathing was as in sync as racing horses at the Preakness.

I kissed her recklessly and had to tell her how much this was meaning to me. She shouted back, “I know. I can see.”

We laughed uncontrollably and this increased our sexual excitement. We were laughing out heads off and for some bizarre reason, came closer and closer to cumming.

My ribs were hurting. My cunt was throbbing. Sarah was crying with tears and I could see from her humping that she was about to cum.

Together, Sarah and I, blew up. Our cunts pushed that dildo out at one another, and vibrated our flesh. We were cumming and it was grand. I watched Sarah’s lithe body move, jump and spasm. her eyes were now glazed and her lips were pouting. My God. She is perfect.

She watched back and could see my gratefulness and happiness. I clutched her with my legs and I pulled her closely to me, pinching her heartshaped ass. We were soaked with each other’s wetness and our bodies had reached and perhaps, crept over the edge. And then it stopped.

I eased into the afterglow and so did Sarah. She wanted more, I could see, but I wanted this warm feeling, which I’m told is like heroine, filling your body.

Wisely, Sarah snuggled up to me and turned into a little girl. I held her in my arms and we fell asleep.

The next morning Sarah was gone. I showered and dressed and took the elevator down to the lobby. Today was my first day at the orphanage. Life would be different.

I went to the front desk and very nice guy assisted me. I paid my bill on VISA (for the air miles) and the guy said, “Thank you for staying at the Sheraton. My name is Richard, if you would like to call the hotel, about something you may have forgotten.” He winked and smiled. Richard slid Rachel an envelope. She opened it, and it contained $50.00. She looked back and him, and smiled. “He looks like Sarah,” She thought lovingly.

I climbed into a taxi and we drove away from the hotel. At the orphanage I tipped the driver very well. He turned around, and said in the loveliest male French accent, “madam, a lovely flower like you will bring life into these poor, wretched children’s heart.”

I climbed out of the cab. I love the French. 9/10th of romance was given to the French and chivalry and sexiness is in their ownership.

I was met by a little girl at the door of the orphanage, with long black hair and an exquisite, sly smile. She invited me in and grabbed my hand. The little girl seemed so full of life. She was shining.

As we found my room, I looked down at her to thank her and discovered that she looked very much like Sarah. My job had begun.

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Teyzemin yardımları – 2

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Teyzemin yardımları – 2

daha sonra diğer parmakları öpmemi söyledi. çok uzun olmayan gümüş renkteki ojeli ayak parmaklarını tek tek öpmeye başladım.

ben ayaklarıyla ilgilendikçe teyzeminde kendinden geçmiş bir hali vardı. biryandan bana bakıyor bir yandanda bal kutusunu şortunun üzerinden okşuyordu. ben yavas yavas ayaklarının altını yalamaya başladım. topuklarından ayak uçlarına doğru yalıyordum. teyzem huylanmaya gıdıklanmaya başlamıştı ama birdan içi geçiyordu inliyordu sanki. artık gözlerini kapatmış ve ayaklarını bana bırakmıştı. yarağımı bir ayağına deydiriyor diğer ayağının ise altını yalamaya devam ediyordum. yarağımı deydirdiğim ayağının üstüne zevk sularımı bırakıyordum. yarağımın kökünden tutup ucuna doğru çekip içindeki zevk sularını ayak parmaklarına sürüyordum. gözlerini açıp ne yaptığımı kontrol ediyordu teyzem. bunu yaptığımı görünce hemen o zevk sıvılarımın olduğu ayağını, ağzıma doğru uzattı birazda bunu yala dercesine. inanılmaz bir zevkti nasıl anlatacağımı bilemiyorum arkadaşlar. yaladığımı izledikçe teyzem kendinden geçiyordu ve inleyerek kasılmaya başladı. yumuşacık bacakları ve ayakları kaskatı kesilmişti. hızlı hızlı nefes alıyordu. ben rahatladım hadi cabuk sende rahatla bana dedi ve bir elimde yarağım diğer elimde muhteşem ayağı masturbasyona başladım zaten bir kaç saniye sonra bende boşaldım , boşaldım ama o ne boşalmaydı öyle ayağı spermlerimden görünmüyordu. temizlememi ister misin ayağını dedim yok hayır ben halllederim dedi ama ben duramadım hemen ayağını elime alıp yalamaya o sperm dolu muhteşem ayağını parmaklarını yalama başladım. çok şaşırtıyorsun beni diyordu bir taraftan teyzem. yanına oturdum teyzemin ve akşam eniştem gelene kadar bunlarla dolaşabilir miyim evde dedim. biraz sessizlikten sonra tamam dedi. çok sevinmiştim. mutfağa geçtik yemekler yarım kalmıştı onları beraber hazırladık. bundan sonra sana evde her konuda yardım edeceğim dedim tabi edeceksin tatlım dedi 🙂 artık evin 2. hanımı gibi olmuştum.

gündüzleri teyzemin kıyafetlerini giyip evde rahatça dolabilyordum. istediğim zaman ayaklarını yalıyordum ama artık daha açık kıyafetlerle geziyordu benden bir zarar gelmeyeceğini anlamıştı çünkü. kimi zaman üstsüz kimi zaman kilotsuz geziyordu evde. ben gelmeden önce yarı çıplak dolaşırmış evde çok rahat hissettiğini söylüyor. ben geldikten sonra rahat olmadığı için çok zorlanmış evde rahat dolaşmayı özlediğini söyluyordu. göğüsleri inanılmazdı uçları tam karşıya bakıyor dolgun ve irilerdi. koyu pembemsi uçları beni çıldırtıyordu. bazen babydol yani geceliğiyle gezerken evde ucları göğüs hatları öyle sergiliyordu ki anlatamam.

o muhteşem kalçaları dolgun bembeyazdır. artık bana iyice alışmış çok rahat tavırlar sergiliyordu. artık tırnak bakımlarını ben yapıyor ojelerini ben sürüyor vücudundaki tüm temizliği ben yapıyordum. bazen bana eniştemle aralarında olan sex muhabbetlerini ve neler yaptıklarını anlatır olmuştu. bazen bu gece çok güzel olmalıyım hiçbiryerimde tüy kalmamalı gece büyük patlama yaşanacak diyordu 🙂 adeta teyzemi, enişteme hazırlıyordum tüm gün. bütün bakımlarını eksiksiz yapıyordum. ağdayı hazırlıyor tüm vücuduna sürüyor yavas yavas temizliyordum. tabi bunları yaparken evde sürekli onun kıyaftleri oluyordu üstümde.

birgün bana biz sex yaparken bizi izlemek ister misin diye sordu teyzem. bende heyecanla evet dedim . bu kaçınılmaz bir fırsattı çunku. tamam o zaman bu gece kapıyı arralık bırakcam sen ordan bizi izle dedi. kalbim yerinden fırlayacak gibi olmuştu.

akşam olunca okula gittim gece geç saatte geldim okuldan. eniştemle teyzem hala uyumamış tv seyrediyorlardı. hoşbeş sohbetten sonra teyzem kaş göz işareti yaptı bana bende tabi anladım ve bugun cok yorgunum hemen odama geçip uyucam hadi iyi geceler dedim ve odama geçtim. hemen yatağa uzandım ve onlarında yatmasını bekledim dakikalar geçmek bilmiyordu. kalbim çok hızlı atıyordu her gecen saniye. salonun kapısı açıldı sonra kapandı ve yatak odalarının kapısı açıldı ama kapanma sesi gelmedi . içimden tamam dedim aralık bıraktı biricik teyzecim 🙂

bir kaç dakika sonra kapımı sessizce açıp odalarına doğru sessizce yürüdüm. kapı hafif aralıktı ve ışıkta açıktı. eniştem yüzüstü yatmış teyzem onun üstünde sevişmeye başlamışlardı bile. teyzem kırmızı sexy geceliğini giymiş kalçalarının ve göğüslerinin yarısı dışardaydı. eniştem kalçalarındı okşuyor ve öpüşüyorlardı.

devam edecek ..

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Köyümüzün Amcıkları, İzmirin Amcıkları… (10)

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Köyümüzün Amcıkları, İzmirin Amcıkları… (10)
Ertesi gün ve sonraki günler evde ağırlıklı konuşulan konu Ramazan çavuşun yaptıracağı apartman ve bize verceği kat oldu. Bunları dinlemekten bıkmıştım, Ramazan çavuş bana apartmanla ilgili birşey söylediğinde, “He, evet!” deyip geçiyordum. Tamam yaptırsın apartmanı, versin katın birinin tapusunu, fazla mal göz çıkarmaz. Ama Nurcan’la evlenince daha nerede oturacağıma karar verememiştim. Nurcan bana, resmi nikahtan sonra beni Almanya’ya götürmekten ve orda yaşayacağımızdan bahsederken, Ramazan çavuş da köyde aynı çatı altında yaşayacağımızı varsayıyordu. Bir hafta öncesine kadar İzmir dışında başka bir yerde yaşayamam diye düşünen ben ise, köydeki sikilecek amcıkları gördükten sonra, artık köyden de tamamen kopmak istemiyordum.

Günler çabucak geçmiş, Nurcan’ların Almanya’ya dönme günü gelip çatmıştı. Yarın sabah erkenden döneceklerdi. Ve Nurcan’la birbirimize doyamamıştık. Akşam yemeğinden sonra Nurcan’ın annesi ne hikmetse bize, “Hadi gidin, başbaşa bir iki saat gezin dolaşın gelin! Belki uzun süre birbirinizi göremeyeceksiniz!” dedi. Kadının yaptığı bu kıyağa şaşırmıştım, ama sonra Jeton düştü bende. Nurcan bana bir iki gün önce adet günün yaklaştığını söylemişti. Ama Nurcan’ın adet görmesi umurumda değildi, azgınlıktan kuduruyordum, en azından götünden sikebilirdim. Nurcan’la atladık arabaya, Aşıklar tepesine sürdüm arabayı. Akşam akşam zaten ‘İn Cin Top Oynuyordu’ tepede.

Tepeye varınca indik arabadan. Nurcan’ın sırtını arabaya yaslayıp, öpüşmeye başladık. Yarağım zaten evin önünde arabaya bindiğimiz andan beri kalkık duruyordu. Öpüşürken fermuarımı indirdim, yarağımı çıkarıp Nurcan’ın eline verdim. Nurcan yarağımı okşarken öpüşmeyi bırakıp, “Aşkım kötü bir haberim var, adet günlerim başladı!” dedi. “Tahmin etmiştim zaten, ama önemli değil!” dedim ve öpüşmeye devam ettik. Nurcan dudaklarını dudaklarımdan çekip, “Üff yaa, ne berbat, tam da adet olacak günü buldum!” dedi. “Aşkım takma kafana, sorun değil!” dedim. “İstersen ağzımla boşaltayım seni aşkım?” dedi. “Ağzına al, ama götünü de sikmek istiyorum!” dedim. “Tamam aşkım!” diyerek çömeldi ve yarağımı yalamaya başladı. Amdan sikişemeyeceği için üzülmüştü.

Nurcan yarağımı biraz yaladıktan sonra ayağa kalktı, kot pantolonunu çözüp dizlerine indirdi. Arkasını dönderdim ve bagaj kaputuna domalttım. Külodunu da, Pedi düşmesin diye, sadece göt deliği görünecek kadar, yarım indirdim. Sikimin başını tükürükle ıslatıp yanaştım arkasına ve götüne soktum. Pantolonunu ve külodunu tam çıkarmadığı için biraz zor oluyordu, ama yine de götüne pompalamaya başladım. Ben tutturduğum Ritmle Nurcan’ın götüne girip çıktıkça, araba da Beşik gibi sallanıyordu.

Taa aşağıdan gelen bir arabanın farlarını görünce, fazla vaktimizin olmadığını düşünerek iyice hızlandım ve boşalacağım zaman götünden çıkıp, yere fışkırttım döllerimi. Aslında götünün içine boşalıp, içinde uzunca bir süre kalmak ve tadını çıkarmak istiyordum, ama gelen arabadan rahatsız olmuştum. Nurcan külodunu ve pantolonunu çekerken, ben de torpidodan ıslak mendil çıkardım, acele sikimi temizleyip, fermuarımı çektim. Biz toparlandığımızda gelen araba da tepeye iyice yaklaşmıştı. Birer sigara yaktık, arabaya sırtlarımızı yasladık, manzara seyrediyormuş gibi sigaralarımızı içmeye başladık.

Gelen araba bir ‘Hacı Murat’ idi, köyde birçok kişide vardı bu arabadan, onun için kime ait olduğunu bilmiyordum. Bizim arabayı görünce, 10-15 metre öteye park etti, farlarını söndürdü. Muhtemelen tepede yalnız olacağını sanmıştı, ama o da bizim gibi rahatsız olmuştu. Sigaralarımız bitince Nurcan’a, “Hadi gidelim!” dedim. Bindik arabaya, çalıştırdım arabayı, yaktım farları. Manevra yaparken bizim arabanın farı, öbür arabanın içindekilerini görmemi sağlamıştı. Arabada isimlerini bilmediğim iki genç erkekle, bir kız vardı.

Yanlarından geçerken kısa bir an tereddüt ettim, görmezden geleyim, basıp devam edeyim diye. Ama selam vermeden geçsem köyde laf ederlerdi, çünkü bizim arabayı herkes tanıyordu. Onun için tam yanlarından geçerken frene bastım ve selam vermek için camı indirdim. Bunun üzerine direksiyondaki genç te camını indirince, selam verdim. O beni tanıyormuş, ‘Harun abi’ diye hitap ederek selamımı aldı. Arkada oturan diğer gençle, kıza da selam verdiğimde farkettim, kız bizim Durdane idi. Durdane beni görünce telaşlanmıştı, alt dudağını ısırıyordu. Durdane fazla gerilmesin diye, “Hadi size iyi geceler!” deyip taktım vitese ve devam ettim. Biraz uzaklaşınca Nurcan sordu, “Kimdi onlar?” diye. “Kız, Gülbeyaz halamın kızı, Durdane. Diğer gençleri tanımıyorum!” dedim. Nurcan bu tepenin şöhretini bilmiyordu, ona bu konuda birşey söylemedim. Ama Durdane Aşıklar tepesine besbelli ki sikişmeye gelmişti.

Eve döndüğümüzde, Nurcan’ın annesi gözlerimize sikişip sikişmediğimizi anlamak istercesine bakıyordu. Cümbür Cemaat oturduk, biraz daha sohbet ettik. Sonra herkes yatmaya çekildi. Ben yine bodrumda yattım. Ama Durdane’yi düşünmekten hemen uyuyamadım…

Sabahın köründe Sahura kalkar gibi kalktık. Annem akşamdan peynirli börek yapmıştı, ama o saatte kimsenin canı birşey yemek istemedi. Belki yolda yerler diye, börekleri Alüminyum Folyo’ya sarıp arabalarına koyduk. Nurcan vedalaşırken duygularına hakim olamadı ve ağlayarak arabaya bindi. Ramazan çavuş yine elini öptürdü bana. Nurcan’ın annesi de önce elini öptürdü bana, sonra da sarılıp ağlamaya başladı. O sırada babam Ramazan çavuşla vedalaşıyor, annem de arabada ağlayan Nurcan’ı teselli etmeye çalışıyordu.

Hadi Nurcan’ın ağlamasını anlayabilirdim, ama annesi şimdi ne diye ağlıyordu? Hem o nebiçim sarılmaydı öyle? Kadın resmen kokumu içine çekerek, sıcak nefesini kulağıma vererek, göğüslerini vücudumda ezerek sarılıyordu bana. Öyle tahrik ediciydi ki, sikim hareketlenmeye başlamıştı. Bu kadının da canı sikilmek istiyor diye düşünmeden edemiyordum. Ramazan çavuşun, “Hadi hatun bin arabaya, yolcu yolunda gerek!” diye seslenmesiyle, kadın bana sarılmayı bıraktı ve eşarbının ucuyla gözyaşlarını sildi, bindi arabaya. Kornaya basarak yola çıktılar. Annem de adettendir diye, arkalarından bir tas su serpti.

Gitmeleriyle eve yine sakinlik çökmüştü. Birkaç saat daha uyuduk. Kahvaltıdan sonra ben bodrumdan yine yukardaki odama taşındım. O gün akşama kadar nerdeyse bütün vaktimi odamda geçirdim. Telefonumdaki resimleri ve Nurcan’la çektiğimiz sikiş Videosunu da yedekledim Laptopuma. Sonra aklıma Durdane geldi, Durdane’yi bir görsem çok iyi olacaktı.

Akşam yemeğini yedikten sonra, arkadaşlarla görüşmeye gideceğimi söyleyip çıktım evden. Ve doğruca Gülbeyaz halamlara gittim, amacım Durdane’yi görmek ve fırsat bulursam konuşmaktı. Gülbeyaz halamın kocası İstanbul’da inşaatlarda çalışıyordu. Köydeki erkeklerin çoğu gibi onun da mesleği tesisatçılıktı. Bu halamın toplam 4 çocuğu vardı. En büyükleri Cemal, askerdeydi. Cemal’in 2 yaş küçüğü Durdane idi. 2 tane de küçük oğlan vardı, oğlanların ikisi de ilkokula gidiyordu.

Durdane’nin benim anılarımda ayrı bir yeri vardı. Biz İzmir’e taşınmadan çok çok önceydi, halamlar (3-4 halam birlikte) tarlaya Ceviz çırpmaya gitmişlerdi. Çocukları tarlada ayak altında dolanmasın diye evde bırakmışlar ve çocuklara göz kulak olma işini de Durdane’yle bana vermişlerdi. Ozamanlar aklımın cinselliğe daha yeni yeni ermeye başladığı dönemlerdi. Çocuklara, “Saklambaç oynuyoruz!” deyip, Durdane ile ben, odanın birindeki Yüklük dolabına saklanmıştık. Yüklükteki üstüste istiflenmiş Döşek ve yorganlardan dolayı yerimiz çok dardı. Oraya sığmak için mecburen Durdane’nin arkasına yapışmıştım. Durdane de arkasını bana iyice bastırınca, içgüdüsel olarak götüne kerkinmeye başlamıştım…

Ozaman müthiş zevk almıştım bundan. Durdane’nin de çok hoşuna gitmişti bu yaptığımız ve o günden sonra sık sık yapmıştık bunu. Tabii elbiselerimiz üzerimizdeyken yapıyorduk. İlerleyen günlerde, benim hayatımda ilk gördüğüm Amcık da yine Durdane’nin Amcığı olmuştu. Evde yalnız kaldığımız bir gün, karşılıklı külotlarımızı indirmiş, o bana Amcığını gösterirken, ben de ona Çükümü göstermiştim. Durdane’nin de ilk gördüğü Çük benimkiydi. Daha sonraları başbaşa kaldığımızda, külotlarımızı indirip kerkiniyordum Durdane’nin götüne. Ozaman sikişme nedir tam bilmiyorduk, ama yaptığımız bu kerkinmeyi sikişme sanıyor ve müthiş heyecanlanıyorduk. Biz İzmir’e taşındıktan sonra, ikimiz de utandığımızdan olsa gerek, birdaha Durdane ile karşılaşmamıştık. Taa ki Aşıklar tepesindeki bu karşılaşmaya dek…

Gülbeyaz halam, ziyaretime çok sevinmişti. Çocuklar da öyle. Ama Durdane telaşlanmış, biraz da heyecanlanmış, eli ayağına dolaşmıştı. Yarım saat falan oturup, çay içip, sohbet ettikten sonra kalkmak için müsaade istedim. Giderken Durdane’ye, “Ben burdan Şehriban halamlara gidiyorum, gel istersen seni de götüreyim, Zeynep’le görüşürsün! Merak etme, dönüşte geri eve kadar getiririm!” dedim. Durdane, “Bilmem ki…” diyerek halama izin ister gibi baktı. Halam da, “Git kızım işte, Harun abin geri eve kadar getirecekmiş nasıl olsa!” dedi. Durdane evde giydiği hırkasını ve başörtüsünü değiştirdi ve çıktık. Hiç konuşmadan arabaya bindik ve Şehriban halamların istikametine doğru sürdüm.

Evden görünmeyecek kadar uzaklaşınca, sağa çektim arabayı. Durdane başını öne eğmiş, gözlerini arabanın paspasına dikmiş, hiç konuşmuyor, sadece yutkunuyordu. Elini tuttum ve “Durdane, bana bakarmısın bir saniye?” dedim. Durdane ürkekçe başını kaldırdı ve bana baktı. Bilmiyorum artık, korkudan mı, heycandan mı, ama kızcağız titriyordu. Onu sakinleştirmek için, gülümseyerek, “Seni çok özledim!” deyip, eğildim ve dudaklarına yumuldum. Durdane de anında karşılık verdi ve birkaç dakika ateşli bir şekilde öpüştük. Arabayla durduğumuz yerin pek uygun olmamasından dolayı hemen toparlandık. Aradan yıllar geçmesine rağmen, ikimiz de müthiş heyecanlanmıştık. Yarağım kazık gibi olmuş ve pantolonumu zorlamaya başlamıştı. Evet, Durdaneyi sikmek istiyordum.

Arabayı çalıştırdım ve Şehriban halamların evine sürdüm. Durdane’yle indik, kapıyı çaldık. Halamın küçük çocuklarından biri açtı kapıyı ve “Anne, Harun abiyle, Durdane abla geldi!” diye içeriye seslendi. Halam hemen kapıya geldi ve bizi içeriye buyur etti. Ama ben, “Yok girmeyelim, arabayla geziyorduk, Zeynebi de almaya geldik. Bir iki saat dolaşıp geleceğiz!” dedim. O sırada Zeynep de kapıda göründü. Ona da aynı şeyi söyledim. Zeynep sevinçle, “Geliyorum hemen!” deyip, içerden başörtüsünü aldı geldi ve başına bağlayıp, ayakkabılarını giydi. Üçümüz arabaya binip ordan uzaklaştık. Kızların ikisi de arkaya binmişti.

Zeynep heyecanla, “Hayırdır, gece gece nerden çıktı bu gezme işi? Nereye gidiyoruz?” diye sordu. Ben de, “Bir yere gittiğimiz yok, Durdane ile biraz başbaşa kalmak istiyorum sadece!” dedim. Zeynep bu cevabıma bozulmuştu, “Ee, beni ne diye yanınızda götürüyorsunuz ozaman?” dedi. Cevap vermedim. Dikiz aynasından baktığımda, Durdane yine başını öne eğmişti, alt dudağını ısırıp, yutkunuyordu. Zeynep ise anlamıştı olayı.

Arabayı köyün dışına sürdüm. Komşu köyün yakınlarında, dere kenarında, esk**en Değirmen olarak kullanılan bir yıkıntı vardı. Arabayı yoldan görünmesin diye yıkıntının arkasında, bir ağacın altına çektim ve kontağı kapadım. Zeynebe, “Sen arabada birkaç dakika beklermisin!” deyip indim. Zeynep bu sözüme de çok bozuldu. Ben öbür tarafa dolanıp, kapıyı açtım ve Durdane’ye inmesini söyledim. Durdane inince torpidodan ıslak mendil kutusunu aldım ve Durdane’yle arabanın arkasına dolandık, 9 – 10 metre ötedeki ağacın altına gittik.

Islak mendil kutusunu yere bırakıp, Durdane’nin sırtını ağaca yasladım ve dudaklarına yumuldum. Durdane dudaklarını çekip, “Zeynep arabadan bize bakıyor!” dedi. Benim sırtım arabaya dönük olduğundan Zeynebin baktığını görmüyordum, “Boşver baksın! Merak etme, birazdan konuşurum onunla ben, kimseye birşey söylemez!” deyip tekrar yumuldum dudaklarına. Durdane Zeynebin bakmasından biraz tedirgin olsa da, fazla dayanamadı ve karşılık verdi. Çılgınlar gibi öpüşüyorduk. Yarağım kazık gibi olmuştu öpüşürken. Birşey demeden Durdane’yi yüzü ağaca gelecek şekilde dönderdim ve eski günlerde yaptığım gibi arkasına dayandım. Biraz götüne kerkindikten sonra, fermuarımı açtım, yarağımı çıkardım. Şalvarını indireceğimde, Durdane yine tedirgin oldu, “Yapma, Zeynep görecek!” diyerek, şalvarını tuttu ve indirmemi engelledi.

“Bırak şimdi Zeynebi, ben onunla konuşacağım dedim ya!” diyerek, şalvarını küloduyla birlikte dizlerine kadar indirdim ve “Biraz eğil öne!” dedim. Durdane artık işi akışına bırakmıştı. Eğilince, yarağımın başını tükürükle ıslatıp, yanaştım arkasına. Yarağımı göt deliğine bastırmaya başladığımda, “Dur, yanlış yeri zorluyorsun!” deyip elini arkaya attı ve yarağımı tutup amının deliğine denk getirdi. Aslında ben götünü sikmek istiyordum, ama neyse, amına bastırdım. Vıcık vıcık sulanmıştı amı ve daracık olmasına rağmen yağda kayar gibi girmiştim. Dibine kadar köklediğimde, Durdane kısıkça, “Ahhhh!” diye inledi. Bakire değildi, fakat çokta sikişmediği, amının çok dar oluşundan belliydi. Taş çatlasa, anca birkaç kere sikişmiş olmalıydı.

Amına pompalamaya başladım. Fakat Durdane’nin boyu benden kısa olduğundan, ben dizlerimi kırmak zorunda kalıyordum. Yine de aldığım zevke engel değildi bu pozisyon. Pompalarken, elimi de öne atıp, klitorisini okşamaya başladığımda, Durdane de inlemelerini artırmıştı. Çok geçmeden orgazm oldu. Amından akan suları yarağımda hissediyordum. Amı okadar kayganlaşmıştı ki, ben de fazla dayanamadım ve son anda yarağımı amından çıkarıp yere fışkırttım döllerimi. Durdane birkaç saniye öyle kaldı, sonra hemen doğrulup külodunu ve şalvarını çekti. Yönünü bana döndüğünde, ilk işi arabaya bakmak oldu. Sonra da, “Üff yaa, Zeynep bakıyor halen, herşeyi gördü!” dedi. Ben de dönüp arabaya baktığımda, Zeynep kafasını önüne çevirdi.

Islak mendil kutusunu aldım ve “Git Zeynebi gönder buraya!” dedim. Durdane, “Yaa, ben şimdi Zeynepten utanırım, beraber gidelim, ne konuşacaksan arabada konuş!” dedi. Ben de biraz sert bir ses tonuyla, “Git, söyle gelsin yanıma, onunla yalnız konuşacağım!” dedim. Durdane alt dudağını ısırarak gitti, arabaya bindi. Hemen sonra da Zeynep indi. Ben ıslak mendille yarağımı silerken yanıma geldi ve ben daha ağzımı açmadan, “Biliyormusun, sen çok adisin!” dedi. Yarağım halen kazık gibiydi ve Zeynep bu arada yüzüme değil, yarağıma bakıyordu. “Seni çok özledim aşkım!” deyip, Zeynebi kolundan tuttuğum gibi, sırtını ağaca yasladım ve dudaklarından öpmek istedim.

Zeynep, “Yapma, istemiyorum! Hem adisin, hem de yalancısın!” diyerek öptürmedi ve başını yana çevirdi. Ben de boynunu öperek, elimi şalvarının içine soktum ve külodunun üstünden amını avuçladım. Zeynep istediği kadar istemiyorum diyedursun, külodu ıslaktı. Elimi külodunun da içine soktuğumda, amı da vıcık vıcıktı. Muhtemelen demin arabadan bizi seyrederken ıslanmıştı. “İndir şalvarını, hadi çabuk ol!” dedim. Zeynep yine, “Yaa, istemiyorum!” dedi. Aklı sıra bana naz yapıyordu orospu. Sinirlenmiştim, “Siktirtme belanı şimdi!” deyip, arkasını döndürdüm ve şalvarıyla külodunu zorla kendim indirdim. Sonra da ensesinden bastırıp, “Ağaca tutunup domal!” dedim.

Domalınca, yarağımı direkt amına soktum ve deli gibi pompalamaya başladım. Okadar hızlı pompalıyordum ki, Zeynep, “Uhhh, ahhh, yavaşşş!” demeye başladı. Tempomu biraz düşürüp amını sikmeye devam ettim. Biraz sonra Zeynep zevkten inliyordu. 5-6 dakika siktikten sonra, Zeynep uzun bir inlemeyle orgazm oldu. Benimse boşalmama daha çok vardı, yarağımı amından çıkarıp götüne dayadım. Bir seferde götüne kökleyince, “Ahhhh! Yavaş olsana hayvan!” diye bağırdı. Onun bana hayvan demesi beni daha da azdırmıştı, makineli tüfek gibi sikmeye başladım götünü. Boşalmama yakın, elimi amına atıp, klitorisini okşadım. Ve Zeynep birkez daha orgazm olurken, ona iyice kenetlenip, götünün içine fışkırttım döllerimi. İkimiz de nefes nefeseydik. Bir süre daha Zeynebe kenetli kaldım, sonra yarağımı yavaşça götünden çıkardım. Döller şalvarına akmasın diye külodunu yukarı çektim. Ben yarağımı ıslak mendille silerken, o da şalvarını çekti.

Zeynep halen kızgın bakıyor ve burnundan soluyordu. Ona, “Seni çok seviyorum aşkım!” deyip dudaklarına yumuldum. Önce isteksiz durdu, sonra dayanamadı ve karşılık verdi. Biraz öpüştük. Dudaklarımız ayrılınca, Zeynep, “Ben de seni çok seviyorum, ama sen çok üçkağıtçısın! Hep başkalarını sikeceğinde aklına geliyorum! Başka zaman beni hiç arayıp sormuyorsun!” dedi. “Ne desen haklısın aşkım! İlk fırsatta seninle başbaşa güzel vakit geçireceğiz! Hadi şimdi arabaya gidelim!” dedim. “Söz mü?” dedi. “Söz aşkım!” dedim. Zeynep biraz yumuşamış, yüzünde hafif bir gülümseme belirmişti. Ele ele tutuşarak arabaya gittik.

Arka kapıyı açtım ve Zeynebe, “Geç aşkım!” dedim. Zeynep gülümseyerek Durdane’nin yanına bindi. Durdane o ana kadar öteki tarafa bakıyordu, ama benim Zeynebe kullandığım ‘Aşkım’ kelimesini duyduktan sonra başını çevirdi ve bana baktı. Durdane, demek ki ben Zeynebi sikerken bakmamıştı ve sadece konuştuk sanıyordu. Ben de birşey demeden direksiyona geçtim ve arabayı çalıştırdım. Yola çıkmadan, elimi arkaya atıp Durdane’nin dizini okşayarak, “Durdane aşkım, merak etme, Zeynep gördüklerini kimseye söylemeyecek!” dedim. Sonra da elimi Zeynebin dizine kaydırıp okşayarak, “Öyle değil mi aşkım?” dedim. Zeynep de, “Evet, benden sır çıkmaz!” diye onayladı. Durdane bizim bu sözlerimizden sonra nisbeten rahatlamıştı, ama bir okadar da kafası karışmıştı.

Önce Zeynebi bıraktık. Sonra Durdane’yi bırakmak için devam ettim. Durdane dayanamadı ve sordu, “Zeyneple aranızda birşeyler mi var?” diye. Bu sorunun geleceğini tahmin etmiştim, ama halen ne cevap vereceğimi düşünüyordum. Ben hemen cevap vermeyince, Durdane, “Zeynebi de sikiyorsun, öyle değil mi?” dedi. Ben de, “Sana yalan söyleyecek değilim aşkım, evet, onu da sikiyorum!” dedim. Durdane şaşırmıştı, “Ama Zeynep nişanlı!” dedi. “Olsun, ben de Nurcan’la evli sayılırım!” dedim. Durdane, “Hımmm… Peki ya niye Zeynebe aşkım deyip duruyorsun, ona aşıkmısın?” diye sordu. Ben güldüm, “Yok canım, sadece ağız alışkanlığı!” dedim. “Bana da aşkım diyorsun, o da mı ağız alışkanlığı?” dedi. “Senin yerin bambaşka, sana esk**en beri aşığım!” dedim. Durdane bu sözümden çok mutlu olmuştu. Durdane’yi de bıraktım ve evime döndüm.

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